Mission 091: Ein stuck der Holle

Jun 23, 2012 20:41

Shaun (6:24:29 PM): Gentlemen and ladies. After the highly crazy time spent in Neo France, the White Chalice has parked itself near a trading station for supplies.
Shaun (6:25:18 PM): Endorsed by Neo-Germany, the trading station Verurteilt is floating in space, ready to dispense supplies to you all. What are you all doing right now?
lionel boyd "bokanon" johnson (6:25:59 PM): Resnick: /jamming out to Shostakovich, making really embarrassing air-conducting motions
HyprKnux 1 (6:26:16 PM): For the moment, Christine's trying to ignore the stray thoughts about what happened a few weeks ago
VJockey (6:26:30 PM): Luger: [As per his Modus Operandi. Looking high and low for cigarettes - his favorite brand. The Neo-French had a habit of making theirs too light.] ....
arachnion01@gmail.com (6:27:52 PM): Charles is enjoying the nice, relaxing view of space that is not close to Neo-France.
Overman Zappa (6:28:10 PM): Mark isn't actually doing anything. He was thinking about something with plants, but then he'd gotten sidetracked as he has, lately, been tripping on this whole inconsistency with the federation and Zeon not being clear cut good or bad guys
Corel Corel (6:29:24 PM): Laura's sharpening one of her combat knives; not saying a word.
Corel Corel (6:29:41 PM): She kinda looks like one Hugo Stiglitz doing that...
Shaun (6:31:00 PM): At that moment, there is a loud conversation nearby. Maybe you should check it out Luger, as one of the security men is talking with someone new who was moving a bunch of crates over.
Shaun (6:31:25 PM): Rad the Security Guard: I don't care if these are important, you can't bring it on without a pass dude...
VJockey (6:33:18 PM): Luger: ... [felt... a tremor run through his body... he didn't know why.] ...der holle? [Luger was finding himself drifting closer to the conversation... but it felt like a ice cold knife was traoiling along his spine with each step closer.]
Shaun (6:33:20 PM): While Luger's attending to that, Mark, while you're thinking about plants there's a familiar figure watching you from afar. He seems to be hiding, not very well but observing you.
Shaun (6:33:44 PM): There's a obvious way he's hunched over, like a tremendous pressure is weighing on him.
lionel boyd "bokanon" johnson (6:33:50 PM): [about what time is it btw?]
Shaun (6:34:00 PM): (we're saying about a quarter to six)
Shaun (6:34:40 PM): Meanwhile, Rad is arguing with the men who are moving crate after crate onto the ship. Each one of them are stamped with biohazard symbols with German scrawled across the sides.
Fri Freeman (6:35:18 PM): Suddenly, something touched luger's back!
Overman Zappa (6:35:28 PM): Mark isn't sure who, or what's watching him, so he starts looking around. It's not like it's a newtype sensation, just... a creepy feeling
VJockey (6:35:59 PM): Luger:.... !!!! GOTT!!! [Luger swings around, hand to the holster of his pistol to see-]
Fri Freeman (6:36:08 PM): Elena: Senior Luger! Is that really you!?
Shaun (6:36:37 PM): Mark, your mystery observer makes a tch noise, and turns to run back down the hall. But he's making the mistake of wearing heeled boots. CLANK CLANK they go. When you look, it's a familiar face with a hint of madness in his eyes.
Fri Freeman (6:36:38 PM): Elena: I know you're still alive!
VJockey (6:37:44 PM): Luger:... [Now THAT caught him off guard.] Elena? [His remaining eye was pretty wide. He was sure everyone was dead.] Gott.. of COURSE you'd still be alive. [His one eye rolls.] And I know I'm still alive. I'm not rotting now am I?
Shaun (6:38:51 PM): It's at this moment that Rad the Security Guy has gotten into a loud shouting match with the men. He's pointing at the crates and goes to open one of them. Luger, you should feel a sharp pressure build when the crate is pried open...!
Overman Zappa (6:39:35 PM): Mark makes a weak attempt to pursue but... it's not like it's that imperative. The guy's left now. He just... has to kinda... mind his back now.. Maybe he'll head back to the Chalice where it's a good deal safer.
Shaun (6:40:08 PM): Good idea Mark. You're parked in the back hangar, considering there was no room for the G3 in the main one. Get to it.
VJockey (6:40:30 PM): Luger:.... [Jerked at the sensation. This wasn't just pressure. This was the feeling of icy needles being stabbed all over his body. The feeling of absolute dread and terror. Something was whispering un-words into his mind and gnawing at his very heart. The world practically slowed down as he turned to face the opening crate.]
Shaun (6:40:57 PM): It is at this moment that Rad exclaims something that should be horrifying for everyone in sight.
Shaun (6:41:10 PM): Rad: Dude! It looks like grated evil meat in here--AUGH!
Overman Zappa (6:41:18 PM): Mark goes ->> thatta way. The safety of his Gundam is gonna feel nice for a bit.
Fri Freeman (6:41:39 PM): Elena: You're not rotting, but don't worry senior luger, rotting will just add good accent for your skin tone
Shaun (6:41:56 PM): It's at that moment that a tentacle bursts free from the contents, and slams right through Rad's chest, a gaping mouth filled with teeth made up of broken glass and steel at the end of it. And in its jaws is the dead security guy's heart which it just tore out of it!
Peter Kampschroeder (6:42:07 PM): "…?" That gets Charles to look away from the station window. And awww shit.
lionel boyd "bokanon" johnson (6:42:08 PM): resnick: He's heard the magic words: "Luger" and "What's that?". He pops the other earbud out and takes off towards the commotion. This is gonna be bad for Chalice, whatever it is
HyprKnux 1 (6:42:20 PM): Christine: "...wh-what the hell?!"
Shaun (6:42:40 PM): Lifting the poor man up, a wall of metal and flesh starts pouring out of the box as an alarm rings out and gunfire is heard.
lionel boyd "bokanon" johnson (6:42:52 PM): [where are our mecha?]
VJockey (6:42:56 PM): Luger: Elena.... [He turns around, forces her to turn around, then grabs her arm.] RUN!!! SHIESSE! ALL OF YOU RUN!!!
Shaun (6:43:28 PM): Yes, everyone run. There's security guards laying down their lives, as many of them are dying, tentacles ripping people in half, spraying blood and throwing people through walls!
fenrirarma (6:43:49 PM): Chibodee finally comes back with a tray worth of food. "Hey! I'm not sure if the food here is good or not bu- WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!" And immediately drops it.
Corel Corel (6:43:52 PM): Gunfire's always bad...and that'd be enough to get Laura's attention, at the cost of a slight cut on her finger.
HyprKnux 1 (6:44:08 PM): Christine: And Christine is running. My god, she is running! "Run! Get going! PLEASE!"
Peter Kampschroeder (6:44:12 PM): Charles is equipping the RRC and laying down some covering fire for the rest of those who are fleeing. Today is not a good day.
Fri Freeman (6:44:30 PM): Elena runs following Luger
lionel boyd "bokanon" johnson (6:44:44 PM): Resnick: "Neg. You may run but I will not." He raises his needler and fires into the mass, consequences be damned. Someone pull him away before he gets himself killed.
Shaun (6:44:46 PM): From the meaty wall of flesh and steel, a creature starts pulling itself out of it, a Kralle no less and it's snarling. It's like a fused mass of human flesh mixed with circuitry, patterns zigzagging across it. It has fused metal into its parts and it lets out a roar, fangs made of hypodermic needles as it takes chase after everyone!
lionel boyd "bokanon" johnson (6:45:16 PM): Resnick: "...disgusting."
fenrirarma (6:45:21 PM): Chibodee: "Don't have to tell me twice!" As he turns around and runs along with Christine. "So, gonna answer my question of WHAT THE HELL IS THAT THING?!"
Shaun (6:45:32 PM): Resnick, your shots don't do much, if anything its being absorbed into the mass! You should run, while the going gets tough.
HyprKnux 1 (6:45:49 PM): Christine: "Whatever it is, it's going to kill us if we don't find somewhere safe!"
Overman Zappa (6:46:05 PM): Mark: "Wow... that's vaguely familiar. I... why do I have the strangest things following me today. I'm gonna see if Dita will stalk me like she used to after this. That'd be a comfort."
lionel boyd "bokanon" johnson (6:46:31 PM): Resnick: He retreats as it starts to fill up the corridor. "Stravag, I need a flamer..."
Fri Freeman (6:46:48 PM): Despite the chaos around her, Elena blushes as they ran. "Thank you for saving me, senior Luger. I know you're a caring person"
Shaun (6:46:59 PM): More and more civilians are running for the hangar, making it impossible at times to push through the mass of people. The Kalle reaches a scientist and rips her apart without a word! The walls are starting to become absorbed in the meat and material as tentacles burst free, fanged mouths filled with sharp glass, metal and bone!
Peter Kampschroeder (6:47:09 PM): "Get running! I can hold it off!" Or, at least try…still, Charles is going to be the last one out.
VJockey (6:47:32 PM): Luger: Shisse..gott gott gott..... [Despite his utter terror in the situation he still finds time to grin weakly.] Well someone has to take care of you. May as well be me.
Shaun (6:48:04 PM): More people are getting torn apart, or pulled into the wall. Luger, it's about that time that a tentacle erupts out of the floor in front of you and wraps around your legs!
Shaun (6:48:25 PM): Someone might want to help him with that.
Overman Zappa (6:48:27 PM): (#? In the G3?)
Fri Freeman (6:48:28 PM): Elena: "Gasp!"
Shaun (6:48:32 PM): (granted)
Peter Kampschroeder (6:48:33 PM): #? with a knife
lionel boyd "bokanon" johnson (6:48:48 PM): [where are our mechs? still on the chalice?]
Fri Freeman (6:48:50 PM): Elena jumps sideways and pulled a handgun. She tries to shoot the tentacles
VJockey (6:48:55 PM): Luger: !! oh SHIESSE- *Luger's hand yanks his pistol out of it's holster but-
Shaun (6:48:57 PM): (actually the knife is more practical. The G3 is too big for the hallways. The mechas are in the hangar)
VJockey (6:48:58 PM): +
Overman Zappa (6:49:07 PM): (Kay)
Shaun (6:49:30 PM): (approved Elena and Charles)
Peter Kampschroeder (6:49:52 PM): *Charles switches out one of his guns for a knife, and stabs right into that tentacle. Then, back to shooting the main body.
Shaun (6:50:07 PM): Between the gunfire and the knife, the tentacle lets go!
lionel boyd "bokanon" johnson (6:50:18 PM): Resnick: He's pissed that most of the elemental suits decided to malfunction about now. He sprints back towards the Chalice and thus the hangar...
Shaun (6:50:34 PM): At this point, you're now spilling into the hangar where mobile suits are now moving to intercept the wall of flesh. They're firing into it, doing some damage.
Shaun (6:50:44 PM): Bob the Guard: Get to the suits, get to the suits, quick!
lionel boyd "bokanon" johnson (6:51:19 PM): resnick: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NCmrp38KjYg
Shaun (6:51:47 PM): A suit is pierced with the tentacles from the wall of flesh as it flails, trying to cut itself free with a beam cutter. But it's a generic mobile suit and most of it is being thrown around like a rag doll.
Shaun (6:51:51 PM): Everyone, suit up.
Shaun (6:52:18 PM): (Enemy List: 1x Kalle, 1 Teeming Wall of Flesh so far)
Shaun (6:52:31 PM): (Initiative: Luger, Resnick, Christine, Charles, Laura, Mark, Elena)
HyprKnux 1 (6:52:33 PM): Christine: No need to tell her twice! Time to see how her revamped Solstice handles!
Shaun (6:53:17 PM): (Revised Initiative: Luger, Resnick, Christine, Chibodee, Charles, Laura, Mark, Elena)
Fri Freeman (6:53:31 PM): Elena: I won't let us get separated again this time, senior luger!
Shaun (6:54:04 PM): (Luger, Resnick)
Fri Freeman (6:54:14 PM): She climbs into... a sleekand awesome... Aries.
Shaun (6:54:18 PM): http://www.esnips.com/displayimage.php?album=4811589&pid=34130663#top_display_media
fenrirarma (6:54:58 PM): Chibodee is jumping up to the Maxter's cockpit. "M-Mobile Trace system... a-activate." It's clear he's already a bit shaken by that.. bit of horror. But he'll be alright... right? Right?!
Shaun (6:55:12 PM): Bob the guard, at this moment is in the suit that's being thrown around. He opens a line to all the members of the Chalice.
lionel boyd "bokanon" johnson (6:55:18 PM): (waiting on luger)
Shaun (6:55:33 PM): Bob: Get out of here, that horror is going to kill us all! You have to get out of here! GURK!
Shaun (6:56:06 PM): It's at this point that the pilots are treated to a 'sight' of Bob being ripped into by his own machine, screaming as his flesh is twisted and dissolved and replaced by metal, as his whole suit is assimilated.
Overman Zappa (6:56:09 PM): Mark is already hella-ready in the G3 Saviour. "Today is not going to be a good day. I hope I can turn it around afterward..."
VJockey (6:56:12 PM): Luger: [This was all too familiar to Luger. Hours of wandering. Flashes of movement. Teeth. Needles, torn meat and metal forming into limbs. It won't be enough...] ... [Luger throws himself into his Leo and practically sends his hands flying across the controls. Constantly looking out his closing cockpit at the carnage before video feed from the cameras took over.] You better not Elena! Shiesse You don't want to know what happens if we do! *The Sniper Rifle wouldn't do here. He draws his MMP-80 and starts sending gunfire at the limbs of the oncoming wall as he backpedaled carefully+
Shaun (6:56:33 PM): Not only that, the rest of the suits that are fighting the wall of flesh are being assimilated in such a manner, and the pilots screams are loud.
lionel boyd "bokanon" johnson (6:56:47 PM): resnick: on external speakers: "Get out of the way, freeborn. If you are not in a mech, get out of the hangar now." Aaaand he's going to shove his Timber Wolf through the crush of mecha, towards the body-horror. When he gets there: 7x flamers ahoy, followed by a large pulse laser.
HyprKnux 1 (6:57:08 PM): Christine: "Oh... oh, my... oh...!" She shaking as she's hearing all of this. She wasn't ready for something like this!
lionel boyd "bokanon" johnson (6:57:52 PM): resnick: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Fil6W5KGVA
Shaun (6:57:58 PM): [Luger, Resnick] Your efforts are effective as your shots are blowing tentacles into bloody chunks, but now there's more opponents as the newly infected mobile suits are now known as Infizierte!
Shaun (6:58:33 PM): A mobile suit opens its new MOUTH and roars as it lunges towards Resnick's mecha, ready to tear it limb from limb!
lionel boyd "bokanon" johnson (6:58:56 PM): [react?]
Shaun (6:59:02 PM): [React]
Shaun (6:59:39 PM): At that same moment, the entire station is coming to life, and it lunges tentacles at Luger's Leo. That horrible icy pressure is going to be nearly unbearable, but it's also a warning sign! [React]
Peter Kampschroeder (6:59:51 PM): "What the hell is this thing?!"
Shaun (6:59:52 PM): (Christine, Charles)
lionel boyd "bokanon" johnson (7:00:14 PM): Resnick: "Freebirth!" He twists Prowler's torso around, jamming the stick forward to circle around it. If dodge is succesful, he'll fire off from the advanced tactical missiles on the shoulder pods
Fri Freeman (7:00:25 PM): # luger
lionel boyd "bokanon" johnson (7:00:34 PM): Resnick: Open comm: "Are these Invaders?"
Shaun (7:00:38 PM): (approved)
Fri Freeman (7:01:15 PM): and out of nowhere, a barrage of missiles flies toward the tentacles. Elena had managed to fly her aries out of the hangar
HyprKnux 1 (7:01:21 PM): Christine: *"Uhh... uhh..." She has to fight, has to do SOMETHING to ignore what she's seeing and hearing! Doing so, she has the Solstice take aim with its beam guns and fire at the infected Mobile Suits. Maybe she can put these guys out of their misery.+
Shaun (7:01:28 PM): [Resnick] The missiles tear into the infected mecha, blowing its head off but it raises a gun and fires in response, blasting a hole in the upper left arm of Resnick's mecha!
Peter Kampschroeder (7:01:30 PM): *Okay, those pilots are…probably gone. Charles switches to the rifles, and opens fire on their cockpit blocks.+
Overman Zappa (7:01:49 PM): Mark: "You know, I think... this thing might actually EAT an Invader. Or... maybe Invaders ate it? Invadered Invader?"
VJockey (7:02:26 PM): Luger: *let out a choked exclamation of terror and pulls away as best as he can! Firing sprays of gunfire to deter the tentacles more+ It's happening again.. no nonono..Shiesseshiesseshiesse!
Shaun (7:02:35 PM): It's at this point Mark, that that familiar presence hurls out of space, firing on you! [React]
Shaun (7:02:40 PM): Rysis: CURRRAAAAAAAANNNNN!
lionel boyd "bokanon" johnson (7:03:14 PM): Resnick: "How does th-" BOOM armshot. Roll for critical hit...He's alright, it hits the internal structure
Shaun (7:03:44 PM): Dan: You guys get a move on out of there! We've pulled the Chalice away from the station but there's more of them comin for us!
Overman Zappa (7:03:59 PM): *HO SNAP! Well with whatever room he has, Mark dives the G3 out of the way. "God DAMNIT! This isn't the time for this! Why do you pick the worst times for your stupid little revenge plots, JACK!"
Shaun (7:04:19 PM): Rysis: There is no Jack, there is only Rysis, Curran! Face me!
lionel boyd "bokanon" johnson (7:04:58 PM): Resnick: "Be advised, energy weapons most effective."
Overman Zappa (7:05:09 PM): Mark: "No! I odn't know what happened to you, but I can tell it's you! And I don't have time for your crap today either! Pick a day I'm not dealing with Culthulhu's little brother!"
Shaun (7:05:14 PM): [Christine] Several of the mechs explode backwards with her shots as one of them lumbers around and fires on her, regular bullets flying! [React]
Peter Kampschroeder (7:05:42 PM): "…." There is the silent pressure of charles's hate.
Fri Freeman (7:05:48 PM): Elena watches what happens between Mark and Rysis
Shaun (7:05:51 PM): [Charles] Your attack is successful for the most part. It slams into a cockpit and blows the torso open, revealing a already-decayed body writhe with fleshy circuitry!
VJockey (7:05:52 PM): Luger: YOU HEARD HIM DUMMKOMPFS! RUN! [Luger's voice was... much more terrified than anyone has ever heard it before. In fact you didn't think it could reach that sort of tone. Out of the station. They needed to get out! Outoutout! LETMEOUTLETMEOUTLETMEOUT.]
Fri Freeman (7:05:53 PM): "It must be great to have such a dedicated rival, mister."
Shaun (7:06:16 PM): [Chibodee, Mark]
Shaun (7:06:20 PM): [And Elena]
HyprKnux 1 (7:06:43 PM): Christine: Oh, this is easy for her! *The Solstice's shield is pulled out as she automatically activates its KDU, intending on letting the bullets just bounce off harmlessly.+
Shaun (7:07:26 PM): The creature in the cockpit snarles as it starts HEALING itself. It seems nothing short but total annhilation of it will slow it down! As it stands, it opens fire on you, Charles! [React]
lionel boyd "bokanon" johnson (7:07:29 PM): Resnick: "Go then. I will cover your retreat...Chalice, I need a sensor sweep. Are there any civilians left alive on this station?"
Overman Zappa (7:07:52 PM): Mark: "What? I guess, but he has the worst timing."
*Further insulting Rysis, he ignores that weirdass mech of his and opens fire. Being there in the hangar he's got ALL his weapons handy! Today, we start with, finally, THE FLAMETHROWER! BUUUUUUURRRRRNNNNNN+
Shaun (7:07:54 PM): [Christine] Your KDU rebounds the shields but that's all the time it needs to charge forward, swinging its gun like a cleaver! [React]
lionel boyd "bokanon" johnson (7:08:17 PM): #
Shaun (7:08:39 PM): (Revised Enemy List: 15 infizierte, 1 Space Station, 1 Rysis)
Shaun (7:08:44 PM): (Approved)
HyprKnux 1 (7:09:06 PM): Christine: *Christine yelps as she attempts to block, one of the Solstice's extra manipulators grabbing her beam saber and using it to block the gun+
Peter Kampschroeder (7:09:12 PM): *C'mon. Charles is like the dodging master here. He zigs and zags all over the place to get past the bullets.
lionel boyd "bokanon" johnson (7:10:30 PM): Resnick: He jets backward on his modified jumpjets, just barely avoiding the ceiling. The infested creature targeting Charles gets a load of ATMS in the back. Rolling for number that hit...A grand total of four. Out of a possible eighteen. Great aim there, master warrior of the clans.
fenrirarma (7:10:32 PM): Chibodee: "Oh God oh God... What do I do here?!" He looks around at the writhing station, clearly not right. "Think I'll take care of these guys first!" He dashes forward with the Maxter, weaving between the tentacles with some difficulty, but still working through as he gets close to one Infizierte. "CYCLONE!" He reels his arms back. "PUNCH!" And punches forward at the Infizierte, not making contact, but sending a whirlwind of force at the monstrosity!+
Fri Freeman (7:11:06 PM): Elena doesn't look scared at all inside the cockpit. In fact she's still smiling, with the same smile like when he met luger before, and lustre-less red eyes focusing toward an infected mobile suit.
Shaun (7:11:13 PM): [Mark] While Rysis is too speedy to get hit by the Flamethrowers obviously, a infizierte is caught in its flames and burns, letting out a unearthly scream as black and green blood flows everywhere, the flesh melting into a pile of goo.
Overman Zappa (7:11:55 PM): Good, he was ignoring Rysis anyway! He doesn't have time for petty revenge!
lionel boyd "bokanon" johnson (7:11:56 PM): Resnick: "Chalice, do you copy? I need that sensor sweep! Are there civilians left alive?"
Shaun (7:11:57 PM): [Resnick] Yeah, your aim could be better. Who taught you how to roll dice, Jerry Holkins? But you manage to clip one, blowing off its arm!
Shaun (7:12:24 PM): [Charles] You get away because of your small size after all, but the wall of flesh is now advancing, consuming the space station!
Shaun (7:12:53 PM): [Chibodee] The Cyclone Punch blasts two backwards into the fleshy walls of the station, but it rips free a battle axe made of metal and bone and takes a swing at Maxter!
Shaun (7:12:55 PM): [React]
Shaun (7:13:19 PM): Dan: ... t-there's no one alive anymore. Not that I can see...
Fri Freeman (7:13:26 PM): She weaves left and right toward it, releasing burst of gunfire toward the monster. But it's just a distraction! When she's in range she throws her sonic knife toward the the infected's head! &
VJockey (7:13:37 PM): Luger: They're dead! They're all dead you dummkompf! You think this thing would leave anyone alive!? THEY'RE ALL DEAD!!
fenrirarma (7:14:03 PM): Chibodee: "Whoa!" Chibodee backs of, putting up his wrist guards and dodging out of the way. "No fair! Low blow!"+
Peter Kampschroeder (7:14:15 PM): "Amwulf! Get ahold of yourself!"
lionel boyd "bokanon" johnson (7:14:27 PM): Resnick:"...Aff, Chalice. Retreating. Prepare...for bomba-Oh shutup, Luger Amwulf."
Shaun (7:15:01 PM): [Elena] It's at that moment that the monster takes the sonic knife to the face, and it howls in that same unearthly screech as it scrabbles back! [Continue]
Overman Zappa (7:15:15 PM): Mark: "Seriously man! It's not THAT serious! You weren't screaming the other day when that Gato guy..."
Shaun (7:15:31 PM): Rysis: PAY ATTENTION TO ME CURRAN!
Shaun (7:15:45 PM): Rysis will take an attack of opportunity and shoot you from behind Mark. [React]
Fri Freeman (7:15:59 PM): In one flowing motion Elena follows the knife and grabs its handle, before slicing the head vertically as she flies away from the creature
Fri Freeman (7:16:00 PM): +
lionel boyd "bokanon" johnson (7:16:22 PM): [what's the exit to the station?]
Shaun (7:16:26 PM): [Elena] Splat, the creature's head falls over and it lumbers about stupidly.
Overman Zappa (7:16:43 PM): *"God damn! No! You're like a child! What's gotten into you Jack!" Mark probably won't turn in time, but he makes an effort to interpose the beam shield from his right arm in the way of the shot+
Shaun (7:17:08 PM): Behind you is the open doors to the hangar, held by a thinly breaking forcefield. But then, the doors themselves start forming, as the entire station turns into a ENORMOUS MOUTH.
Shaun (7:17:12 PM): EVERYONE OUT, NOW!
Shaun (7:17:47 PM): [Mark] Naw, you got shot from behind. At low setting, but Rysis is smug.
VJockey (7:17:56 PM): Luger: YOU SHUT UP!! IT WON'T STOP UNTIL IT HAS US ALL! [Luger's voice is verging on hysterical as the Leo continues to pull out, the German was practically hyperventilating as he all but threw the Leo out of the slowly forming mouth! Pushing the thrusters hard until they glowed!]
HyprKnux 1 (7:18:00 PM): Christine: "CRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP!" Running. Running is GOOD! And she's going to do that!
Peter Kampschroeder (7:18:02 PM): *No need to tell Charles twice! Zip zip zip on out of the mouth-station.
Shaun (7:18:04 PM): Rysis: There is no more Jack, there is only Rysis. And I will KILL YOU CURRAN!
lionel boyd "bokanon" johnson (7:18:05 PM): Resnick: Don't gotta tell him twice. Or do not, as clanners use no contractions. Fwoooosh go the modified jumpjets (more like jump rockets really) and out he goes, tumbling in the void
Fri Freeman (7:18:35 PM): Elena zips outside in her not-plane as well
fenrirarma (7:18:46 PM): And Chibodee is going to abuse that Cyclone Punch of his as a method of locomotion, using a combination of thrusters and that technique to push himself out of the station as fast as humanly possible.
Overman Zappa (7:18:49 PM): Mark: "Here, how about this. You stay here, and... I'll be back later on, okay?" he says, taking with everyone else and bailing out of the station!
Shaun (7:19:02 PM): Rysis follows, clearly not wanting to deal with getting eaten.
Fri Freeman (7:19:30 PM): Elena: We survived before, senior Luger. We'll survive again.
Shaun (7:19:56 PM): From the outside, it is a madhouse as Infizierte are spawning from the station itself, the creature looking like a twisted mass of flesh and metal and human bones. It's no longer a creature, no one's going to be saved. You have to kill it, now, before it reaches a colony!
Shaun (7:20:19 PM): (Enemy Lineup: 15 Infizierte all new, Space Station, Rysis)
Fri Freeman (7:20:37 PM): Elena: Do you have a ship, senior? Let's get away from here now.
lionel boyd "bokanon" johnson (7:20:39 PM): Resnick: "Chalice, do we have anything in the database on that?" He's trying to stabilize his mech, stop it from spinning so he can get a clear shot.
Shaun (7:20:56 PM): Dan: We don't, not really. Listen to Luger though, he knows what it is.
Shaun (7:21:32 PM): It's at that moment that Rysis will fly across the area, his mobile armor zipping around as he fires on everyone in sight with a barrage of beam fire! [React Everyone]
lionel boyd "bokanon" johnson (7:21:37 PM): Resnick: Listen...to Luger?
Shaun (7:21:47 PM): Rysis: You might have escaped the creature, but you will not escape me!
fenrirarma (7:22:08 PM): Chibodee: "Uhm... that's if we can get Luger to stop breathing like a woman in labor..."
HyprKnux 1 (7:23:17 PM): Christine: "Wha...?" *Automatic time! She gets to test out that barrier she got fitted on from the Advent units he brought back all of those months ago to block those shots!+
Peter Kampschroeder (7:24:15 PM): *Charles keeps his shield up and puts on a few evasive maneuvers as well. "…Dan, get as many units mobile as you can. We need more firepower."
lionel boyd "bokanon" johnson (7:24:16 PM): Resnick: He fires, again, shooting "up", trying to get away from him, but the lasers still pepper his mech, though they do little damage. To Rysis: "I will be happy to make you eat the bulkhead in a Circle Of Equals, but can it wait?" To Chibodee: "Aff, while the metaphor is foul, he does need to gain control of himself and act with the dignity of a warrior." Right, like he's ever done that before.
VJockey (7:24:17 PM): Luger: [Trying to get his breathing stable enough so he can reply to Elena but his words are having trouble forming.] Chalice it..its over there... [Sends a nav marker to Elena. His eye locked onto the mutated station and its spawn. More un-words in an unfathomable voice crawling into his mind... its a struggle not to vomit.] !!! GOTT! *and of course Rysis has the panicked Luger jerk aside in an attempt to survive!+
Fri Freeman (7:24:59 PM): The aries is in it's element now. Elena weaves a few evasive maneuver and throw a barrel roll or two too while she's at it
lionel boyd "bokanon" johnson (7:26:08 PM): Resnick: "You savashri surat, gain control of yourself immediately or I will give you something to panic over!"
Fri Freeman (7:26:28 PM): Elena" Gah! Sir, what are you doing, the subject of your obsession is right there! "
Overman Zappa (7:26:42 PM): *Mark, now free to move around in space, does his damnedest to dodge in the F91-inspired Gundam; that said, it's designed to dodge well. Meantime though, heading back for the chalice for a weapon switch!+
Shaun (7:27:32 PM): [Everyone] Your attempts at dodging is pretty good, considering its one unit doing the attacking. Resnick you take a couple of shots to the left arm, and Christine that shield explodes after tanking a couple of hits too. Charles you take one shot which knocks you backwards, and Luger your left leg is shot through, circuitry crackling. Elena your high mobility only comes off with a few damages to the paint while Mark's G3 takes the least damage of them all since its dodge stat is like 1000.
Shaun (7:28:32 PM): (Lineup: Luger, Resnick, Christine, Chibodee, Charles, Mark, Elena)
Shaun (7:28:38 PM): (Luger, Resnick)
lionel boyd "bokanon" johnson (7:30:34 PM): Resnick: Nothing 11 tons of ferro fibrous armor can't handle. He twists, looking for a clean shot from his targeting computer at Rysis. If he gets one, another salvo of ATMs plus the large pulse laser on the damaged arm
VJockey (7:30:41 PM): Luger: *throws aside the MMP-80 for his Sniper Rifle. Now actually having the room to make it useful... though it is of small comfort has his hands are shaking so badly to keep steady aim. He fires two rounds at an Infizierte's chest+
Shaun (7:33:05 PM): [Resnick] Rysis's dodging is pretty high, but he gets the shot off, the shot taking out the left arm in the upper side as it's damaged, but functionable. However the pulse laser surprises him and he's pushed backwards, impact scarring on its chest.
Shaun (7:33:20 PM): Rysis: Do not keep me from Curran, fools! I wish to settle the score once and for all!
HyprKnux 1 (7:34:23 PM): Christine: "Shut up! Just... SHUT UP! There's those things that are trying to kill everyone and all you care about is your STUPID LITTLE RIVALRY?! WHERE THE HELL ARE YOUR PRIORITIES?!" Hypocracy once again, Christine!
Shaun (7:34:25 PM): [Luger] The shots slam into the creature, blowing it back once and then exploding into gore in space, quickly freezing over! It seems if you get them blown apart, it'll quickly freeze and lose its constitution!
Overman Zappa (7:34:40 PM): Mark: "No guys, please, feel free to keep him from me. That's fine. This thing isn't going to work in space anyway." Damned flamethrowers requiring oxygen!
Shaun (7:34:42 PM): (Christine, Chibodee)
Fri Freeman (7:35:01 PM): Elena stops flying toward white chalice. Her big lustre-less red eyes stares at you from your monitors as she hails you. "We're not getting away?"
Peter Kampschroeder (7:36:07 PM): "We need to kill that thing before it gets anyone else!"
lionel boyd "bokanon" johnson (7:36:14 PM): Resnick: "Stravag, you are right!" He'll be lining up the nearest shot with the LPLAS, either on Rysis or the nearest Infizierte. In space, he doesn't need to worry about heat.
HyprKnux 1 (7:36:39 PM): Christine: *With her shield gone, she goes for quad wielding, her manipulators taking up the beam guns as the railguns sling over the Solstice's shoulders and she starts firing at Rysis!+ "JUST GET OUT OF HERE! Your life is much more valuable than some stupid rivalry! It's not worth it!"
Shaun (7:38:02 PM): [Resnick] Rysis grabbed one of the creatures and threw it into Resnick's path, the creature taking the shots and exploding into rapidly freezing gore. At the same time, he reacted to Christine as bits soared out into the open from his mobile armor, and blazed in response, swaming the girl's machine with laser vulcans! He does however take a few shots, being pushed back. It seems Rysis... isn't dodging, relying on his armor to take the hits instead and tanking them well! [React]
fenrirarma (7:38:14 PM): Chibodee is having trouble stabilizing for the time being, but soon gets his "footing" in space. "Alright, this is gettin' way out of hand. You never see shit like this in Neo America!" The Maxter pulls out its two Gigantic Magnums, aiming at a nearby Infizierte. "I'm not the best shot... buuuuut..." He pulls the triggers, two massive rounds headed towards the metal monster.+
lionel boyd "bokanon" johnson (7:39:07 PM): Resnick: "Not again!" Quickly he closes all of Prowler's heat sink vents. He's not gonna be grounded for weeks with gunk in his mech again!
Shaun (7:39:19 PM): [Chibodee] With two great hits, the rounds explode his opponent into gore, reducing him to rapidly freezing gunk! But two more swarm him, grabbing onto his arms and trying to tear Maxters's arms off! [React]
Peter Kampschroeder (7:39:49 PM): #chibodee?
VJockey (7:39:52 PM): Luger: Gott... It'd just keep chasing us... [until there was no where left to run...] ... [His eye seems to fixate on the mutant station though... how the heck were they supposed to blast that thing open?]
Shaun (7:39:52 PM): (approved)
Peter Kampschroeder (7:40:33 PM): *Charles is not one to let a friend get their arms torn off. He sends a good load of rifle fire the monster's way, aiming to disrupt their grip on Chibodee.
Shaun (7:40:35 PM): (Charles, Mark, Elena)
Overman Zappa (7:40:42 PM): (Permission to retreat to the Chalice to switch weapons?)
Shaun (7:40:52 PM): (approved.)
Shaun (7:41:46 PM): [Charles] Your rifle fire slams into the enemies with accuracy, making them drop Maxter and roar angrily. This however gives you both an opening! Take an attack of opportunity, Chibodee, Charles! [React]
Shaun (7:41:55 PM): (And then take your turn Charles)
Overman Zappa (7:42:45 PM): *Mark comes screaming back from the Chalice; one hand a plain ol' beam rifle. The other, a huge rifle with a spike on the end! "I'm getting tired of your crap! First I'll prove to you you're Jack! Then I'll get rid of you! Maybe then I can take care of the important things here!" Mark opens fire with the beam rifle and the shoulder canons of the G3. Die already, Rysis!+
Shaun (7:43:05 PM): Rysis: It'll be a cold day in hell before I die to you, Curran!
Overman Zappa (7:43:34 PM): Mark: "So you're saying I should've killed you back on Gaia! Sorry! I'm not that heartless!"
Shaun (7:43:47 PM): [Mark] Rysis took several hits as he drew his beam saber, and he stabbed at Mark, hoping to drive it into his left arm, while his bits swarmed him, firing his vulcans from them as he did so! [React]
Peter Kampschroeder (7:43:52 PM): *His firepower's been lacking so far…not anymore. Charles ditches the rifles for those multi-missile launchers that he got off the president…yes, two of them. Each gun is almost as large as the RRC itself! Dozens of little target indicators flash over his HUD, and he opens up, sending a gigantic barrage of missiles into each of the monsters near Chibodee.+
Overman Zappa (7:44:28 PM): *All this time and Mark STILL can't handle Vulcans! Without completely flipping his shit though, he manages ot hold his weapons and goes on the full defensive with his beam shield
Overman Zappa (7:44:30 PM): +
Shaun (7:45:15 PM): [Charles] With a massive pair of explosive hits, the two enemies explode into fragments, rapidly freezing in pieces. So far, so good!
Fri Freeman (7:45:40 PM): Elena smiles at you as she zips back toward the battlefield, her thrusters flaring. " So we're going to fight them? Alright, there's no point escaping now without senior luger."
Shaun (7:45:58 PM): [Mark] Rysis clashes with his beam shield, seconds before the vulcan-based bits fly towards Mark's Gundam head and OPENS FIRE! [React again]
fenrirarma (7:46:35 PM): Chibodee grins. "Oh yeah! Thanks for that! Now to return the FAVOR!" The Maxter's shoulders flare, pushing off of the Maxter with relative ease, since space. The two massive shoulder pads lock onto his hands, an easy feat in space compared to being on artifical or normal gravity. He lines up his shot. "Not sure how this is going to work in space, but let's give it a go!" He punches forward with tremendous force at a group of enemies, aiming to scoop them all up in a hurricane of boxing spirit! +
Overman Zappa (7:47:26 PM): *Again, still on the defensive, so, in addition to trying to block the vulcans, he's retreating!+
Shaun (7:47:58 PM): [Chibodee] Just in time too! The creature formerly known as a space station is caught in the impact as the enemies are slammed into it, exploding into gory bits and fiery explosions from the impact. It lets out a sound that was a cross between a banshee wail and a whale song, but if it was spoken under water, with a walkie talkie.
Shaun (7:48:25 PM): [Mark] Rysis, sensing his advantage, sneered as he slashed again and again into the shield, firing his vulcan bits at any angle.
Shaun (7:48:34 PM): Rysis: You were never too good with vulcans, OLD FRIEND!
Peter Kampschroeder (7:48:45 PM): Space isn't really cold, especially when you're wearing some high-tech power suit, but Charles shivers at that.
HyprKnux 1 (7:49:08 PM): Christine: "...what the... that noise..."
lionel boyd "bokanon" johnson (7:49:26 PM): Resnick: "...Why can we hear that?"
Peter Kampschroeder (7:50:07 PM): "That thing can incorporate technology into itself…it must have screamed in radio."
VJockey (7:50:11 PM): Luger: [People. You can now hear screaming. It's Luger. He's holding his head. The screaming. He can hear it several times louder and in his head.]
Fri Freeman (7:50:13 PM): Elena zips toward an infected mobile suit, but apparently she forgot to slow down or something, since she overshoot her target! Except that after she passes the enemy, she looks back and fires a barrage of missiles toward the creature's back, while still being carried away from the momentum.
VJockey (7:50:21 PM): *more screaming
Fri Freeman (7:50:33 PM): *
Shaun (7:50:58 PM): [Elena] Your movement startles the enemy, but it explodes from the impact, breaking into bloody chunks!
Shaun (7:51:02 PM): That noise, was apparently a summoning sound as it started to bubble up, claw-like arms ripping from the station's body as it made a ring in front of it's mouth. Pinpricks of energy started to build up as it took aim at the pilots, a massive breath weapon ready to fire! [React Everyone!]
HyprKnux 1 (7:52:00 PM): *Christine lets out a horrified scream as she boosts away from the breath weapon, trying to survive the shot+
Fri Freeman (7:52:02 PM): ELena: Senior Luger, you alright!?
Overman Zappa (7:52:02 PM): *Oh, maybe this is a good situation! Mark is going to try and lure Rysis into the line of fire! At least to use it to get rid of those bits! As for defending... we'll use Rysis as a shield himself! +
Peter Kampschroeder (7:52:05 PM): *Oh god oh god oh god. Charles ditches the missile launchers and gets to running out of the way, FAST.+
lionel boyd "bokanon" johnson (7:52:22 PM): Resnick: "That is it! When this is over with, I will face you in a Circle Of Equals for your incompetence!" As he says that: One more with both ATM racks and the LPLAS in the general direction of the station. He's careful to detonate the missiles just before they hit so it doesn't incorporate them into itself. Then, a boost to the side. But is it enough?
VJockey (7:52:44 PM): Luger: *his entire body may as well have been a tensed spring, as he jerked his controls and sent the Leo into a frantic dodge.+
fenrirarma (7:53:00 PM): Chibodee: "Dear GOD that was a bad idea! Or was it a good idea?" He's holding his head now, mainly from the screams." God, I've never seen anything LI-what is that? What the HELL is THAT?!" Chibodee is quick to dodge this one, thrusters flaring at the Maxter makes his way out, stage left.
Fri Freeman (7:53:56 PM): Elena was looping back to check luger when he's screaming. Lucky, since that's when the breath weapon charges. Elena uses the momentum to fly away as far as possible from the.. mouth's... line of sight. or line of breath
Shaun (7:55:13 PM): [Everyone] The breath weapon fires, and when it does, it sounds like the wailing of a million dead souls, as an etheral wind rips through you all like razor blades, hit or not. It RIPS Resnick's right arm off his mecha, tears Gundam Maxter's legs off. The Leo is scorched, burning brilliant red. Elena's out of the way, and Christine's mecha suffers boiling to the entire armor. Charles is missed but her shields drop severely tanking that blast even from the edge of it.
Shaun (7:55:51 PM): Also, as an added bonus, every Newtype within range just got hammered psychically as Rysis cries out from the teamkilling as his suit is burnt from behind, ironically protecting Mark from damage.
Shaun (7:55:59 PM): It's like the Alderann effect, turned up to 11.
lionel boyd "bokanon" johnson (7:56:09 PM): Resnick: "...It is a good thing that arm only contained flamers." Weeoooweeooo, alarms go off anyway
HyprKnux 1 (7:57:03 PM): Christine: "OH MY GOD! STOOOOOOOOOP!" Christine clutches her ears. "Stop! Please, stop... I beg you..."
Peter Kampschroeder (7:57:58 PM): Charles just kinda…floats there for a little bit. All those warning sirens are going in one ear, and out the other...
Shaun (7:58:22 PM): Rysis: Urgh...
VJockey (7:59:57 PM): Luger: [To say Luger was in pain was an understatement. He was bleeding from several places and the breath weapon scorching his Leo did not help at all. He shakes his head rapidly..] Gott... ..... Which section...
Fri Freeman (8:00:10 PM): Elena: Is that how a thousand souls ascending to heaven sounds?
Fri Freeman (8:01:08 PM): Elena: Senior! Thanks for the warning! You saved my life!
lionel boyd "bokanon" johnson (8:01:15 PM): Resnick: He picks up his mech's own severed arm. It doesn't count as a physical attack if you throw it, right?
Shaun (8:01:41 PM): As it turns out, the breath weapon had indeed killed its minions with that single blast. It seemed that they had contributed to the attack by adding death to it. However, as more enemies began to pull itself from the flesh of the station, it's mouth opened up again. Luger, you can see inside it, is a big red... thing. It looks like a heart, if it was made of glass or something.
Shaun (8:02:01 PM): Rysis: ... get off of me, Curran!
Shaun (8:02:12 PM): He shoves Mark off and draws his sword, only for the blade to sputter.
fenrirarma (8:02:51 PM): Chibodee has turned off his radio for obvious reasons. Mobile Trace system and blown off legs equals an immense amount of pain.
VJockey (8:03:17 PM): Luger:... [Swallows something awful... ... he's not the best sniper but... that... thing... the moment he laid his eye on it every bad feeling in his body got WORSE... He looked at the thing... then looked at Rysis... a slowly forming grin seen on the face of serial killers began to form.]
Fri Freeman (8:04:04 PM): Elena:"Senior Luger is such a selfless person, taking time to warn us with that scream instead of dodging."
Overman Zappa (8:04:21 PM): Mark: But I thought this was what you wanted! " and Mark is right there he could easily drive his pile bunker into him! But... he's not a cheap villian
Shaun (8:04:48 PM): Rysis: ... shut up and let me kill you already!
lionel boyd "bokanon" johnson (8:05:09 PM): Resnick: He also begins lining up a shot on the thing in the middle. "Aff, I am sure that was deliberate and not him being a coward who cannot handle pain."
Shaun (8:06:12 PM): Its at that moment, that the creature had noticed something. Something in the distance; a colony! Yes, a colony. Perfect. And slowly, it began to break orbit to head to the colony. Sorry guys, it found a nice little snack for later~
Shaun (8:06:46 PM): Luger, if you have any problems with it, it's your turn. [Luger]
HyprKnux 1 (8:07:09 PM): Christine: "No... nonono... i-it's moving..."
VJockey (8:07:53 PM): Luger:... *was muttering something in German. Whatever it was it was cold. sibilant. and utterly filled with the promise of death. He sends his Leo into a suicidal charge- shoulder first... into Rysis!&
Shaun (8:08:09 PM): Rysis: Curraa---OOF! [Continue]
Shaun (8:08:17 PM): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k_X0YMu62S8
fenrirarma (8:08:22 PM): Chibodee turns on his radio after what anyone would guess to be some grunts of pain. "No colony! Colony bad!"
Peter Kampschroeder (8:08:47 PM): That will snap Charles out of it. "…got to kill it…gotta find some way.." And now he's scanning all over the thing, looking for something remotely resembling a weak spot…because if it doesn't have one, well that's just too horrible to consider.
Shaun (8:09:35 PM): With Rysis being tackled, Mark you should follow!
Overman Zappa (8:09:41 PM): Mark: "I'm getting really tired of you Jack! Can't you tell that all of freaking space is in danger of this freaking monster right now!"
Shaun (8:10:00 PM): Rysis: I don't care about space, or anything else, just settling the score!
Shaun (8:10:16 PM): Rysis: And there is no Jack, there is only RYSIS!
VJockey (8:11:20 PM): Luger: Sie wurden einen guten bombe mein freund... *Luger was now changing directions to send both himself and Jack-Rysis into the heart of the Station-Beast! I STAB AT THEE! CREATURE!+
Overman Zappa (8:12:47 PM): "It's obvious you don't!" he slams his fist on the controls
*There's a faint golden glow around the G3... something Mark must've pushed in frustration was switched on without his knowledge. Mark makes a rather speedy charge for Rysis's unit, firing at it from different directions as he approaches &
Overman Zappa (8:12:54 PM): (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3u708idCVKw&t=3m44s)
Shaun (8:13:44 PM): [Luger and Mark] That station beast is going to lash a massive gorey arm at the pair, but miss by a mile! There's not much it can do as its maw was wide open! Rysis's unit was pounded by the gunfire as it was pushed back further and further and further, until it slammed into the crystal-like heart within the hangar-mouth!
Shaun (8:14:05 PM): It roared in pain, flailing as blood poured from the wound as Rysis struggled!
lionel boyd "bokanon" johnson (8:14:19 PM): Resnick: "This is a job for warship grade weaponry..."
Shaun (8:14:21 PM): Rysis: You... there... only Rysis I...
VJockey (8:15:07 PM): Luger: Auf wiedersehn. Dummkompf. [With Rysis right where he was needed Luger pulls his Leo back.] Enjoy death.
Shaun (8:15:36 PM): [Mark, take your final shot]
Overman Zappa (8:18:09 PM): *Mark slams in and jams the pile bunker rifle right above the cockpit, or, where a standard cockpit would be (rather than right through him!) Leaving the gun pinned into his chest, the G3 fires off illuminated exhaust from it's 'mouth' before backing away, firing his beam rifle!
Shaun (8:19:56 PM): The shot struck. For a moment there was nothing until cracks started to form through the station-creature. As the mobile armor shivered and shook, it began to erupt into an explosion which blossomed outwards, consuming the station from the inside out! Like a chain reaction, it exploded into bits and pieces, smashed up broken flesh and bone and metal, spewing blood and oil everywhere as the station EXPLODED!
Peter Kampschroeder (8:20:29 PM): "…Thank god..."
Shaun (8:20:37 PM): And in that moment, a minature star was born, as the creature consumed itself in a gnashing wailing noise that could be heard for miles.
Shaun (8:21:33 PM): Silence greeted the pilots as frozen blood floated everywhere. Silence, and the overwhelming smell of death in the air. It was a terrible victory for whatever it was worth, but the wailing of people had stopped. Stopped completely, and thankfully.
Overman Zappa (8:22:08 PM): Mark: "Sorry Jack..."
Fri Freeman (8:22:27 PM): Elena: You did it senior luger! See, I told you we'll survive!
HyprKnux 1 (8:22:32 PM): Christine: "It's... it's over... i-it's over..." She's going to huddle up in her cockpit, holding herself at what she went through...
Shaun (8:22:35 PM): Dan: Everyone, lets get out of here. We've... got one more stop to make before we leave.
lionel boyd "bokanon" johnson (8:22:46 PM): (how can they smell death in space?)
VJockey (8:22:53 PM): Luger: [Had heard the thing scream in his head as it died. And Rather than scream this time. He laughed. Madly. That scream... that thing screaming as it died.... it sounded glorious..... Luger slowly pulled away from his controls and began to curl up in his seat as he continued to laugh hysterically, rocking back and forth.] Alive...yes... alive... alive
lionel boyd "bokanon" johnson (8:23:25 PM): Resnick: "Not for long, Luger Amwulf."
Shaun (8:23:25 PM): Yes, it seemed okay, for now. The creature did heavy damage to everyone, psychically and mentally and physically. Even those on the Chalice would have felt its death knell in their minds. That's what it means by smelling death in this battlefield.
Shaun (8:23:34 PM): Mission. Complete.
lionel boyd "bokanon" johnson (8:23:34 PM): Resnick: "Estimate of the death toll?"
Shaun (8:23:41 PM): Dan: Thousands.
Peter Kampschroeder (8:24:14 PM): And with how that pilot looked…Charles is rushing back towards the White Chalice. He's looking a little green, if your monitors show that sort of thing.
fenrirarma (8:24:22 PM): Chibodee: "We... won't speak of this again. Now... if you'll excuse me... I gotta... I gotta get a drink..." The Maxter limpedly makes its way back to the Chalice, its pilot obviously shaken by these events. "Don't think I'm hungry anymore..."
Overman Zappa (8:25:25 PM): Mark lingers a while, thinking about things before heading back
HyprKnux 1 (8:25:52 PM): And Christine's going to half-heartedly head back, still shaken by what happened.
Fri Freeman (8:26:43 PM): Elena: "We're alive though. Let's get some rest, senior Luger.. "
VJockey (8:26:59 PM): Luger: [Still laughing... though more weakly as it grows mingled with sobs. Someone else will have to drag him to the Chalice. Because right now he probably isn't going to be piloting anything.] Alive. still alive. yes. alive
Fri Freeman (8:27:02 PM): And elena drags luger's leo toward the white chalice
lionel boyd "bokanon" johnson (8:27:27 PM): Resnick stomps into the Chalice, a man on a mission: to punch Luger. Get in line, buddy.
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