Title: Meet my Girl(Part One)
Summary: Booster decides Rani needs to meet a strong female. He picks Barda.
AN- I completely ignore any canon not to my liking. Barda dead? Psh. Cerdian and Lian killed? Nuh uh. Jaime’s scarab being evil? Lalala, can’t hear you.
After returning from his second attempt to find proof that Maxwell Lord existed, Booster mused on the fact that Barda didn’t completely hate him. In fact, at one point she had admired his spirit. There was no telling how his actions since then, such as shooting at Batman and essentially vanishing from the hero-stage, had eroded this admiration, but maybe he should give her a call.
After all, Rani would need strong female influences, and as much as he loved Michelle, he couldn’t trust her with Rani. She’d run off into the Timestream for a vacation, letting him believe her dead, without a second thought.
He picked up the phone, and dialled a number he’d sworn never to use after Ted’s death. “Hey Oracle. Booster Gold here. Barda around?”
Huh. The infamous Birds of Prey had been shut down. That was a shame, Ted had confided that he thought it the best place for the female heroes, where they didn’t have to worry about The Big Boys Rules, and could focus on more important things, like getting the job done. Dinah had seemed a lot happier in Barbara’s team than in the league, and Barbara had a clear-cut purpose, one not dependant on the Batclan.
“Mind telling me where I could find her?” Booster asked, eyes focused on the little girl eating fruit loops. Were those healthy? He really had to get to grips with this parenting thing.
“’Kay. Thanks.”
Hanging up, he called the Free house. Scott Free, aka Mister Miracle, answered.
“Hey Scott. I was wallowing in nostalgia, figured I’d give a few old friends a call.” Booster said, a grin audible in his voice.
“Oh?” Scott voiced, amused. “And what set off this bout of nostalgia?”
“I was thinking that I’ve got someone I want to show off.” Booster hedged. “And I really want you to meet her.”
His eyes slid over to Rani. They’d finally got around to buying some of the things she needed, such as clothes and toys, all chosen by Michelle. Thankfully, Michelle had chosen to take Rani with her when she went shopping, and most of the clothes were things Rani actually liked. At the moment, she was wearing her new favourite t-shirt, white with yellow stars shooting across her chest. He wondered if she’d always liked stars, or if his uniform had something to do with it.
“Hm. Not sure Barda would like to meet your latest squeeze Booster.” Scott mused, disapprovingly. He’d never approved of Booster’s womanizing ways.
Booster blinked, then laughed. This had bwahaha written all over it. “We’ll be over at four, sound good to you?”
Scott spluttered out a yes, before Booster hung up. He smothered a cackle as he grinned at Rani. “Rani, how’d you like to meet some of my friends?”
As green eyes fixed on his face, his grin widened. The Free’s wouldn’t know what hit them.
“Bwa ha ha.” He cackled, quietly.
star-fata.livejournal.com/3650.htmlPart Two-