Show: Stargate SG-1
Rec Category: Daniel Jackson
Characters: Daniel Jackson
Het/Slash/Gen: Gen
Warnings: none
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It's His Day Why This Must Be Read: Various Daniel birthdays over the years, starting with Stargate the Movie and spanning the series. A lovely light touch of humor, occasional angst, and a bemused look at how very weird Daniel's life can be. :)
On the second postGate birthday, he is guest of honor at a celebration on a planet rich in beauty, history, minerals and relics... but rather bereft of any residents who can actually be called human. On the other hand, the sentient cactii are both friendly and surprisingly generous. SG-1 stumble home the next day, laden with enough artifacts to keep the birthday boy happy for at least a month.... or at least until the biggest explodes in the gateroom, showering the place in living and somewhat intoxicating sparkles for three weeks.