Mission 090: Parlais du France? Non! Une araignee!

Jun 22, 2012 15:08

Tengusaur (03:38:54): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UFCU68Gim3o
Tengusaur (03:40:30): White Chalice is approaching the space colony of Neo France, where it's scheduled to stay for a moment for trade and resupply.
Tengusaur (03:41:11): You can even see the colony now, it's so close. This includes several of its recognizable national monuments under its large dome, if you have good eyes.
Tengusaur (03:41:14): What is everyone up to?
Wyverncakes (03:42:03): Josh is up on the observatory, watching the Chalice near it
Wyverncakes (03:42:19): He's also sipping a fountain drink he injected some vanilla extract into
TormTerra (03:42:24): Michelle is standing on an observation deck, looking down. While she has gotten more used to being in space than she was immediately after getting out there for the first time, the approach to a colony is something different
cubey@aol.pl (03:42:28): Lowe sits on his chair in ReHome, observing the sights through an observation window. The sights are nice and the chair is very comfy, so life is good.
peter kampschroeder (03:42:48): Charles is standing over near Michelle on the observation deck. Somehow, he seems sad...
VJockey (03:43:24): Michael: [Polishing the Metal Wolf with a grin. One can fight the bad guys, and one can fight the bad guys whilst looking awesome]
kamikasei (03:43:48): Laura's near Michelle, watching the colony approach and trying to work out how much free time she'll have while they're there.
TormTerra (03:44:06): "Something wrong?" Michelle looks at the rather feminine teen standing next to her with a slightly concerned expression
peter kampschroeder (03:45:02): "Huh? Oh, well…" Charles stares off into space. "…I don't get along with my family that well, that's all."
Tengusaur (03:45:10): Suddenly, as if those words just jinxed it, those of you who look at the colony can see a small explosion inside its dome!
Wyverncakes (03:45:19): Josh turns to the newbie.
Wyverncakes (03:45:37): "We have bad luck when we go to colonies," he explains to Michelle. "A lot of times trouble springs up whether we'd like it or not."
kamikasei (03:45:48): Laura jumps.
cubey@aol.pl (03:45:57): Lowe: "H... hey, woah! What was that, George?!"
kamikasei (03:45:58): "That didn't look planned…"
Wyverncakes (03:46:35): Aaaand Josh's eyes open in disbelief.
Tengusaur (03:46:39): Dan: "Holy crap! Did anyone see that? I'm trying to get radio communication with the colony..."
Wyverncakes (03:46:39): "What the... we're not even there yet!"
Tengusaur (03:46:49): Dan: "I got it. Listen to this!"
peter kampschroeder (03:46:52): "…Dan, tell me that was fireworks…" Charles suddenly has a few of those little holographic screens in front of him. One of them is zooming in on the area, of course.
Tengusaur (03:47:09): Radio: "All hail president Hawk! Crawl back to your hole, Frenchies!"
TormTerra (03:47:21): "I see. I guess you can't really get out of visiting them when going out here..." And an explosion. "Damnit, hopefully that wasn't a reaction to your warning."
cubey@aol.pl (03:47:37): Lowe: "Holy crap! We didn't hear of that guy for a while!"
TormTerra (03:48:03): "...President Hawk? I though Michael Wilson as president." Yeah, Michelle could probably stand to read ordinary news a bit more often
Tengusaur (03:48:09): It's worth noting that, at this point, White Chalice is almost at a docking distance from the colony.
Wyverncakes (03:48:51): And Josh is already making his way to the hangar!
Wyverncakes (03:49:07): He sets aside the time to chug down his beverage along the way.
cubey@aol.pl (03:49:21): "Take care of everything!" Lowe leaps up from his chair and gestures to his friends. "I'm going out in Red Frame!"
VJockey (03:49:22): Michael:........... Richard...... [Michael throws the polishing rag away and gets into the Wolf, beginning to fire it up as he's properly strapped in.] Guys! This is Michael! I'll dive into the pool first and test the waters! [Cue the Wolf making its way to the Launch Deck and sending itself on an express trip to the Colony.]
Mister Giggles (03:49:26): George appeared fashionably late. From where? Who knows.. Somehow, he had arrived in the Gundam Rose in classic G Gundam fashion. "What... are they... do they not know what the purpose of the Gundam Fights even are for!?"
TormTerra (03:49:35): Michelle quickly follows him, looking back to see if Laura and Charles were coming along as well
peter kampschroeder (03:49:44): Charles is going to head towards the nearest airlock, himself. It's times like this having a personal spacesuit is really handy.
kamikasei (03:50:10): "Is the colony under attack? Do they need help?" Laura follows Michelle, asking Dan for more info as she goes. She has her amplifier, but if they need to move out she may as well get a lift from the others.
Wyverncakes (03:50:39): Josh: "George... this isn't the first time President Hawke's done something like that!"
Wyverncakes (03:50:49): "So I don't think he cares at all!"
Mister Giggles (03:51:10): I had heard about him, but... this is...
TormTerra (03:51:29): "It appears so, at least. The explosions and threats to the locals and all."
VJockey (03:51:39): Michael: I said it before...I'll say it again... Richard wants to be the President of everything. He tried it on Earth.. it probably wouldn'tve been long before he tried it in the Colonies
Mister Giggles (03:51:40): George*:
Tengusaur (03:51:59): Dan: "It seems that Neo France is under attack by some chest-beating jingoists. We're sending in a force to investigate just what exactly is going on there. Exercise caution!"
Wyverncakes (03:52:22): And Josh is in the Aile!
kamikasei (03:52:33): "Politics again… well, we'll do what we can!"
cubey@aol.pl (03:52:40): Lowe: "Hey guys, don't leave me behind!" His unit is launching from ReHome already. "I'm not letting more warmongers cause trouble!"
Tengusaur (03:52:47): At this point, White Chalice is close enough that it takes just a jump to get from its hangar to the docking area of the colony!
Wyverncakes (03:52:48): "We'll keep that in mind! Josh Radcliffe... Aile Chevalier launching!"
peter kampschroeder (03:53:06): "Right. Don't get into a fight if we can avoid it, right?" Charles is over at a fine little airlock, equipping the RRC and heading on out.
TormTerra (03:53:12): "Politics seem like a common problem these days..."
kamikasei (03:53:35): Laura takes a moment once they reach the hangar to summon The Great Pretender, outline blurry in the thick swarm of nanite fog surrounding her, before floating off the deck and out the hangar doors to the colony.
VJockey (03:53:43): Michael: [Had launched ahead of everyone else to try to get an idea of what RICHAAAARD was doing in the colony. He probably had already entered by the time everyone else got there.]
TormTerra (03:54:03): After quickly strapping into Pandora, skipping changing to her pilot suit, Michelle too follows up to get ready to launch. "Michelle Fournier, launching."
kamikasei (03:54:04): "Charles, should we take the lead?"
Wyverncakes (03:54:08): Josh figures it's a smart idea to open up a channel to Michael.
Wyverncakes (03:54:26): "President Wilson... you know this guy better than anyone. Anything you think we should watch out for?"
Mister Giggles (03:54:47): George: George de Sand, Gundam Fighter of Neo France... Gundam Fight, go!
Tengusaur (03:54:48): Inside the colony, the first thing you see is a city, filled with many big buildings. Smoke is emanating from a few of them, and a lot of people are fleeing in terror, quickly making the city area deserter.
peter kampschroeder (03:54:51): "Sure. Just…don't provoke a fight if you can avoid it…though I doubt we can."
Tengusaur (03:54:53): What are they escaping from?
VJockey (03:55:07): Michael: Richard loves his superweapons... so we're probably looking for..... something like that..
Tengusaur (03:55:33): A giant, four-legged mechanical spider, towering over the buildings and marching around. There is some kind of brightly-glowing generator/cannon on its belly, and it has a long neck.
kamikasei (03:55:46): "Don't worry, I just want to find out what's going on before they see mechs coming their way. Dan, is there anything we should do, or not do - anyone in command to talk to?"
Mister Giggles (03:55:50): Guess where Gundam Rose just came out of... the freakin' Arch de Triumph. Well, underneath it, without damaging the landmark.
Tengusaur (03:55:59): The robotic arachnid notices Michael and company and turns towards them.
Tengusaur (03:56:10): Dan: "I think it's a bit too late for that."
TormTerra (03:56:24): "Yeah, don't think we can avoid a fight here..." Trying to get as much cover as possible from the buildings, Michelle moves forward, barely even stopping to be baffled by the appearance of Gundam Rose
kamikasei (03:56:32): Laura: "…Well."
peter kampschroeder (03:57:07): Charles keeps to the skies, looking over the situation. "This does seem to be another of Hawke's terrorist attacks..."
cubey@aol.pl (03:57:18): Lowe: "Who the hell does this guy thinks he is, using this mobile armor-like toy against civilians? Bastard!"
Tengusaur (03:57:25): Smaller Mobile Suits are stomping through the city as well, and they don't look like Neo French forces!
cubey@aol.pl (03:57:31): 8: "HE THINKS HE'S THE PRESIDENT, LOWE."
Tengusaur (03:57:32): http://images.wikia.com/gundam/images/1/1b/29H-A-MS_Murphy_-_Mobile_Suit.jpg
Wyverncakes (03:57:33): Josh: "At least we haven't fought a robot spider in reent memory."
kamikasei (03:57:34): Gundam Rose doesn't faze her. She does wonder how much underground it had to emerge from, though. Colonies aren't that thick, after all...
TormTerra (03:57:46): "I'd say another insane overlord...We've seen a few of those just over the last week."
Wyverncakes (03:57:46): The Aile readies its Cypher, preparing for battle!
VJockey (03:58:45): Michael: RICHAAAAAAARD!!!! [Michael yells and shakes his fist upwards, as if trying to get the attention of his rogue VP]
Tengusaur (03:58:48): Suddenly, from afar, a military helicopter approaches and floats right above the spider.
peter kampschroeder (03:58:58): "…Darn it, where are the Rafales…"
kamikasei (03:59:11): Laura floats up high, confident she can dodge well enough that it's worth separating herself from the others to split fire. She draws her mist in to two spheres, one over each hand, and holds her left out in front of her to defend.
Tengusaur (03:59:11): You can hear a voice coming from it, loudened by a megaphone.
Tengusaur (03:59:26): Richard: "Hello, hello, hello! How are you doing, Michael?"
TormTerra (04:00:18): Focusing on the helicopter, Michelle begins working on establishing a target lock on it, just in case. "Should we take the shot? Sounds like their leader is in that thing."
Tengusaur (04:00:36): Richard: "How do you like my new pet? Thanks to him, the citizens of Neo France have surrendered to me already, and are now enthusiastically, er, running away in terror!"
Wyverncakes (04:00:38): Josh: "... Wait, here's here?!? How dumb is this guy?"
Wyverncakes (04:00:50): "... If we can kill or apprehend him..."
cubey@aol.pl (04:00:59): Lowe: "You won't get away with this, asshole"!
peter kampschroeder (04:01:07): "…Of all the times…"
TormTerra (04:01:28): "I'm trying to get a lock on him, but he's quite far away and I'd rather not use missiles in the middle of a city."
kamikasei (04:01:44): Laura: "Hey, as a proud Britannian I'm not going to let some Yank bully the French! That's our job!"
peter kampschroeder (04:01:53): "…Laura…"
Tengusaur (04:02:01): Richard: "It's like a big old carnival! It's like Mardi Gras, only in Neo France or something."
TormTerra (04:02:02): "I'm not entirely sure what to say about that..."
VJockey (04:02:41): Michael: [Michael tenses in the Wolf.] RICHARD!... This Party's over! We're gonna swat that spider! and then we're gonna swat YOU!
Tengusaur (04:02:46): (anyone who wants to take a potshot at Richard from afar, feel free to)
kamikasei (04:02:54): Laura: "Er… sorry… he just has that effect…"
Wyverncakes (04:03:16): * And you can best believe Josh takes that potshot at Richard, having the Aile blast forward with its Impulse thrusters before swinging them up and blasting at the machine!+
TormTerra (04:03:24): Thinking for a second, Michelle pulled her rifle out and took aim at the helicopter for a moment, before finally trying to take the shot+
TormTerra (04:04:01): "I guess that makes sense...I kinda don't feel any particular patriotism normally, but..."
peter kampschroeder (04:04:10): Charles watches the other shots, to see how they turn out
Wyverncakes (04:04:29): Josh: "As long as we know who to beat the crap out of I don't think it's an issue!"
Tengusaur (04:05:09): The blasts head towards the helicopter, only to impact with a previously-invisible, but now briefly glowing yellow field around the spider! It absorbs them completely!
Tengusaur (04:05:44): Richard: "Ha ha! As you can see, my spider-bot is protected by a powerful deflector shield! And not just that, check out that photon cannon on its belly!"
Tengusaur (04:05:58): Richard: "It will get you so high you will touch the sky!"
Tengusaur (04:06:19): And the spider-robot starts to charge its belly-mounted cannon!
TormTerra (04:06:21): "...Please tell me that this guy is the only madman with inexplicable superweapons."
Tengusaur (04:06:31): Richard: "Have fun with it! Bye bye bye!"
kamikasei (04:06:41): Laura: "That doesn't even make sense!"
Tengusaur (04:06:41): And the helicopter starts to float away!
cubey@aol.pl (04:06:44): Lowe: "Sorry to disappoint you..."
Mister Giggles (04:06:51): It's G Gundam, it needs no explanation. But George seems... fairly taken aback by that giant cannon.
TormTerra (04:07:05): "Did anything of what he said make any sense?"
Mister Giggles (04:07:10): "You fool... this is an act of war! This goes against everything the Gundam Fights is supposed to stand for!"
cubey@aol.pl (04:07:12): Red Frame already lowers its hand, ready to draw the Gerbera Straight katana at a moment's notice.
Mister Giggles (04:07:26): George is actually curious if this might get Chibodee disqualified from the Gundam Fights.
Wyverncakes (04:07:42): Josh: "And it's not the first time he's done this either! For now let's worry more about saving Neo France!"
kamikasei (04:07:43): Laura: "It didn't make sense differently to normal for us."
VJockey (04:08:09): Michael:... RICHAAARD!!!!! [Looked like he was actually going to go after Richard but stopped. No. He had to take care of the huge Spider-bot first.]... Dammit...
kamikasei (04:08:13): She flies towards the spider and tests - carefully - whether the shield will deflect her, too.
Tengusaur (04:08:22): Richard: "Why bother with Gundam Fights if the whole country surrendered to me already? That's the famed French courage for you! Ha ha ha!"
TormTerra (04:08:26): "Everything he said was gibberish, that line was just a bit worse. At least he wasn't as loud as...whoever the guy bellowing out there is"
Tengusaur (04:08:27): And he disappears, laughing.
Tengusaur (04:08:54): By the way, the Spider-Bot is not the only enemy around...
peter kampschroeder (04:09:04): Charles starts scanning for…anything. High energy sources, things with extremely large heat signatures..
Mister Giggles (04:09:19): Oh. No. He didn't. "What--... how dare you." Oh, now it's personal.
Tengusaur (04:09:37): Around it, in the city, you can see three tall buildings with antennas on top, each one of them guarded by several mobile suits and soldiers in power armor. These buildings generate lots of energy.
TormTerra (04:09:56): Like Charles, Michelle was scanning her sensors for anything noteworthy as she worked to keep out of the spider's line-of-sight. Better not let the scanner technology of Pandora go to waste
Mister Giggles (04:10:49): George: Keep Miss Maria Louise safe. I have to protect my homeland.
Wyverncakes (04:10:55): Josh: "Damn... he really is reusing his tactics from Corinth!"
Tengusaur (04:11:02): These buildings are sending their energy to the spider bot!
Tengusaur (04:11:19): (Initiative order: Michael, Lowe, Charles, Josh, Laura, George, Michelle)
TormTerra (04:11:26): "What did he do back then? Also, those antennas look like they're doing something to the spider, maybe it'll power down if we take them out."
peter kampschroeder (04:11:44): Charles: "Everyone, it seems that the shield generator is split among these three buildings. I'm sending the targeting information to you now."
cubey@aol.pl (04:11:57): Lowe: "That sounds awfully familiar..."
Tengusaur (04:12:09): enemy list: Casparaitis, energy generator x3, Murphy x9, power armor soldier x18
Tengusaur (04:12:18): (Lowe, Michael)
Tengusaur (04:12:39): (3 Murphies and 6 soldiers are guarding each generator)
VJockey (04:13:21): Michael: I'll help you out. Richard's my responsibility... *Michael pulls out the Multi-Missile Launcher. The targetting info that Charles gave out was going to be VERY handy. "alright... CHEW ON THIS YOU GOOFBALLS!" The Wolf leaps into the air and sends a barrage of missiles at one of the Generators and its attendant guards!+
cubey@aol.pl (04:14:04): *Red Frame jumps up, its thrusters activating and taking it into the air. "Here I go!" The Astray falls down on the generator Michael just bombarded, its blade drawn and delivering a downward slash!+
peter kampschroeder (04:14:10): @ micheal
peter kampschroeder (04:14:17): (Actually, never mind)
Tengusaur (04:14:17): (approved)
Tengusaur (04:14:22): (okay then)
Tengusaur (04:15:54): The combined attacks blow up the generator completely, and send the soldiers flying into the air, away from sight! The Murphies, on the other hand, transform into helicopters and pelt both Michael and Lowe from above with machinegun fire! (you two react)
Tengusaur (04:16:06): (Josh, Laura, Charl)
kamikasei (04:16:23): #Lowe
Tengusaur (04:16:30): (approved)
Wyverncakes (04:16:35): In the meantime Josh opens a hannel to Laura and Charl!
Wyverncakes (04:16:57): Josh: "You two... I'll break through the defenses for another of the barriers... you two take it down!"
peter kampschroeder (04:17:26): "Right! Get to it!"
Wyverncakes (04:17:33): * And locking his focus on the guards of the generator, the Aile blasts forward, Cypher Gun laying down suppression fire as Josh shield-bashes into their ranks!+
kamikasei (04:17:37): *Laura followed along with the pair, and now she flies up to just atop Lowe's Frame, holding out her hand in the path of the bullets. The mist thickens and forms a thin shell of crystal, shielding him!+
VJockey (04:18:13): Michael: *dodges and weaves through buildings, replacing his Multi-Missile Launcher for a pair of pistols and leaps backwards - firing at the Murphies attacking him John Woo style+
cubey@aol.pl (04:18:18): *"Too late for this now!" Lowe seeks cover in smoke caused by explosions, as Red Frame jumps from cloud to cloud, quick on its feet and hoping to literally dodge bullets here.+
peter kampschroeder (04:18:30): *Charles summons that rifle of his, lining up a shot on the generator….all Josh has to do is give him an opening.+
Tengusaur (04:19:52): Josh slams through the ranks of the defenders, blowing up two power armors and knocking a Murphy off its feet!
Wyverncakes (04:20:08): Josh: "Alright! Go for it!"
Tengusaur (04:21:01): "Die, for President Hawk! Death to everything that's foreign and shit!" The other four power armors fire explosive grenades at the aile from their shoulder-mounted launchers! (Josh react)
Tengusaur (04:21:37): Lowe avoids the attack completely, also thanks to Laura's barrier blocking some of the projectiles.
Wyverncakes (04:21:40): Josh: "Not one for eloquent retorts, are you?"
kamikasei (04:21:45): *She's done all she can to help Lowe - Laura draws a little of her defense cloud in to herself and expends it to boost her speed, flying at the generator Josh attacked, forming a long blade in her right hand as she goes and aiming to cut right through the antenna in passing!+
cubey@aol.pl (04:22:09): Lowe: "They're not making it any easier, huh?"
peter kampschroeder (04:22:09): *Charles utters a silent word of thanks to Josh, and takes the shot! One armor-piercing anti-materiel bullet for you, mr. generator.+
Wyverncakes (04:22:24): * He can't help but grin, and lets the Aile's Impulse Cannons swing forward again before blasting those units... all while letting the force of the shots push the Aile back! Nothing like attacking and retreating at ocne!+
Tengusaur (04:22:32): Michael gets grazed by several bullets, but nothing serious. His shots cause two of the Murphies to stumble around, with holes in their limbs! They can still fight though.
Tengusaur (04:23:25): The Murphies are forced to land and turn into robot modes...
Tengusaur (04:24:26): As for the other side of the battlefield, the combined attack wrecks the second generator, turning it into a huge pile of rubble! And while retreating, Josh manages to blast two more power armors!
VJockey (04:24:46): Michael: [Gets into a gun-fu Stance, letting out Kiai noises to boot]..WhuuuAAaaaaaaAAh! [The message is clear to the Murphies. BRING IT.] I'll kick those cans so hard they won't even be able to recycle em!
kamikasei (04:25:07): Laura: "Mister President, would you prefer we go easy on them, or…"
Tengusaur (04:25:14): But at this very moment, the spider robot with a very long name finishes charging its photon cannon, and sends a huge, bright beam into that direction! (Josh, Laura, Charl, react)
Tengusaur (04:25:25): (George, Michelle)
TormTerra (04:25:29): Seeing the actions of the others, at least on the radar, Michelle opened a line to George. "Get me an opening, I can get a missile in from here."
Tengusaur (04:26:14): To make it worse...
VJockey (04:26:19): Michael: Priority's on saving Neo-France! If you can go easy on 'em go ahead! But whatever we can do to help these people out - the sooner the better!
Wyverncakes (04:26:19): * Aaaaaand crap. "With a charge time like that I'd honestly be disappointed if it didn't..." No more time for quips, he had evasions to do! The Aile sprang to the side, leaving a trail of after-images behind it as it poured all its speed into trying to get around the shot!+
Tengusaur (04:26:26): Not too far away from here, Louvre can be seen.
Tengusaur (04:26:38): It's mostly undamaged, but on the way of the giant blast!
peter kampschroeder (04:26:45): #Neo-France
TormTerra (04:26:48): #Louvre
Tengusaur (04:26:57): (approved)
TormTerra (04:27:13): (Both of us or if not, who?)
Tengusaur (04:27:18): (Michelle that is, Charl has his own trouble)
Mister Giggles (04:27:27): *Gundam Rose wasn't quite built for taking down large targets - see: Grand Gundam - but he can sure as hell play crowd control. George turns to those Murphies... "Rose Bits!" And commence the most ungodly Funnel Spam known to man or beast. Maybe some of those Murphies will be shot down before they can reach the Murphy. They will not harm Mary Magdalenege's body! (Kudos to those who get that reference.)
TormTerra (04:28:06): Seeing the blast run for a short moment, Pandora suddenly stopped in its tracks for a second, a green wall of plasma suddenly springing up in the path of the blast, hopefully protecting the museum
peter kampschroeder (04:28:13): *Normally Charles would dodge this. Normally Charles would not be in a giant metal bubble filled with air, though. Instead of dodging the blast, he backs up as much as he can while staying in its path…and putting up his shield to block.+
kamikasei (04:28:31): *Laura's already moving away from the spider - she grits her teeth, dodging just enough to graze the beam, and gathers her defense cloud around her feet! Shards of crystal form in it, as she aims to catch the force of the laser and diffuse and scatter as much of it as she can without letting it hit her full-on!+
TormTerra (04:28:48): +
Tengusaur (04:29:37): One of the Murphies falls to the ground, riddles with holes from beam blasts and completely destroyed. The other two are lightly damaged, and are flying towards George now in helicopter forms, firing their guns! (George react)
TormTerra (04:29:48): Using the opening George gave her, Michelle duckeds out into a street that gave a clear line of fire to the generator for just long enough to get a lock and fire, before diving back into the side street she came from.
TormTerra (04:29:49): Just as the missile is about to hit, the telltale green color of a plasma field erupts around the tip.+
Tengusaur (04:30:54): The photon blast is very powerful, draining lots of Pandora's energy from sustaining the shield and damaging most of its front armor! But the mech holds, and Louvre is unscathed.
Mister Giggles (04:31:15): *Gundam Rose was pretty damn fast for a Gundam of its size. George will attempt to draw their fire using his own sheer acrobatic finesse - he's definitely one of the more acrobatic Gundam Fightsers out of all of them - meanwihle... "Rose Screamer!" Yes, PLEASE group up for him like that. Those Rose Bits start forming their own formation, attempting to hit the grouped up helicopters from two different directions in a pincer strike.
Tengusaur (04:32:02): Charles is in a similar situation, although only the Striker parts suffered some damage. Laura and Josh manage to dodge.
Tengusaur (04:33:06): Michelle's missile hits its target, causing the generator tower to sway around, its structure heavily damaged! One more shot should do it...
cubey@aol.pl (04:33:41): Lowe: "Almost there! And then the big ugly!"
Tengusaur (04:33:53): George takes one some of the shots on his cape, but he blows up another Murphy.
Tengusaur (04:34:14): Suddenly!
Wyverncakes (04:34:23): Josh: "And hopefully before he fires again!"
TormTerra (04:34:26): "Better hurry then, if that blast goes the wrong way...And I don't think I can take another shot like that."
Wyverncakes (04:34:31): "We were lucky this time... newbie can you-"
Tengusaur (04:34:32): Those of you who have radars can see that unknown Mobile Suits are entering the colony!
Wyverncakes (04:34:39): Ah, Michelle beat him to the punch. And yeah, all the more reason to-
Wyverncakes (04:34:45): Oh goddammit!
peter kampschroeder (04:34:54): "…I really hope that those are friends..."
cubey@aol.pl (04:35:18): 8: "LOWE! MORE TARGETS APPROACH"
Tengusaur (04:35:19): In fact, you can see them now!
Tengusaur (04:35:20): http://images.wikia.com/gundam/images/f/f2/Zgmf-1017.jpg
Wyverncakes (04:35:24): Josh: "If they were Neo-France, they would've shown up already."
Tengusaur (04:35:35): It's a group of eight GINNs, but it's led by a very familiar unit...
Wyverncakes (04:35:39): Aaaaand whaddya know.
TormTerra (04:35:40): "They could be someone else. Let's avoid firing until we know who they are."
Tengusaur (04:35:42): http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120302183717/gundam/images/7/72/Goldframe-amatsu2.jpg
Wyverncakes (04:35:43): "GINNs."
peter kampschroeder (04:35:53): "Can't blame a gi-man for hoping…"
Tengusaur (04:35:53): ???: "I've got you now, Red Frame!"
Tengusaur (04:36:00): They are incoming rapidly!
cubey@aol.pl (04:36:01): Lowe: "It's you again! Why do we keep running into each other?"
kamikasei (04:36:17): Laura: "Red Frame?!"
TormTerra (04:36:23): "So, they aren't friends after all...Is it ever friends?"
Tengusaur (04:36:44): ???: "This will be the last time! If I cannot take back the Red Frame from you, I will destroy it completely!"
VJockey (04:37:23): Michael:..>All that Ginn and no tonic. What's the world coming to?
cubey@aol.pl (04:37:48): Lowe: "What's with your sick obsession with destroying things anyway?!"
Wyverncakes (04:37:58): Josh: "He just doesn't know when to quit, does he?"
TormTerra (04:37:59): "Who is that guy?"
Wyverncakes (04:38:03): "... At least his suit looks better."
cubey@aol.pl (04:38:06): Lowe: "These mobile suits were made to protect things precious to us, not ruin more lives!"
Tengusaur (04:39:07): ???: "What foolishness! You are just a naive mechanic! Mobile Suits are tools of destruction, made to ensure that the leaders can keep their underlings in order and their enemies far away!"
kamikasei (04:39:20): Laura: "You realize Neo-France is being invaded? People are dying! Save it for later!"
Tengusaur (04:39:35): ???: "Do you even know the history of the Astray units?"
VJockey (04:39:52): Michael: You know what? Lets test that theory out! LOWE! KICK HIS BUTT!
peter kampschroeder (04:40:06): "…tch."
cubey@aol.pl (04:40:28): Lowe: "I don't. But it doesn't matter! What kind of a leader only wants to destroy everything?!"
Wyverncakes (04:41:09): Josh: "We have more important things than a history lesson!"
TormTerra (04:41:33): "So what exactly are you planning to rule if you just go around pissing people off and smashing things?"
Mister Giggles (04:41:55): George: What... why does everyone want to attack Neo France all of a sudden!?
peter kampschroeder (04:42:18): "…Michelle, can you block that beam again?"
Tengusaur (04:42:30): ???: "As expected, you have no idea what it means to be a leader. I am Rondo Gina Sahaku of Orb! The Astrays were created at my order, to help Orb become the most powerful country in the world! But then you stole the Red and Blue frame... And since you refuse to give them back, you shall die!"
TormTerra (04:42:40): "Maybe, or maybe it'd overload the engine and fry me. I hope I won't have to try."
Tengusaur (04:43:09): And with that, the Gold Frame fires its double harpoons at Lowe, while the GINNs open support fire at all of his friemds!
Wyverncakes (04:43:18): Aaaaand amount of fucks given: zero.
Tengusaur (04:43:24): (everyone react, then Lowe and Michael move)
Tengusaur (04:43:30): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GqhHqBCBrIg
peter kampschroeder (04:43:36): "Great…we just need to take out that last generator. Micheal!"
Tengusaur (04:44:06): (GINNs are using beam rifles, if anyone is wondering.)
cubey@aol.pl (04:44:40): *"I don't care who you are!" Red Frame jumps to one side to avoid the first harpoon. "If you think you can cause mayhem and destruction like that, you're going down!" And then back in the other side, to dodge the second one.+
peter kampschroeder (04:44:47): *This is beginning to get on Charles's nerves, but he'll try to block the shot coming for him as well as he can.+
Wyverncakes (04:44:49): * This is what his shield's for! Lowe hefts it up and falls back to a more favorable position! Hopefully the laminated coating will help.+
TormTerra (04:45:01): Despite the overload and the damage, Michelle once again hunkered down behind a plasma shield. A stray shot from those things could pierce the colonies and she wasn't going to let that happenn+
Wyverncakes (04:45:23): ^ Josh hefts it up
Wyverncakes (04:45:28): (Oh wow how did that happen?)
Tengusaur (04:46:01): Lowe avoids the first harpoon, but the second one hits the Red Frame and starts draining its energy!
kamikasei (04:46:02): *Laura dodges towards the last generator while she puts a shield between her and the GINNs. Might as well try to get any shots that miss her to do some good instead! Meanwhile she just flies, flies, flies like the Major is watching!+
Tengusaur (04:46:07): (Lowe act now)
Tengusaur (04:46:54): The Shield Team manages to defend themselves from the incoming beams. With their mighty shields.
cubey@aol.pl (04:47:23): *"Ghh! I'd better finish it quick..." Red Frame runs up, facing its golden opponent head-on. But as soon as it's not too far away, Lowe goes down and executes a sweeping kick, followed by an arc of steel as he swings Gerbera Straight wildly!+
VJockey (04:48:39): Michael: BEAM RIFLES! IN A COLONY! *Michael was dodging through the buildings as best as he can before running up one while assisted by his boosters, sending pistol fire at the head of one of the GINNs+ SERIOUSLY! THIS GUYS A FEW COWBOYS SHORT OF A RODEO!
Tengusaur (04:48:39): Ghina raises his hand and jumps towards the Red Frame! Two Mobile Suits clash, and then... The Gold Frame is holding the Gerbera Straight's blade in its hand!
Tengusaur (04:49:05): Ghina: "Too weak."
cubey@aol.pl (04:49:25): Lowe: "What!"
Tengusaur (04:49:32): Suddenly the Gold Frame's arm-blade activates, cutting off the blade of the katana!
cubey@aol.pl (04:49:45): 8: "IT SNAPPED OFF!"
cubey@aol.pl (04:49:55): Lowe: "Impossible... Gerbera Straight was... just like that!"
Mister Giggles (04:50:06): George: "That's... impossible..."
Wyverncakes (04:50:20): Josh: "What the hell?!? Isn't that thing unbreakable?!?"
Tengusaur (04:50:22): And Ghina follows up by swinging and slashing at Lowe with the Gold Frame's huge claws! (Lowe react)
TormTerra (04:50:29): "Clearly it wasn't."
Spirit of Justice (04:50:40): #Lowe
kamikasei (04:50:42): Laura: "Lowe was really proud of that!"
Mister Giggles (04:50:42): # Lower
Tengusaur (04:50:51): (Gai approved)
peter kampschroeder (04:51:24): "We have bigger things to worry about than keepsakes!"
Tengusaur (04:51:26): Michael blows up the GINN, but two others are flying towards him, slashing with beam sabers! (react)
cubey@aol.pl (04:51:26): Lowe is surprised and it seems his options are limited - how to defend with no weapon!
Tengusaur (04:51:56): (Josh, Charl, Laura)
Wyverncakes (04:52:10): (Enemy headcount?)
Tengusaur (04:52:16): enemy list, red: Casparaitis, energy generator x1, Murphy x7 (3 damaged), power armor soldier x8

enemy list, yellow: Astray Gold Frame, GINN x7
kamikasei (04:53:06): Laura: "We have to stop the spider first! I'll clear out the guards!"
Wyverncakes (04:53:09): As much as he'd like to help Lowe... Josh knows there's still one generator that needs to be disposed of... and so the Aile blasts off towards it!
Spirit of Justice (04:53:43): “You haven’t lost if you’re willing to continue the battle Lowe Gear!”
peter kampschroeder (04:53:58): *"Good!" Charles zips around the final generator building, trying to get a good look at it. She's going to have to shoot it very carefully for a controlled demolition…&
Wyverncakes (04:54:09): * "I'm right with you, Laura!" He narrows his eyes before shouting out the vocal command to disable the machine's limiters! "BURST RAVE...!" And at that the Aile shoots off with even greater speed, as he spins around to be a whirling blade of destruction and chop down that generator!+
cubey@aol.pl (04:54:27): Lowe: "Gai?!"
Tengusaur (04:54:59): Well, so much for controlled destruction, because Josh blows the thing up! That leaves Charles free to do something else.
Spirit of Justice (04:55:19): Gai: "Lowe! You're going to win this fight!"
kamikasei (04:55:37): *Laura aims to repeat her earlier tactic, with a twist - the blade in her right hand lengthens, and a matching one forms in her left, before she again draws off a bit of her cloud and boosts her speed with it, charging at the Murphys and power armours around the last generator, zig-zagging between them and cutting at limbs and weapons with each blade! She's trying to avoid injuring pilots, but mostly focuses on throwing them in to disarray - and on moving to fast to let herself be hit!+
Tengusaur (04:55:42): By the way, the six power armor soldiers group up, hiding behind their shields, and fire miniguns at the Aile. (Josh react)
Mister Giggles (04:55:49): # Aile
Tengusaur (04:55:54): (approved)
VJockey (04:56:25): Michael: Oh SNAP! *he makes his attempt to dodge by diving under one of the attacking GINN's Legs, sending pistol fire under and into it's back as much as he can+
Spirit of Justice (04:56:38): *Suddenly from up above is the Blue Frame 2nd L! And it immediately sets into action by drawing its Tactical Arms, transforming it into its massive sword form, and tossing it straight down towards Lowe+
Wyverncakes (04:56:42): * "Standing your ground's never a good idea against the Aile!" Josh snorts as the machine begins to juke left and right to evade as much of the gunfire as possible, all while slashing down with its sword to thin out the crowd!+
Spirit of Justice (04:56:59): Gai: "You fancy yourself a swordsman, so use this!"
Mister Giggles (04:57:11): George: "I don't think so!" George, maintaining his crowd control role in this fight, turns his rose bits on those power armor soldiers, and positions them above any cover they might have, attempting to spray fire around them. They're small targets, but the shrapnel the bits' beams kick up should be enough to at least injure them and throw off their aim, if not kill them out right.
peter kampschroeder (04:57:38): *With the soldiers busy fighting Laura and Josh, that leaves Charles free to get out that multi missile launcher and blast the remaining supports on the final generator's tower.+
cubey@aol.pl (04:57:38): *Hearing Gai's voice and seeing him spring into action is enough to snap Lowe out of it. "About time you showed up!" Red Frame quickly grabs the Tactical Arms.
cubey@aol.pl (04:57:45): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E0pawexXyHU
peter kampschroeder (04:58:04): (Oh, oops. Missed that)
cubey@aol.pl (04:58:07): *And slashes up with a powerful, two-handed strike! "YEAAAAH!" +
Tengusaur (04:58:55): Lowe's attack collides with Ghina's, and the Gold Frame is pushed back, a thin but long gash in its chest.
peter kampschroeder (04:59:05): *Charles is going to shift gears and focus on the spider, pulling out two rifles and putting shot after shot towards the four-legged arachnid.+
Tengusaur (04:59:06): Ghina: "Gh... The Blue Frame as well?"
Tengusaur (04:59:21): Ghina: "Fine, I shall destroy both of you at once!"
Tengusaur (04:59:31): (Gai can move now)
cubey@aol.pl (05:00:47): Lowe: "No, this is where you can kiss your sick aspirations good-bye!"
Tengusaur (05:00:58): Laura cuts off the limbs of one of the Murphys, rendering it unable to fight. The combined attacks of three units disable or blow up all the power armors at thos station! Josh suffers more damage to Aile's limbs and shield though.
Tengusaur (05:01:10): (Michelle and George can move too)
TormTerra (05:01:25): Weighing her options for a second as the shield around the spider finally fell, before falling back on missiles again. Running into the street, she crouched to steady the launch, trying to get a lock on the beam cannon itself.
TormTerra (05:01:29): She probably couldn't destroy the spider outright, but at least she could hopefully take out that gun.
TormTerra (05:01:29): +
Mister Giggles (05:02:11): (Enemy count?)
Tengusaur (05:02:19): Michael avoids the GINN and sends it tumbling towards the ground! It gets up on one leg, unsteadily.
Tengusaur (05:02:28): enemy list, red: Casparaitis, energy generator x1, Murphy x5 (2 damaged), power armor soldier x2

enemy list, yellow: Astray Gold Frame, GINN x7 (1 damaged)
Tengusaur (05:02:34): (scratch the generator)
Spirit of Justice (05:03:10): *Having lent Lowe his Tactical Arms Gai is shifting to his old reliable Armor Schneider knives, drawing two of them and immediately tossing them at Gold Frame+
Tengusaur (05:03:55): Charles' attacks hit the spider's leg, making it pull it back for a second before stomping on the floor again. It focuses its gaze at the IS pilot now! But before it can fire, here comes a Murphy, spraying bullets. (react)
peter kampschroeder (05:04:36): *Pft. 360 degree vision yo! Charles just flips up out of the way of the spray and drops down behind the Murphy.+
Wyverncakes (05:04:42): #
Mister Giggles (05:04:53): *The Murphies are pretty much in control now, so George is now focus on Casparaitis. George rallies his (surprisingly undamaged) Rose Bits, and forms them up around the giant spider. "Nobody attacks Neo France on my watch!" George draws his Chevelier Beam Saber, and charges in a zig-zag like way, while spreading his Rose Bits out as wide as the mobile trace system allows, to make them harder to hit for the large, cumbersome machine. &
Tengusaur (05:05:03): Charles avoids the attack quickly.
Tengusaur (05:05:08): (too late)
Wyverncakes (05:05:22): (Alright)
Tengusaur (05:05:24): The missiles straight to the cannon make the spider stand on two legs for a moment due to being thrown up by the force of the impact! It focuses its attention on Michelle now...
Tengusaur (05:06:16): Ghina avoids the thrown knives with great speed and counters by pulling out and firing a clay bazooka at Gai! (react)
cubey@aol.pl (05:06:22): Lowe: "You guys are doing alright?" Red Frame adjusts the grip on the trusty Combined Arms - even if it's not technically its standard equipment...
cubey@aol.pl (05:06:31): #Gai
Tengusaur (05:06:39): (approved)
Wyverncakes (05:06:45): Josh: "Totally! With its barrier down it's a joke!"
cubey@aol.pl (05:07:03): *And as soon as Gold Frame pulls its bazooka out, Lowe bumrushes it and uses the Arms' sword mode to cut its barrel down!+
TormTerra (05:07:08): "At least until it shoots."
Tengusaur (05:07:29): The giant spider can only keep attention at one target at once, so George is free to advance towards it! (continue)
Tengusaur (05:08:06): "Tch!" Ghina throws away the now-useless bazooka, unable to fire.
Tengusaur (05:08:11): (Lowe, Gai, Michael)
kamikasei (05:08:24): # Michelle?
cubey@aol.pl (05:08:31): "Let's finish this now, Gai!"
Tengusaur (05:08:58): (she's not attacked yet)
Spirit of Justice (05:09:02): "Right!"
cubey@aol.pl (05:09:57): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=52bliYUhVd0
cubey@aol.pl (05:10:04): *Being so close to Ghina's suit, Lowe's best chances is to continue with the assault. He starts by spraying vulcan fire at Gold Frame's main camera - and quickly follows up with a massive, sweeping blow!+
VJockey (05:11:33): Michael: *With the Casparatis being taken care of by George and Lowe and Gai taking on Ghina. Michael deals with the GINNs. His current weapons? The Party Cracker shotguns. He rushes at a GINN, firing the weapons into its face with intention to blind!&
Spirit of Justice (05:11:47): *Charging down from above, Gai follows Lowe's lead in the attack as he comes down with another two knives. Knives ready to stab right into Gold Frame's power draining backpack!+
Tengusaur (05:12:57): Ghina tries to activate the Mirrage Colloid system, but you can't do that when a knife to the back drains most of your power! Lowe's strike ends up severing an arm and a part of the side of Gold Frame's body!
Tengusaur (05:13:16): Ghina: "What the... The Astray... This is impossible!"
cubey@aol.pl (05:14:02): Lowe looks at the enemy unit, now barely able to move - what about fight. "Think about what just happened..." And so he turns to focus on other enemies.
cubey@aol.pl (05:14:18): Ghina is obviously no threat anymore so killing him would just be stupid.
Tengusaur (05:14:55): Michael blinds a GINN with the party cracker. Another one approaches though, firing its machinegun at him! (Michael react/continue)
Tengusaur (05:16:01): And the giant spider fires another huge photon beam shot! This time it targets those who are nearby and attacked it - Michelle, Char, George. Oh, and the Neo Eiffel Tower is on the way of the blast too. (you three react)
Tengusaur (05:16:16): (Charl, Josh, Laura, you can move)
Mister Giggles (05:16:20): George then begins peppering the giant spider with Rose Bit fire from various directions at once. Normally this wouldn't be possible without Rose Hurricane, but considering how big and slow this target is? It's fairly doable. Meanwhile, George is gonna jump and boost upwards, attempting to ram the Chevalier beam saber directly into the joint of one of its legs!+
VJockey (05:16:41): Michael: *What does the President do? Use the blinded GINN as both shield AND battering ram! He swings around to the Machine's back to protect himself and rushes at the attacking GINN with it's comrade as a makeshift shield/weapon!+
Tengusaur (05:16:55): Oh yes, that attack totally destroyed one of the robot spider's legs. It's only standing on 3 now.
Wyverncakes (05:17:33): * While the spider attacks everyone else, Josh takes the opportunity to charge forward, zooming towards it before blasting his Impulse Cannons at the machine's legs! "Let's see you shoot anything when you can't even aim!"
peter kampschroeder (05:17:55): *Charles is going to go ahead and block again, backing up to get as far away as possible from the spider along the beam's path. We'll see about attacking if he's still standing afterwards.+
Spirit of Justice (05:17:57): Gai: "It's over for you Sahaku"
Mister Giggles (05:18:31): George: "No! The Eiffel Tower..." *George is seriously hoping the uneven balance the spider now has from an odd number of legs is enough to make it miss...
Mister Giggles (05:18:32): *
kamikasei (05:18:33): Laura: "Michelle, use a shield! I'll strengthen it!"
Tengusaur (05:19:14): Michael's trick works excellently, smashing the two GINNs against each other and making them blow up, while Metal Wolf is unharmed.
TormTerra (05:19:18): "Got it, Laura." Following the directions of the Shifter, Michelle gritted her teeth against the heat and impact to come as she threw up another plasma barrier, drawing as much as she could on the plasma engine
TormTerra (05:19:19): +
kamikasei (05:19:25): *She's as good as her word - swooping down to crouch on Pandora's head, she puts her hands to the machine and mist streams out of her and in to it, suffusing the shield generators!+
Tengusaur (05:20:12): (George, Charl, reacts?)
TormTerra (05:20:42): (Charl made one a bit ago)
peter kampschroeder (05:20:45): (Charl's is up. Her attack is not, as it is kinda dependent on whether or not she makes it through the hit.)
Tengusaur (05:20:53): (ah)
Mister Giggles (05:21:21): *George is NOT gonna let that thing destroy a Neo French landmark. "ROSE SCREAMER!" The Rose Bits stop their all-range attack on the Spider, and instead focus-fire on the cannon itself, near the base. George wants to disable that thing all in one go.+
Tengusaur (05:22:06): George's attack manages to damage the cannon, making it fire at non-full power!
Tengusaur (05:22:48): The double block proves an effective defense from the photon beam! Both Charl and Michelle are intact, though their energy reserves are almost gone. Gundam Rose's side is scorched by the edge of the blast, though.
kamikasei (05:22:55): *Michelle defended, Laura forms another blade and throws it at the spider, aiming right at the cannon. It may not do a lot of damage, but if it hits, it'll disappear in to the weapon in the same way she reinforced Pandora - sabotaging it and causing it to backfire!+
Tengusaur (05:23:25): Neo Eiffel Tower is safe, but a part of the blast hit a nearby artificial gravity generator. Everything is floating around now.
peter kampschroeder (05:23:59): *And that taken care of, Charles gets up in the air and lets loose a few rifle bullets at the spider-robot.
Mister Giggles (05:24:04): George: Wh-wha!? *Good thing Gundam Rose is fully viable for zero-G fighting...*
cubey@aol.pl (05:24:29): Lowe: "I was really worried about you guys for a second there!"
Wyverncakes (05:24:46): Josh is kinda surprised as the Aile suddenly begins to drift into space... but he can deal with it! The Aile still handles great in space!
TormTerra (05:24:53): Suddenly floating is rather disconcerting to say the least, especially after being knocked around like that, but it wasn't like she couldn't adapt. "Hey, thanks."
Tengusaur (05:25:01): Something fizzles inside the cannon, and electricity crawls over the spider-bot for a few seconds. Its cohorts don't let anyone forget they're here, though - two Murphys are heading towards Laura, firing! (react)
TormTerra (05:25:07): #
Tengusaur (05:25:25): (approved)
Tengusaur (05:25:58): Josh damages another of the spider's legs, temporarily immobilizing it.
TormTerra (05:26:14): Seeing the attack right near her, Michelle quickly fired the thrusters to interpose the bulk of Pandora between her and Laura. Even in its current state, the armor should be able to take that much at least+
Wyverncakes (05:26:46): Josh:"Alright. Now it's a sitting duck!"
Tengusaur (05:27:14): Ghina: "You should be worried about yourself!!!" Using the Gold Frame's only good arm, he fires a beam blast towards the back of the Red Frame! (Lowe react)
VJockey (05:27:14): Michael: [Now flailing slightly in the Zero-G before reorienting himself.] Okay... someone's gonna have to get that fixed..
Wyverncakes (05:27:39): Josh: "Wait, that guy's still not-... Lowe! Watch it!"
Tengusaur (05:27:39): Bullets ricochet off Pandora's armor.
cubey@aol.pl (05:27:52): Lowe: "Wh...at?"
cubey@aol.pl (05:27:56): # (you know what)
Tengusaur (05:28:13): (approved)
cubey@aol.pl (05:29:04): *As Red Frame turns to face the unexpected beam blast, something suddenly posits itself between the attack and the mobile suit. The cutoff tip of Gerbera Straight, still covered in anti-beam coating and carried by lack of gravity!+
kamikasei (05:29:13): Laura: "Thanks!"
TormTerra (05:29:31): "Back at ya, not sure I'd have done it without you before."
Tengusaur (05:29:43): By sheer luck alone, the beam gets reflected off the severed blade of the katana!
Tengusaur (05:30:00): Ghina: "What the... That is..."
Tengusaur (05:30:10): Ghina: "Ha ha ha ha ha!"
cubey@aol.pl (05:30:34): Lowe: "Gerbera Straight! You still wanted to help me, right?"
Wyverncakes (05:30:51): Well wasn't that the luckies break in like forever?
Tengusaur (05:30:53): (Michelle, George, Gai)
Spirit of Justice (05:32:37): *For some reason Sahaku forgot that Gai was still behind him in favor of trying to kill Lowe again. The result of his forgetfulness? Blue Frame simply pulling out another knife and jamming it into the cockpit unceremoniously+
Mister Giggles (05:32:52): *Those last Murphies are distracted. Now is George's chance to take down this monstrosity once and for all. George leaps upwards while the Rose Bits resume their repeated firing on the Spider, this time aiming for its midsection... And George is angling himself to land straight down towards the creature's head.&
Spirit of Justice (05:33:06): Gai: "A mercenary attacks whenever the opportunity arises Sahaku”
TormTerra (05:33:10): With the spider on its last legs, almost literally given George's actions before, Michelle pulled her axe out with the unoccupied hand and flew forward to go above the spider.
TormTerra (05:33:11): Suddenly changing direction, she headed straight downward towards it swinging her axe in a single slash against the body of the thing slash, a final bit of plasma being used to cover the blade as it struck.+
Tengusaur (05:33:56): Ghina: "Ha ha h-gck!" Getting stabbed interrupts his laughter. The blade goes straight through the cockpit, killing the pilot.
Tengusaur (05:34:45): GINN pilot 1: "Damnit, they got the boss!"
Tengusaur (05:35:00): GINN pilot 2: "I'm not paid enough for this!"
Wyverncakes (05:35:43): Josh: "Then leave and avoid sharing his fate!"
Wyverncakes (05:35:46): "It's as simple as that!"
VJockey (05:35:59): Michael: You're getting paid alright! IN BULLETS! [Michael draws his gatling guns threateningly!] SO SCRAM BEFORE I PUT MORE HOLES IN YOU THAN SWISS CHEESE!
Tengusaur (05:36:10): The GINNs start to retreat, launching defensive fire from their rifles to cover their escape! One of them tries to grab the Gold Frame on the way and get away with it. (no need to reacts unless someone wants to stop them)
cubey@aol.pl (05:36:36): Lowe: "Yeah, you go away! And Gai... thanks."
kamikasei (05:36:48): Laura: "Neo France is under attack! Help defend it and their government is sure to go easy on you!"
cubey@aol.pl (05:36:53): "Time to finish the spider and we can all go home!"
kamikasei (05:36:53): It's worth a shot...
TormTerra (05:37:48): "I doubt that's going to work. They can just run away while we're busy, why risk their lives for an amnesty?"
Tengusaur (05:38:21): The spider-bot looks up towards George, but Michelle's cut leaves a long, glowing gash in its body, covering it in miniature explosions! (George continue)
VJockey (05:39:54): *Michael sends a burst of fire at the one trying to get away with the Gold Frame. A dangerously close warning shot to get them to leave faster+
kamikasei (05:40:48): Laura: "…Lowe, you okay?"
Tengusaur (05:40:56): The GINN hides behind the Gold Frame (its PSA is still active, it seems, so the attack barely grazes it) and then escapes faster!
Tengusaur (05:41:16): As for the spider-bot...
Mister Giggles (05:41:23): George doesn't care. He's gonna take that explosion. Gundam Fighters have a near-superhuman pain tolerance, after all. That beam saber is going right between its eyes if George has his way.+
cubey@aol.pl (05:41:38): Lowe: "Somehow... I mostly needed rescuing despite coming for rescue myself though." He does not sound too worried about this, more like amused.
Tengusaur (05:42:04): Its head is split open by George's attack! Which means that the next time it's charging a beam shot it's going to do so blindly.
Tengusaur (05:42:09): And when it does that? Right now.
Tengusaur (05:42:48): Static charges crawl all over the heavily damaged robotic spider as it gathers a visibly huge amount of energy in its photon cannon!
Wyverncakes (05:43:24): Josh: "Dammit!"
Tengusaur (05:43:24): (everyone, you got time for an opportunity shot)
Wyverncakes (05:43:30): "Now or never... no reason to hold back now!"
Wyverncakes (05:44:00): * Josh brings the Cypher Gun to bare on the Spider before unloading it, pelting the machine with bullets before firing the Impulse Cannons as well! "Alright then... go down!"
Mister Giggles (05:44:06): George lands on the ground, his skin feeling like its on fire from taking that explosion. His skin isn't actually burned, but those pain stimulators in the Mobile Trace system... No. No, he needs to take it down now. Getting to a safe distance, he then has his rose bits aim right for that thing's core.
Spirit of Justice (05:44:31): *Gai unfortunately has no more guns. So he throws yet another knife at the cannon+
peter kampschroeder (05:44:40): *Charles just grimaces. The rifles vanish, replaced by not one, but two of Metal Wolf's multi-missile lunahcers-and Charles opens up, a barrage of projectiles weaving past friendlies to strike at the monster!+
VJockey (05:45:14): Michael: *Joins Charles in the circus! The ITANO CIRCUS! Multi-Missile Barrage ho!+
cubey@aol.pl (05:45:20): *Red Frame kneels down behind the Arms - which changes its configuration, revealing a chaingun! "I didn't forget everything about this yet, y'know!" And the chaingun opens fire at the glowy bit of the spider.+
TormTerra (05:45:25): Being near the spider like that and having already broken a hole in its armor, Michelle saw no reason to stop pressing the attack.
TormTerra (05:45:26): Tossing her axe aside for free hands, she pulled out her gatling and unloaded into the gash she had cut before+
kamikasei (05:45:29): *Laura eyes the underside of the spider, looking for a likely spot… and… yes, that'll do - she flies up and cuts right through a few important-looking power and coolant lines, aiming to prevent the cannon from firing at all, or at least to burn itself out almost immediately!+
Tengusaur (05:46:32): All the attacks collide with the giant spider robot, blowing up and smashing up pieces of it!
Tengusaur (05:46:45): The glowing ball of energy inside its generator glows really huge...
Tengusaur (05:46:58): And then it fizzles and disappears completely!
Tengusaur (05:47:16): A small explosion is set off inside the robot. Then another one, and another.
Tengusaur (05:47:26): And the whole giant thing blows up!
cubey@aol.pl (05:47:59): Lowe: "So much for no collateral damage... still, could be much worse."
VJockey (05:48:19): Michael: We still managed to save the day! That's gotta be worth plenty
Wyverncakes (05:48:23): Josh breathes a sigh of relief though.
Wyverncakes (05:48:34): "Yeah... and Hawke just dug an even deeper hole for himself."
peter kampschroeder (05:48:38): "At least the colony is safe..."
TormTerra (05:48:45): "At least the landmarks didn't get blown up. I'm sure people would rather have the useful buildings hurt." Michelle's voice didn't exactly sound serious
Tengusaur (05:48:50): Indeed, several buildings in the city center are destroyed... But they evacuated, so it's okay. And none of them are national monuments.
TormTerra (05:48:52): "Still, it could be much worse for those too."
cubey@aol.pl (05:49:14): Lowe: "Oh yeah, about Hawke! Mr President, you think his armies are going to retreat now?"
kamikasei (05:49:20): Laura: "There was collateral damage before we arrived… we at least kept it to a minimum."
Tengusaur (05:49:26): If anyone would look around for Richard's flunkies, it seems the survivors fled while you weren't looking.
Tengusaur (05:49:52): Similarily, the GINNs escaped too, taking the Gold Frame with it. Its arm is still floating around though.
VJockey (05:49:56): Michael:...Maybe. He did like that Spider-thing waaaay too much. but he'd probably try to hit even harder
cubey@aol.pl (05:50:43): With a fluid swing, Red Frame transforms the Arms back into sword mode. And then Lowe hands the weapon back to Gai.
TormTerra (05:50:53): "Hopefully he'll at least need to regroup, who knows what else we'll get into a fight with next."
Tengusaur (05:51:02): Dan: "A large shuttle is escaping the colony! Let me give you a visual."
Wyverncakes (05:51:15): Josh raises his eyebrow in confusion. "Who is it?"
cubey@aol.pl (05:51:27): "Here. This is yours after all."
Tengusaur (05:51:31): Dan: "I don't know, but I'm sure you can figure it out."
Tengusaur (05:51:39): Dan sends a video to those who can receive it, showing that the shuttle is painted like a giant American flag.
TormTerra (05:52:10): "...Tasteful. I imagine that's Hawke running away."
Spirit of Justice (05:52:11): Accepting the weapon, Blue Frame folds it into its storage form upon its back.
cubey@aol.pl (05:52:14): Lowe needs free hands to grab the broken off Gerbera Straight fragment... and the Gold Frame arm - because might as well plunder some valuable tech from the whole ordeal.
peter kampschroeder (05:52:38): "…How far away is it?"
VJockey (05:52:50): Michael:... Think we can get close enough to go after him?
Spirit of Justice (05:53:07): "You built it, it'll always be your work"
cubey@aol.pl (05:54:23): Lowe: "Heh, you're going to make me embarassed..."
Tengusaur (05:54:27): Dan: "The shuttle moves at the same speed as White Chalice and is far away right now. Catching it is not possible, I'm afraid."
cubey@aol.pl (05:54:37): Yes, he's in a joking mood already.
Wyverncakes (05:54:44): Josh grunted a bit in annoyance.
Wyverncakes (05:54:57): "... Next time he shows up we should have someone on standby."
Wyverncakes (05:55:02): "Just to intercept him when he pulls this."
TormTerra (05:55:44): "We didn't really have time to plan, everybody who was available scrambled to join the fight."
Tengusaur (05:55:45): Dan: "Don't feel bad, you handled the situation excellently! Well, not counting all the property damage."
peter kampschroeder (05:56:16): "…Mmm….that isn't a bad idea, Josh..."
TormTerra (05:56:29): "...Is he always that inspiring and good at giving compliments?"
VJockey (05:57:18): Michael: Next time then. We'll get him before the opening act
cubey@aol.pl (05:57:21): Lowe: "You're Werter's friend, right? I can tell."
TormTerra (05:58:38): "Not really, met him a couple of times. He is the reason I'm here, though."
Wyverncakes (05:58:53): Josh: "At any rate, whoever made your machine's a fan of him."
kamikasei (05:58:59): Laura: "I guess we should try to find whoever's in charge, and help with the cleanup…"
Tengusaur (05:59:07): And thus, the five minute occupation of Neo France by Richard Hawk's forces was over.
kamikasei (05:59:19): Or get out of the way of whoever's doing the cleanup, before they get even more furious with them.
Tengusaur (05:59:35): The fake president fled, but his giant toy was destroyed, and it doesn't seem like Ghina will bother you anymore, due to being dead and all.
TormTerra (05:59:43): "Probably the latter. I'm not sure a bunch of large, military units are going to be much help."
peter kampschroeder (05:59:46): "Yeah…we can help with cleanup, too."
Tengusaur (06:00:02): And Neo France should be a good day to relax, once the gravity generator is fixed.
Tengusaur (06:00:06): MISSION COMPLETE
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