[Video] Entry 002

Aug 02, 2011 22:31

[The good doctor is currently still to be found on Destiny Islands, he has no set 'home' so to speak just yet so he stayed to explore the world after his visit to Zell. Still, just wandering around--while it was nice to have little obligations for once--it was also boring. Thus he's decided to offer his abilities beyond that of just medical help to the people here.

He's currently on one of the beaches when the feed opens, a stray breeze toying slightly with his hair.]

Hello, my name is Citan Uzuki.

While I have previously volunteered my medical aid to those in need of it; I thought I might as well offer my services in other areas if anyone cares to hire me for a small fee. I am well-versed both in martial arts and swordsmanship for anyone desiring to learn either.

I can also work on various machinery or perhaps if you can provide me with parts and a blueprint, I can put something together for you. Of course in that vein, if you could provide me access to parts and an idea of what you desire, I could attempt to invent something which fulfills it.

❧ [xenogears] citan uzuki, [pandora hearts] oz vessalius

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