Gravitation, Taki/Sakano, Five Stages of Love, Intimacy

Apr 13, 2006 20:56

Title: Weird
Author/Artist: Silvermagess
Theme: Five Stages of Love-Intimacy
Rating: PG
Length: 500

Sakano knew he had no secrets of any import. That wasn't to say there weren't things he'd rather keep to himself, but he knew that in comparison to the secrets of others, his were boring. Still, he'd never allowed anyone into his apartment before, save for his mother and only after it was spotless.

So when Taki showed up unannounced and marched into his apartment, Sakano wasn't sure if the panic he was feeling was excessive or perfectly justified. Before he could run around and tidy up though, Taki had grabbed him by the shoulder and drug him towards the couch and sat him down. "Nice place you got here. Looks just like I thought it would." The singer said as he flopped down next to him.

"What did you expect?" Sakano was feeling a little defensive because he wasn't sure he wanted to know what Taki really thought. Usually the singer was only nice if he wanted something, so Sakano would rather have Taki being his bitchy self instead.

Leaning his head against Sakano's shoulder, Taki yawned. "Something neat and tidy, that looks like it's not really been lived in."

"I'm not a neat freak." Sakano pouted, knowing it for the lie it was. He just hated it when Taki pointed it out, because the implication was that he wasn't any fun, that he was boring.

"You are so a neat freak." Taki laughed a little, his hair tickling Sakano's cheek slightly. "I'm not saying that's a bad thing though. An annoying thing, but not a bad thing." It could have been worse, Sakano thought, so he decided to let things be.

After a few minutes though, Taki began to feel a little heavy, perhaps because Sakano wasn't used to someone physically leaning against him. "What exactly are you doing here?"

"I was just thinking that I'd never seen your place, that's all. I have you over all the time, so I thought fair was fair. The real question is, why haven't you ever invited me in?" There was deadly look in Taki's eyes, despite the friendly tone in his voice.

"Because I don't let anyone in. I don't want people to think I'm weird."

"People already think you're weird. I know I do."

Sakano glanced at him in shock and tried to get his jaw to work. When it did, the first thing that came out wasn't what exactly mature. "Not as weird as you!" Taki pulled him into a kiss before he could embarrass himself any further.

"If I'm so weird, what does that say about you? Sleeping with a complete weirdo?" It was frustrating when Taki was right, which seemed to be all the time.

"If you keep teasing me, I won't allow you into my apartment ever again." Even though Taki just laughed at him more, the singer didn't call him weird for the rest of the night.

taki aizawa/sakano, five stages of love, gravitation, intimacy

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