You are getting veeeeeery sleepy, or something like that.

Apr 25, 2010 13:59

Well, last night was certainly interesting. I went to this thing at school with a bunch of people, and among the various interesting events they had going was a comedy/hypnosis show. I've always been curious about whether hypnosis really works -- it's one of those things I'd been skeptical of until I'd experienced it for myself. I wasn't sure if I' ( Read more... )

school, science!

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Comments 2

charmisjess April 26 2010, 14:19:08 UTC
I'm glad you posted about this--I saw the facebook status about it and was very curious! Cool! I am hoping to have the experience myself one of these days! :D


starfoozle April 26 2010, 21:19:08 UTC
Haha, it was quite entertaining. Go for it! :D


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