Stargate Group Event Ficathon Sign Up

Aug 17, 2006 16:28

In my opinion, there is not enough team smut out there. And I know I'm not the only one. Plus Atlantis seems to just beg for group stories.

So this is a writing event to increase the quantity of Group Event/OT3+ stories out there.

Signups start now and end on September 5.
Assignments will be mailed by September 15.
Stories will be due on November 5.

I plan to post a masterlist and I encourage everyone to post to stargateslash, SG1_beyond_otp, and any other appropriate fora.

Based on feedback from various people, I suggest two options to participate - one for the externally motivated, and a second for the self-motivated.

Option 1: The Idea Exchange Format (for the externally motivated)

This is where you say what you want, and then accept a writing assignment in return.

Stargate is a big universe. I'd like this to be open to all groupings of three or more characters. Last year, wisdomeagle had people make two requests, to make it easier to match writers with story requests. I'd like to do that again.

Each of your two requests should include a prompt as the basis for the story. Settings, episodes, objects, quotes, situations and genre are all good prompts. In addition, make a couple of suggestions of things you would like the writer to include, if they can figure out how. Also, please note any restrictions you would like the writer to honor - no rape, no death, no Sam-bashing - that kind of thing.

I also need to know what characters you can and can't write, and what types of stories you can and can't write. So if you won't write gender swap or kink or mpreg or f/f/f or het content or whatever, please let me know. I personally don't watch Atlantis and couldn't possibly write it. If you have problems like that with certain characters, please so state.

That said, please remember what you're getting into. Plan to be as flexible as you possibly can.

Sign up by replying to this post with the information requested in the forms below. On September 5, I will begin matching writers with requests. I hope to be able to send out assignments no later than September 15. (Unfortunately, RL issues caused it to take me about a week to write these signup rules, so deadlines may be fungible.) You should plan to select one of the two requests in your assignment and write a story of at least 1000 words by November 5. Special hugs and kisses if you write both! :D

I need the following information in your reply to this post:

About You
LJ username:
What groupings, kinds of groupings, or characters would prefer?
What groupings or kinds of groupings can you not write?
What other restrictions should I know about?
Can you write backup?

Request 1:
A required prompt or category:
A special request:
A second special request:
Restrictions (please limit to three):

Request 2:
A required prompt or category:
A special request:
A second special request:
Restrictions (please limit to three):

If you sign up, but then find you cannot participate, please let me know as soon as possible.

On November 5, please post a link to your story in response to this post. I will use the links posted to create the master list.

Option 2: The Self-Motivated Format

Perhaps you are the type of person who doesn't respond well to external motivation. A prompt from someone else just scares the brain cells into silence. But you really want to write your most recent OT3 bunny and share with the group.

So Option 2 participants please respond to this post as follows:

Grouping: Commit to what group you are going to write and so state.
Story idea: Give us a 2 sentence mini-description of your story.

As this is a self-motivated format, I think it is only fair that you should be able to remain flexible. No penalties if the story grows in an unexpected direction between the date of commitment and the date of posting. So long as it's a Stargate OT3+, it'll be kosher.

I see the self-motivated people as using the ficathon format as inspiration to get that story down in electrons and posted, dang it! :)

Because of the nature of this format, I will include your story in the master list if you notify me of your wish to include it no later than November 5.

On November 5, please post your link in a response to this post for inclusion in the master list.

Thanks for writing! I can hardly wait!

2006 ot3 ficathon

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