Stargate Atlantis--John & Teyla; Rooms

May 16, 2006 19:22

Title: The Briefing
Author/Artist: sjhw_tolerance
Theme: Rooms
Rating: Suitable for all ages


John doodles on his pad, while attempting to look interested, and frowns when his pencil lead suddenly breaks-and he hopes no one else notices. He glances quickly around the spacious room. Evidently no one does…except Teyla, the slight twitch of her lips as she continues to look seriously at McKay (and still somehow manages to ignore him) tips him off. John sets his useless pencil down and sits back in the one of the comfortable chairs around the large table in the briefing room and wonders what goes through Teyla’s mind during these meetings.

Sometimes she’s easy to read, usually when they’re discussing a world to visit or even one that she’s visited; her face animated and her eyes bright; offering comments, tidbits of information, her opinion valued and seriously considered, given that they are all but strangers in this galaxy called Pegasus. But then there are other times, when even he can barely maintain an interest, like now…with McKay droning on and on about quantum’s and wormholes and string theory. And god help them all, but Zelenka is present too, adding the odd comment or two in his accented English.

Ignoring the two scientists, he continues to concentrate on Teyla. She’s sitting next to him and he studies her face in profile. The gentle curve of her cheek, the way her hair curls lazily around her ear and lays across her long neck, the slight smile and way she looks down briefly, disguising her amusement, when McKay gives a derisive snort at some comment from Zelenka. John smirks then too and notices that Elizabeth tries to hide her amusement as well-much like Teyla. While Zelenka, John can tell, barely refrains from rolling his eyes.

It’s not long then, before the briefing is over. They’ll take a jumper and launch a probe into the anomaly, dire warnings from Radek mixing with equal reassurances from McKay that the Czech scientist is merely over-reacting. John catches Teyla’s eye and shrugs, nothing new or unusual; just another day and another briefing in Atlantis.

Elizabeth nods regally, signaling their dismissal. Zelenka and McKay depart almost simultaneously, squabbling like warring siblings as they leave the briefing room. Ronon heaves a long suffering sigh before he too, departs. Elizabeth is engrossed in whatever’s on her laptop, so as Teyla slowly rises, John does as well.

He falls into step beside her, hands jammed into the pockets of his trousers. “So,” he says casually, “how about some lunch?” It’s almost noon, the briefing lasting longer than even he expected.

She looks at him and smiles. “I could use some sustenance.”

“Yeah, I know what you mean,” he says, steering her down the staircase that leads to the dining hall. “It gives me a headache too.” When she slants him a questioning look from under her lashes he grins. “Low blood sugar.”

“Ah,” she murmurs, as if she understands. And as John follows her into the crowded dining hall and falls into line, he decides that maybe she does.


five rooms, stargate: atlantis, john sheppard/teyla emmagan

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