Screw your stupidity, here's a fact-bomb for you!

Mar 25, 2012 03:01

I'm currently en-route to becoming a science writer, and I can tell you from personal experience (and what I've heard from every science-type person I've ever worked with) that this is the most accurate article you will ever read on the subject.

Presenting: How to Write Like A Scientist.

Mad props, man. Mad props.

reasons i'm crazy enough for research, writing, science!

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Comments 8

steph2311 March 25 2012, 09:20:20 UTC
As a scientist, I agree that this is the most accurate artile there is :)


starfoozle March 25 2012, 20:14:26 UTC
Isn't it, though? :P


hitlikehammers March 25 2012, 15:23:38 UTC
This. This is part of the reason I'm not in med school right now. Because writing like this, as a researcher, made my soul feel kind of sad.

Which is weird, because now that I'm taking a break and pursuing something else, I find myself missing it, too. Perhaps I need my own balance of semi-active voices? Hmm.


starfoozle March 25 2012, 20:43:23 UTC
I'm signed up for a couple of actual science writing classes next semester, and we'll see how it goes. Hopefully a bit of this can be avoided.


draycevixen March 25 2012, 15:33:07 UTC

What a great article, I've already forwarded it to several mates. *g*

I particularly enjoyed the wisdom of: “Twenty million children die of scabies every day. OMG we built a robot kangaroo!”

MG financed his MFA by ghost writing science and computer language text books which was more than a little wearing for him. A particularly favourite moment was when one of the editors pointed out that MG had got so bored that without realizing it he'd started writing the chapter questions as double entendre... then the editor said he was going to leave it in. *g*


starfoozle March 25 2012, 20:59:23 UTC
Further proof that MG is a badass, obviously. I would love double entendres in my science textbooks -- Lord knows they'd be a fair bit more interesting that way! I, for one, would like to write textbooks like my old professor, The Plaid Avenger, does: bad puns, snark, and general educational hilarity all around. (Yes, we have a superhero teaching at my college. It's awesome. He's got comic books and everything.)


draycevixen March 25 2012, 21:03:30 UTC

You just can't argue with someone who has his own comic books. *nods*


last01standing March 25 2012, 21:28:33 UTC
Holy shit. Welcome to my life. This is why nano every year is actually fundamental to my sanity.


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