You are getting veeeeeery sleepy, or something like that.

Apr 25, 2010 13:59

Well, last night was certainly interesting. I went to this thing at school with a bunch of people, and among the various interesting events they had going was a comedy/hypnosis show. I've always been curious about whether hypnosis really works -- it's one of those things I'd been skeptical of until I'd experienced it for myself. I wasn't sure if I'd ever get another chance to find out firsthand, and so, egged on by my friends with a rallying cry of "it's for science!", I decided to volunteer for the show.

I'm not really sure what I was expecting -- perhaps finding my brain on cruise-control while some dude commanded me to cluck like a chicken? -- but that certainly wasn't it. Perhaps I wasn't doing it right or was just not as susceptible as some other people, but being hypnotized was really more like a combination of guided daydreaming and improv. Once the hypnotist induced said hypnotic state with a lot of calm, repetitive talking, he presented various situations for us to fnd ourselves in and react to -- for example, he "gave us the keys to a new Harley-Davidson" and then had the cops pull us over for speeding, sent us to the beach, had us watch a scary movie, and turned us into members of a symphony orchestra. I can't speak for other people, but I wasn't in any way "zombified" or anything -- I knew exactly what was going on around me and what was real, but I didn't really pay attention to it. It really was a lot like vivid daydreaming. There was certainly active decision-making involved -- if I'd wanted to, I suppose I could have just sat there like a blob, but I didn't see the point of trying to be ornery and played along instead.

Possibly the highlight of the show was when we supposedly got pulled over by the cops and had to come up with excuses for why we were speeding. Mine was, inexplicably, "my sister blew up the microwave", but the best comment of the night came from a dude at the end of the row, who stated in a monotone, "I like corn." Apparently the audience misheard the last word in the setence, and hilarity ensued. *laughs* It was pretty great, but I sort of wish I could have been part of the audience, or at least that someone had recorded it. Apparently I play an impressive invisible violin.

Anyway, if you guys ever get the chance to be part of a hypnosis show like this, I'd suggest trying it! It was a pretty fun experience, but don't take my word for it. It's worth finding out for yourself. :D

school, science!

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