
May 09, 2012 01:12

Still slogging through finals over here. A paper, a presentation, and two hours of lab work are all that is standing between me and freedom (which is significantly less than yesterday, when it was three papers, an eight-page portfolio, a massive job application, a presentation, two hours of lab work, and a video-based final report that I filmed at ( Read more... )

school, movies

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Comments 3

steph2311 May 9 2012, 12:06:46 UTC
Oh wow, you were so productive yesterday, you definately deserved to treat yourself and go and see The Avengers. I really want to go and see that movie. I'm hoping to go next week with some work mates (it's times like this that I am so glad I work with science geek lads who love their comics and comic heroes as much as I do; the also love their sci-fi which is great becuase I'm making them come with me to see Prometheus this summer).

Good luck with the rest of your finals. I'm sure you're looking forward to a massive PAAARRRTTTAYYY when you are done, I know I was.


draycevixen May 9 2012, 13:14:33 UTC

Good luck with the rest of it, not that you need luck of course.

Sounds to me like you earned your Avengers break. It was so much fun, it really was.


last01standing May 10 2012, 01:51:28 UTC
...am I the only person who is not on the love the Loki train? I mean he was okay, but far from the most interesting villain I've seen.

Avengers was pretty damn awesome though. Every interaction was perfect.



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