Mission 087: Separation ~ Assimilation (part 2)

Jun 10, 2012 15:52

Tengusaur (03:51:26): Kazuki's shot further wounds the Festum, causing it to slam into a ruined building! The creature extends an arm, summoning a black hole! (Kazuki react)
Tengusaur (03:51:42): (Mobius, Mira, Kamille, your turn)
swedenfc19 (03:51:48): Ranna: "All the more glorious to take them down then."
VJockey (03:52:15): Cheng: Kensuke! Do you think you can do a repeat performace of how you killed the Angel during our escape from the L-Boat Operation?!
Tengusaur (03:52:16): Shouko maneuvers nimbly between the Grendels, avoiding all of them! The flea-like creatures fall to the ground and turn towards other targets.
Wyverncakes (03:52:16): * As Kazuki sees the Festum move, he kills the engines and has the Lindwurm drop down to the ground, all while lining up another railgun shot! "... Go down...!"
howmuchineedyou (03:52:31): Kensuke holds his shield firm, and he leaps backward, doing a bit of a back handspring as he tried to avoid the barrage of fire. "A Rifle would be handy right about now!"+
Camiu (03:52:40): Kamille: It'll be no good, Cheng, That thing's probably got Two cores!
Raptor Dusk (03:52:44): *M1 lines up the seekers for a two missile hit.+
peter kampschroeder (03:52:47): "Angels…and Festum…I wonder..."
Raptor Dusk (03:53:00): *Festum is target+
Camiu (03:53:13): Kamille's tossing the Hyper Mega Launcher to Kensuke! "Don't lose it!"
Tengusaur (03:53:36): One of the beams burns Kensuke's leg! Luckily he can still stand, but the armor is gone...
Techy Elf resides here (03:53:49): Mira stays quiet a moment to check the power relays, she jumps from the shuttle aiming for the island using her jumpjets, aiming for the closest sphynx hoping to destroy it with close range.
VJockey (03:53:54): Cheng: And a black hole to make half of it vanish instantly would be a good thing to have!
peter kampschroeder (03:54:05): "…Wait, what?"
Raptor Dusk (03:54:19): M1 : I think I get it
Camiu (03:54:26): *Kamille break's out his beam rifle and starts to rapidly fire at the Grendel Festum that he can see!+
Tengusaur (03:54:43): The black hole hits the wing of Kazuki's Lindwurm, causing the thing to spiral out of control! That means that what would have been a killing shot ends up just grazing the Festum.
Techy Elf resides here (03:54:46): +
Camiu (03:54:50): Kamille: I like the way you think! Everyone! Let's get the Festum's attention on the Angels!
Tengusaur (03:54:54): Oh, and the Lindwurm is in no condition to fly well now.
Wyverncakes (03:55:05): Kazuki: "D-damn...!"
howmuchineedyou (03:55:19): The beam to the leg causes Kensuke go winced loudly, despite it not being his actual leg, he dose his best to swallow the thoughts of pain, and instead takes the gun from Kamille. "Thank you. I won't loose it!" Eva unit 04's foots seem a bit instead for a moment before he regains himself.+
Wyverncakes (03:55:22): Left with no choice, Kazuki ejects! Best not to damage the machine further.
Wyverncakes (03:55:29): ... Not before he grabs a Ruge Lance though!
Raptor Dusk (03:55:38): M1 ; "Are you ok?"
Tengusaur (03:56:19): Mobius gets one Grendel and Kamille gets three! The rest of them charge at the latter though, leaping like flies and scratching with claws. (Kamille react)
Tengusaur (03:57:16): Seeing Mira close in, the heavily wounded Sphinx reaches towards her with its hand, aiming to catch and assimilate her! (Mira react/continue?)
Tengusaur (03:57:30): (Cheng, Ranna)
VJockey (03:57:42): #Mira?
Tengusaur (03:57:46): (approved)
VJockey (03:59:06): Cheng: *except that Cheng was moving to RAM the Festum away from Mira like a charging Rhino! Both the Ymir's shields were locked, bringing up the image of a Train's Cowcatcher+
Camiu (03:59:33): *Kamille taps into the Biosensor! "GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME!" He boosts away far faster than his specs normally allow for and tosses his Beam Saber into the gap between them! "BEAM CONFUSE!" He then begins to fire what appears to be a continuous stream of beam fire from his rifle at the spinning weapon, but in reality, it's a huge number of rapid fire shots fired at such succession they are literally inches apart from each other, the beam saber shaving them all into waves of destruction that crash into the Grendels!+
swedenfc19 (04:00:16): Landing near water, she take advantage of the increased heat efficiency by alpha-striking. Each of her PPCs is aimed at different Grendels, while a flight of 10 LRMs homes in at a fifth.+
Techy Elf resides here (04:00:34): Mira flips back slightly landing back on the shuttle about to aim her rockets at it, pausing when Cheng plows into it. "Thanks for the assist!"
Tengusaur (04:01:06): Cheng pushes away the hand of the Festum, letting Mira's missiles hit their target at close range, causing the Festum to blow up in a black hole! You two might want to get away from that.
Tengusaur (04:01:35): Kamille's reckless actions mean that the Zeta's leg armor gets scratched, but he destroys two more Grendels.
Techy Elf resides here (04:01:42): Mira's already working on that, since yeah, not something she wants to deal with.
peter kampschroeder (04:01:59): Shouko's taking her time, evaluating the positions of the Festum, the Angel, obstacles to a projectile's path….
Tengusaur (04:02:00): And Ranna destroys all the remaining Grendels!
VJockey (04:02:29): *Gee, you think? This was why he did not really favor close combat much! Cheng moves as far as he can from the black hole as the Ymir's Tesla Drive can take+ "Are you alright?"
Tengusaur (04:02:39): (Cheng, you can still take action)
Tengusaur (04:03:44): (Enemy list: Sphinx Festum x2, Israfel Alpha, Israfel Beta)
Techy Elf resides here (04:05:12): "I'm hanging in there." The musician gave a thumbs up. She was managing not to look down at least, not until she was over the land at least.
Tengusaur (04:06:01): The two halves of the Angel jump back to opposite sides of the battlefield and blast each half of it with several quick beams, the last one of them aimed at Kensuke! (everyone react)
Tengusaur (04:06:26): (Cheng react after the attack)
Wyverncakes (04:06:34): * Kazuki does his best to try to position the Festum between him and the beam shots.
Wyverncakes (04:06:37): ^+
Camiu (04:06:46): Kamille: Tch! *Goes to Waverider mode, and is going straight up for dear life!+
Wyverncakes (04:06:59): Kazuki: "They're coordinated... like even with two bodies it's still one mind!"
peter kampschroeder (04:07:00): *Shouko does her best to graze the danmaku for no damage...+
Raptor Dusk (04:07:02): *M1 Follows, in High speed mode+
peter kampschroeder (04:07:36): "Then…we'll just have to do the same thing!"
Raptor Dusk (04:07:42): ^(Follows kamille)
VJockey (04:08:00): (action and React) Cheng: *The Ymir is sent into the air at a bone rattling pace in order to avoid the beam attack - to return the favor - a targetting solution locked on both halves of the Angel. Cheng hits a big red button labelled 'FIRE THE EVERYTHING'. Grenades, Missiles of all sizes, massive amounts of bullets, small beams, shrapnel and armor piercing Cannon Shells are all tearing at the Angel halves like an oncoming storm+
Techy Elf resides here (04:08:54): *Mira clings to the shuttle again glad her mask is hiding her face because ugh, all the jostling around is making her feel sick.+
Wyverncakes (04:09:21): Kazuki's kinda in disbelief at the firepower the Ymir throws everywhere!
Wyverncakes (04:09:29): "Don't you think that's just a bit... excessive?"
Tengusaur (04:09:48): (Kensuke?)
Raptor Dusk (04:09:55): M1: "I have not seen that much firepower since Whiskey Corridor"
Camiu (04:10:03): Kamille: You're asking the wrong question
howmuchineedyou (04:10:07): (oh sorry)
Tengusaur (04:10:30): (and Ranna?)
VJockey (04:10:46): Cheng: "The Gucun way of combat. Skill, and as many guns as one can fit onto their machine. There is no such thing as excessive."
VJockey (04:10:52): *your
howmuchineedyou (04:10:53): Kensuke: Kensuke dodges left, rolling across the ground and sending earth flying in his wake, his damaged leg causes his to falter as he tried to get back up, be he hopes it's enough to dodge the shot.+
Tengusaur (04:11:43): The shots turn the battlefield into an even worse mess, but everyone (so far) manages to avoid them more or less intact!
swedenfc19 (04:11:48): Ranna's mech back pedals, as she fires at the circle/sphere-looking things on the Angels. They remind her of a Battlemech's gyroscope.+
Tengusaur (04:12:49): Cheng's all-out attack, though? Even with the additional fire from Ranna, it barely manages to make the creature take a step back as it hits its AT Field. The other one takes a step back too, strangely enough.
Tengusaur (04:13:15): One of the Festum got singed by the beams, though, thanks to Kazuki's efforts.
Camiu (04:13:20): Kamille: ... no way. They're that much in sync with each other?
Tengusaur (04:13:20): (Kazuki, Shouko, Kensuke)
VJockey (04:13:53): Cheng:... Interesting... They seem to be attuned to each other... one moves and the other does the same!
Tengusaur (04:13:56): Misato: "You were right. They are completely synchronized!"
howmuchineedyou (04:14:13): Kensuke: "I got it! they are the same angel, they prob-ally have to work together. We probably have to destroy them at the same time!!"
Tengusaur (04:14:20): Misato: "I have a plan that is requires just to destroy that kind of enemy!"
Tengusaur (04:14:24): Misato: "However..."
Techy Elf resides here (04:14:27): Mira's watching the two angel's carefully for a moment, distracting herself from the waves.
Raptor Dusk (04:14:39): M1 : 'I never liked Howevers"
Tengusaur (04:14:40): Misato: "The plan was made with two Evangelion units in mind, and there is only one on the field."
Camiu (04:14:40): Kamille: Make my job harder why don't you, and what is this but I'm sensing?
Wyverncakes (04:15:01): Kazuki: "Then it's not much good, is it?"
Camiu (04:15:05): Kamille: ... *turning off radio to curse the everything*
Tengusaur (04:15:13): Misato: "Hold the Angel back while we're making modifications to it! It shouldn't be long!"
VJockey (04:15:26): Cheng: No time. We may need a new plan!
Wyverncakes (04:15:42): Kazuki... nods. "We'll see what we can do. And if we kill it before that, so much the better!"
peter kampschroeder (04:16:07): *"Right…I hope this works!" Shouko, in a display of immense foolhardiness, drops and lands right behind one of the Sphinx-types as she puts her railgun away. Mark Sechs sticks both its arms out, and fires its grappling wires over the Sphinx…right before Shouko GRABS the wires and has the Mark Sechs speed towards one of the Israfel halves…&
howmuchineedyou (04:16:44): Kensuke: "Alright Miss Misato! I'm sorry everything, I guess my Eva alone isn't enough. But I'll do what I can!" Kensuke rises the Mega Hyper whatevergun Kamille had given him, and fires back at the Angel mercilessly. It would do feel to keep them at a distance it seemed, till a plan could be arranged.+
Techy Elf resides here (04:17:03): Mira's humming softly into the radio as she jumps from the shuttle to the ground.
Tengusaur (04:17:07): The Sphinx is caught, but as Shouko drags it, it tries to hit her unit with its hand! (react/continue)
Camiu (04:17:34): Kamille: *switches radio back on* I've got it! Fafner Pilots, I need you to throw BOTH of the Sphinxes at the Angels! If we hit 'em with the black holes, we'll take them both out with one stone!
howmuchineedyou (04:17:38): Somehow Mira's humming makes Kensuke feel a bit better.
Wyverncakes (04:18:17): * In the meantime, Kazuki sets his sights on the other Festum, charging at it and readying his Ruge Lance! "Enough shooting!" He was more a melee guy anyways, and he stabs the Ruge Lance at the Festum's head!+
Wyverncakes (04:19:01): Kazuki: "That's assuming that'll work!"
peter kampschroeder (04:19:03): *And that's Shouko's cue to make her move! She has the Mark Sechs move out of the way, making it drag the Sphinx around in a wide circle at the end of the cables…and she cuts them at just the right time, flinging it towards the Angel!+
Tengusaur (04:19:20): The Festum dodges the attack partially, getting hit in the shoulder instead! It backs off, summoning a black hole between it and Kazuki! (react)
Tengusaur (04:19:27): Festum: "Is anyone there?"
Tengusaur (04:20:47): The Festum's fist grazes Mark Sechs' side, but then the monster is sent flying! At the same time, Kensuke fires a beam rifle at the other half of the Angel, raising a dust cloud that obstructs its vision!
Wyverncakes (04:21:03): * Like hell he's gonna answer or get hit! Instead he just banks around the blast before peppering the creature with more Garm-44 shots... trying to herd it towards the Angel just in case this crackpot idea works!+
Tengusaur (04:21:11): But, judging by how the other Angel stumbles back, the attacks hit!
Techy Elf resides here (04:21:29): Mira hisses, her humming stopping as she hears the voice in her head.
Tengusaur (04:21:34): But then, both halves of Israfel fire beams, aiming at the Festum and Kensuke respectively! (Kensuke react)
Tengusaur (04:22:07): The Festum gets thrown off its course and hits the ground next to the Angel. It flies up, heavily wounded.
Tengusaur (04:22:29): (Mira, Mobius, Kamille)
Tengusaur (04:23:08): Kazuki gets out of the black hole's way, and by avoiding his shots the Sphinx slowly flies towards Israfel's half.
Techy Elf resides here (04:24:55): * Mira shakes her head humming again, mostly to keep herself calm, if she knew it was helping others she'd be singing by now. Both arms go up firing missles off at the same time aiming at both Angels.*
Techy Elf resides here (04:25:06): (Second * = +)
Raptor Dusk (04:25:49): +M1 starts flying above the Israfels while launching volleys of missiles in sets+
Tengusaur (04:26:08): The Angels don't seem to even notice the missiles exploding on their AT Fields.
Camiu (04:26:22): *Kamille's watching the Israfel's, flying synchronously with M1+
Tengusaur (04:26:54): (Kensuke, your react?)
Raptor Dusk (04:27:00): M1 : "I do not like bulletproof targets."
Tengusaur (04:27:07): Kamille can see that the Festum are very close to each of the Angels now.
howmuchineedyou (04:27:09): Kensuke: Tries to hold his At shield up, as he tried to leap back the other way from the shot.+
Tengusaur (04:27:28): (Cheng, Ranna)
Camiu (04:27:38): Kamille: Showtime! Cheng, shoot those fuckers down!
peter kampschroeder (04:27:53): "Perhaps if we trigger their self-destruct explosions..."
Tengusaur (04:28:32): The shot grazes Kensuke, causing his Evangelion to get out of control and land in the water, head-first! He's more or less intact but for a moment everyone can see a pair of Eva legs sticking out of the water, and that just looks embarassing.
VJockey (04:28:54): Cheng: Understood! Firing! *and the hailstorm is unleashed once more! And Cheng does not cease firing at the now bunched up foes UNTIL every bit of ammunition is spent!+
Wyverncakes (04:28:59): Kazuki: "Now let's see if this crazy idea..."
Camiu (04:29:13): Kamille: *Just... Facepalm*
howmuchineedyou (04:30:19): Kensuke: Feels about as shaken as he dose embarrassed. "Can someone give me a hand... maybe?"
Raptor Dusk (04:30:34): M1 : "If I had hands."
Tengusaur (04:30:59): One of the Festums is turned into a black hole from the force of Cheng's strike! Dust raises, making it unsure what happened to the half of the Angel...
Tengusaur (04:31:16): Speaking of black holes, another one is fired by the remaining Sphinx towards him. (Cheng react)
Techy Elf resides here (04:32:44): Sorry Kensuke, Mira's in a unit that's only slightly taller than she is, and dude water BAD! "Sorry Kensuke, my unit's not big enough."
VJockey (04:32:57): Cheng: *Splits the Jotunn from the Ymir in the air! The Ymir is take to the roughed up ground by Gravity whilst the Jotunn does its best to tear away from the yawning abyss that was forming at him+
Tengusaur (04:33:11): Kensuke can manage to get back on his legs on his own. But it still is embarassing.
swedenfc19 (04:33:24): Seeing that Cheng appears to be handling things well, Ranna moves over next to Kensuke's Eva in case he needs leverage or something.
Tengusaur (04:33:58): Well, Ranna can help with that. And she probably should quickly, because...
Tengusaur (04:34:44): The two halves of the Angel jump back, increasing the distance between themselves, and fire beams at everyone again! This includes poor Cheng who just dodged one attack. (everyone react)
Tengusaur (04:35:07): This also includes the Festum, which gets atomized by the explosive beam!
Techy Elf resides here (04:35:33): Mira scrambles back switching mods to zip around at a little faster speeds than the armored mode can go.
Tengusaur (04:35:36): It seems like both halves of the Angel are slightly worse for the wear, so your attacks did something to it. But it can still move, and tha's bad enough.
Wyverncakes (04:35:41): * "They're still going...!!!!" All Kazuki can do is try to evade and hopefully avoid as best he can!+
peter kampschroeder (04:35:55): *Shouko floors it, and heads up into the wild blue yonder.+
Raptor Dusk (04:36:00): +M1 flies behind one of the angels, the one not getting festum'd+
Camiu (04:36:34): Kamille: Damnit! *gonna fly behind the other angel, though at an increased distance because it WAS Festum'd+
howmuchineedyou (04:36:46): Kensuke had only just gotten out of his hole when he was fired upon again, this time, he turned his body and stepped away, side ways from the beams Most his his concentration was on holding his AT field as strong as he could in case he didn't make it in time.+
VJockey (04:37:16): Cheng: "We've hobbled them! All we have to do is kill them! Persevere Kazuki!" *And Cheng is seriously feeling the strain from the intense manuevers, sending Assault Rifle fire at the Angels as much as he can from the NOT-PATRIOT+
swedenfc19 (04:37:18): Ranna moves her mech near the Eva's AT field, hoping to take some refuge there.+
Wyverncakes (04:38:50): Kazuki: "I'll celebrate when they're beat!"
howmuchineedyou (04:38:59): Kensuke turns to Ranna. "Stay in close, I should be able to protect you too."
Wyverncakes (04:39:02): And he's REALLY hoping Misato comes back with something worthwhile!
Tengusaur (04:39:21): Luckily for you, this beam attack is somewhat repetetive and you got its pattern pat down. Everyone avoids the attacks, while Kensuke's AT Field protects him and Ranna.
Tengusaur (04:39:42): Cheng's rifle fire though? Stopped by the Angel's AT Field.
Tengusaur (04:39:53): Misato: "I have it!"
peter kampschroeder (04:40:47): "About time!"
howmuchineedyou (04:40:49): Kensuke: Great, Miss Misato. We could really use a plan right about now!"
Tengusaur (04:40:53): Misato: "The attack pattern has been modified for use for non-Evangelion units. Kazuki, Shouko, your Fafners are equipped with melee weapons good for breaking through barriers, right?"
swedenfc19 (04:41:00): Ranna: "Aff, pilot Kensuke."
peter kampschroeder (04:41:16): "Yes ma'am!"
Wyverncakes (04:41:31): Kazuki: "Ruge Lances are pretty reliable at tearing into Festum, yeah..."
Tengusaur (04:42:11): Misato: "Good. The plan requires you two to use synchronized attacks to get the two halves of the Angel next to each other. The Siegfried system should help with that."
Tengusaur (04:42:31): Misato: "After they are close, Kensuke moves in and finishes the Angel off!"
Raptor Dusk (04:43:03): M1 : "What about the rest of us? any asisting we can do?"
Tengusaur (04:43:05): Misato: "The attack pattern is being uploaded to your machines as we speak... Oh, by the way, it's synchronized to music. Kaji's idea."
peter kampschroeder (04:43:29): "…Wh-what?"
Wyverncakes (04:43:33): Kazuki: "So we force it together so it can't break itself apart when Kensuke hits it." He nods. "It's worth a shot!"
Tengusaur (04:43:50): Misato: "The rest of you, keep the Angel at bay with ranged attacks, and don't let it break out of the pattern!"
Techy Elf resides here (04:43:50): Mira: What beat?
howmuchineedyou (04:44:07): Kensuke: "Alright. Let's go this!"
Wyverncakes (04:44:12): "Shouko, we have Soushi to coordinate us!"
Tengusaur (04:44:43): Misato: "You will see. I'm counting on you!"
Wyverncakes (04:44:52): "And Kensuke... we might only have one shot for this... so be ready!"
Tengusaur (04:45:04): The two halves of the Angel turn towards everyone, ready to attack again!
Tengusaur (04:45:07): This is the time!
Tengusaur (04:45:18): (Kazuki, Shouko, Kensuke - your turn)
peter kampschroeder (04:45:22): "R-right!" a dance…with Kazuki…? Oooh boy.
Tengusaur (04:45:25): (Others are free to @ )
Camiu (04:46:09): Kamille: Wonder who Kaji is?
Wyverncakes (04:46:20): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sPH6nDJmqxI
Raptor Dusk (04:46:22): M1 : "Does it matter?"
Tengusaur (04:46:23): Misato: "Ready? Start!"
Wyverncakes (04:46:35): Kazuki: "Just get in close, Shouko!"
VJockey (04:46:42): Cheng: *is of course, completely useless here except as a distraction. So. He fires. Five rounds rapid. Repeatedly at the Angels legs+
Wyverncakes (04:47:09): * And with that, the Mark Elf sprints at one of the Angel halves, blasting it repeatedly with its Ruge Lance ready in the other, his eyes pinned on the Core!+
peter kampschroeder (04:47:43): *Shouko goes for the other Angel half, rushing it's core with both of her Ruge Lances!+
swedenfc19 (04:48:15): Ranna watches, only firing her PPCs when she spots any potential deviance from the required pattern.+
Raptor Dusk (04:48:24): M1 :" Hey, Flyboy(to kamille) Ever flown in formation?"
Tengusaur (04:48:46): The two halves of the Angel jump back to avoid the music-synchronized slashes! They try to fire beams but the projectiles from Cheng and Ranna force them to abandon the attack and get away further!
Camiu (04:48:50): Kamille: I've had a rubber overman fused to my Robot
Camiu (04:48:56): 's frame, does that count?
Tengusaur (04:48:57): They're right next to each other and fuse into one Angel again!
Tengusaur (04:49:01): Now, Kensuke!
howmuchineedyou (04:49:07): Kensuke pulls out his prog knife out, dual wielding the hawk and the knife. While the others move his quarry into position his Eva stand tall, and solid, ready for the right moment. And when the opening comes, he springs forward with a mighty leap. Kensuke shouts as he brings down his weapons, one of each of the Eva's dual cores. Every once of strength is put into pushing his weapons through the angels core, and let's his At field fall so he can put everything he had into the attack.+
Wyverncakes (04:49:10): Kazuki: "Take it down!"
Camiu (04:49:18): Kamille: GO, MAN, GO!
Raptor Dusk (04:49:28): M1 " Get the target!"
Tengusaur (04:49:57): The two cores of the Angel fuse into one, and then Kensuke strikes! The core starts to crackle and shatters completely!
Tengusaur (04:50:11): The Angel's form slumps down and explodes, damaging the battlefield even further!
Wyverncakes (04:50:12): Kazuki: "Got it!"
peter kampschroeder (04:50:21): "We won!"
Camiu (04:50:44): Kamille: And with minimal damage to the island proper! Awesome!.
Raptor Dusk (04:50:58): M1 : "Confirm, Target destroyed"
Wyverncakes (04:51:01): Admittedly the island's already a wreck...
VJockey (04:51:12): Cheng:..Kensuke.
Tengusaur (04:51:35): The explosion seems to have damaged the command center of the area most. There is a big hole in it.
Camiu (04:51:57): Kamille:... I can't tell, what's the status of the Welle Shield?
Tengusaur (04:51:58): In fact, you can see something moving in the hole.
Camiu (04:52:08): Kamille: ...?
Tengusaur (04:52:15): But it's small, not a Festum or an Angel.
Tengusaur (04:52:23): It looks like... a human child?
Tengusaur (04:52:34): http://i819.photobucket.com/albums/zz111/TehCubey/Idun1.jpg
peter kampschroeder (04:52:37): "…A survivor…?"
Camiu (04:53:05): Kamille: *turns on external radios* Hey, kid, how long have you been hiding here?
howmuchineedyou (04:53:08): Kensuke had only gotten his Eva to his knees after the explosion had rocked his mecha when he heard the chatter. "I'm... I'm ok Cheng! Don't worry about me."
Techy Elf resides here (04:53:15): Mira: It over now? *She's pulling off her helmet and sees the movement drawing her gun a moment.* Hey, kid you okay? *She'll move closer lowering her gun.*
Tengusaur (04:53:24): ???: "Who are you?"
Wyverncakes (04:53:33): Kazuki however, is keeping himself primed...
Wyverncakes (04:53:40): This doesn't... feel right
Tengusaur (04:53:42): Suddenly, you can feel an alien presence probing your minds! Reading them!
Tengusaur (04:53:57): ???: "Ah. You are from another island."
Wyverncakes (04:53:57): Kazuki: "!!!!!"
Wyverncakes (04:54:07): "Even with the headband...!"
Raptor Dusk (04:54:09): (how far does this reach?)
Camiu (04:54:13): Kamille: *grips his head* Good god!
peter kampschroeder (04:54:15): "ngh!" And there goes those happy thoughts of time with Kazuki, right out the window...
Tengusaur (04:54:16): (everyone)
VJockey (04:54:29): Cheng: !!! [Automatically raised the Jotunn's rifle at the Child. Mind Reading and a Festum battlefield = Festum]
Tengusaur (04:54:35): The kid starts to change, growing up rapidly.
Tengusaur (04:54:43): http://i819.photobucket.com/albums/zz111/TehCubey/Idun2.jpg
howmuchineedyou (04:54:46): Kensuke grabs his head and closes his eyes. "Get out of there! Get out!!" He kind of start freaking out.
Wyverncakes (04:54:56): Kazuki: "D-DON'T TALK TO HIM!"
Tengusaur (04:55:08): ???: "The Core of this island is already gone. What about the other island?"
swedenfc19 (04:55:18): Ranna winces as she targets the kid/man/festum? But does not fire. Yet.
Techy Elf resides here (04:55:19): *Mira's got her gun raised again, thouse she's not going to fire.* You know that's rude.
Raptor Dusk (04:55:35): The X-02, without control starts to spin
Camiu (04:56:08): Kamille: YOU GET THE HELL OUT OF MY HEAD!
VJockey (04:56:16): Cheng: *Cheng on the other hand has no such compunctions. He fires. Repeatedly!+
peter kampschroeder (04:56:40): Shouko grits her teeth and tries to focus on…other things. Flowers, the view from her window, her dog back home…that's how you stop telepaths, right?
Camiu (04:56:52): Kamille: GRAAAAAH! *Joining in with Cheng is grenade fire from the Zeta!+
Tengusaur (04:57:38): The moment Cheng pulls the trigger, the stranger starts to glow with bright golden light! His body grows to a huge size, becoming a Festum much larger than the already huge ones you fought before!
Tengusaur (04:57:39): http://i819.photobucket.com/albums/zz111/TehCubey/Idun3.gif
Tengusaur (04:58:20): The attacks hit the creature's skin, and while it doesn't even flinch, suddenly Cheng and Kamille briefly feel the pain left from the strikes!
Tengusaur (04:58:26): ???: "Pitiful."
howmuchineedyou (04:58:30): Kensuke: "That is -so- not good."
swedenfc19 (04:58:37): Ranna starts counting numbers in her head. Non sequentially. And then adding in factions.
Wyverncakes (04:58:40): Well, that just about resolved the confusion!
Camiu (04:58:41): Kamille: GCK!
Techy Elf resides here (04:58:42): Mira: What the... *She's lifting one of her arms to fire rockets at it.
swedenfc19 (04:58:49): *fractions
peter kampschroeder (04:59:08): "That is…"
Tengusaur (04:59:16): (Mira, Mobius, Kamille, you can move)
Wyverncakes (04:59:36): Kazuki: "What kind of Festum is this?!? Why's it even here...!"
VJockey (04:59:50): Cheng: [Cheng has felt pain. He has been shot before. It still hurts like hell...but...] ... [If the Festum-thing was reading his mind, all Cheng is imagining right now. Is the slaughter of ALL Festum. No Mercy. Every Festum they killed. Dead. Dead. Dead. DEAD.] "It doesn't matter. IT DIES!"
Techy Elf resides here (05:00:42): * Mira opens fire with the last of the rockets in the left arm of her unit humming softly again to try to hide where she's targeting +
Camiu (05:00:57): *Let's tap into ALL OF THE RAGE!!!! Kamille's got a mad look in his eye as he points his beam Rifle at the freak. "YOU DIE! NOW!!!" Kamille's pulling the trigger. No fancy tricks, just a massive laser the size of his Mobile Suit shooting at the monster+
Raptor Dusk (05:01:35): M1 : "Focus. Control. Conviction. Resolve. A true ace lacks none of these attributes"
Raptor Dusk (05:02:07): *M1 gets control for a bit, pulls out of the spin, and starts shelling cannon rounds+
Tengusaur (05:03:16): The projectiles impact on the giant Festum's surface, making it send the sensation of pain to the minds of the pilots who shot it again!
Tengusaur (05:03:42): And then, suddenly, dozens of black holes everywhere, summoned by the creature! (everyone react)
Wyverncakes (05:03:51): Kazuki, sitll in the dark about this pain thing, tries to open a channel to everyone!
Wyverncakes (05:04:01): "What's going on with you guys... what's it doi- OH CRAP!"
Wyverncakes (05:04:16): * Questioning later! Dodging time, as the Mark Elf tries to weave through the attacks!+
VJockey (05:04:30): Cheng: *Cursing violently in Chinese as he dodges like a cat on crack (Who the heck hopped up Vlaska on stimulants?!)+
Tengusaur (05:04:30): ???: "We are Idun. You shall be destroyed by us."
Raptor Dusk (05:04:39): M1: "I will not be stopped by you!"
Camiu (05:04:49): *Kamille's not visibly reacting to the sensation of pain as he dodges between the black holes with a masterful touch, the Zeta glowing a bright red!+
howmuchineedyou (05:05:06): Kensuke dose what he can to leap away and avoid the blackholes, gripping tightly to his weapons for fear of loosing one. "Oh man!!"
Camiu (05:05:17): Kamille: You destroy us!? FUCK YOU! YOU'RE THE ONE WHO WILL DIE FIRST!
peter kampschroeder (05:05:33): *Shouko gets to dodging…somewhere! Anywhere!+
Wyverncakes (05:05:42): If it weren't for the seriousness of all this, Kazuki would be headdesking right now!
Wyverncakes (05:06:01): "Don't talk to it! You're just letting it worm further into your head!"
Raptor Dusk (05:06:15): * Mobius one, in pain is even more focused starts super maneuvering around
Raptor Dusk (05:06:16): +
Techy Elf resides here (05:06:17): Mira growls through the pain, after all, she's well past freaked out what's a little pain right? "Fuck this." She unleashes the last of her rockets at it while jumping forward instead of back, figuring the blackholes wouldn't be too much closer to it. +
Tengusaur (05:09:44): There are too many black holes to avoid them completely! Everyone's machines suffer some damage - light in most cases, but Mark Sechs and Mobius' jet get hit hard! The former barely holds together now, while the latter starts to descend - the most you can do is try to make a controlled crash landing on the shuttle!
Tengusaur (05:09:48): (Cheng, Ranna)
Wyverncakes (05:11:31): Kazuki winces from the feedback. Yeah, this hurts alright...
Wyverncakes (05:11:40): "H-how's everone else holding up?!?"
peter kampschroeder (05:12:06): Shouko doesn't say anything. There's just the sound of her breathing...
Raptor Dusk (05:12:08): M1 : I lost an engine
swedenfc19 (05:12:11): Ranna: "To those with more experience.. This is not a typical Festum I presume?"
Wyverncakes (05:12:40): KazukI: "This isn't like anything I heard ab- Shouko!"
Wyverncakes (05:12:43): "Shouko!"
Camiu (05:12:52): Kamille: I'm fine, but how the hell do we kill this thing?
Wyverncakes (05:13:05): Yeah, his heart's racing as he tries to think... think of some way for out of this.
Wyverncakes (05:13:19): "We need to fall back, we need to distract it and retreat or..."
peter kampschroeder (05:13:22): "I'll…be fine..."
Wyverncakes (05:13:49): Soushi: "Kazuki... there's a chance..."
Wyverncakes (05:13:51): "What?!?"
swedenfc19 (05:13:57): Ranna ramps up the throttle on her Warhawk to keep it mobile, but she is not firing yet. Doing so seems to serve little purpose at the moment.+
Wyverncakes (05:14:32): Soushi's figure frowns. "The Welle Shield was still functioning, albeit barely... There's a chance that the island's Fenrir System's activated too. That's the self-destruct system the Fafners and Alvis have... and I'm sure this has it too."
Tengusaur (05:14:33): Good idea Ranna, because Idun just created another black hole just when you were a few seconds ago!
Wyverncakes (05:14:51): Soushi: "If we could get to the command center and stall for enough time..."
VJockey (05:14:56): Cheng:... [Was struggling to figure a way to solve this. It was in their minds, it made them feel its pain....] ... *Cheng concentrates on keeping mobile and alert rather than shooting*..
Wyverncakes (05:15:17): Kazuki: "We could let the explosion cover our retreat!"
Wyverncakes (05:15:49): Admittedly letting something like this thing get away is not something Kazuki would like to do... but if he's got no choice then he'll settle for living so he can warn everyone!
peter kampschroeder (05:16:18): The Mark Sechs shifts around, starting to regain its stance. "…But…would't one of us..."
Wyverncakes (05:16:42): And Soushi appears in Shouko's cockpit too!
Techy Elf resides here (05:16:56): Mira hasn't made a sound or moved yet from where she was standing near it. She does the only thing she can think of doing to get it out of her head and sings out a high note, a very high C.
Wyverncakes (05:16:57): Soushi: "If we set it on a delay... even something as short as five minutes..."
Raptor Dusk (05:17:15): M1 : "I will not fail a mission!"
Camiu (05:17:16): Kamille: Soushi, tell me how to activate the self-destruct sequence
swedenfc19 (05:17:18): Ranna: "Perhaps we can set the self destruct to be on a delay, quiaff?"
peter kampschroeder (05:17:50): "One of the fliers could make it out in that time…nobody has to die."
Raptor Dusk (05:18:06): M1 : "I can still fly, just not fast
Wyverncakes (05:18:13): Kazuki, seeing the condition of the Mark Sechs, can't even speak
Camiu (05:18:13): Kamille: I'm in better shape than the rest of you, I can increase the Zeta's speed to well beyond normal specs to avoid the blast
Wyverncakes (05:18:16): Soushi, on the other hand...
Wyverncakes (05:18:32): Soushi: "Idun hasn't gotten into your mind yet too much Shouko..."
Wyverncakes (05:18:36): "You're the best choice."
Wyverncakes (05:18:43): Kazuki: "SOUSHI!"
Camiu (05:18:55): Kamille: WHAT THE HELL MAN?!
peter kampschroeder (05:18:59): Shouko takes a deep breath. "…Right."
Wyverncakes (05:19:01): Soushi: "She's as much a pilot as you, Kazuki! Respect her choice!"
Tengusaur (05:19:10): (Shouko, your action)
swedenfc19 (05:19:24): Ranna: "That sounds much like a choice you suggested."
peter kampschroeder (05:19:38): "…Everyone…Run. I'll be right behind."
Camiu (05:19:59): Kamille: Because I know I can make it back!
peter kampschroeder (05:20:07): And the Mark Sechs is going to dive for that hole from earlier...
Wyverncakes (05:20:29): Without a functioning Lindwurm any more, all Kazuki can do is bow his head in defeat and try ot retreat!
Raptor Dusk (05:20:48): M1 : "I have done some crazy flying, I can handle it"
Tengusaur (05:21:24): Idun turns towards Mark Sechs, ready to blast it with black holes again! (Shouko react/continue)
Camiu (05:21:34): #
Tengusaur (05:21:38): (approved)
peter kampschroeder (05:21:53): *Gotta go fast! Shouko is now flooring it!+
Techy Elf resides here (05:22:01): Mira heard the call for retreat and bit her lip. "Damn it." She speeds for the shuttle again since it's not paying attention to her. +
Camiu (05:22:25): *Kamille is screaming in rage as he fires at Idun!+
Tengusaur (05:22:58): Idun is distracted and turns back towards Kamille, summoning several small black holes that take out the Zeta's leg!
VJockey (05:23:14): Cheng:....
Tengusaur (05:23:20): But thanks to that, Shouko can enter the ruins of the command center and head for the Fenrir system!
howmuchineedyou (05:23:27): Kensuke ties to keep others covered as they retreat, especially those in much smaller mechs.
Tengusaur (05:23:29): And here...
Tengusaur (05:23:57): It turns out that the console used to activate the system is damaged very heavily.
peter kampschroeder (05:24:06): "…No…"
Tengusaur (05:24:28): Too heavily to activate Fenrir System through it, in fact.
peter kampschroeder (05:25:01): "Soushi…there's gotta be something I can do..."
Wyverncakes (05:25:41): Soushi bows his head in defeat... but even he seems a bit depressed about this sudden turn.
peter kampschroeder (05:25:53): "We can't just let everyone die!"
peter kampschroeder (05:26:12): "Even if I…we have to do this! Somehow!"
Wyverncakes (05:26:14): "... It's the L-Boat all over again... everyone's going on ahead, and all I can do..."
swedenfc19 (05:26:32): Ranna: "My Warhawk contains a fusion reactor..."
howmuchineedyou (05:26:45): "But we made it through that, and we'll make it through this somehow! Isen't there anything we can do?"
Wyverncakes (05:27:40): Meanwhile, Kazuki's just locking up at his own controls. "Shouko... wh-what are you-?!?"
Raptor Dusk (05:27:43): M1 : 'I will not allow a one way mission. We are ALL comming home!"
Techy Elf resides here (05:28:00): Mira's looking at her bike a moment. "Would an explosion activate the self destruct?"
Tengusaur (05:28:35): You people outside? Have another wave of black holes as you try to retreat.
swedenfc19 (05:28:35): Ranna: "A repurposed fusion reactor's explosion should be sizable as well, quiaff?"
howmuchineedyou (05:28:36): "N2 Mine maybe?"
Wyverncakes (05:29:06): Aaaaand Kazuki's forced between staying and dying... or leaving and letting-
Camiu (05:29:17): *Kamille curses as he's dodging, but he isn't retreating!+
Wyverncakes (05:29:22): Soushi: "KAZUKI! Don't throw your life away!"
Wyverncakes (05:29:42): * And so unlike Kamille, Kazuki does indeed fall back further away!
Techy Elf resides here (05:29:42): "Use the Protoculture from my bike. I can carry the packs to the control center, someone will have to pick me up though."
peter kampschroeder (05:29:58): "Soushi...!" there's relief in Shouko's voice. It seems the support guy is back in control.
Raptor Dusk (05:30:05): *A steady desend course does an easy target make, the X-02 takes more damage+
swedenfc19 (05:30:13): Ranna: "Between our machines, we do have means to create explosions that can deal significant damage to the island, quiaff?"
VJockey (05:30:16): Cheng: *was dodging the black holes wildly before tearing towards Mira+ "Then what are we waiting for?!"
Techy Elf resides here (05:31:37): Mira jumps off the bike pulling the packs out. "One of you grab my bike so it's taken back to the Chalice, I'll work on it later." She's running for the control as fast as she can lugging the two packs with her.
Wyverncakes (05:31:56): Soushi: "If you do that, it's the only explosion we'll get!"
Wyverncakes (05:32:20): Soushi: "This... it's the only way..."
howmuchineedyou (05:32:20): Kensuke uses his Eva to pick up Mira's discarded bike.
Camiu (05:32:30): Kamille: FUCK YOUR ONLY WAY!
swedenfc19 (05:32:42): Ranna starts disabling fail safes on her mech's fusion reactor.
Camiu (05:32:45): Kamille: WE'LL DO THIS OUR WAY!
Tengusaur (05:33:00): Idun reaches out with a hand, grabbing Zeta's head! (Kamille react)
Wyverncakes (05:33:17): Soushi: "The Fenrir System isn't a conventional self-destruct! You'll only destroy the mechanism we're trying to activate!"
swedenfc19 (05:33:21): Ranna: "I will likely require extraction from my mech."
Techy Elf resides here (05:33:53): "So I'll make it count! If it's one thing I know, it's how to blow power packs in a pinch!" She's scrambling through the ruins. "So walk me through it while you guys distract the big guy!"
Camiu (05:33:58): *Kamille cuts off the Zeta's Head and dodges!+
Camiu (05:34:20): Kamille: And we have a fusion reactor, the fuck is your point man?!
peter kampschroeder (05:34:23): "Please, everyone…don't stay." There's a pause. "Kazuki…thank you…for our dance."
Tengusaur (05:34:23): The giant Festum is located between the rest of you and the command center. Trying to avoid it as you try to reach the latter might be possible if your machine is really fast...
Tengusaur (05:34:40): But on foot, it's suicide!
Tengusaur (05:35:08): Idun throws the head at Zeta Gundam with great force, and summons another black hole around Mira!
Tengusaur (05:35:14): (Kamille, Mira, react)
Wyverncakes (05:35:21): A lump forms in Kazuki's throat.. "I..."
Tengusaur (05:35:23): (and someone might really want to # the latter)
Raptor Dusk (05:35:29): #
Wyverncakes (05:35:31): Dammit, WHY was this HAPPENING?!?
Tengusaur (05:35:36): (approved)
Camiu (05:35:56): *Kamille destroys the head with the Beam Rifle!+
swedenfc19 (05:36:05): Ranna: "Pilot Kensuke, is your AT field malleable?"
Raptor Dusk (05:36:30): *The X-02 is falling apart but still has some power left, taking it+
Tengusaur (05:37:39): The X-02 flies into the black hole, which takes out a large part of the engine! It cannot move now. At least Mira is pushed away, but heavily bruised.
Tengusaur (05:38:17): Idun: "Foolish. You cannot defeat us."
Raptor Dusk (05:38:23): M1 :" Let us see how far these Angel wings can take me"
peter kampschroeder (05:38:41): "Kazuki…make sure everyone gets out safely."
Techy Elf resides here (05:39:03): Mira rolls to the side when she's knocked out of the way and pulls off her helmet. "It's not curtain call yet asshole." She retorted pulling herself to her feet.
Techy Elf resides here (05:39:10): +
Tengusaur (05:39:18): Misato: "Do you people need someone to point out an impossible battle to you? Retreat!" She sounds bitter. This is not a light decision to make.
Techy Elf resides here (05:39:19): (How far is the door from her)
Tengusaur (05:39:36): (very, and there's still Idun on the way)
Raptor Dusk (05:39:37): M1 "We are ALL Leaving
Camiu (05:40:09): Kamille: *Can't believe this is happening, but...* DAMNIT ALL! *Kamille's using all of the Biosensor's power to speed away+
swedenfc19 (05:40:16): Ranna: "Neg. We are attempting to retreat without having to use a suicidal self destruct. There are machines here with mini-stars in them, alien energy source and such."
peter kampschroeder (05:40:18): "If all of you stay here, then-then…I'll die for nothing…"
peter kampschroeder (05:41:13): "…And…if I am to die…I want to die protecting everyone! Especially Kazuki!" Her voice is strained, on the edge of tears...
Raptor Dusk (05:41:15): M1: "Grr... All forces retreate"
Wyverncakes (05:41:51): Kazuki: "Shouko..."
Wyverncakes (05:41:56): "... It was nice seeing you again."
Techy Elf resides here (05:42:10): Mira scowls not seeing a way to get past. "Damn it." She retreats, but not happy about it.
VJockey (05:42:32): Cheng:.... *shuts his eyes before making a move to get Mira and M1 out of there Since one was on foot and the other's plane is so much scrap.+ :Star Captain. Sometimes there are some enemies that can't be defeated without sacrifice... Suicidal as it may be... there is no choice..."
VJockey (05:42:40): Cheng: "Shouko!"
peter kampschroeder (05:42:40): "…you too, Kazuki."
howmuchineedyou (05:42:46): Kensuke reaches out with his Eva, hurrying along to try and reach down and pick Mira up in his other hand.
VJockey (05:44:10): Cheng: "I'm sorry for not being as good as you believed me to be. If I was....... " [A deep breath]... "farewell"
Tengusaur (05:44:12): Everyone who headed for it has reached the shuttle already! Those who haven't do it at their own risk...
swedenfc19 (05:44:31): Ranna: "Do not patronize me. My Clan know all about sacrifice." She scoffs as she makes her way to the shuttle. With no one bothering to cover her, she is unable to rig the reactor..
Techy Elf resides here (05:45:36): Mira jumps onto the outstretched hand. She pulls off her helmet and watches Shouko a moment. She stays still humming softly through the radio, the song's solemn but only because she's at a loss of what else to do, and farewell doesn't seem like enough.
Tengusaur (05:45:42): The shuttle takes off, trying (and failing at times) to avoid the black holes Idun fires at it!
Tengusaur (05:46:00): Did anyone but Shouko stay on the island?
Wyverncakes (05:46:04): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j-d1PaVvIKw
Raptor Dusk (05:46:06): Not M1
Wyverncakes (05:46:25): Meanwhile, Kazuki just slumped over inside of the Mark Elf, fights clenched up
VJockey (05:46:38): Not Cheng
Camiu (05:46:43): Not Kamille
howmuchineedyou (05:46:49): not Kensuke, his hands are filled with precious cargo.
swedenfc19 (05:47:07): Ranna's Warhawk is in the shuttle, her busy keeping the reactor from overloading.
peter kampschroeder (05:47:16): "Soushi, are we all clear?"
Techy Elf resides here (05:47:48): Kensuke's cargo's currently thinking a moment for a better ballad to sing softly.
Wyverncakes (05:48:10): Soushi: "... Do it."
Raptor Dusk (05:48:31): M1 : "You will never be forgotten"
peter kampschroeder (05:49:11): "…Right. IDUN! I'll show you how a human dies!"
peter kampschroeder (05:49:14): And Mark Sech's Fenrir system activates...
Tengusaur (05:49:44): The Fenrir system synchronizes with the one of the island, and causes a chain reaction!
Tengusaur (05:50:13): The whole artificial island starts to shake, and then it blows up in a huge, blindingly bright explosion!
Tengusaur (05:50:33): Idun notices it and starts to fly away from the explosion!
Tengusaur (05:50:43): But the giant Festum gets engulfed in it!
VJockey (05:50:49): Cheng:...... [He salutes tiredly.]
Tengusaur (05:51:21): You don't see anything more as the shuttle quickly flies away from the now-gone island.
Raptor Dusk (05:51:22): [M1 salutes as well]
howmuchineedyou (05:51:30): Kensuke doesn't look away from the explosion, but remains quiet and stoic as he watches. Another comrade lost...
Wyverncakes (05:51:50): Kazuki however... just begins to quietly cry.
Techy Elf resides here (05:51:52): Mira starts humming Amazing Grace, unable to think of anything else to do.
Tengusaur (05:51:54): When the bright glow disappears slowly after a long while, nothing is left from the island...
Tengusaur (05:51:59): Or from Shouko.
Raptor Dusk (05:52:58): M1: "Mission...."
Camiu (05:53:33): Kamille: No more... I won't let this happen again. I can't let this happen again. *is tearing up himself*
Tengusaur (05:54:04): MISSION
Tengusaur (05:54:13): COMPLETE
Tengusaur (05:54:25): (or is it FAILED...?)
VJockey (05:54:27): Cheng:...
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