Aug 03, 2011 02:48
[After his disappointing run at the Hades Cup that was totally a fluke, Zack has returned to Radiant Garden. Too bad he missed that fight with the chimera, but there's another clearly pressing matter on his mind.
For what this world was called, Zack hadn't really seen any gardens...until now. Were these flowers Aerith's doing? For as long as he'd seen her, anyway. Even though it was a different Aerith, he still felt a weird pang when she'd gone missing.
But at any rate, he was totally mesmerized with the gardens he'd found. They looked much more at place here on this world than they had in Midgar. And surely there were worlds out there that could use more flowers...maybe it was up to him to bring them along, ohoho.]
Anybody think there are worlds out there that could use flowers? 'Cause my wallet could totally use some money. [Grins] Something like this oughta be shared, right?
❧ [final fantasy xiii] oerba yun fang,
❧ [final fantasy vii] cloud strife,
❧ [final fantasy vii] zack fair,
❧ [final fantasy vii] angeal hewley,
[kuroshitsuji] elizabeth middleford,
[weiss side b] chloé