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Understudy (Ivy, Dollhouse, G) staringiscaring February 3 2011, 06:14:02 UTC
Ivy knew that one day it would happen. Topher Brink, he of the vitamin C fruit snacks and sterile environments, would get sick. Like so many good things, it came unexpectedly. She stepped into the imprinting room first thing in the morning to see Adelle DeWitt waiting for her with a frown to tell her Topher called in and that there were five dolls to be wiped and three to be printed for the day.

Then DeWitt left the chair in her hands and left in a clatter of designer heels.

Ivy had the actives off of their nightshift romantic engagements wiped and sent to the doctor before noon with nary a mishap. She even used the soothing professional voice, that she had practiced in the mirror, on the actives. What she was most excited about though, was building a personality without Topher mouth breathing over her shoulder. Sierra and Victor were being sent out on repeat engagements but Echo was going out in a whole new personality as a spy.

Ivy raced through lunch as she poured over the engagement requirements and ideas spun through her head. Jotting down notes on a napkin, she had most of the logistics and personality traits figured out before she even got close to the computer. As Ivy typed, the programs came easy to her, and she couldn't help but smile. The models and demos looked beautiful on the playback after she had finished the configuration so Ivy treated herself to some gummy bears. She looked over her work one last time before calling in the active.

Echo came in docile as a lamb and left a lioness named Verona.

That night, when she shut down the chair and gathered up her purse, she hesitated in turning off the light. She grinned as she looked around the lab. For one glory day, Ivy had been in charge and not a single juice box was fetched.


Re: Understudy (Ivy, Dollhouse, G) the_windowbird February 3 2011, 23:00:05 UTC
This so so freaking awesome, chica.

Seriously. Beaming at the end.


Re: Understudy (Ivy, Dollhouse, G) staringiscaring February 3 2011, 23:03:03 UTC
Thank you! :D

Your comment makes me realize that I need a Ivy icon.


Re: Understudy (Ivy, Dollhouse, G) the_windowbird February 4 2011, 00:27:15 UTC
You DO need an Ivy icon.

Get on that, grrrl.


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