Harry Potter: Severus/Sirius - times of day: afternoon

Nov 24, 2006 19:47

Title: Wait for Me (3/5)
Author: Envinyatar (aka envinyatar15)
Rating: G
Pairing: Severus/Sirius
Word Count: 100
Previous: Dawn. Noon.

Notes: Unbeta'd, so beware. I'm not a native.

In late afternoon, Sirius starts. He’s been sitting by the window and staring outside for hours now, watching for a sign of Snape’s return.

He thinks he’s seen something, a shadow moving over there under the trees.

Looking at it for another moment, Sirius decides it’s indeed Snape, trying to drag himself to their meeting point but breaking down on the way. Checking for any signs of danger, Sirius darts out of the door and over to the figure.

Yes, it’s Snape, a bloody mess on the ground, covered with dirt, face bruised.

Sirius is infinitely happy at this sight.


times of day: afternoon, harry potter, severus snape/sirius black

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