Title: The Village People Author:crazedturkey Fandom: Stargate SG-1 Disclaimer: Not mine, don’t own ‘em..damnit. Category: Minor jack/daniel (for humour's sake only), minor sam/daniel. Christmas. Humour Rating: PG Wordcount: 855 Spoilers: none Summary: Jack's embarrased, and Sam gets her revenge.
Okay, I guess I'll just have to get the last part of this little insanity written after Christmas, because it doesn't look like its' going to be done today. I'm sorry, guys, but do enjoy parts 1 and 2. Merry Christmas to everyone celebrating today!
Title: Top Secret Santa Author: Sid Pairing: Jack/Daniel Rated: R Word count: ~2600 Summary: Somebody is trying awfully hard to get Jack and Daniel together...
Title: The Twelve Drabbles of Christmas Author: Sid Rating: PG-13 Genre: Mixture of Gen and Slash (Jack/Daniel) Word count: 1200 Summary: SG-1 and assorted friends in the days leading up to, and including, Christmas.
Title: Winter Author: Sorrel Fandom: SG-1 Pairing: Sam/Daniel/Jack Spoilers: general Season Eight Summary: Home for winter break, Cassie makes a few discoveries about her surrogate family. Notes: Written for the Stargate Group Event Ficathon. It's the future of this story. I have one more story that happens a couple months after that story and a
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