A crack!shipping meme snagged from Fialleril. Ten characters, eighteen questions and megatons of insanity are under the cut.
1. Yan Dooku
2. Qui-Gon Jinn
3. John Sheppard
4. Ronon Dex
5. Rodney McKay
6. Teyla Emmagan
7. Samantha Carter
8. Jocasta Nu
9. Tony Stark
10. Pepper Potts
Here we go... )
Comments 5
Though I am delighted by the idea of Qui-Gon and Sam touring the archives....<3 Daniel and Sam would so geek out and spend the whole of their lives in the Jedi archives if they could. :p
*visions of Teal'c picking Daniel up by the back of his tac vest and having to bodily haul him out of the rows of holobooks*
This meme was way too much fun. :D
Pepper already essentially lives with Tony. They’d fight about the mountains of paperwork and endless meetings and conferences that Tony routinely blows off to go play with shiny things in his workshop.
(Iron Man's eaten my brain lately. I'm sensing large amounts of fic in my future... *cannot resist its epic levels of awesome*)
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This meme was so insanely fun. ^__^
Haha, Numa Numa. I have my crazed cousin to thank for getting that song stuck in my head. It just won't go awaaaaaaay.
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