Jul 02, 2009 15:50


Discussion post

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kink meme, mod

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anonymous July 5 2009, 01:23:14 UTC
Bones has a nasty, nasty cold. Miles of snot, red eyes, sore throat, fever, aches, the works. And the usual remedies don't really work very well for him--maybe he's not so much allergic as just not very affected.

Jim finds out Bones is a seriously terrible patient. He like throws his trays of food, yells at people, etc.

Bones finds out Jim's actually really good at taking care of someone when he wants to be. He's even patient with the crankiness and grumping, he reads to him, he sponges him, bribes him to drink fluids, etc.

Chapel finds out the two of them are ridiculously cute in this situation.

And then there's sex, once Bones feels better.


anonymous July 5 2009, 01:26:34 UTC
SECONDED. Seconded because I want like burning.


anonymous July 5 2009, 19:09:42 UTC
Ah HA YES, nothing makes me happier than sick doctors. Oh yes, one thing: sick!Bones ♥


Filled - Another Time, 1/? anonymous July 5 2009, 20:26:05 UTC
Oh, hell, forget seconding - I'm just gonna go ahead and write this.
- - - - -

"C'mon, Bones," Jim said, trading a glance with Chapel across the biobed where his CMO lay, flushed and very pissed off. "The worse you are about this, the longer it'll be before you'll be able to work."

Bones coughed and glared up at Jim. "What're you trying to do?" he demanded; his voice was hoarse and dry, but he still managed to sound both commanding and very irritated. "Dammit, Jim, how many times do I have to tell you, I'm the doctor here, not the patient?"

"Apparently, it still hasn't sunk in - I mean, jeez, Bones, you threw a glass of water at Nurse Chapel here just for saying you looked like shit. And she was right, by the way."

"She was insubordinate. I had to -" Bones broke off, coughing with an intensity that made his captain's brow furrow in concern.

"Look." Jim sat down on the edge of the bed next to Bones. "I hate having to do this, but I'm gonna invoke rank here and say stay in bed, Captain's orders. Sickbay's not busy, and I know ( ... )


Re: Filled - Another Time, 1/? anonymous July 5 2009, 21:36:06 UTC
*hearts sick!Bones and waits for more*


Another Time, 2/? anonymous July 5 2009, 22:03:22 UTC
"Once upon a time, there was a greatly awesome captain named Jim."

"Can't you stop talking about yourself once, you egomaniac?" Bones grouched in his general direction, chafing his nose with the back of one hand.

"Don't talk. It's bad for your throat," Jim told him grandly. "Anyway, this greatly awesome captain had a ship named the Enterprise, which he captained most excellently, with the help of a half-Vulcan, a linguist who looked really hot in a skirt, a fencing helmsman, Russian jailbait, and a CMO who had a tendency to be a complete asshole at times -"

"Right, I'm the asshole." Bones rolled his eyes. "Besides which, you forgot the crazy engineer with a ship fetish and his tiny greenish monkey."

"Keenser's a Gorman, actually," Jim said.

"Really honestly, Jim, I don't give a shit." Bones's nose twitched and he turned to muffle a sneeze into his shoulder.


"Shut up." He sneezed again, then shook his head. "Don't see why I couldn't just take a fuckin' hypospray and have done with all this ( ... )


Re: Another Time, 2/? anonymous July 6 2009, 00:50:44 UTC
OP sez:

Yaaaaaaaaaaay! Also aw, but also yaaaaaaay!


Another Time, 3/? anonymous July 6 2009, 02:54:59 UTC
"Oh, hell no! I'm not taking my shirt off here!" Bones clamped both arms around his abdomen. "Christ on a transporter, you just want it off so you can ogle me."

"Well, yeah, that's one reason," Jim admitted. "But you're also way too hot for comfort, and I highly doubt Chapel's going to want to wipe you down if you bitch at her." He picked up a damp cloth and waved it in front of Bones's face. "C'mon, don't you want all that sweat off your body?"

"Where my sweat gathers is none of your goddamn business, Jim." Bones brought a fist to his mouth and coughed forcefully into it, then looked back up at Jim with red-rimmed eyes. "Besides which, I'm too tired to submit to your torture."

"I'll give you a backrub," Jim wheedled.

Bones sighed. "Fine, fine," he said, stripped his shirt off, and lay on his stomach. "But you'd better have some kind of talented fingers if you want me to not hypospray your brains out next time you're...ohhhh god ( ... )


Re: Another Time, 3/? anonymous July 6 2009, 03:02:18 UTC
Poor Bones, he sounds miserable but he's such a BOY. He sounds just like my dad and my brothers used to when they got sick. Seriously, I love that he's sick enough that he doesn't care and just wipes his nose with his hand and stuff, gross though it is.

And Jim taking such good care of him is made entirely of win. :D


Re: Another Time, 3/? anonymous July 6 2009, 14:59:07 UTC
Ohhh, this is adorable! I love Jim trying to doctor a reluctant patient. (And like other commentator ... oh McCoy, doctors should know better, that's gross! They have tissues in the future, right?)

*cuddles fic*

(captch: court obscener O_O)


Another Time, 4/? anonymous July 7 2009, 02:56:21 UTC
"Okay, you know what? You're not sleeping in here."

Bones raised an eyebrow. "The hell, Jim? First you say I oughta sleep, then you say I can't...invoking rank again?" He coughed into his fist again. "Damn, that hurts."

"Right. You're not sleeping in here because those biobeds look really uncomfortable, so I'm taking you back to my quarters. And having my way with you." Jim let out a fake-evil laugh and held a hand out to Bones. "C'mon, Bones. Upsy upsy."

"I seriously hope y'all are shittin' me about the sex," Bones answered, but took the hand and stood up anyway, his stance less steady than usual. "Whoa, fuck!" He tripped over nothing in particular and would've landed heavily, but for Jim's arm. "Sorry 'bout that." His voice was congested, but Jim stopped the passage of the doctor's hand by grabbing his wrist ( ... )


Re: Another Time, 4/? anonymous July 7 2009, 10:50:18 UTC
w00t, Jim's got him in his bedroom now! *rubs hands pervily*
Poor Bones though, his cold sounds nasty, Jim will have to take care of him some more before he tries anything xD


Re: Another Time, 4/? anonymous July 7 2009, 13:51:06 UTC
Awwwww. Jim's patience, it is very very sweet to read. :) *hopes for cute tucking into bed and cuddling scene*

Can't wait until Bones is, haha, safe to have sexytimes with again. This is awesome, anon, thank you for what youv'e written so far!


Another Time, 5/? anonymous July 8 2009, 23:11:18 UTC
"Oh, good lordy," Bones said, and rolled his eyes. "Jim, I did not mean it that way. My ass ain't your territory."

"Yet," Jim replied with a grin. "Not yet, you mean. Jee-eez, your accent is sexy ( ... )


Re: Another Time, 5/? anonymous July 9 2009, 10:17:30 UTC
*melts from the cute* Oh, BONES. They're so goddamn adorable.

I love you, anon! <3


Another Time, 6/? anonymous July 14 2009, 20:30:00 UTC
A tap on the door to his quarters jerked Jim out of his reverie on the back of Bones's head, and into true consciousness. He sat up, got out of bed as softly as possible, and went to answer the door ( ... )


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