Mission 092: DUNE steps to the light

Jun 24, 2012 21:35

Session Start (overmanzs1:ugamission092): Sun Jun 24 18:59:23 2012 -0500
*** overmanzs1 has joined the conversation.
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*** Eric (SRW) has joined the conversation.
*** Salsa (SRW) has joined the conversation.
*** Terra (SRW) has joined the conversation.
*** Doggie (SRW) has joined the conversation.
*** Shaun (SRW mod) has joined the conversation.
*** Knux (SRW) has joined the conversation.
*** Tengu (SRWmod) has joined the conversation.
*** Camiu (SRW) has joined the conversation.
*** Prof (SRW) has joined the conversation.
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Zappa: (( (Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-FQcyuz_row)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-FQcyuz_row ))

Zappa: Ladies, Desus, and Gentlemen, it's... another day in space! Horray! (Cheer dangit)

Knux (SRW): (Yay)
Shaun (SRW mod): (huzzah)
Zappa: In today's adventure, you're looking to resupply, this time without the cosmic horrors!
Take two!

Eric (SRW): (\o/)
Steam (SRW mod): Julia's a mix of anxious, nervous, but ultimately kinda happy
Shaun (SRW mod): Eri's definitely leaning back in her cockpit. Where she got the lawnchair who knows.
Steam (SRW mod): At least Christine's not in such bad shape any more.
Prof (SRW): Nadia's on edge, which she's dealing with by being in the gym. Yay exercise.
*** Herc (SRW) has joined the conversation.
Knux (SRW): Hana's... a little more than nervous. Still a little rattled up from yesterday, but hey, she'll live!
Salsa (SRW): Sora sighs, looking around with a nervous expression of her own, but at least she looks less depressed than she was before!
Eric (SRW): X-1 is standing silently, but the power is on and the commline shows that it's recieving transmissions.
Zappa: And it just so happens that there is a neutral space station-colony-type-thing nearby. Or, you'd think it was neutral anyway; it's not known as Zeon, Federation, or Neo so it's not likely to attack you.

And hopefully lacks yesterday's shenanigans

Eric (SRW): It'd make sense that Kincaid's not super talkative right now, though, after the Newtype mindwave from the other day.
Tengu (SRWmod): Tobia has disappeared somewhere. Probably in the kitchen, scrubbing potatoes.
Shaun (SRW mod): Coffret and Mepple are playing poker. Mepple's cheating.
Zappa: They've contacted in advance to your approach that you're welcome to resupply, and, while the station is a bit... ambiguious, it's better than waiting another 3-4 days to the next place to do so!

Salsa (SRW): Potpourri's with the others for once, though hilariously confused on the rules.
Shaun (SRW mod): Eri: [flicks on the comm to Hana] Hey hana, I'm doing maintanance on the Tsubomi and Erika. Just fyi.
Knux (SRW): Hana: "Ah... s-sure. No problem. We got the Endless, so..." At least it isn't tossed aside again thanks to Coop.
Steam (SRW mod): Julia's also in the Corona right now too
Steam (SRW mod): Re-acclimating herself for space combat
Steam (SRW mod): It's... been a while since she fought in space. Months ago even!
Shaun (SRW mod): Gravity and all that.
Zappa: For a good while, everything is find and dandy as you approach but, suddenly, a few lights start shining on the hull of the station.

Shaun (SRW mod): Erika turns down the stereo.
Shaun (SRW mod): Eri: The heck is that?
Zappa: (MarKus turns it BACK UP! Don't jack with his stereo)
Zappa: With no warning at all, several mobile suits break through the hull, their fronts covered in some kind of beam weaponry as they make a mad dash for the Chalice!
Zappa: Dan: "Ack! Those are mobile suits made for attacking ships! I need anyone who can get out there, OUT THERE! Like NOW!"
(Yes, he said Ack today!)
Zappa: ((Enemies: Pez Batara ((Link: http://images.wikia.com/gundam/images/5/56/Ems-10.jpg)http://images.wikia.com/gundam/images/5/56/Ems-10.jpg) x20))

Steam (SRW mod): Julia's already putting on her helmet!
Steam (SRW mod): "That's no problem! Get the hangar doors open!"
Shaun (SRW mod): Eri: Chriiiiii... c'mon you two. [And she grabs her mascots and makes a mad dash for the Noir.] PreDesu Awaken my Soul! [Boom, transformation.]
Steam (SRW mod): HFM blades: check!
Knux (SRW): Hana: "Already?! R-Right...!" Suiting up, Hana makes her way to the Desu Blanc - it's been awhile since she's used that machine!
Steam (SRW mod): Full-auto railgun: check!
Eric (SRW): X-1 deploys quickly! It's a little wobbly in space though, probably because Kincaid is still feeling not 100% well.
Steam (SRW mod): And as soon as the hangar opens the Corona's blasting off to intercept!
Steam (SRW mod): Julia: "Mr. Nau, are you sure you're in the right condition to do this?"
Shaun (SRW mod): The Noir follows, cracking her non-existent knuckles.
Salsa (SRW): Sora's taking a tenative drink from a water bottle when the suits come through, sputtering all over herself, but not really noticing. "We're under attack! Everyone, launch, now!" For herself, she glances at Potpourri as he flies over. "PreDesu! Awaken My Soul!" And there's a flash of golden light as she suits up and runs to the Itsuki.
Knux (SRW): With the Blanc set up, it quickly follows suit!
Prof (SRW): Nadia swears before heading to the hangar! She wasn't already there, so she's a bit behind the people who were, but not too far.
Steam (SRW mod): "Yesterday's incident was bad enough for normal people... I can't imagine how bad it'd be for Newtypes!"
Prof (SRW): Nadia: "Nadia Cross, Gundam Freya, launching!"
Eric (SRW): X-1 nods to Julia.
Zappa: ((Initative: Kincaid, Nadia, Eri, Hana, Sora, Julia))

Zappa: (Kincaid, Nadia, BE THE GUNDAM)
Zappa: (But keep it under Setsuna levels, okay?)
Eric (SRW): *thinking* (I'm feeling kinda sick though...)
Prof (SRW): * Starting out in assault mode, Nadia aims towards the crowd of Pez Bataras and fires three beam grenades - once they're into the thick of the enemy force, they explode, sending short-range particle beams out in all directions. +
Prof (SRW): She does not use any catchphrases, though, because Gundam levels are not high enough.
Eric (SRW): *Without hesitation, X-1 charges at the nearest Pez-Batara, shooting its grappling wire to catch it and reel it in, and then slashing through with the Beam Zanber! Kincaid avoids the cockpit though.+
*** Mist3r (SRW) has joined the conversation.
Zappa: [Nadia] Many of the Pez are coming out in waves. You catch the second wave en-route. For your efforts, 2 are wiped out, and a third is veered off course but, it doesn't look to have really been caught in the blast. Ther est of the wave (3 more) have simply scattered to avoid damages
Prof (SRW): Nadia: "Why does something have to come up every time we try to resupply?"
Shaun (SRW mod): Eri: it'd be too easy for it not to happen.
Zappa: [Kincaid] The grappling wire works just fine,but rathere than reel, it charges. Striking out with the sword, you're caught up in a clash with the massive WAVE of beam that spearheads the mech itself. It's a deadlock (try something else/continue/retreat?)
Steam (SRW mod): Julia: "Everyone needs to resupply... it's an ideal spot to put up an ambush if you're pirates!"
Knux (SRW): Hana: "I hate to admit it, but... she's right."
Steam (SRW mod): "Um... no offense to present parties."
Salsa (SRW): Sora sighs as she makes it aboard Desu Ituski and makes to launch. "Because there's no way anything we do can ever be easy?"
Zappa: (Hana, Eri: BE THE DESU)
Shaun (SRW mod): Eri: Gonna set it up. Spike this Hana!
Knux (SRW): Hana: "Mou! Right!"
Shaun (SRW mod): *Activating the Prism Chains, she fired off a salvo of them, hoping to wrap around as many as possible as she yanked, pulling the mechas towards her as she hurled them at Hana, hoping she'd follow up!+
Eric (SRW): *X-1 pulls out a beam saber with its free hand and pushes at the enemy with both blades, jumping to the side afterwards and slashing again!+
Zappa: ( (Link: http://srwug-alpha-rp.livejournal.com/302638.html)http://srwug-alpha-rp.livejournal.com/302638.html Combat log for people not in the mission )
Knux (SRW): *And as Eri goes to launching the mecha at Hana, she follows up wonderfully, spiking the Pez like volleyballs at some of the others+
Zappa: [Eri] Many of your foes are more intent on the ship itself, rather than the individual units! Despite the spray of chains, only two are caught and are pulled towards you. However, they right themselves and turn this into a charge against you! (react)
Shaun (SRW mod): Eri: Heh, so you wanna play like that, huh? FINE! PREDESU IMPACT!
Shaun (SRW mod): *And she's going to shove two giant blasts of energy right in the Pez's faces, as big as they are!+
Zappa: [Kincaid] The combined force of two beam sabers disrupts the one beam wave on the Pez, and the slash goes right through! All's left is to reel in that chain.
Zappa: (Hana may want to redirect her action as the enemies did not play along as planned)
Knux (SRW): (Derp, right...!)
Knux (SRW): Hana: Well, it looks like that plan didn't work out! *Wanting to keep those things away from the ship, she rushes one, intending on kicking it into a group of others. Hard+
Zappa: [Eri] The two blasts of energy catch the Pezs in flight. One eats it like he's starving, the other is but inches from cutting into the Noir's hand before it's shut down and engulfed
Shaun (SRW mod): Eri: Well that's annoying.
Zappa: [Hana] As you make your charge at one, it doesn't change direction or speed. Heck, since you're coming at it head on, there's that huge beam wave at the front to contend with, and it contends to take your leg off in the process! It's already getting into the foot (react)
Zappa: (Sora, Julia)
Steam (SRW mod): (What? No "BE THE IRGELIONS!"?"
*** magimecha has joined the conversation.
Doggie (SRW): Meh, BRB again. #road*
magimecha: ((Where were we?))
Steam (SRW mod): At any rate, Julia's perfectly equipped for this sort of crowd control thing, and the Corona charges at the Pezs! "It's amazing! It handles even better in space!"
*** Knux (SRW) has left the conversation.
Steam (SRW mod): * But to start off, the Corona levels its railgun at the mooks, and firing off some scattershot to thin out their ranks!+
magimecha: Hana: "AHHHH!" *Hana tries to stop the kick and redirect it and herself, pushing away+ Stupid, stupid....!
Salsa (SRW): *Sora wastes no time, launching and heading out into space, summoning the Itsuki Tambourine to her hand and holding it out in front of her.. "I don't have time to play with you today. Get out of my way, or I'll remove you! Itsuki Flash!" And the now-familiar bright golden ball moves out into space, heading for a Pez Batara, as Sora moves to cover the Corona just in case.+
*** Akino (SRW) has joined the conversation.
magimecha: ((YES THEY ARE))
Shaun (SRW mod): Eri: Hey Sora, when was the last time we sortied together? The three of us I mean.
Salsa (SRW): Sora blinks, not that Eri can see. "...HAVE we all sortied together?"
Zappa: [Julia] Despite that the beam waves are great against beams and your face, they can't hold up to the velocity that is a railgun. One shot soars right through the Pez's face, while another proceeds to rip the arm off another!
Steam (SRW mod): Julia grins.
magimecha: Hana: "I... I don't think we have..."
Steam (SRW mod): "Don't underestimate kinetic weaponry! This machine's Mr. Herrera's legacy!"
Zappa: [Hana] The Pez still manages to take the foot off the Blanc, but, what's a foot for in space?
magimecha: Foot might be taken off in space is one thing, but the yelp coming from Hana due to the wonders of feedback, well...
Shaun (SRW mod): Coffret: Activating Blanc remote regeneration system. ETA to repair, 10 minutes.
Zappa: [Sora] The large golden ball is about to get it's target, but the Pez veers off, only to lose half it's body instead... the Cockpit manages, but the rest of the machine isn't going to work out at all.
Zappa: (Team Gundam! Action!)
*** Mist3r (SRW) has left the conversation.
Prof (SRW): * Taking a look at what the Pez's are armed with, Nadia boosts around to the side, trying to flank the enemies as she opens fire with a barrage from her beam cannons. +
Shaun (SRW mod): Eri: is it just me, or do these guys have beamsabers for faces?
magimecha: Hana: "I wish I knew that earlier..."
Shaun (SRW mod): Eri: Meh, it happens.
Steam (SRW mod): Julia: "It's a cheap place to locate them..."
Eric (SRW): *The X-1 fires a scissor anchor at another Pez Batara, and if it manages to get a good grip it swings it around, slamming into another enemy Mobile Suit with enough force to disable, not destroy both.+
Steam (SRW mod): "I mean, if they get hit in the face they're gone anyways. So why waste giving them arms?"
Shaun (SRW mod): Eri: Just wondering, cause if they're all going with the whole ramming speed damn the hatches, we could just simply spam the field with AOE.
magimecha: Hana: "M-Maybe there's more to them than what we know?"
Zappa: [Nadia] The beams slam into a beam shield the Pez turns on! However after the second shot, the shield shuts off, and the third takes the arm off completely! Turning toward, the Pez unleashes six missiles at the Freya (react)
*** Tengu (SRWmod) has left the conversation.
Salsa (SRW): Sora: "Maybe it's so they can grapple or something?"
*** Tengu (SRWmod) has joined the conversation.
Shaun (SRW mod): Eri: Oh missiles. That's fun.
Zappa: [Kincaid] Getting grappled is just as easy as the last time. And the Pez tries the same tactic as the others; charging forward. However, swinging it around this time, it only increases the centrifugal force that has the two Pez crash into eachother's arms and sending both mecha flying. The X1 is left spinning however (re..act?)
Steam (SRW mod): # (Nadia)
Zappa: (approv'd)
magimecha: Hana: "Maybe I can..." And there's a facepalm, from both Hana and the Blanc. "...oh, I left that bow gun I made back on the Tsubomi!"
Steam (SRW mod): Julia: "I got these Nadia!"
Shaun (SRW mod): Eri: Damn, well that's one thing we're down.
Steam (SRW mod): * It's rare that she's rolled out the Corona's chaffs, but they're still there! And from missile tubes on the machine's back a pair of gray rockets shoot out to the area between Gundam Freya and the missiles and explode, covering the area in targeting system-scrambling interferance!+
Salsa (SRW): Sora: "Bad time for it, Hana, but we'll have to make do!"
Zappa: [Julia] And it's a success! The missiles start to veer off course and go every-freakin-way! However, because they're just sent out ANYwhere, this puts Sora in danger of a stray misile (react: Sora)
Steam (SRW mod): Julia: "Have you even tested it in battle?"
Prof (SRW): # Sora
Eric (SRW): *The pilot tries to regain control, but does a pretty bad job at it because of the condition he's in at the moment!+
Steam (SRW mod): Aaaand then Julia's eyes open wide
Steam (SRW mod): "OH MY GOD, SORA, DODGE!"
magimecha: Hana: "...no. Not really...SORA!"
Salsa (SRW): (No need.)
Prof (SRW): (OK.)
Steam (SRW mod): "Sorry sorry sorry!!!"
Shaun (SRW mod): Eri: It's okay she's got this!
Salsa (SRW): *Three screams are probably enough; she'll notice the incoming missile since she was ready to cover Julia anyway. "Itsuki Protection!" And a nice big yellow wall slams into being right in front of the Itsuki.+
Zappa: [Sora] It's not a warhead or anything, so the missile explodes against the wall; worst that happens is the Itsuki is shaken from the resulting asplode
Prof (SRW): Nadia: "That was close."
Zappa: From the far side of the colony a huge crab-like mobile armor zips around into view. Seemingly in far more free in it's orders the giant enemy crab-MA thrusts out a claw and snatches up the X1! (REACT!)

Steam (SRW mod): Julia is looking a bit sheepish. "... Maybe some more practice with those things is for the best."
Zappa: ((New enemy: Grangrijo (Link: http://images.wikia.com/gundam/images/2/20/Ema-03.jpg)http://images.wikia.com/gundam/images/2/20/Ema-03.jpg ))
((Enemy count: Grangrijo x1, Pez Batara x11
Shaun (SRW mod): #Kincaid
Zappa: (denied)
magimecha: Hana: "What is that?! It's... it's like a crab!"
Prof (SRW): Nadia: "Its a mobile armor!"
Shaun (SRW mod): Eri: someone's ripping off Dita.
Salsa (SRW): The shield fades as Sora brings the Itsuki out of the smoke cloud. "Yeah, careful with those, Julia- wait, what's that?"
Steam (SRW mod): Julia: "That's... well it makes sense for space battle."
Eric (SRW): *The X-1 tries to get away from the claw, slashing at it with its beam zanber! +
Zappa: [Kincaid] Despite that the X1 excells at this close range stuff, the armor on that arm is pretty damn thick, and you're only leaving gashes into the arm, rather than severing it all at once. From the "left eye" of the crab, it looks to be one heck of a huge canon, and from the bulge of energy and light coming from it, looks like your'e about to eat it!
Tengu (SRWmod): Tobia: "Aaahhh! Damnit! Help!"
magimecha: Hana: "...what the...?!"
Zappa: (HEY! Wait a minute, Tobia's not on the field here... ... ...)
Tengu (SRWmod): Tobia's voice is coming from inside the X-1.
Shaun (SRW mod): Eri: Waaaaaiiiittt...
magimecha: Hana: "T-Tobia?! What are you...?! Where are...?!"
Eric (SRW): Kincaid: *dammit...* "Clear the launch deck, I'm deploying in the Core Fighter!"
Steam (SRW mod): Julia: "W-what's going on here?"
Eric (SRW): Kincaid: "I'll explain later!"
Tengu (SRWmod): Tobia is currently a little bit too busy trying to survive to answer questions.
Zappa: (Kincaid, deploy! The X1 is finna eat particle canon!)
Eric (SRW): Kincaid: "Tobia! Eject the core fighter!"
Salsa (SRW): "You're not...! Oh, that's not important now!" Sora starts wondering where to begin with taking out this thing.
Tengu (SRWmod): Tobia: "R, right!" He punches out quickly.
Zappa: During this mysterious turn of events, another mysterious turn of events!
ANOTHER thing decides it's going to burst forth from the colony! Perhaps... well, maybe that colony isn't even inhabited. But this new outburst even causes panic among the enemy!
Several newly deploying Pez's are wrecked in mid sortie!
Eric (SRW): *As the first core fighter ejects, a second one slams into the hole left behind in X-1's torso. Right away, the Gundam starts moving with much more grace and purpose than it had been, previously.
Zappa: A rather massive, human-looking machine pulls itself from within the colony, then stands tall atop it.

Shaun (SRW mod): Eri: Oh what now... [Warning systems began to blare]
magimecha: Hana: "What the...? Another?!"
Zappa: (THE REAL KINCAID, action! Tobia added to initative!
Zappa: ( (Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kO89SGiXhw0)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kO89SGiXhw0 )
DUNE: "Oho, isn't this amusing. The Endless are here after all. I just thought I would try and get your attention, but, here you are."

*** Arach (SRW) has left the conversation.
Shaun (SRW mod): Eri: ... DUNE! What the hell... why are you... how did you?!
magimecha: Hana: "!!! D-DUNE?"
Eric (SRW): *First thing's first, get out of this claw before he gets disintigrated. The X-1's brand markers activate and are aimed directly at the tiny gaps in the armor around the joints of the giant enemy crab's claw!+
Steam (SRW mod): Julia: "What the...?!?"
Salsa (SRW): Sora notices the warnings too, but isn't prepared for Eri's comment. "That's... DUNE!?"
Zappa: But, also meanwhile.. because things happen simultaneously, A few more Pez have happened to deploy and make a rather enraged beeline for the chalice, with Julia right in their path (react)
Steam (SRW mod): "DUNE? That guy you've been fighting?"
Shaun (SRW mod): Eri: The leader of the desert apostles... the enemy of all PreDesu... DUNE...
magimecha: Hana: "...th-that's him...?"
Zappa: (Dune) (Link: http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b253/Zappa_Slave/PreDesuDune.jpg
"Oho, isn't this amusing. The Endless are here after all. I just thought I would try and get your attention, but, here you are."
Shaun (SRW mod): Eri: it's a mecha designed to LOOK like him at least... but...
Shaun (SRW mod): Eri: Yeah... it's DUNe all right...
Steam (SRW mod): * Gah! No time for that though! Under attack by the Pez, Julia instead draws one of the Corona's HFM blade before releasing a blast of anti-beam gas! Those Pez are gonna be flying blind for a little bit, and Julia's gonna just that opportunity to tear into them!+
magimecha: There's something you're probably noticing with the Blanc - it's shaking. Hana's shaking and it's responding as well. She's in a major panic now. If he's the enemy of all PreDesu, then...
*** Herc (SRW) has left the conversation.
Zappa: [Kincaid] Easily, the brand marker crashes through the crab's claw, freeing you only seconds before a massive beam comes screaming out of the Crab's eye. However, said beam is one of those map-style attacks and the Freya is in the line of fire (react: Nadia)
Shaun (SRW mod): Eri: Calling us out or something, DUNE? Wakuseijou is nowhere near here.
Zappa: (Team Desu, action)
Shaun (SRW mod): Eri: [Private Channel to the others] The Desu's will handle DUNE. Focus on the enemies.
Zappa: DUNE: "But you two are. And if nothing is left to protect the Rainbow Jewel, I can take it any time I like."
Salsa (SRW): Sora glares at the machine. "Enemy of all PreDesu... here to wipe us out, then?" Internally though, she's wondering why he didn't mention Itsuki hanging out. Was she not worth the time in a Claimer-class unit?
Tengu (SRWmod): Tobia's ejected Core Fighter heads back to the Chalice, trying to avoid the battle.
Shaun (SRW mod): Eri: We won't let you get that chance! Hana, Sora, lets go!
Shaun (SRW mod): (Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OEo4GQQxxLA&feature=related)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OEo4GQQxxLA&feature=related
Tengu (SRWmod): Tobia: "I just wanted to get into the X-1..."
magimecha: Hana: "Th-that's where you're wrong! We'll stop you! W-We... we won't let you get it!" *With that, Hana thrusts forward, intending on kicking Dune's machine where the stomach is+
Shaun (SRW mod): *And firing her thrusters, Eri blazed towards DUNE, Noir bursting with power as she launched a powerful energy charged haymaker at his face!+
Zappa: [Julia] What's more is the gas disrupts the beam blades on the bodies as well! Completely blind and vunerable, the blade tears into one easily, the other losing an arm as it's beam shield fails as well!
Salsa (SRW): Sora: "You can't have the Rainbow Jewel! We'll take you down here and now!"
Steam (SRW mod): And now that those Pez are dealt with, Julia opens up a channel ot the Desus!
Steam (SRW mod): "Don't give up! His reputation's his greatest advantage over you... don't let him intimidate you no matter what!"
Prof (SRW): * Gundam Freya raises its shield and activates the reflector system! It may be a strain on the barrier, but hopefully at least some of the beam will be reflected back at the enemy, while keeping Nadia safe. +
Shaun (SRW mod): Eri: Not gonna let that happen! He wants the Rainbow Jewel, he'll have to go through us first!
Salsa (SRW): "We're not the kind of girls that give in to things like 'reputation' or 'expectations'. We'll take him down, Julia." Sora says this with a slight grin, ready to do whatever she can to join in.
magimecha: Hana: "W-We'll win... we'll come out on top! I know we will!"
Zappa: [Hana & Eri] Both kick and punch land square on the giant DUNE mecha. There's a dent in the body where both land but, he doesn't even flinch. Being, easily ,twice the size of the Desu's those massive hands just brush against the jacket-like covering on the machine before delivering a rapid spin kick-slash-backhand to both Desu's (React)
Zappa: DUNE: "Oh, I believe you actually left a mark. I'm surprised.
Shaun (SRW mod): *Eri throws up her arms to weather the impact, defending and curling into a ball. If successful, she'll return the favor by placing a double-headed kick into his face!+
magimecha: *It's too fast and all Hana can do is throw up her arms and hunch back, hoping to dull the blow.+
Shaun (SRW mod): Eri: We'll leave more than a mark, DUNE. We'll settle this here and now!
Shaun (SRW mod): Eri: Removing seals 1 through 15, authorization five five 2005. Eri Kurumu.
Zappa: [Both blows are blocked, but at the cost of weakening the arms. The impact sends them both out of a direct counter-attack range.
Zappa: (retyping with less stupid)
[Hana & Eri] Both blows are blocked, but at the cost of weakening the arms. The impact sends them both out of a direct counter-attack range.
magimecha: And Hana yelps as she's blown back, wincing at the feedback on the arms. "He's... he's strong...!"
Zappa: (???? May now enter combat and action with Team Irgelion)
Steam (SRW mod): (Enemy headcount?)
Shaun (SRW mod): (Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8REs80nFqJo&feature=related)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8REs80nFqJo&feature=related
*** Knux (SRW) has joined the conversation.
Prof (SRW): (result of my react?)
Zappa: ((Enemies: Red: Grangrijo (damaged) Pez Batara up to 13, 2 damaged
Other Red (orYellow): DUNE))
Zappa: (getting to nadia)
Steam (SRW mod): Julia glances back and forth between the Grangrijo and DUNE, at a loss for a moment before deciding!
Zappa: [Nadia] A huge canon like that won't completely reflect, but, much of it is redirected. Some of the beam is reflected, unexepctedly from the Grangrijo's pilot, and it eats into part of the damaged arm further. That reflector system probably won't be working after tanking that kind of attack though. Probably...
Steam (SRW mod): "Eri, Hana, Sora... don't think I won't help you... but for the moment that crab comes first!"
Knux (SRW): Hana: "We'll... we'll be fine... I hope..."
Salsa (SRW): *Sora gawks as Blanc and Noir are blown away. "He's strong...! Hold on, I'm going to go for it!" She sends the Itsuki into a forward charge, putting the Tambourine away for now, and tries to fly under DUNE for a melee attack run to distract him from the others.+
Salsa (SRW): Sora: "Don't worry about it! Leave this to us for now, and go help the others!"
Steam (SRW mod): * The Corona blasts towards the massive machine, its chest armor snapping open! "I hate to do this... but if it damages that mobile armor enough....!" As soon as she gets into range the Corona suddently halts and forms across with its body, right before Julia shouts out and the Corona's chest cannon fires, unleashing a massive beam blast at the crab!+
Prof (SRW): Nadia: "It burnt out the Reflector System in one shot?!"
Zappa: (TOBIA, what're you up to?)
Eric (SRW): Kincaid: "That gun's meant for dealing with capital ships!"
Eric (SRW): "I'm amazed that worked at all!"
*** magimecha has left the conversation.
Zappa: [Sora] DUNE's mecha does a rather elite priouette off the colony as Sora comes up from other it. Distracted he is but here comes that massive fist of his to meet with the Itsuki! The two fists collide which sends Itsuki slamming into the colony!
Tengu (SRWmod): Tobia's Core Fighter disappears inside the hangar, where he performs mysterious actions.
Tengu (SRWmod): (delaying initiative for later)
Zappa: (OH NO! Keep that mystery up for later
Knux (SRW): Hana: "SORA!"
Steam (SRW mod): Julia's joining Hana in that cry!
Steam (SRW mod): Dammit, this was her specialty!
Liz (SRW): *In a flash of light and rather remarkable speed comes through the horizon. Those familiar with it might be able to recognize either the mech or the pilot itself. Either way, she's determined to end this farce once and for all!
Zappa: [Sora] DUNE's mecha continues to smile as a rapid volley of punches comes laying down in both the colony AND The Itsuki. Everyone else can see the Colony actually moving down in space from the impact! (react)
Steam (SRW mod): She was a magic girl, not a soldier!
Shaun (SRW mod): Eri: Christ... do I need to fully activate the pow--what the hell...?!
Shaun (SRW mod): Eri stares at the newcomer...
Steam (SRW mod): Life was supposed to go easier on her now than it did at Konpei!
Liz (SRW): The mysterious mech stops just short of where the Desu Noir and Desu Blanc were before launching a rather impressive Floral Power Fortissimo at DUNE himself.

Liz (SRW): ????: I don't know how you managed to get here, but I promise you - you won't make it out of here scot free!+
Shaun (SRW mod): A... silver PreDesu!
Knux (SRW): Hana: "Wha...? A...Another PreDesu...?" And Hana's just going to stare in awe.
Shaun (SRW mod): Eri: It's the Tsukikage!
Steam (SRW mod): Julila: "The... the what?"
Salsa (SRW): Sora lets out a scream as she goes flying into the colony. There's silence before the Itsuki twitches. "That didn't... go as... no, I'm not gonna...!" Her eyes widen as the punches start coming... and then suddenly stop.
Knux (SRW): Hana: "Tsukikage... then... the one in it...!?"
Zappa: DUNE: "Useless little PreDESU... Just so useless"
Liz (SRW): ????: Say that to my face instead of being cowardly.
Zappa: (Dune was adressing Sora there)
Liz (SRW): ( Oh. Then rescind. )
Salsa (SRW): (Aye. Re-reacting.)
Shaun (SRW mod): Eri: The legendary PreDesu, second to Desu Flower, the one who has achieved the ultimate power of the PreDesus, Desu Tsukikage!
Zappa: (you don't have to)
Zappa: [????] Just before laying the last blow that would send the Itsuki into the colony, it's interupted by the Fortissimo wave which completely catches DUNE off guard!
Knux (SRW): Hana: "Oh, wow..."
Steam (SRW mod): Julia: "... W-wait... then where was she all this time then?"
Zappa: And DUNE eats it! But after ward, he only seems a little charred, but none much more damaged
Shaun (SRW mod): Eri: We... she was MIA... all this time...
Salsa (SRW): Sora grimaces, growling. "You... aren't going to kill me that easily...!"
Zappa: (Back to Julia now)

Shaun (SRW mod): (Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AgG2J2RiDgc&feature=plcp)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AgG2J2RiDgc&feature=plcp
Liz (SRW): ????: What Eri is saying is true. I hoped we wouldn't have to meet under circumstances like this, my successors.
Steam (SRW mod): (Already posted)
Steam (SRW mod): (Repost:) * The Corona blasts towards the massive machine, its chest armor snapping open! "I hate to do this... but if it damages that mobile armor enough....!" As soon as she gets into range the Corona suddently halts and forms across with its body, right before Julia shouts out and the Corona's chest cannon fires, unleashing a massive beam blast at the crab!+
Zappa: [Julia] The crab, when it's paying attention, is actually rather fast! Unfortunately, the pilot is more worried about DUNE, and it's controls than acctually paying attention, so by the time it moves, it's lost it's right arm and most of that side along wiht it. Still, barely functioning, though.
pilot: "These... these controls just aren't responding! Who designed this! I can't pilot this at all!"
Zappa: (You just got scrolled way back up I almsot called your turn again)
Zappa: (Team Gundam, now including Tobia!)
Eric (SRW): *The moment the particle beam clears the mobile armor, X-1 comes back down on it with a dagger kick backed up by full power verniers into the center of the emitter.+
Tengu (SRWmod): * "I'm back!" Tobia emerges from the hangar, soaring towards the battlefield in a new unit! It's the G-Saviour, but with a pirate flag on its head like a bandana, and another one attached to the beam saber handle on its back!
Tengu (SRWmod): (Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ebxKO3WaPk)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ebxKO3WaPk
*** Arach (SRW) has joined the conversation.
Prof (SRW): (enemy count?)
Tengu (SRWmod): *Tobia supports Kincaid by firing double gatling cannons at the giant enemy crab!+
Zappa: [Kincaid] The pilot, again, scrambles in a panic as this one Gundam was the cause of all it's problems! It tries to swipe at the X1 again, but lacks a hand to do so, meaning the X1 is completely FREE of being hit!
Tengu (SRWmod): Tobia: "You should retreat!"
Zappa: (Red: Grangrijo (severely damaged, almost useless) Pez Batara x13
Yellow (HellaRed): DUNE)
Steam (SRW mod): Julia: "You shouldn't pilot something without experience!"
Prof (SRW): * Leaving the robot crab monster to the Crossbones, Freya charges forward into melee range, bringing down a beam saber on the side of a Pez Batara! +
Tengu (SRWmod): Tobia: "Don't worry, the G-Saviour controls the same way as Cross Saviour! X-1 was very different!"
Zappa: [tobia] And that does it! What little operation the crab MA had left is shot to hell by that huge gune from the G Saviour! Better thank Mark forthat again later! After finally triggering several systems the pilot tries to eject, but... the MA explodes before he can get out (Kincaid,react to exploding MA)
Shaun (SRW mod): Eri: Man, this just keeps getting better and better. Where the heck were you, anyhow? [Meaning the Tsukikage pilot]
Steam (SRW mod): Julia: "I was more talking about the mobile armor pilot... mobile suits don't differ that much between each other."
Liz (SRW): ????: I apologize, I had other things to attend to.
Tengu (SRWmod): Tobia: "Ah, I s-gwah! It blew up!"
Eric (SRW): *X-1's verniers spin around to face backwards and turn up to full power, accelerating the Gundam away from the explosion!+
Shaun (SRW mod): Eri: I think we need to focus on DUNE now. These guys'll scatter as soon as he's down. I hope.
Steam (SRW mod): Julia winces from the explosion. "... Hopefully now that the crab's done with."
Zappa: [Nadia] Easily, or heck, just from observing, she gets to the side that isn't armed with a beam shield. Before the Pez can turn around, it eats beam saber and goes down with a bang!
Liz (SRW): ????: I couldn't have said it better myself.
Zappa: (TEAM DESU, now including the un-introduced ????)
Shaun (SRW mod): Eri: Still got the HANDs set up, there pilot? Lets do this!
Salsa (SRW): Sora's getting back up by now, the Itsuki and POTPOURRI screaming damage at her. "It's all we can hope for, right? Smash the big thing until it falls. Same as we always do."
Knux (SRW): Hana: "Mmn... we won't lose... it's not the PreDesus you fight now, DUNE, you deal with the White Chalice altogether!"
Shaun (SRW mod): *And Eri will blaze forward, blazing forward as she cupped her hands and fired a arcing beam towards DUNE, keeping her distance!+
Knux (SRW): *With that, Hana's pushing forward again, looking like she's going for another kick to the stomach, but pulling up and aiming that kick for DUNE's chin+
Liz (SRW): ????: I should, yes. *She's not willing to show it, but she's pretty beat up and exhausted from her previous sortie. Still, she gears herself up for another round, aiming a swift punch at DUNE.+
Eric (SRW): Kincaid: "Okay that's one dealt with."
Eric (SRW): X-1 spins around to face off against this DUNE character.
Shaun (SRW mod): (Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OEo4GQQxxLA&feature=related)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OEo4GQQxxLA&feature=related
Zappa: [Hana & Eri] Dune has to contend with the two attacks again, but this time coordinated well enough that he can't dodge both at once! While he makes a rather graceful spin around the beam, the rising kick catches him under the chin, knocking his head upward! But he rolls wiht it, turning the momentum into a flipping kick into the Blanc's face! (react Hana)
Steam (SRW mod): #
Salsa (SRW): #?
Knux (SRW): Hana: "Woah!" *Hana tries to block the attack by bringing her hands down to punch it back+
Zappa: [????] Since there is no UP in space while Dune is 'inverted' he meets the new DESU's punch with one of his own, then, another; a rapid volley of punches like someone took a page from Araki! (react ????)
Zappa: (Julia approved)
Salsa (SRW): (Drop old #, # for ????)
*** Akino (SRW) has left the conversation.
Steam (SRW mod): * She doesn't have much a charge after that big beam cannon, but she's still gotta try! "Raiglun... fire!" The Corona shoots another blast at DUNE's leg to hopefully take it off!+
*** Akino (SRW) has joined the conversation.
Zappa: (Defending ???? approved)
[Julia] The shot soars through space and punches through DUNE's mechanical leg, but, it only just knocks it off course, still catching the Black on it's elbow. That arm won't move properly now, not from the elbow down. Hand's fine though
Knux (SRW): Hana: "AH! Ow...!" Stupid feedback...! "Th-thanks, Julia..."
Steam (SRW mod): Julia: "It took a railgun shot like that..."
Steam (SRW mod): Still, she nods. "It's fine, Hana. We just need to keep at it!"
Salsa (SRW): *The Itsuki dashes through space, reaching DUNE just in time. "Careful there! Itsuki Aegis!" Sora's voice calls out as the sunflower shield springs into being just in front of the barrage. "I don't know how long this will hold... get out of there!"+
Tengu (SRWmod): Tobia: "Is this guy really powerful enough to challenge so many ace pilots alone?"
Shaun (SRW mod): Eri: He's final boss material, Tobia. This guy sent everything at the PreDesus, from Nightmare to Dark Fall
Steam (SRW mod): Julia: "It wouldn't be the first time..."
Tengu (SRWmod): Tobia: "But we beat him last time, right? It won't be different now!"
Knux (SRW): Hana: "...I'm starting to miss that beast we fought back at the Park..."
*** Terra (SRW) has left the conversation.
Eric (SRW): Kincaid: "One person can't stand up to an army. Even if he can beat any one of us, together we can keep the pressure up until he slips."
Shaun (SRW mod): Eri was silent at that. No one had beaten DUNE. Ever.
Liz (SRW): *The pilot seems a little stunned, but she keeps her ground. She swerves around to DUNE's back and tries to aim a kick targeted for his back. She knows that DUNE is powerful and has left his impression
Liz (SRW): on her.+
Shaun (SRW mod): Eri was also loathe to say it, but DUNE was probably toying with them too. Last time he and Flower fought... she had fought mecha to SS-Class Unit. And it was a stalemate.
Zappa: [Sora] For a second, DUNE keeps punching the shield, impacting it and pushing the Itsuki back a good bit. Bringig it's other leg up, it completes it's precious kicking rotation by bringing the foot down over the Itsuki's head/shield, sending her back down towards the colony, but with noticably less impact than last time
Shaun (SRW mod): #Sora
Zappa: (Denied. Setting things up)
Zappa: [????] DUNE manage to take the kick inthe back, denting the metal of the machine. Turning around, backhands the DESU like a man asking for his money. In the same motion, it makes a small retreat, the machine still wearing that creepy stoic smile that most madmen wear.
Zappa: [EVERYONE] DUNE's machine holds it's hand out, and a small black sphere forms in it's hand. All at once, the thing sphere implodes on itself before bursting outward in a massive ball of light! (REACT to MAPW)
Shaun (SRW mod): Eri: SHIT!
Knux (SRW): Hana: "NO!" *And Hana's gonna do her best to dodge like hell!+
Shaun (SRW mod): *Eri throws up a shield, as much as she can muster as she backpedals.+
Steam (SRW mod): * And the Corona's already firing backward with all speed! TIME TO GRAZE LIKE NEVER BEFORE!+
Liz (SRW): ????: ...Dammit all! *The Desu Tsukikage's thrusters go into overdrive as she activates her already damaged shield.+
Prof (SRW): * There's no dodging a raw explosion like that, so it's a good thing that Nadia's among the enemy! Thinking fast, she tries to grab a nearby Pez and use it as a second shield. +
Steam (SRW mod): ... She's also starting to feel jealous that the Solstice has a shiled.
Tengu (SRWmod): *Tobia: "Oh damn! He's exploding too!" He puts thrusters at full speed back, and holds the beam shield in front of himself for protection while retreating!+
Eric (SRW): Kincaid dodges into the debris field left by the giant enemy crab, hoping the chunks of armor and dust left over from that fight absorbs enough of the blow that the anti-beam cape can weather the rest!+
*** Doggie (SRW) has left the conversation.
Eric (SRW): *+
Salsa (SRW): The kick indeed sends her back into the colony, back first; Sora cries out again when she makes impact, and it's a longer wait before she starts moving again, coughing for a moment. Then her eyes are lit by the incoming weapon, and she forces her aching body to move. "Itsuki... Aegis... Impact!" She throws out a shield, and pushes it forward at the same time toward the source of DUNE's blast, assuming there's nothing allied in the way.+
Steam (SRW mod): Julia: "Sora, a-are you crazy?!?"
Steam (SRW mod): Honestly, she's not sure if Sora's doing the crazy thing or the sensible thing
Knux (SRW): Hana: "Sora, don't!"
Salsa (SRW): Sora: "I'm a protector. It's the only thing I'm good at. Let me do my job...!"
Salsa (SRW): She DOES back off a little, though.
Shaun (SRW mod): Eri has a moment to look towards the others at least, being the closest anyhow.
Zappa: For for what it's worth, nobody's killed by the blast, except for all but 2 Pez Bataras who are missing half of the machines. Eri, Nadia, and Tobia barely weather through, but, each machine is worn. Hana, Julia, ????, and Kincaid take a fair amounto f damage to the legs while retreating but... nothing that being in space will affect. Sora disappears for her efforts.
Actually, Sora was just pushed INSIDE the colony from the impact and the fact the hull was damaged. She's actually fine, but Itsuki's legs aren't; one legs is crumpled
Zappa: (sorry, had to calculate that all)
Shaun (SRW mod): Eri: urgh... everyone okay?
Eric (SRW): Kincaid: "Nothing major"
Steam (SRW mod): Julia's breathing a sigh of relief as she brings up a diagnostic about the Corona's legs.
Steam (SRW mod): "Thrusters are still functioning, that God!"
Steam (SRW mod): "... But Sora!"
Steam (SRW mod): "Sora, are you alright?!?"
Salsa (SRW): There's radio silence yet again from Sora. Then: "I am getting so tired of this colony."
Liz (SRW): ????: I'm....fine. *She breathes heavily, her hands gripping her controls momentarily while she's refocusing her energy.+
Shaun (SRW mod): Eri was silent as her machine warbled alarms. She reached over and pressed a button, silencing them.
Shaun (SRW mod): Eri: Hana...
Knux (SRW): Hana: "Owowow... E-Eri?"
Shaun (SRW mod): Eri: I'm fully unlocking the Endless.
Tengu (SRWmod): Tobia: "I'm okay, but that might be not for long if Mark finds me...!"
Shaun (SRW mod): Eri: I... I don't know what'll happen. But...
Knux (SRW): Hana: "Huh?"
Shaun (SRW mod): And her hand reaches for Hana's, grasping it firmly.
Knux (SRW): CHYPrE: "You're WHAT?!"
Shaun (SRW mod): COFFRET: It's too dangerous!
Shaun (SRW mod): Eri: We have no choice! DUNE'll kill us if we don't!
Shaun (SRW mod): Eri: So... repeat after me, Hana!
Knux (SRW): Hana: "...R-Right!"
Steam (SRW mod): Julia: "W-wait... what's going on?!?"
Shaun (SRW mod): And grasping her hand, she smiled for a moment.
Shaun (SRW mod): Eri: DUAL AURORA WAVE!
Shaun (SRW mod): (Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YFHZCqsgkzQ&feature=relmfu)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YFHZCqsgkzQ&feature=relmfu
Salsa (SRW): The Itsuki drifts out of the colony again, now with a lame leg and a groan. "I'll be fine, I think... wait, you're what!? Eri, wait, you'll-" She bites her lip and dashes as fast as she can push the Itsuki in its damaged state.
Shaun (SRW mod): In a powerful slam of light, rainbow energy fountained from the depths of space and engulphed everything in a blaze of light!
Eric (SRW): Kincaid: *quietly* I'm gonna have so many questions once we're done here...
Shaun (SRW mod): As one, the two Desu's are engulfed in rainbow power as Eri and Hana are unlocked fully.
Tengu (SRWmod): Tobia: *shielding his eyes* "Argh! Everyone keeps blowing up in this battle!"
Shaun (SRW mod): Eri: Infinite power, Defender of the right, PREDESU NOIR!
Knux (SRW): Hana: "Infinite power, Defender of the right, PREDESU BLANC!"
Knux (SRW): This power... this is the full power of the Endless? It's... AMAZING!
Shaun (SRW mod): Now empowered by Infinite Power, Eri exclaims something:
Shaun (SRW mod): Eri: Everyone, lets do this!
Salsa (SRW): Sora shields her eyes as she approaches... and can do nothing but stop and gasp. "They're... they actually did it. Noir and Blanc..." She narrows her eyes. "Roger. Let's go!"
Liz (SRW): ????: Infinite power, Defender of the right, PREDESU TSUKIKAGE!
Zappa: (Everyone, action like you've never action'd before!)
Knux (SRW): Hana: "...it's over, DUNE. You made your biggest mistake coming here! I'm Nanohana Himesaki. I am a PreDesu. I AM NOT A SOLDIER, I AM A HERO! AND I'LL PROVE IT TODAY!"
Eric (SRW): *From the debris left by the explosion, something wrapped in anti beam cloak comes hurtling at DUNE from behind!-
Salsa (SRW): Sora: "Infinite power, Defender of the right, PREDESU ITSUKI!"
Steam (SRW mod): Julia's kinda irked a little by that line, Hana.
Shaun (SRW mod): *Eri holds out her hand, power gathering as she held hands with Hana. "EXTREME...!"
Zappa: [Kincaid] While Dune was watching this little rainbowdisplay of power, he catches this moving thing out of the corner of his eye, and turns around to smack the thing like so many tiny flies in space! (continue)
Eric (SRW): *The cloak is wrapped around not a gundam, but simply a large chunk of armor left over fromth the crab! It's a diversion! Moments later, and from another direction entirely, the actual Crossbone Gundam is suddenly visible as the Beam Zanber activates at full power just in time for a huge diagonal slash at DUNE's neck!+
Knux (SRW): *Hana takes hold of Eri's hand and holds out her hand as well. "LUMINARO!"+ (Finish it up for me, Shaun)
Prof (SRW): * Stowing the beam saber, Gundam Freya draws its shinny new beam rifle, sets the shield into assault mode, and lays down an avalanche of beams at DUNE! +
Shaun (SRW mod): *A massive golden heart appears as it exploded into thunderous golden power as a literal torrent of it blazed towards DUNE, joining with the other attacks, twisting around and soaring right for him!+
Steam (SRW mod): * Still, the Corona's got some fight in it and the machine blasts straight at DUNE. "You didn't hit me quite hard enough... and now you're going to pay for this!" HFM blades slash out, Julia planting one of them in the joints of DUNE's leg before breaking off! The microwave radiation will finish him off!+
Tengu (SRWmod): * "Can't let the magical girls get all the glory! Eat this, the power of Crossbone Vanguard's latest mobile suit, Gross Saviour!" Tobia charges at DUNE, holding the dual-layer physical/beam shield in one hand and the pile bunker rifle in the other! He slams the former into the distracted enemy and then stabs with the latter's bayonet, and presses the trigger repeatedly!+
Liz (SRW): *It seems that the pilot is smiling at the sheer power and teamwork of the PreDesus and she joins in the fray, sending a sheer magnified beam of power right for DUNE. She's not going to go quietly through this and it shows
Liz (SRW): with her renewed vigor towards fighting.+
Salsa (SRW): *Sora joins in with a focused beam of Itsuki Flash of her own, knowing missiles just don't feel right here what with all the other beamspam. She's still gawking at the Luminario's power, though!+
Zappa: [Everyone] The X1's slash to DUNE's neck, the heavy avalanche of beamspam from Nadia, a pile-bunker assault from Tobia leave DUNE sufficiently pissed off and distractedd from what the DESU's are doing. Julia's attakc on his leg prevents him from beating the three Gundams away!
Before DUNE can even knock any of the units away, a rainbow array of magical energy hell crashes through DUNE's chest, causing it to blister up. It's face actually emotes surprise before the rest of the machine boils from internal magical comraderie which finishes the machine off in a glorious blast of Desu (Gundams and Prominence armors, escape the blast!)
Eric (SRW): *X-1 escapes the blast!+
Prof (SRW): * Too much relying on the assault shield at this point is probably a bad idea. Freya turns tail and boosts away as fast as it can go! +
Steam (SRW mod): * For a bit of extra speed, the Corona kicks off fo DUNE before jetting away!+
Eric (SRW): With extra haste, since it no longer has the cape to protet it
Tengu (SRWmod): * Tobia dashes away on the space frame's thrusters!+
Zappa: After the blast, only scrap metal remains drifting in space, and a few huge holes in the colony which, from looks on the inside, was deserted loooooong ago.
Zappa: FISSION MAILED! You failed to be resupplied!
Zappa: But, MISSION COMPLETE as you've taken out DUNE, foe to the DESU's Earth Sphere-wide
Steam (SRW mod): And at that, Julia grins.
Steam (SRW mod): "... Scratch one more serious villain off the list."
Knux (SRW): Hana: "We... we did it... we won... WE DID IT! WE REALLY DID IT!" And Hana's gonna grab Eri in a tight hug
Tengu (SRWmod): Tobia: "See? Called it!"
Salsa (SRW): As the light clears, Sora smiles. "We... we did it... we actually did it! We defeated DUNE! I can't believe it, we...!" She's too happy to say much else, but she's stuck somewhere between elated and laughing out loud.
Prof (SRW): Nadia: "It's gonna be rough going until we can get to the next resupply station, though..."
Steam (SRW mod): Julia: "Well... push come to shove we can always just go back to Earth, right?"
Shaun (SRW mod): Eri: Yeah... it's... finally over now I... yeah...
Steam (SRW mod): "I mean, how much trouble can the Tower be in right now?"
Zappa: EXTRA EXP AND PP for Nadia for realizing the reality of the situation!
Shaun (SRW mod): And she'll happily hug her.
Tengu (SRWmod): Tobia: "Oh yeah, that might be a problem..." Now he thinks about what Berah might have to say about all this. "And not the only one."
Liz (SRW): *After the smoke clears from the attacks, the Desu Tsukikage and the pilot seems to be fine until the lights inside turn off, the mech abruptly shuts down and the pilot slumps forward, collapsing due to
Liz (SRW): exhaustion and all the previous wounds she acquired.+
Eric (SRW): Kincaid: "That was almost a disaster. Whew."
Eric (SRW): Kincaid: "Oh yeah...Berah..." *Mental cringe. This is gonna be ugly*
Knux (SRW): Hana: "...Ah!" And Hana's going to pull away and head for the other Desu. "A-Are you alright? P-Please, answer!"
Shaun (SRW mod): Eri floats over towards Tsukikage, wrapping it into a shoulder grasp as she pulls her away towards the Chalice.
Salsa (SRW): "Hey, aren't you glad we- hey, you all right?" Sora moves over to the Tsukikage. "Answer me...!"
Shaun (SRW mod): Eri: We're going to need a medic for her.
Tengu (SRWmod): Tobia: "I'll tell her it was your idea, okay Kincaid?"
*** Prof (SRW) has left the conversation.
Eric (SRW): Kincaid: "What!? You were the one who wanted to pilot a real gundam!"
Steam (SRW mod): Julia: "Right... I'll let them Ayame and co. know about it then."
Liz (SRW): *Good luck trying to wake her up, Desus. She's out cold and, yes, Eri. She needs a medic.+
Tengu (SRWmod): Tobia: "Well, that's true, but..." Yeah, he's not looking forward to this.
*** Aero (SRW) has left the conversation.
*** Shaun (SRW mod) has left the conversation.
*** Salsa (SRW) has left the conversation.
*** Knux (SRW) has left the conversation.
*** Steam (SRW mod) has left the conversation.
*** Raptor (SRW) has left the conversation.
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