Sep 23, 2009 18:03



Discussion post

My profound apologies for being so late in putting this up and replying to... well, everything. I've been both ill recently and overwhelmed with schoolwork; not the best combo. Just chucking this up quickly while I have a minute.

ATTN: regarding reposts
As a new guideline: for ( Read more... )

kink meme, mod

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Comments 2729

OP Repost anonymous September 23 2009, 18:25:40 UTC
Re: OP Repost anonymous September 23 2009, 18:46:08 UTC
Yes please. Also, not the OP but the notion of injured but badass Pike doing something unpleasant to the nasty bad admiral makes me a little drooly and very interested in watching his badassery; I'd be SO OKAY with the outcome of THAT aspect being Pike getting a naughty reward for his hotgood behavior.


...Captcha says "serves ulcer" --why yes, that does sound unpleasant, but I think Pike's a bigger badass than that.


Re: OP Repost anonymous September 24 2009, 21:54:34 UTC
I've started writing this!

It may be a few days before it's fit to post. But I promise some bad ass Pike, Spock and Spock-Prime if I can fit them all in.


Re: OP Repost anonymous November 9 2009, 22:06:43 UTC
*claps hands excitedly*
You wonderful anon, you!!!


I wanna see some skin anonymous September 23 2009, 18:25:53 UTC
Kirk/McCoy: Kirk gets a thrill out of making McCoy do things/reach for stuff that make his shirt ride up. And when that stops working, he starts inadvertantly spilling stuff on him to make him take his shirt completely off.


Re: I wanna see some skin anonymous September 23 2009, 19:58:12 UTC
I'd do the same exact thing. :D


Five times Jim couldn't get Bones to show some skin, and one time he did 1/2 anonymous September 27 2009, 06:44:20 UTC
1 ( ... )


Five times Jim couldn't get Bones to show some skin, and one time he did 2/3 anonymous September 27 2009, 06:46:47 UTC
comment limit sucks5 ( ... )


H/C Spock/Uhura/Gaila dizilla September 23 2009, 18:30:39 UTC
Post movie. Uhura finds out that a small handful survived Nero's attack and were drifting through space via a wreckage convoy (maybe lead by Gaila cause she's a BAMF). They are finally rescued and majority spend weeks in the hospital recuperating. Uhura's overjoyed that she didn't send her best friend to her death and wants to make it up to her as soon as Gaila recovers.

You can make it angsty then smutty or sweet and smutty. =D


Re: H/C Spock/Uhura/Gaila hiddencait September 27 2009, 23:33:21 UTC
I totally second this! I see K/S/U all over the place, but not alot of S/U/G.. and I feel there should be more!


It's the quiet ones you have to watch nix_this September 23 2009, 18:32:37 UTC
Disturb me or make me laugh, really anything's good.

Spock doesn't want to put Jim back in the box. The embalmer did such a good job.



Re: It's the quiet ones you have to watch nix_this September 23 2009, 19:28:33 UTC
Ooh, I've been thinking about prompting something like this... If this hasn't been written by tomorrow night, I might do it.


Fill in progress - 1/? nix_this September 24 2009, 16:41:48 UTC
I'm the anon above - okay, so it's not night yet, but I had the time, so I figured I'd start now. I'll write more tonight.
Btw., I haven't slept in over 24 hours now, so I can't guarantee that it's any good.

Spock looks at the perfect piece of art before him. So lifelike, so much like a living, breathing, person. Except Jim doesn't breathe, isn't alive. Apart from the lack of movement of the chest, not even Spock's discerning eye is able to tell that Jim is not merely sleeping. His cheeks are rosy. Spock's stretches out a hand and touches one side of Jim's face. The skin is soft, but cold. Too cold. He moves the hand in front of Jim's nostrils. There's no movement of air, no small puffs of breath on his fingers. He moves his hand again, flattens it against the skin above Jim's heart. The cool skin doesn't thump against his fingers, doesn't move at all beneath them. It frustrates him, makes him want to do something, anything that will make Jim warm, make him breathe, make his heart beat again. Somewhere in the back of his mind, ( ... )


Re: Fill in progress - 1/? rubynye September 25 2009, 02:36:34 UTC
Gleep. This is terrifying and fucked-up and just gorgeously written.


Jim Kirk: unexpectedly a dad to be proud of anonymous September 23 2009, 18:36:49 UTC
You know in the movie Armageddon how the one guy has a kid that the mother doesn't let him see because he's a screwup, and he comes and brings the NASA toy and doesn't say why, and then later she's all OMG?

Like that, with Kirk, who has a kid from when he was maybe 19 or something--pre barfight and Pike and whistling really loud. And then, him returning after Nero.


Oh, and... anonymous September 23 2009, 18:42:11 UTC
(OP adds...)The kid and girl can be Carol and David Marcus, or not. It can be MPreg, as I am fond of MPreg, but this is totally not required. Jim can get back together with the mother or not. If you have him in a relationship that isn't with the mother, Bones or Gaila pls.

Obviously , as this is a kink meme: there should be smut, but it can be OMG YOU TURNED OUT NOT A SCREWUP sex or, like, joyful YAY YOU GET TO SEE YOUR KID NOW Kirk/McCoy or....


Filled shingo_the_pest September 30 2009, 00:22:41 UTC
The vid-call is uncomfortable ( ... )


Second Fill. 1/? shingo_the_pest September 30 2009, 03:34:53 UTC
Author’s Note: This is a completely separate story from the first reply ( ... )


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