Title: Not very Blue
Series: Golden Girl
Summary: Booster and Rani get distracted while colouring
After his return from the JLI headquarters, he’d been appropriately mortified that Rani had picked up his foul mouth. After a quick lecture, consisting entirely of ‘those are bad words we’re not supposed to use, so we’d better stop’, he’d settled them down at the table with highlighters, marker pens and a few coloured inks. He made a mental note to get the kid some crayons. Rights after some clothes, some toys other than the toy robot from the 28th century hospital gift shop, and some decent furniture for her room.
“What’re you drawing Mikey?” Rani asked, green eyes intently staring at his paper.
“Blue Beetle.” He answered, with a smile. Actually, it was more like Anti-Beetle costume from their first week as Superbuddies, there was only one blue highlighter and a practically black blue biro.
Rani stared at his drawing critically. “It doesn’t look like a Beetle. It’s not very blue either...”
Booster started. “I guess you don’t know about Beetle, huh?”
Rani puffed up indignantly. “I know lots about bugs!”
“Not the Beetle I meant.” Booster interrupted. “Blue Beetle was a hero. His real name was Ted Kord.”
“Was he a time-master?” Rani asked.
Booster opened his mouth to say no, but hesitated. Ted had restored the time line, after he had screwed it up trying to save his best bud. “Not really.” He said, finally. “But he was a great hero, and my best friend.”
Drawings forgotten, Rani listened raptly as he told story after story about Ted Kord. Some stories were about their attempts to get rich, edited for his young audience, others were about tales of heroism and derring-do against villains of varying competency and style, and some were of his fondest memories of Ted, playing jokes and tossing banter around like it was going out of style.
Rip found them, almost three hours after Booster had returned from the past, and paused in the doorway.
His father was animatedly explaining the time he’d fooled Ted into believing he’d married Gladys- all mentions of Wonder Woman costumes and toyboys carefully neglected- and his sister (Older sister? Baby sister?) was laughing delightedly as Booster adopted a high pitched voice. “I’m not pregnant!”
“Good to know.” Rip interjected, unable to help a grin. “Lunchtime. Hope you like sandwiches.”
“What’re sandwiches?” Rani asked, curiously.
Father and son stared at her aghast.