Sep 23, 2009 18:03



Discussion post

My profound apologies for being so late in putting this up and replying to... well, everything. I've been both ill recently and overwhelmed with schoolwork; not the best combo. Just chucking this up quickly while I have a minute.

ATTN: regarding reposts
As a new guideline: for ( Read more... )

kink meme, mod

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Comments 2729

OT4 PLEASE dizilla September 23 2009, 18:18:03 UTC
I'd love something in the beginning relationship stages or first time sex with Spock/Uhura/Kirk/Bones~! Preferably longer than a drabble??

We need some more polyamory up in here! =D

Yaay! First page! (hopefully XD)


Re: OT4 PLEASE rubynye September 24 2009, 17:27:31 UTC
*enthusiastically seconds*


Mmm teenage Spock. anonymous September 23 2009, 18:21:12 UTC
Spock gets de-aged to about 17, but retains all memories etc of his regular life and relationship with Kirk. But alas! He has a 17 year old's libido! So basically he wants to be doing it, ohhhh, a hundred times a day and Kirk is totes awkward cause his boyfriend is suddenly a legit boy and he's not sure he's down with that nonsense. But of course Spock convinces him, cause come on. A teenage Spock would be so. hot.


Re: Mmm teenage Spock. anonymous September 23 2009, 20:44:57 UTC
oh g-d, imagine spock rebelling-YOU ARE RIGHT THAT IS SO HOT


Re: Mmm teenage Spock. anonymous September 23 2009, 23:48:38 UTC
want. want so bad it hurts


Re: Mmm teenage Spock. anonymous September 25 2009, 19:49:00 UTC
I need this NOW.


Non OP Repost anonymous September 23 2009, 18:23:30 UTC
Jim Kirk is a top fashion model.

McCoy is the best photographer in the business, and he has a policy of NEVER sleeping with models.

He did so in the past (with Nero, Jim's biggest competition) but Jim isn't use to anyone turning him down and that makes McCoy something of a challenge.

Of course, they eventually fall for one another, maybe Nero comes along to cause problems or someone starts stalking Kirk and he turns to McCoy, because he feels safe with him.

I'd love to see Uhura as McCoy's assistant and Spock as the head of security for the agency Kirk works for.

Bonus if Chekov and Sulu are models as well and somehow, work dear Scotty into the mix.

I'd love a happy ending for McCoy/Kirk, please.


Kinky Request is Kinky anonymous September 23 2009, 18:24:01 UTC

Kirk/Bones. Doesn't matter who's kink it is but Kirk goes through a whole day/shift without going to the bathroom and drink lots of water. End of shift he immediately heads to CMO's quarters and changes into a pair of jeans, desperately waiting for Bones to come off shift.

Bones does and teases Kirk with deft hands then makes hims piss through the jeans while jerking off onto him. Sexytime ensues...

Yeah, I went there.


Re: Kinky Request is Kinky anonymous September 24 2009, 05:39:55 UTC


After all the Kirk-choking of the film... anonymous September 23 2009, 18:24:34 UTC
...will somebody choke Spock already?

Kirk/Spock. I'm more a h/c than a kink person, but it is a kink meme, so, whatever takes your fancy...

captcha says impact bi, so maybe it wants Spock/Uhura in there as well...


Re: After all the Kirk-choking of the film... anonymous September 25 2009, 00:19:46 UTC
WHOA! I never thought of that. ..holyshit how is that possible?


Re: After all the Kirk-choking of the film... renuki September 25 2009, 04:47:21 UTC
It's possible... if someone actually get the drop on him. And using rope or something like that.

Or, they are as strong as him or he was weaken for whatever reason.


Re: After all the Kirk-choking of the film... twisting_vine_x September 25 2009, 04:38:37 UTC

... Why did this thought never cross my mind? O_O


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