Stargate SG-1; Sam & Jack; Physical Intimacy

May 16, 2006 19:35

Title: Unleashed, Part One
Author/Artist: sjhw_tolerance
Theme: Physical Intimacy
Rating: Teen


Sam’s afraid to touch him, that once they let the barriers down it will let loose a tidal wave of emotion that will drown them with its force. Jack’s just as cautious; she knows by the careful way he moves, the hesitant gestures. It’s as if he recognizes-just as she does-that the restaurant isn’t safe.

He walks her to her door, his hand barely touching the small of her back. She turns, keys in hand, and his hand closes over hers-strong, warm and oh-so-capable. And she knows they were right as a wave of desire engulfs her.

physical intimacy: nudging/patting/brush, samantha carter/jack o'neill, stargate: sg-1

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