Testing one two...testing...Consdiering apping

Aug 23, 2011 00:36

Character: Norway
Fandom: Hetalia
Player Name: London...

[This was the worst kind of situation that he could possibly be in. Soaking wet from head to toe in a foreign place.

That was really saying something coming from this particularly lithe blond that was sitting on the edge of the fountain- trying miserably to drain his clothes of water. He ( Read more... )

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Comments 23

suckmylipstick August 23 2011, 04:39:49 UTC
[Hajime throws a towel at the soaking nation.]

Use that.


crossovernorway August 23 2011, 04:43:16 UTC
[He looks up. Did you just throw something at him?]

Excuse me, but do you typically throw things at strangers like that?

[If this wasn't a towel....He's going to take his hat off and carefully start to dry his hair, reluctantly removing the cross from his hair. His eyes flick to Hajime. Daggers.]

Tell me where I am.


suckmylipstick August 23 2011, 04:46:01 UTC
Be grateful I spared anything on you.

[YES, YES HE DOES. And nobody has ever complained about it, okay.]

This world is called Vatheon.


crossovernorway August 23 2011, 04:53:39 UTC
[Well NORWAY ISN'T ANYONE. No seriously, he isn't.]

Tch. I'm sure I would've been just fine on my own, thank you.

[He was an independent nation, God damn it, and no he doesn't consider Denmark to be much of assistance to him.]

Vatheon? [His face twists into a sour expression. After carefully styling his hair back into place, he slips the pin back in, puts his hat on and stands up. Excuse him while he bends over the fountain to check himself out in the water. This way, that way- annd good to go!

Right. He's talking to someone. Straightening up, he stares over his shoulder at Hajime.]

I'm not familiar with any Vatheon. Or you for the matter.

[Turns around.]

Who are you?

[This wasn't a nation. No, he couldn't be. But then where did that leave him?]


bloodstain August 23 2011, 05:49:25 UTC
[ have a backslap from an equally wet patron! ]


[ just...wringing out his coat here... ]

So, uh... I take it you're in the same pickle as me?


crossovernorway August 23 2011, 05:58:15 UTC
[Who is talking to him? Whoever you are, he will be glaring at you now.]

Pickle? That is a ridiculous phrase.

[....He sighs.]

But I suppose so. This place doesn't feel even remotely familiar.

[He looks a little more closely at this stranger. He isn't a nation. No, he can feel that. So what does that make him? One of their people?]

That will wrinkle your jacket if you keep wringing it out like that.

[Not that he had just been doing that to his shirt, of course.]


bloodstain August 23 2011, 06:14:00 UTC
... Ridiculous? How come, you don't like pickles..?

[ doesn't seem too remotely bothered but rather amused or confused as he continues wringing his jacket. ]

Ah, don't worry about it, I'm sure there's a place around here to get it properly dried, y'know? [ he stops wringing it and puts a hand to his forehead to shield his eyes as he glances at the city buildings, continuing to talk... ] It'll be okay.


crossovernorway August 23 2011, 06:25:22 UTC
It's not pickles that I don't like. It's the phrase.

[Glaring harder now. Burn alive.]

Perhaps...[Finally, he looks away to instead look around at the city buildings as well. That's when he notices a little bobbing fairy over the other guy's shoulder.]

Look! [He's almost excited, even going as far as to stand up and lean over, reaching past his shoulder and towards the fairy. But he can't seem to touch it.]

You have a fairy behind you. [He says it matter-of-factly. Like it's the most normal thing ever. He stands back upright and crosses his arms over his chest. No need to keep acting foolishly. Not that he had been, of course.]


neutral_loli August 23 2011, 07:41:55 UTC
[While she was rather used to seeing people appear in Vatheon, she wasn't used to seeing a fellow nation appearing. At the moment, the little micro-nation is contemplating whether or not to approach him, seeing the annoyed look on his face, and hand him a towel.

Still, she couldn't really ignore a nation in need of an explanation or towel. Screwing up her courage, she warily approaches the fuming nation]


crossovernorway August 24 2011, 02:58:09 UTC
[He takes the familiar cross-shaped pin from his hair just as he senses another nation. Not that he would admit it, but relief floods him. He might be in a foreign place but he is not alone.

He looks sharply for who it is- and then his eyes land on her. He narrows his eyes further but instead of looking cold- he looks contemplative. Who was she? She held a striking resemblance to someone...Ah. Switzerland. Which could only mean that she was one nation...]


[His greeting is quiet, subdued, and even respectful. Although he is still furious and miserable, he can't find it in him to express his typical cynicism towards the small nation who looks honestly childish and sweet. Almost like Iceland.]

Is that...a towel?

[It is. Yet he doesn't reach out for it- that seems rude in his mind. Instead, he stands up from the fountain and nods curtly.]


[Just in case she didn't know.]


neutral_loli August 24 2011, 03:14:45 UTC
[Still feeling a little apprehensive, she moves closer to the other nation who looks quite familiar and relaxes when his gaze become a little less furious. Liechtenstein remembers seeing him at various meting, the ones she could attend, sitting close to some of the other Nordic nation. If she remembers correctly his name was Norway? At the sounds of her name, she nods and holds out the towel to him]

Hello Mister Norway. [She is quite thankful for him stating his name. It would be embarrassing to accidentally call him by another name] Yes, it is. Here, I'm quite sure that you're in need of it.


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