Sound, by Cyren (PG-13)

Dec 05, 2011 10:25

Show: Stargate SG-1

Rec Category: Jonas Quinn
Characters: Jonas Quinn
Het/Slash/Gen: Gen
Warnings: none
Author on LJ: cyren_2132
Author's Website: fanfic tag
Link: Sound

Why This Must Be Read: Short, honest, and hurting, as Dr. MacKenzie helps Jonas recognize the nature of PTSD and the painful memories of the events of Meridian.

I love fics that recognize that Jonas acted as an untrained civilian in a crisis, and not out of cowardice. (And that recognize that MacKenzie has to be good at his job, or he wouldn't have been part of the SGC for at least seven years!) Very real, and very good.

"Someone was using one of your smaller handguns..."

"The Beretta."

"That one," Jonas said. "Yeah. I don't ... I don't know what happened."

MacKenzie consulted his notes and looked at Jonas over the rims of his glasses. "Major Carter says you stopped and flung yourself against the wall before sinking to the ground, visibly shaken and unable to speak for several minutes."

"Oh. Yes, that happened."
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