Title: A Creature Caught in Time by Jesterlady Rating: PG Pairing: Daniel/Vala Summary: After much deliberation Teal’c made the decision to interfere. Disclaimer: I don't own SG1. The title is by Jack Hayford.
Alphabet Challenge - John & Teyla (Round 1) SIGN UP
Hey, Everyone Just to let you know that sga-beya, is having a Alphabet challenge and if you like to do artworks/write fics etc, than this is the challenge for you
Jack O'Neill listened to records, and the Doctor, who is a time traveller, turned up with a music cassette. But he was several years off and while Jack already even has a diskman, he chooses to listen to records instead.
Apparently on July 29th it has been five years since the movie "Continuum" hit our screens. Today many fans engage in lots of creativity to celebrate, and here is my contribution! Whole story as always at my LJ: