The last reaction post ever. Aughhhhhh.

May 24, 2010 14:18


Last night was an adventure, to say the least.

I went to a finale party hosted by some truly brilliant people from my church (I swear, I wonder if I'm related to them somehow -- they are all writers and musicians, raging sci-fi fans, and I met them at a class on the band U2, for crying out loud), and man, did everyone go all out! I know it was ( Read more... )

picspam, reaction post, lost, fan-geek things, pure awesome

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Comments 3

Am I allowed to mention spoilers here? If not please erase... betareject May 25 2010, 03:02:41 UTC
Damn you for getting me back into this series...I just finished watching the grand finale...And I'm embarrassed to admit I bawled through most of it. Hurley and Libby reunion OMG! Bawling was I! Charlie and Claire? Dear Gawd even more so...I even blubbed when Sawyer and Juliet met! *no Mary-Sue interference for the win!!!!*

Though hawt damn! I am the woman! I called it out back in season 4?? I think?? and I was proven correct (purgatory concept). Though of course they did a much more amazing job of it than I ever could have guessed still have to shout out my win on figuring it out.

Sadly I have to wait till tomorrow to celebrate and extend my bragging rights to my family and in-laws who were so certain I was wrong XP

Have to agree with you thought honestly that was by far the greatest grand finale of a series I have ever seen ( ... )


Re: Am I allowed to mention spoilers here? If not please erase... starfoozle May 25 2010, 21:26:24 UTC
Yes, you are of course allowed to mention spoilers. :D

I am highly amused that I got you back into LOST! Like I said, I cried through everything, haha. It was beautiful.

That is exactly what I think Ben's doing. He's got a lot of things to think about and a lot to work through, and his relationship with Alex is one of those things. It breaks my heart in the best way possible. I love im more than I can say. <3

The party was awesome, yeah. :D


Re: Am I allowed to mention spoilers here? If not please erase... betareject May 25 2010, 23:42:44 UTC
I won't lie it was your comments about Ben that got me intrigued and back into the game XD I love that boy. Its strangely ironic that the more I watched his character grow the more I realize just how much I can relate to him...

That ending though was so perfect! Oh goodness seeing all my OTP's reuniting was just gah so perfectly sweet and touching.

I loved his ending as sad as it was it had such an air of hope to it. Like he's waiting for the right moment, not interfering with Alex or Rousseau's lives but clearly being there for them when they need him most ♥

Damn you for sucking me back into this world! It was not supposed to happen! =P


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