Mission 087: Separation ~ Assimilation (part 1)

Jun 10, 2012 15:50

Tengusaur (02:40:03): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UFCU68Gim3o
Tengusaur (02:42:31): It's a quiet day on the Chalice. At least as quiet as it can be on this ship... What is everyone up to?
Wyverncakes (02:42:51): Kazuki's just chilling
peter kampschroeder (02:42:56): Shouko's sitting out on the deck, reading a book.
Wyverncakes (02:42:59): Being his usual asocial self
Wyverncakes (02:43:00): You know
Techy Elf resides here (02:43:15): Mira's off in a corner somewhere playing Lucy.
swedenfc19 (02:43:37): Ranna is in her room, painting.
Raptor Dusk (02:43:40): M1's taking a nap under the plane
Camiu (02:43:41): Kamille's chatting with Sora.
VJockey (02:44:39): Cheng is reviewing AARs.
howmuchineedyou (02:45:12): Kensuke is filming people doing these things.
Tengusaur (02:45:19): Suddenly, Dan interrupts everyone by appearing suddenly! He looks very excited.
peter kampschroeder (02:45:36): "Oh! Dan."
Tengusaur (02:45:40): Dan: "You won't believe what the Chalice's radars have detected! Here, have a long-distance photo!"
Raptor Dusk (02:45:49): M1"Are we scrambling?"
Wyverncakes (02:46:10): And suddenly Kazuki's interest is perked!
Techy Elf resides here (02:46:20): Mira glances up quieting her guitar after a moment
Tengusaur (02:46:21): An image appears on whatever screens are available close by. It shows a partially-concealed island, similar to Tatsumiya... It's too far away to make out much detail, though.
Wyverncakes (02:46:39): Aaaand now Kazuki's REALLY curious!
peter kampschroeder (02:46:42): "…Another Tatsumiya…?"
Raptor Dusk (02:46:55): M1"Tatsumiya?"
Wyverncakes (02:47:03): Kazuki: "Shouko... I know Tatsumiya Island's gone mobile... is it in the Atlantic now?"
Tengusaur (02:47:03): Dan: "According to the scan, this island is surrounded with a Welle Shield. One that is partially deactivated, for some reason! That's the only way we could find it, I suspect."
Camiu (02:47:18): Kamille quirks an eyebrow: "So Tatsumiya's not the only one with that kind of shielding?"
Camiu (02:47:30): Kamille: But wait, why is it partially offline?
peter kampschroeder (02:47:33): "No, there's no way it would have left the Pacific..."
VJockey (02:47:40): Cheng: [He blinks owlishly.] Partially deactivated... do we have any idea if it IS Tatsumiya or not?
swedenfc19 (02:47:41): Ranna: "I am unfamiliar with the term 'Welle Shield'."
Wyverncakes (02:48:15): Kazuki: "It's a barrier/cloak for the island."
Tengusaur (02:48:22): Dan: "It's a cloaking field, basically. We have no idea why is it partially offline, though! I am only sure that this is not Tatsumiya Island, but another, similar one."
Wyverncakes (02:48:23): "... It's the first line of defense, sorta..."
Raptor Dusk (02:48:48): M1"Do we know if the island is hostile?
Tengusaur (02:49:06): Dan: "We need to check out what exactly happened out there. If Tatsumiya is any indication, these people might become our allies!"
Techy Elf resides here (02:49:11): "So no telling what kind of tech it's hiding?" Hey that perks Mira up, she's not too happy about all that salt water.
Tengusaur (02:49:20): Dan: "I need volunteers for a scout mission!"
Wyverncakes (02:49:31): And Kazuki's already making his way to the hangar!
Raptor Dusk (02:49:35): M1"I will"
Camiu (02:49:36): Kamille: Investigating a mystery island? sounds like the premise of a bad horror film...
Wyverncakes (02:49:40): "If it was an island part of the same project..."
Raptor Dusk (02:49:45): As mobius rolls from under her plane
Camiu (02:49:45): *off to the hangar goeth Kamille*
peter kampschroeder (02:49:54): "…Then festum might be around. I'm going."
Techy Elf resides here (02:50:06): Mira's darting for the hangar only stopping long enough in her room to toss Lucifer to her bed."
VJockey (02:50:14): Cheng:[Cheng cracks his neck.] Recon in force. Understood. I'll make my way to the Ymir now. [And Cheng makes for the Mobile-Pile 'O Guns.]
peter kampschroeder (02:50:46): [Shouko makes her sickly way off to the Mark Sechs. Also, changing rooms.]
Wyverncakes (02:51:25): After suiting up as well, Kazuki's in the hangar as well, looking at the Mark Sechs with a small smile.
Raptor Dusk (02:51:27): The Wyvern is loading Anti surface ordinace
howmuchineedyou (02:51:34): The water concerns Kensuke too, as long as he can keep dry, everything would be alright. He headed for the cage as fast as he could run, somehow magically transforming from jeans to plugsuit in the middle somewhere. Al usual he's way to happy to be here.
Wyverncakes (02:51:35): "So that thing can fly even without a Lindwurm, right?"
peter kampschroeder (02:52:11): Shouko smiles back. "Yep. It's meant to spread its wings…and soar."
swedenfc19 (02:52:35): Water is good news for Ranna. She begins powering up her Warhawk.
Wyverncakes (02:52:40): Kazuki: "A fitting machine, all things considered."
Raptor Dusk (02:52:47): M1 smiles
Raptor Dusk (02:53:06): m1"Looks like I'm not the only one with wings today
Raptor Dusk (02:53:30): The X-02 starts opening it's VG wings and tail
peter kampschroeder (02:53:50): "I suppose it is…" She looks up at the machine, going quiet for a bit.
Tengusaur (02:54:04): Dan: "That's the spirit, everyone! Remember to take a shuttle if you don't want to cover the whole distance swimming." He sends the island's current coordinates to your machines.
Techy Elf resides here (02:54:09): "I'm feeling a little small with all you guys." Mira grins as she straddles her bike, touching the button to activate the armor mode after tossing her jacket to the work bench.
VJockey (02:54:23): Cheng: [Going through all his pre-combat start up sequences, bringing the Ymir online and starting up the Tesla Drives. Somehow if M-1 got a look at it her head would explode from trying to figure out how something as heavy and bulky as this could FLY now. TESLA DRIVES! They're delicious Magical Science~]
Wyverncakes (02:55:21): And with that, Kazuki gets into his Fafner, bracing himself before the machine synchs up!
Raptor Dusk (02:55:22): M1"Do not think about science
Wyverncakes (02:55:33): Kazuki: "G-ah!" Yeah
Wyverncakes (02:55:36): Every time doing this
Wyverncakes (02:55:37): Fun
peter kampschroeder (02:55:51): Shouko syncs up as well. There's a little whimper of pain from her…
Camiu (02:56:13): Kamille: *radio on and-* Hey, you two alright?
Wyverncakes (02:56:50): Kaazuki grits his teeth.
peter kampschroeder (02:56:56): "…I'm fine! It's just…the synchronization process..."
Wyverncakes (02:57:02): "It's the price needed to pilot these things," he seethes
Raptor Dusk (02:57:06): M1: if you needhelp, just radio it
swedenfc19 (02:57:10): Ranna walks her mech to a shuttle, considering it is unable to fly.
Camiu (02:57:30): Kamille: ... Alright, if you say so?
Tengusaur (02:57:34): Soon, all the units head out! Some of them on their own power, others on board of the transport shuttle. In any case, it won't take you long to reach the island.
Techy Elf resides here (02:57:55): "Shuttle sounds good." She ran the diagnostics, making sure the power levels were fine. Powering down she sped off towards the shuttle changing modes again, Jump jets are great, but she doesn't want to risk using up all her energy landing
VJockey (02:58:11): Cheng:... [Glances at the Tatsumia pair every once in a while to make sure they're alright.]
Tengusaur (02:58:42): Soon, you can see its partially-cloaked form!
Wyverncakes (02:59:15): And Kazuki's eyes already sweep the island, trying to look for anything...
Tengusaur (02:59:31): If the Welle Shield was fully functioning, you wouldn't be even able to see that thing. But now, parts of it are flickering in and out of existence, looking somewhat strange...
Tengusaur (02:59:55): Looking at the island from the outside won't do much good. You have to get in closer, inside the shield.
peter kampschroeder (02:59:57): Shouko's looking for any signs of human habitation-fires, buildings, lights...
swedenfc19 (03:00:16): Ranna: "Kerensky's ghost, that is amazing .. Partially deactivated, quiaff?"
Tengusaur (03:00:35): There seem to be buildings on the island, though.
Raptor Dusk (03:00:42): M1: At least it's not blimps
Wyverncakes (03:01:39): Kazuki: "... Definitely something cut from the same cloth as Tatsumiya. But where're the people?"
VJockey (03:01:59): Cheng: ... ... Everyone... Remain on guard... just a feeling... but...
peter kampschroeder (03:01:59): "I don't know…try radioing them?"
Tengusaur (03:02:25): Getting closer to the island, within its shield, lets you look at the whole thing better!
Raptor Dusk (03:02:31): M1 is scannign radio freq's
Tengusaur (03:02:39): No radios seem to be online.
Raptor Dusk (03:02:58): how about Infared?
peter kampschroeder (03:03:03): "What happened here..."
Wyverncakes (03:03:05): And a pit begins to turn in Kazuki's stomach
Camiu (03:03:10): Kamille: ... *starting to believe his little horror film premise now.*
Techy Elf resides here (03:03:11): Mira: "Okay this is kind of freaky." She's standing in the shuttle watching the scans. "Ghost towns, seems like home almost."
Tengusaur (03:03:23): The island is covered in both living and infrastructural areas, and the closest one to you seems to be a military base.
Tengusaur (03:03:41): Not only are there no people here to greet you, but the whole thing seems like someone fought here recently.
swedenfc19 (03:03:56): Ranna turns on her mech's infared display to scan the area. Perhaps residue heat signature can be found.
Tengusaur (03:04:02): Some of the buildings are in ruins, and there are many strangely regular, round craters around.
Camiu (03:04:11): Kamille: Signs of a fight but no people? And those craters...
Wyverncakes (03:04:14): Kazuki recognizes those holes immediately.
peter kampschroeder (03:04:22): "Kazuki…those are..."
VJockey (03:04:28): Cheng:.....
Wyverncakes (03:04:31): "... Looks like this place wasn't so lucky with repelling Festum."
Tengusaur (03:04:36): An infrared scan detects no sources of heat...
Wyverncakes (03:04:50): And for that matter, he's already going for his Garm-44
peter kampschroeder (03:05:20): Shouko's going to follow his lead and reach for that railgun she brought along.
Camiu (03:05:27): Kamille: The Welle Shield is likely to blame, but what caused it to go offline even this much?
Wyverncakes (03:05:48): Kazuki: "This shields aren't infallible..."
VJockey (03:06:07): Cheng:... They might still be here. [Cheng grits his teeth and primes ALL weapons.] Everyone assume hostiles are present... and do NOT answer any strange voices or I WILL have to shoot you... [Was speaking to those WITHOUT experience with the Festum]
Tengusaur (03:06:13): A keen-eyed pilot could catch a glimpse of something glowing behind the military base's main building.
swedenfc19 (03:06:26): Ranna: "Hold."
Wyverncakes (03:06:29): Kazuki flinches when he hears Cheng say all of that.
Camiu (03:06:36): Kamille: The hell is that thing?
swedenfc19 (03:06:45): Ranna: "Festum?"
Techy Elf resides here (03:06:49): Mira feels uneasy about it and is drawing her pistol keeping the cyclone in bike mode. "What was what?"
Camiu (03:06:59): Kamille's already clicking the safety off of his HML
peter kampschroeder (03:07:01): "But…If there are any people left..."
swedenfc19 (03:07:11): Ranna designates the building and sends the overlay to Mira.
Raptor Dusk (03:07:11): M1 prepares master ARMS
Tengusaur (03:07:23): You can see the golden glow way more clearly now!
Wyverncakes (03:07:28): Kazuki just very carefully tries to center on this figure. Whatever it is...
Wyverncakes (03:07:32): !!!!
Camiu (03:07:38): Kamille: That glow- Shit!
Tengusaur (03:07:38): A giant humanoid figure flies from behind the building!
Tengusaur (03:07:39): http://www.absoluteanime.com/fafner/festum.jpeg
VJockey (03:07:45): Cheng: Alien beings, Psychic. With the ability to generate Black Holes. They attempt to invade minds and assimilate others by reaching out to them-!!
Wyverncakes (03:08:36): Kazuki: "Can anyone relay this back to the Chalice?!?"
Tengusaur (03:08:45): A few more emerge from underwater behind you and from briefly-appearing black holes in the air! It seems you're surrounded!
Tengusaur (03:08:55): You hear a telepathic voice in your heads!
Raptor Dusk (03:09:00): M1 :Relaying now
Tengusaur (03:09:00): Festum: "Is anyone there?"
Techy Elf resides here (03:09:08): "What the..." She keeps the bike mode. "Great, something worse than Invid, at least it's not a damn crab."
Camiu (03:09:10): Kamille: No good, we're boxed in-GAH!!! *clutching head now*
peter kampschroeder (03:09:37): Shouko just clenches her teeth.
Tengusaur (03:09:45): The golden creatures are moving in!
Techy Elf resides here (03:09:48): Mira starts humming to herself mostly to keep from hearing anything that isn't from her radio.
Wyverncakes (03:09:50): Kazuki's just going to grit through the mindrape!
Raptor Dusk (03:09:54): M1 Keep calm!
Tengusaur (03:10:25): (Enemy list: Sphinx Festum x5, Grendel Festum x15)
Wyverncakes (03:10:31): Soushi: "Kazuki!"
Wyverncakes (03:10:39): Kazuki: "What?"
Wyverncakes (03:10:50): And the holographic red form of his former friend appears inside of the Mark Elf!
Wyverncakes (03:11:16): Soushi: "Patch me through to everyone! This is important!"
VJockey (03:11:25): Cheng:... [Cheng's mind is focused solely on one thing. The extermination of ALL Festum. Does his best to ignore the voices in his head to better kill them.]
swedenfc19 (03:11:41): Ranna focus on happy thoughts to ignore the voices in her mind. Or what passes for happy thoughts for a clanswoman.
Wyverncakes (03:11:45): Not entirely sure, Kazuki does as he's told, the somewhat static-y voice of Soushi coming through.
Tengusaur (03:11:49): (initiative list: Kazuki, Shouko, Kensuke, Mira, Mobius, Camille, Rana, Cheng)
howmuchineedyou (03:12:05): Kensuke breaths deeply of his fear, but he's heard these voices before. He won't answer them now. He pushes up his glasses, and raises his sheild in ready.
Wyverncakes (03:12:17): Soushi: "Everyone, Tatsumiya Island didn't transfer Fafner pilots to the Chalice for no reason at all. They can serve a use here!"
Wyverncakes (03:12:57): Soushi: "Normally, the Siegfried System helps protect the pilots from the mental attacks of the Festum, but we've also done some effort to link things up with everyone else..."
Wyverncakes (03:13:34): Soushi: "Assuming they were able to, you should find that mechanics have left headbands in your cockpits, please, put them on!"
Wyverncakes (03:13:52): "They'll work with the Fafners to help protect you better from these things!"
Camiu (03:14:06): Kamille's shoving that thing on now
Wyverncakes (03:14:23): Kazuki: "Soushi... we were transferred here to..."
swedenfc19 (03:14:27): Ranna fits it on.
howmuchineedyou (03:14:29): Kensuke has a time trying to get his sync clips and head bad to fit right.
Wyverncakes (03:14:32): ... Of all the things he's not told!
Raptor Dusk (03:14:42): M1 is not liking that people mess with her plane whle she's sleeping, but she does
Tengusaur (03:14:58): Putting on the headbands, combined with your determination not to respond and focus instead, lets you completely stave off the influence of the Festum!
Wyverncakes (03:15:07): * But there are Festum to smash and Kazuki turns his attention to the Grendel types, firing a stream of Garm-44 bullets at a few of them!+
VJockey (03:15:11): Cheng: [Has some difficulty because of his helmet. So he gets that off and wears the headbaand instead]
Tengusaur (03:15:16): Enemy description: Sphinx - flying giant golden guy. Grendel - car-sized four-legged creature with wasp-like limbs, cannot fly.
Camiu (03:15:23): Kamille: Oh sweet jesus I needed that...!
Tengusaur (03:15:24): (Kazuki, Shouko, Kensuke)
Tengusaur (03:15:34): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y-dCtWO8NoM
Techy Elf resides here (03:16:02): Mira lacks a cockpit, though she does find it in one of the compartments on her bike, pulling her helmet off she pulls it on then pulls her helmet back on.
Tengusaur (03:16:11): Three of the Grendels explode into small black holes from the fire! But four more leap high towards Kazuki, trying to latch onto his Fafner! (react)
Camiu (03:16:33): # (Kazuki!)
peter kampschroeder (03:16:39): *Thank god that railgun's at the ready. Shouko's going to slow up a bit and fire right at the first Spinhx type that catches her eye.
Tengusaur (03:16:40): (approved)
Wyverncakes (03:16:45): * And this is exactly what the Lindwurm is for! The thrusters flare, Kazuki trying to pull away from them!
Wyverncakes (03:16:57): Kazuki: "So... gotta ask... how're those things working for you guys?"
swedenfc19 (03:17:18): Ranna: "Working well, thank you."
Camiu (03:17:25): *"LIKE HELL I'LL LET YOU DO THAT!" Kamille's pulling the HML on the Grendels attacking Kazuki and fires multiple shots!+
howmuchineedyou (03:17:28): Kensuke waists no time, and draws his smash hawk, with a twirl, and leaps headlong as the Grendels, shield held in front. +
Techy Elf resides here (03:17:57): Mira: It's helping a little, feels weird with the helmet though.
VJockey (03:17:59): Cheng: Well enough Kazuki... well enough
Tengusaur (03:18:18): The railgun shot hits the Festum's "wing" and rips it off, causing the creature to lower its altitude. It counters by trying to catch Shouko in a black hole! (react)
Tengusaur (03:19:15): Kensuke's shield slams into two Grendels, destroying them! Several more try to scratch at the AT Field! (react)
Tengusaur (03:19:30): (Mobius, Mira, Kamille)
peter kampschroeder (03:19:35): *No Lindwurm, no problem. Shouko just jets upwards and away front he Festum.+
peter kampschroeder (03:19:44): (Away From)
Tengusaur (03:20:00): Kamille's beam explodes one of the small Festum, and Kazuki manages to escape from the rest of them!
Raptor Dusk (03:20:44): *Mobius one locks up four ground festum and fires four laser guided anti tank missiles+
Techy Elf resides here (03:21:02): Mira uses her pistol in one hand, firing off two of her rockets from the left side of the bike at the nearest Festum.
howmuchineedyou (03:21:25): Kensuke spins the smash hawk around in his Eva's hand, and slashes out at the Grendals that where still attacking him. Keeping his shield up, he refuses to give ground.+
Techy Elf resides here (03:21:33): + (oops)
Tengusaur (03:21:33): The black hole nicks the tip of Shouko's wing, but she is otherwise fine.
peter kampschroeder (03:21:47): "Tch!"
Tengusaur (03:22:29): Kensuke destroys one more Grendel - the rest don't manage to penetrate his AT Field.
Camiu (03:22:49): *Kamille's targetting the dewinged Festum and is charging at it with the Hyper Mega Launcher's Long Beam Saber, attempting to slice through it in one pass!+
Wyverncakes (03:23:11): Kazuki: "Shouko!"
peter kampschroeder (03:23:37): "I'm okay! Don't worry!
Tengusaur (03:24:21): Mobius explodes two of the small land-based Festum! The other two manage to leap away out of the missiles' area of fire. Suddenly a big one emerges in front of her, trying to slam its hand into the plane! (react)
Tengusaur (03:25:05): (is Mira attacking a Sphinx or a Grendel?)
Raptor Dusk (03:25:20): *In the immortal words, I do a barrel roll, using thrust vectoring+
Techy Elf resides here (03:25:32): (Grendel I guess XD)
Tengusaur (03:26:37): Kamille charges towards the wounded monster, slashing into its side! But the creature attacks at the same time, hitting the Zeta with an arm, aiming for the chest! (react)
Tengusaur (03:26:43): Festum: "Is anyone there?"
Tengusaur (03:27:13): Mira explodes one more Grendel. No others are attacking her at the moment...
Tengusaur (03:27:18): (Cheng, Ranna)
Wyverncakes (03:27:19): #
Tengusaur (03:27:27): (approved)
Camiu (03:27:45): *Kamille's quick to double back, biting down the forming headache as he fires his weapon's charge at the Monster's arm!+
Techy Elf resides here (03:28:12): Mira: Hah! Doesn't seem like these things are strong against conventional warheads...
Wyverncakes (03:28:20): * Remembering how he took down his first Festum a few months ago, Kazuki fires another stream of Garm-44 shots at the head of the Festum, hoping to take down its core!+
Wyverncakes (03:28:41): Kazuki: "Why bother when you could just manipulate gravity and redirect them that way?"
Tengusaur (03:28:48): The Festum's hand hits and rips off a missile pod off Mobius' jet!
Wyverncakes (03:28:52): Yeah, Soushi told him about what happened to Sakura's dad
swedenfc19 (03:29:00): The Warhawk drops out of the transport shuttle, the jump pack flaring as Ranna begins the descent. It does not stop her from calmly selecting two of the Festum closest to her, and firing off a pair of PPCs at each.+
VJockey (03:30:21): Cheng: *Targets the Sphinxes and unleashes a barrage of Missiles and High Explosive Cannon Shells and Gatling Gun Fire from all six spinning barrels! Truly if there were Koenig Monsters here they would wilt in shame in the presence of superior firepower!+
Tengusaur (03:30:47): The Sphinx-type Festum is forced to back away, its arm and head heavily damaged! It's still standing, however, and Zeta receives some minor damage to its shoulder from the impact.
Tengusaur (03:30:55): (Ranna, which kind of Festum?)
swedenfc19 (03:31:16): (A Sphinx and Grendel)
Camiu (03:31:40): Kamille: Thanks for the save, man!
Tengusaur (03:32:18): Cheng finishes off the wounded Festum, causing it to explode in a big black hole! Speaking of black hole, another Sphinx is firing one at him now. (react)
Wyverncakes (03:32:20): Kazuki just nods in recognition
Tengusaur (03:33:17): Ranna kills a small Grendel Festum, but the big Sphinx is alerted to her presence by explosions on its body, and reaches out to grab her mech with both hands! (react)
Camiu (03:33:34): # (Ranna)
Tengusaur (03:33:38): (approve)
VJockey (03:33:51): Cheng: *remembers when he had to do this in the Behemoth, which was in all honesty FAR MORE SLUGGISH than the Ymir.. and it had been SMALLER. He puts the Ymir into evasive manuevers well honed from the L-Boat mission+
Camiu (03:34:32): *Kamille's got his sights on the arms of the Sphinx, and is firing at Ranna's would be oppressors with the HML again!+
Tengusaur (03:35:30): Cheng jumps out of the black hole's area just on time! A moment later and it would've been too late...
Tengusaur (03:35:53): Kamille's shots make the creature pull back one arm, but there is still one more to deal with! (Ranna react still)
Tengusaur (03:36:09): Suddenly, you get a radio transmission in the middle of the fight!
Tengusaur (03:36:26): Misato: "Kensuke, everyone, can you hear me?"
swedenfc19 (03:37:10): She fires off a burst from the external packs to slow her descent for a moment, then lowers both arms and fires all 4 particle cannons at the Sphinx's 'head'.+
howmuchineedyou (03:37:12): Kensuke: "Miss Misato! Yeah! Loud and clear"
VJockey (03:37:14): Cheng:...!! Katsuragi? Not a good question to ask!
peter kampschroeder (03:37:39): Nope, no response from Shouko.
Techy Elf resides here (03:37:41): Mira: Loud yeah. What's up?
Camiu (03:38:01): Kamille: Katsuragi, what's got you calling us in the middle of a fight? Is it an Angel?
Camiu (03:38:42): (Retcon last comment please)
Tengusaur (03:38:47): The Sphinx slams its hand into the 'mech, dealing serious damage to its armor - but fortunately not the system, and even more fortunately, the hits wound it and force it to pull back before it can start trying to assimilate the pilot.
Tengusaur (03:39:28): Misato: "Exactly! An Angel was detected, and it's heading in your direction as we speak!"
Tengusaur (03:39:37): Misato: "In fact, it should be there alrea-"
Wyverncakes (03:39:46): Kazuki: "... And it just gets from bad to worse."
Tengusaur (03:40:07): The message is interrupted as suddenly a big beam is shot towards the battlefield from the water's direction! (everyone react)
Wyverncakes (03:40:27): * Lindwurm doooooodge!+
swedenfc19 (03:40:30): Ranna smiles. "Glorious."
Tengusaur (03:40:33): The beam hits the Festum damaged by Ranna and Kamille, annihilating it!
peter kampschroeder (03:40:37): *Shouko soooooar!+
Raptor Dusk (03:40:40): *M1 kicks the Afterburners! Climb!+
Camiu (03:41:12): *Kamille curses as he's forced to ground himself to dodge the massive wave of destruction+
VJockey (03:41:13): Cheng:... [Proceeds to curse most thoroughly in every single word known to his mother tongue!].. *And the Ymir hurtles away as best as it can like a brick fired out of a mass driver.]
VJockey (03:41:16): +
swedenfc19 (03:41:18): She dumps power into the external pack to avoid the beam.+
Techy Elf resides here (03:41:51): The loud scream from the smallest mech would be Mira almost falling from the shuttle when she dives from the beam. Yeah bike mode converts to armor so she can hang on +
howmuchineedyou (03:43:04): Kensuke tucks low out of instinct. "Miss Misato? MissMisato!"
Tengusaur (03:43:51): Mira and Cheng manage to avoid the beam completely, but everyone else gets singed by its edges! It even breaks through Kensuke's AT Field!
Tengusaur (03:44:12): You can see the source of the beam - a strange creature standing on the edge of the island.
Tengusaur (03:44:12): http://wiki.evageeks.org/images/1/11/09_C332_israfel.jpg
Tengusaur (03:44:23): Enemy added (yellow) - Angel Israfel
Tengusaur (03:44:47): Misato: "I'm safe! Don't worry about me, worry about yourself Kensuke!"
Camiu (03:44:48): Kamille: Tch! of all the times, it had to be now!
Wyverncakes (03:44:53): Kazuki: "Why's it even..."
Tengusaur (03:44:54): (Kazuki, Shouko, Kensuke)
Tengusaur (03:45:17): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y5xfIcR4-tA
Camiu (03:45:20): Kamille: Forget about it for now! Prioritize the Festum so we don't have to worry about assimilation!
peter kampschroeder (03:45:38): "What *is* that?" Shouko's going to fire off another shot at her earlier damaged Sphinx type. It would have been great, if that beam hadn't interrupted her aim…+
Tengusaur (03:45:58): (That one is dead now, so I assume another one of the same type?)
peter kampschroeder (03:46:07): (Suuuuure)
howmuchineedyou (03:46:58): Kensuke: An angel huh? I guess that mean it's my time to shine!" He pushes up his glasses, and despite being a bit singed he forgets at of the other enemies and heads stright for the Angel. Shield lifted, and his smash hawk in hand, he twirled he round and round to build up momentum, before he launched himself up into the air in a giant leap and come down upon the angel with hands on the smash hawk, in an attempt to cleave the thing cleanly into.+
Wyverncakes (03:47:08): (How many Sphinx types are left?)
Tengusaur (03:47:16): (3)
Tengusaur (03:47:49): The Sphinx gets hit straight in the head and stumbled back in pain! It cannot fight back at the moment... But at the same moment a small group of previously unseen Grendels leaps out of the ruins, towards Shouko's Fafner! (react)
Tengusaur (03:48:04): (enemy reinforcements: 4 Grendel Festum)
Wyverncakes (03:48:15): * Right then! As Shouko lines up her shot, Kazuki pulls out his own machine's railgun as well, thankfully stored onboard the Lindwurm. All that extra carry space helps, alright... and Kazuki opens fire on the one that'd harassed Kamille earlier!+
Wyverncakes (03:48:31): ... Only to see while in mid-shot that more Grendels were rushing in!
Wyverncakes (03:48:34): Kazuki: "Shouko!"
Tengusaur (03:48:49): Kensuke cleaves right through the meaty pink substance that's inside the Angel, splitting the creature in two! Well, that was easy...
peter kampschroeder (03:49:13): *"!!" Shouko's going to to air-dash off to the side, as the Grendels jump at her outta nowhere.+
Tengusaur (03:49:40): But suddenly, the two halves of the Angel shudder start to move! Each one of them has its own core!
howmuchineedyou (03:49:43): Kensuke: "Ha-Ha!! Check that out!! One foul swoop and that angel was toast!!"
Camiu (03:49:47): Kamille: Kensuke, back away now!!
howmuchineedyou (03:49:58): Kensuke:"....." realises he spoke to soon
Tengusaur (03:50:12): they turn into something that resembles smaller copies of the creature! And both of them fire smaller beams at Kensuke in unison! (react)
Wyverncakes (03:50:12): And not only that, the Angel splits in half...?!?
Wyverncakes (03:50:21): Kazuki: "It's self-replicating?!?"
Tengusaur (03:50:22): http://wiki.evageeks.org/images/8/8d/09_C346_israfel-2jump.jpg
swedenfc19 (03:50:26): Ranna: "...From bad to worse, quiaff?"
Camiu (03:51:13): Kamille: No, not self-replicating! It was combined!
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