God Bless Chloe Felger - SelDear (PG-13)

Apr 23, 2006 17:18

Rec Category: Sam/Jack
Pairing: Sam/Jack
Category: SG-1, fluff, AU
Warning: bit o' language. Is also very AU. It's set in the shermer_high 'verse.
Author on LJ: seldear
Author's Website: The Dragon's Lair
Link: God Bless Chloe Felger

Why This Must Be Read:

Sel's writing has a wonderful quality about it. In this case, she's taken our characters and plopped them into the shermer_high setting. So we don't have Colonel O'Neill and Major Carter, but instead Vice Principal O'Neill and Ms Carter who teach English Lit. and Physics respectively. Sel does a good job of keeping our characters recognisable, even though they're in a different environment, and also pays homage to the show. You'll recognise a lot of SG-1 and Atlantis folks in here... even if they aren't at Cheyenne Mountain or in Atlantis.

fluff, alternate universe/timeline, pairing: jack/sam

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