Is there more to you than just your fandoms? Do you like reading? Writing original stories? Soil science? Geology? Zebras? Dying your dog pink? Then you're in the right place!
How many times have you thought 'Man, it'd be nice to have some friends who were into_______!' You're also in the right place. Go nuts and most importantly, PIMP IT.
Name:Age:Location:Occupation:Your past, present or future college major: What non-fandom stuff are you into: (go nuts! Be as effusive as you like)
Okay... your top three fandoms that own your soul RIGHT NOW:What kind of friends would you like? PIMP IT, PIMP IT, PIMP IT, PIMP IT, PIMP IT, PIMP IT (PIMP IT LIKE A POLAROID PICTURE) PIMP IT...">I am more than just my fandoms... // A Non-fandom-multi-fandom friending meme