Jul 02, 2009 15:50


Discussion post

Is now a group effort! See the comments to this entry and see stxikinkarchive  for how to help! <3

Do not post new requests on part one/part two/part three or they will be deleted. However, if you see a prompt there you like, ( Read more... )

kink meme, mod

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Another Time, 4/? anonymous July 7 2009, 02:56:21 UTC
"Okay, you know what? You're not sleeping in here."

Bones raised an eyebrow. "The hell, Jim? First you say I oughta sleep, then you say I can't...invoking rank again?" He coughed into his fist again. "Damn, that hurts."

"Right. You're not sleeping in here because those biobeds look really uncomfortable, so I'm taking you back to my quarters. And having my way with you." Jim let out a fake-evil laugh and held a hand out to Bones. "C'mon, Bones. Upsy upsy."

"I seriously hope y'all are shittin' me about the sex," Bones answered, but took the hand and stood up anyway, his stance less steady than usual. "Whoa, fuck!" He tripped over nothing in particular and would've landed heavily, but for Jim's arm. "Sorry 'bout that." His voice was congested, but Jim stopped the passage of the doctor's hand by grabbing his wrist.

"That's gross and you know it. I have tissues in my quarters, if you can wait that long." Jim's voice, contrary to the words it spoke, was gentle.

"Bossy fucker," Bones said, but leaned on Jim and let the captain walk him to his quarters anyway. "Swear you ain't just tryin' to seduce me?" he asked at the end of the walk.

"Nah, not yet," Jim answered, and led Bones into the room after the door opened for his code. "Okay. Sit down and I'll see if I can scrounge up something other than your hand for you to use on your nose."

"Don't make me wait too long, Jim." Bones sat down on the edge of the bed, unable to repress a quiet sound of relief when Jim gave him a handful of tissues. "Remind me again why I put up with you?"

"That should be my question to ask, Bones." Kirk sat beside him and patted his shoulder. "Chapel shouldn't have to deal with your weird sickness complex, y'know?"

"Fuck you, Jim," Bones replied, and wiped at his nose with the tissues.

"Another time, Bones," Jim said, in what was probably supposed to be a soothing tone, but in reality was anything but.


Re: Another Time, 4/? anonymous July 7 2009, 10:50:18 UTC
w00t, Jim's got him in his bedroom now! *rubs hands pervily*
Poor Bones though, his cold sounds nasty, Jim will have to take care of him some more before he tries anything xD


Re: Another Time, 4/? anonymous July 7 2009, 13:51:06 UTC
Awwwww. Jim's patience, it is very very sweet to read. :) *hopes for cute tucking into bed and cuddling scene*

Can't wait until Bones is, haha, safe to have sexytimes with again. This is awesome, anon, thank you for what youv'e written so far!


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