oo1 ⚜ Arrival ⚜ VIDEO

Aug 08, 2011 00:22

[ A young woman with pink hair and blue eyes appears in the video, staring back at the viewer with clear irritation. She doesn't say anything for a while and judging by the movement of the camera, she seems to be walking somewhere. At length, the movement - and thus, the girl - stops and her eyes lift from the camera, scanning her surroundings ( Read more... )

❧ [final fantasy ii] firion, ❧ [final fantasy xiii] lightning, [final fantasy iv] kain highwind, ❧ [final fantasy i] warrior of light, ❧ [final fantasy xiii] oerba yun fang, [final fantasy x] yuna, ❧ [final fantasy vii] zack fair, ❧ [the last unicorn] the unicorn

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Comments 65

[ permavid ] shoopufslide August 8 2011, 07:46:32 UTC
( have a tiny version of the summoner you knew, light. she's smiling away )



[Video] zantetsukenlcie August 8 2011, 08:50:17 UTC
[ Lightning just blinks. And stares. This is a joke, right? She knows Cosmos has no qualms about summoning children to fight the war for her, but child versions of her adult warriors? The goddess surely cannot be serious. ]

Yuna... What's happened? When did you get here?


shoopufslide August 8 2011, 17:59:04 UTC
( she's tapping her chin ) It wasn't yesterday... or the day before that... definitely longer than the day before the day before yesterday. ( nodnod )

Umm. Who are you?


[Video] zantetsukenlcie August 9 2011, 00:01:03 UTC
[ What. The young child's response only surprises her mildly, but she adapts to the fact that she's apparently not going to get a straight answer any time soon rather easily, as if she's dealt with small kids before, even though the only kid anywhere near Yuna's age that Light knows is the Onion Knight and he has a good handful of years on her. ]

Lightning. If you don't remember when you got here, where have you been living? By yourself?

[ She hopes not. But if that's the case, she'll go get her... former comrade. ]


[Video] skyboundknight August 8 2011, 07:58:56 UTC
Who are you and why should I care?

[You have nothing to do with him or his plans. :| Even worse, Kain has that strange twinge of familiarity, something that in his current state of mind just irritates him. He doesn't like that feeling.]


[Video] zantetsukenlcie August 8 2011, 08:54:33 UTC
[ Okay, Lightning knows that they didn't exactly end things on the best foot, but really, Kain? ]

I see your personality is as sunny as ever. [ She scoffs and shakes her head. ] Quit messing around.


[Video] skyboundknight August 9 2011, 00:22:46 UTC
I don't know what you're talking about, but my patience is wearing thin. Tell me who you are and how you know me.


[Video] zantetsukenlcie August 9 2011, 05:27:09 UTC
[ The girl soldier obviously becomes increasingly miffed by the dragoon's attitude towards her. Even when they were "new", recently awakened at the beginning of what became their last cycle, Kain did not behave this way. In fact, as she remembers it, he was the one who had challenged her into giving the Warrior of Light a chance to prove his skill before dismissing him as merely an irritating bug.

She didn't expect to get this kind of greeting from him and it stings a little. But if he wants to play it this way, fine. When she finally answers him, she talks as though she's explaining a very complex situation to a 5-year-old.You're name is Kain Highwind. My name is Lightning. We were kidnapped from our homes and brought to fight a war for an all-powerful goddess named Cosmos. This way had nothing to do with us. You got into your head at some point that losing to win was the only option, so you went around killing your allies in order to force them into saving their strength for the final round. When I found out what you and the ( ... )


[Video] awhitemare August 8 2011, 08:47:08 UTC
You are far from home. As am I.


[Video] zantetsukenlcie August 8 2011, 08:59:20 UTC
[ A... a unicorn? A talking unicorn. First, a child Yuna, a Kain who doesn't recognize her, and now... this? She's reminded of the Warrior of Light, Cosmos' "knight in shining armor". More fairytales... ]

Where is your home? I didn't know unicorns were still alive in this place.


[Video] awhitemare August 8 2011, 09:04:07 UTC
[The Unicorn manages to look slightly amused. Turning her head to the side, she gets a good look at Lightning.]

Do you know where you are? Perhaps there are more like me here.


[Video] zantetsukenlcie August 8 2011, 09:15:58 UTC
[ Lightning is a little suspicious of the way the... unicorn is looking at her. Is she being mocked by a mythical creature? When she answers, she speaks slowly and deliberately, letting it be known she's not sure what to make of the creature speaking to her, but she doesn't raise her voice and she's careful not to inject any anger. Fairytale or no, she's seen enough since she's been with Cosmos to know that this place is capable of pulling anything out of its hat. ]

...No, I don't. I only know that this is not where I should be.

[ And that may be true, but she's genuinely only a few breathes away from believing the unicorn is, in fact, real and not a hallucination of some sort. ]


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[Action] zantetsukenlcie August 9 2011, 00:08:12 UTC
[ Lightning takes a deep breath and closes her eyes momentarily. When she looks back at the Warrior of Light, she doesn't seem to share his optimism. ]

Yuna and Kain are... somewhere. Yuna is like, 6-years-old. Kain doesn't remember a thing. And a unicorn wants to meet me.

[ She doesn't mention Fang. She's not sure what to think of her - or Zack, for that matter. ]


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[Action] zantetsukenlcie August 9 2011, 05:35:01 UTC
What's going on? This doesn't make any sense.


[ video ] ragnaroking August 8 2011, 18:02:07 UTC
Dirt nap? ( there's a skeptical look on her face, but also hints of a grin ) Now that doesn't sound like the Light I know...


[ video ] zantetsukenlcie August 9 2011, 00:12:55 UTC
I don't think it was a type of situation you're familiar with... [ Who is this woman? Lightning can't help but feel a sense of familiarity looking back at her. She knows her face, but she doesn't know from where or how and she can't come up with a name. Is she someone from her world? ]


[ video ] ragnaroking August 9 2011, 05:52:24 UTC
Almost sounds serious. Then again, I've been in a few choice situations myself, heh. ( seems like she's just assuming you're the same old light for now... ) Just arrived, have you?


[ video ] zantetsukenlcie August 9 2011, 06:26:18 UTC

[ The young soldier still can't figure out how she knows this other woman. "Now that doesn't sound like the Light I know..." But who is she? 'Only one way to find out. ]

Who are you?


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