Starsky & Hutch, Starsky/Hutch, Intimacy

Apr 13, 2006 18:56

Series Title: truthfully, once if strangers (4/5)
Author: Dorian Gray
Theme: Intimacy
Pairing: Starsky/Hutch
Word Count: 100
Rating: G
Previous: 1 2 3

Hutch has plants, lots of plants, a whole windowsill full of them -- even has this dumb little spray bottle so he can mist them with a bunch of strange concoctions he swears by and god help you if you ever make the mistake of asking what's in them, 'cause he'll tell you. But one day, Hutch mentions, real casual, that his grandmother had loved gardening and reaches out, touching one of the bright green leaves.

Next Friday, when Starsky calls his mother, he doesn't put it off again until late just because Hutch is there in his room all afternoon.

starsky & hutch, five stages of love, intimacy

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