Testing one two...testing...Consdiering apping

Aug 23, 2011 00:36

Character: Norway
Fandom: Hetalia
Player Name: London...

[This was the worst kind of situation that he could possibly be in. Soaking wet from head to toe in a foreign place.

That was really saying something coming from this particularly lithe blond that was sitting on the edge of the fountain- trying miserably to drain his clothes of water. He ( Read more... )

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suckmylipstick August 23 2011, 04:39:49 UTC
[Hajime throws a towel at the soaking nation.]

Use that.


crossovernorway August 23 2011, 04:43:16 UTC
[He looks up. Did you just throw something at him?]

Excuse me, but do you typically throw things at strangers like that?

[If this wasn't a towel....He's going to take his hat off and carefully start to dry his hair, reluctantly removing the cross from his hair. His eyes flick to Hajime. Daggers.]

Tell me where I am.


suckmylipstick August 23 2011, 04:46:01 UTC
Be grateful I spared anything on you.

[YES, YES HE DOES. And nobody has ever complained about it, okay.]

This world is called Vatheon.


crossovernorway August 23 2011, 04:53:39 UTC
[Well NORWAY ISN'T ANYONE. No seriously, he isn't.]

Tch. I'm sure I would've been just fine on my own, thank you.

[He was an independent nation, God damn it, and no he doesn't consider Denmark to be much of assistance to him.]

Vatheon? [His face twists into a sour expression. After carefully styling his hair back into place, he slips the pin back in, puts his hat on and stands up. Excuse him while he bends over the fountain to check himself out in the water. This way, that way- annd good to go!

Right. He's talking to someone. Straightening up, he stares over his shoulder at Hajime.]

I'm not familiar with any Vatheon. Or you for the matter.

[Turns around.]

Who are you?

[This wasn't a nation. No, he couldn't be. But then where did that leave him?]


suckmylipstick August 23 2011, 05:03:45 UTC
Of course. We are nothing more than strangers. My name is Hajime Tounomine.

[Hajime creeps up behind him. He is so pinged by hair styling.]

Your hair... Do you always style it that way?


crossovernorway August 23 2011, 05:07:01 UTC

[It sounds suspiciously like one of Japan's people's names. Where the hell is he? Vatheon. He's not paying attention when-

Creeper alert. He whips around and jerks out his hand so that his flat palm meets Hajime.]

I won't hit you because you're a stranger, therefor you don't know, but I would appreciate it if this is as close to me as you got. And I am not comfortable with people approaching me from behind.

[Drops his hand. What? His eyes widen a bit in surprise and he subconsciously touches the pin.]

Of course.

[Isn't it obvious?]


suckmylipstick August 23 2011, 05:33:29 UTC
[Hajime narrows his eyes at the blonde, specifically his pin. This is oddly ticking him off.]

It's not adjusted properly. Allow me to fix it.


crossovernorway August 23 2011, 05:42:41 UTC
[What. Did. You. Just. Say?]

It's adjusted perfectly. I have been putting this pin in my hair my whole life practically.

[He curls a hand into a fist. His whole life is a lot longer than it may appear.]

And should it be misplaced, that is because my hair is wet. But even that doesn't matter. I know it isn't.

[Stubborn. He touches slim fingers to the pin regardless. Is it misplaced? He spins around and peers back into the water, tilting his head to the side. This guy.]

How would you place it, then?


suckmylipstick August 23 2011, 06:35:45 UTC
[Without a word, Hajime yanks Norway's chin and fixes the cross just a bit closer to the root and higher on the scalp than it would normally rest.]

...There. Keep it like that and when your hair dries, it will remain perfectly in place.


crossovernorway August 23 2011, 06:41:18 UTC
[Norway's arm was already ready to spring out and punch this bastard right across his stupid face-- but then he relaxed. Right. Hair clip. Did he have to touch his face though?]


[Scrutinizing, he turns away from Hajime and glances back down at his reflection. He scowls. Instantly.]

You messed it up. It looks stupid now.

[He unclips it and then slides it back into its usual resting place. Perfectly where it should be.]

Now that looks good.


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