Mar 07, 2011 19:59

Title:  Thanks, But No Thanks
Author: stamatina_rae  
Challenge: drabble123  
Fandom: 30 Rock
Pairing: Jack/Liz
Table: Directions
Prompt: #18, Drive
Rating: PG
Word Count: 300
Spoilers: Through Season 2 only, my previous three drabble123 series.
Summary: Chapter 76.  Jack's peace offering is resoundingly rejected.

Feedback/comments always appreciated.
Disclaimer: Characters are not mine. Don't sue.

"Gracie, could I get another set of hands in here?" Jack shouts in the general direction of the living room.

She helps him plate some hors d'voures until he finally breaks the awkward silence.  "So, did Lane already leave or is he still in town?"


"Lane?  Is he still in town?"

An utterly befuddled expression on her face, she counters shortly,  “Why?”

"What do you mean, why?  Because I want to know, that's why.  Has he already left or not?"

“No, he hasn’t left yet."

"Thank you,” he retorts.  “I didn’t realize it was such a difficult question."

"Well, why would you care anyways?"

This is not how he envisioned their conversation unfolding.  They’re both reacting emotionally, not rationally.  Hands pressed into the counter, he pauses, takes a deep breath before looking her in the eye, responding calmly, “Because I thought if he was still in town, he could join us for dinner.

Gracie rolls her eyes.  "Sure you did."

"I'm serious."

She haphazardly finishes what she’s doing, clearly anxious to vacate his presence.  “Well, he wouldn't come.  Even if I wanted him to.  He's not an idiot, Dad."

Another pause, another exasperated sigh.  “Gracie, honestly, what do you think I’m going to do to him?”

“I don’t know!” she fires back, already retreating out of the room.  "And I don't want to find out, okay?"

Jack loudly tosses his cutting board into the sink.  "Come back here, please!"

Gracie stops, doesn’t turn, her voice shaky and uneven.  "I really, really don’t want to talk about this right now."

She plods down the back hallway and up the stairs, slamming her bedroom door for good measure.

Liz flies into the kitchen.  He throws his hands up, stopping her before she starts.  “I got it, okay?  Just -- I got it.”


Chapter 77 here...

drabble123, jack/liz

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