I'm supposed to be studying, but I need a break, so...

Jun 03, 2009 20:39

Time for a meme pirated from...somewhere. I can't quite remember. But apparently it's vaguely Trek-themed?


Post any or all of the following:

SIGHT: what picture do you have on your desktop right now?
SOUND: what are you listening to right now?
TASTE: what would be your last meal if you were about to die in an alien attack?
SMELL: ( Read more... )

meme, picspam

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Comments 5

betareject June 4 2009, 02:26:38 UTC
Lime and wood and amber

Wow that sounds like a nice combination!

*pokes* Your art =/=me envious so no worries on that one your just as talented as savejanos! XP

Here's my contribution to hawt men collection:

... )


starfoozle June 4 2009, 22:13:00 UTC
The perfume is terribly nice, yes. It's apparently unisex, which I love. Flowery or overly-sweet smells are not my thing, but this smells very....green. It's good. :D

Ha, I stopped comparing art skills with other people a long time ago. Styles are always too different for it to be factored fairly. I just adore Savejanos's technical skills -- her color combos are off-the-wall but always work perfectly somehow, and I wish I could get my lineart that clean in Photoshop. She's definitely someone I admire.

Hee, SLJ! I'm not sure I could ever consider him hot -- any thought of him is overridden with images of Mace Windu and m******ing snakes on m********ing planes, haha -- but he is decidedly awesome. He's Nick Fury, right? *not up to date with Marvel comics-verse*


betareject June 4 2009, 23:31:24 UTC
I know what you mean I like fresh scents. Not sure how to explain it something that smells clean if that makes sense.

Oh man I envy you both with the PS stuff it is so much more tricky than I initialy thought! :faint:

Really? Oh man I love SLJ! His role as Mace was what got me to notice him, and then in Jumper...I've never seen Snakes on a Plane mind you looked al ittle too goofy for me XD

Yeah He's Nick Fury alright ^^ I just squeed like a fangirl when I saw him at the end of Iron Man I can't wait to see more of him in the series XD


captain_elessar June 4 2009, 03:51:02 UTC
I don't know how to deal with little kids either. Our neighbors have like a pre-two word at a time kid and the mom asked me if I babysat. I felt bad because I said no.

Also, mmmm Hugh Jackman.

RDJ? *points at icon*


starfoozle June 4 2009, 22:06:53 UTC
RDJ? Yes yes a thousand times yes! *bounces* Also, Hugh Jackman is an epic win. :D

I get that all the time with babysitting for the little ones. Unless my sister (who's like the toddler-whisperer) is willing to help me out, I usually attempt to politely decline. If there's one thing I don't do, it's diapers. Eeeeeeeeew.


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