Mostly Harmless, by Betacandy (PG)

Apr 24, 2006 09:12

Rec Category: Gen

Category: Gen, fluff, humor, Sam & Daniel friendship
Warning: no waffles were harmed in the writing of this fic
Author on LJ: Betacandy
Author's Website:
Link: Mostly Harmless, original version

Why This Must Be Read: Do you know how hard it is for a non-S/J shipper to find good stories written from Sam's POV? For that reason alone, this fic should not be missed!

Nothing much happens in this little story; it's just Sam and Daniel, sitting in the commissary and chatting as they eat breakfast right before the events of Nemesis. But both are so delightfully in character that it's a pleasure to join them for waffles and conversation. Their discussion on cultural norms and sociological camouflage is coupled with good-natured teasing and mutual respect - exactly what we'd expect from these two.

Betacandy actually wrote two versions of this fic; the second one is slightly longer, and can be found here. I personally prefer the original version, but YMMV.

“Ow. Must’ve eaten too fast.”

Ya think? “So, if you’ve got all the answers, what’s your big secret to finding a woman who really appreciates you for who you are?”

He cracked a little bit of a smile, but still looked pained. “Something to do with a mastadge and the Eye of Ra, as I recall.”

She smiled back. She was pretty sure that was the first time since Sha’re’s death she’d seen him refer to her without having to leave the room immediately afterwards. “So you don’t have a solution that works on Earth people, either.”

“Well, no,” he acknowledged, finally moving his hand away from his stomach and looking more relaxed. “But I don’t think women have that hang-up so much. At least, I’ve never felt the need to hide who I am around them.”

Suddenly, it hit her. She didn’t often get insights like this about people, but this one was coming through loud and clear. Her smile turned sneaky as she said, “Oh, really?”

He blinked at her suspiciously. “What?”

“You don’t feel the need to hide anything about yourself?”

“No,” he drawled.

“What’s your very best physical feature, Daniel? The one the whole team and Janet agreed on at your birthday party last year.”

He frowned. “My eyes?”

“Your eyes,” she confirmed. “And what’s that in front of them? Big pieces of glaring glass and distracting frames!”

humor, fluff, sg-1, friendship, gen

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