Not off to a good start

Apr 12, 2008 08:47

I want to strangle my goddamned cat right now.

He peed on my futon. (There's more to the story, but that's the short of it.) His litterbox was FOUR FEET AWAY.

To make matters worse, it's a brand new futon mattress, still in the plastic sheeting and folded in half. It was in the living room laying on the floor so that the mattress was in a U shape. The goddamned cat peed on the plastic folded down in the middle. Thanks to small holes torn in the plastic by either the cat or ferret the urine dripped onto the futon mattress. So what did I find when I mopped up the remaining pee, ripped off the plastic, and unfolded the futon? TWO wet pee stains!

The only good thing about this is that I caught it right away. The urine isn't very concentrated, so hopefully there won't be any human-detectable smell.

You're on thin ice, cat.

wasabi, griping

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