I'm supposed to be studying, but I need a break, so...

Jun 03, 2009 20:39

Time for a meme pirated from...somewhere. I can't quite remember. But apparently it's vaguely Trek-themed?


Post any or all of the following:

SIGHT: what picture do you have on your desktop right now?
SOUND: what are you listening to right now?
TASTE: what would be your last meal if you were about to die in an alien attack?
SMELL: what do you smell right now?
TOUCH: what are you wearing? I may or may not be hitting on you
TRUTH: tell me something I should know about you.
PON FARR: spam me with pics of hot men/whatever.

SIGHT: Please Go Away, by ~savejanos over on Deviantart. This is my brain right now, I swear. Also, I have such a girlcrush on this artist. GIVE ME YOUR INKING AND COLORING SKILLZ, SAVEJANOS.

SOUND: Magnificent (Dave Aude Club Edit), U2. Seriously the best remix of anything you’ll ever hear. You cannot deny its epicness! I’ll give you a link if you want it.

TASTE: Oh, jeez, I’d die of bloating before the aliens arrived. Let’s see - fresh mango and raspberries, pomegranite, medium-rare steak, multiple varieties of sushi, fresh bread, tom yum cashews, Jones green apple soda, iced green tea, and a slice of my Oma’s currant cake for dessert.

SMELL: Mmm, my Gap ‘Natural’ perfume-stuff. It smells like lime and wood and amber and awesome. If someone else was wearing it, I’d prolly jump them.

TOUCH: Pyjamas! Specifically hawaiian-patterned boxer-type shorts and an old “General Henry Hugh Shelton Leadership Initiative” shirt. They clash with everything but each other, haha.

TRUTH: I don’t know how to deal with small children - babies and toddlers specifically. Once kids can actually communicate in a logical manner, they’re okay - you can explain things to them and get them ice cream and let them run around ‘til they fall over from exhaustion like puppies - but little itty bitty chiddrens? No thank you. I get anxious when I have to handle them, and actually don’t think they’re all that cute.

PON FARR: spam me with pics of hot men/whatever.

I'm not sure if this means I get to spam you or you get to spam me, but hey, I'm game for both!

Have a Hugh Jackman.

And also a Nestor Carbonell.

I tag anyone and everyone. Go go go!

meme, picspam

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