The last reaction post ever. Aughhhhhh.

May 24, 2010 14:18


Last night was an adventure, to say the least.

I went to a finale party hosted by some truly brilliant people from my church (I swear, I wonder if I'm related to them somehow -- they are all writers and musicians, raging sci-fi fans, and I met them at a class on the band U2, for crying out loud), and man, did everyone go all out! I know it was gonna be awesome when they had a "Quarantine" sign posted on the front door and a keyboard (on which to enter The Numbers) hooked up to somehow ring the doorbell. Like I said -- these guys are cool people.

I attempted to document the night with a rapidly-dying camera, of course.

Oh, look, my very own Oceanic ticket! *keeping this forever*

Baked some citrus sugar-cookie fishbiscuits all afternoon, and here they are along with some Mr. Cluck's chicken, Apollo bars, and Dharma-brand everything. They were delicious.

They called the sodas "Charlie's Coke" and "Dr. Shephard." Also, I read a Dharma beer label that had a caution about getting pregnant on the Island along with the regular surgeon general's warning. Oh my~

In which we are complete nerds and everything is badly lit. It's SO much more fun to watch things with a big group of people who are as crazy about it as you are.

I have such a massive emotional hangover right now. I hardly got any sleep last night, I had to put cold washcloths on my eyelids to de-puff them this morning, and there's been the threat of a migraine flickering at the backs of my eyes all day.  I feel like I got hit by a truck. I started crying at the end and then could not pull myself together for literally three hours. It wasn't just that the show itself was over or that the ending was highly emotional. It's just been such a defining part of my life for the last two crazy years -- I started watching the same time my dad left and the whole process of the move began, and now it's over at the same time I graduate and escape from this weird life in transit. It's a symbol of the end of an era in my life, and that really hit home for me last night. It's not all sad, just overwhelming. It's like everything just got wiped clean.

Ugh, I need to not start tearing up right now. I'm surprised I haven't wept myself into dehydration at this point.

Now, as for the episode itself:

I've already stated my thoughts on most everything at everybody else's journal at this point, but to sum it up: the finale was deeply emotionally satisfying but not intellectually satisfying. And that makes me feel like I got cheated, a bit. Ask me how I feel about it in a week, and I'll maybe be able to give you a straight answer.

I believe the entirety of Season Six could have benefitted from a re-write and re-structure.The finale was consistant with the rest of the season in that respect. I feel like coming up with an outline of How I Would Have Executed The Final Season.  khaman  did a particularly excellent theoretical re-structure earlier, and I'm looking forward to seeing other people's as well.

I am stunned but overjoyed and also somehow heartbroken over Ben's fate. I can't even articulate it properly. Basically at this point I just want to give him a hug.

The last scene in the bamboo fields was the most moving thing I've ever seen on TV. I'd started to get teary earlier in the episode (thank you, Benjamin) but when Vincent came to lay down by Jack, I absolutely lost it. The plane flew overhead and his eyes closed, and I didn't stop crying for three hours after that. I have a weakness for stories that travel in a circular pattern and end as they began, and that last shot was powerful and beautiful and summed up everything I've ever loved about the show.

Haha, look, I'm crying again.

I really need to go make some tea.

picspam, reaction post, lost, fan-geek things, pure awesome

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