Mission 061

Mar 02, 2012 21:39

Session Start (overmanzs1:ugamission061): Fri Mar 02 18:58:03 2012 -0600
Session Start (overmanzs1:!aol://2719:10-4-ugamission061): Fri Mar 02 18:58:04 2012 -0600
Session Close (ugamission061): Fri Mar 02 18:58:05 2012 -0600

*** OvermanZs1 has joined the conversation.
*** UltimateSalsa has joined the conversation.
*** blackmagerulz101@gmail.com has joined the conversation.
*** wyverncakes has joined the conversation.
*** EricOverbringer has joined the conversation.
*** ShaunGarin has joined the conversation.
*** CantaAkino has joined the conversation.
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*** godannar1138@yahoo.com has joined the conversation.
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*** xcaltoona has joined the conversation.
*** vertigojockey@gmail.com has joined the conversation.
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Zappa: (( (Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hr3yRv6bO-w)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hr3yRv6bO-w ))
*** mistergiggl3s has joined the conversation.
Zappa: ((And a briefing if you haven't read it yet! (Link: http://srwug-alphanews.livejournal.com/127215.html#cutid1)http://srwug-alphanews.livejournal.com/127215.html#cutid1 ))

Zappa: Everyone gather round the operation sight! And stand about... or sit about in your mechs...

Zappa: You're probably very, very bored right now too. No action, just... waiting for it... itching for anything, maybe, if that's the kind of person you are. Feel free to chat amongst yourselves while things are going down.
wyverncakes: Kazuki's just milling inside of the Mark Elf, thinking about things and all
Nerdorama09: Misato is busy coordinating the rig setup that's going to make this mission remotely possible
wyverncakes: Also beint as anti-social as ever
wyverncakes: Anyone wanting conversation with him, you're going to have to take the first step
UltimateSalsa: Van's chilling out in the Blade Liger, occasionally asking Zeke random questions and getting roars in return.
*** ericoverbringer has left the conversation.
vertigojockey@gmail.com: Michael's doing air-guitar... in the Metal Wolf. With music blasting out of it's speakers.
cubey@aol.pl: Alessandra's Memento Mori is walking around restlessly, not so subtly trying to judge its height against that of the other units present. It's almost like if she suddenly developed a Napoleon complex or something.
howmuchineedyou: Kensuke is rather uncomfortable in this horrible plugsuit, but hes not going to complain. He's sitting quietly in the plug readying himself for the mission ahead. He can't help but smile watching Micheal goofing off on the comm screen. "Don't have to much fun Mr. President, sir!" +
Nerdorama09: Misato is enjoying the music, at least. It reminds her of Aoba back in Tokyo-3.
Nerdorama09: Misato: "Kensuke. We've got an official go for A-17. Are you ready in there?"
CantaAkino: Scott was fairly relaxed, but also taking stock of the Chalice crew. Switching momentarily to his morpher's communicator, he said to Flynn, "Well, so far, so good. Don't think Dad's going to have much in the way of complaints."
vertigojockey@gmail.com: Michael grins and gives a wave at Kensuke. "Can never have too much fun kid! Rule of life!"
wyverncakes: Hearing that misuic, Kazuki couldn't help but begin to tap the controls in rhythm with the song.
UltimateSalsa: Van shakes his head at the President's antics.
Zappa: KENSUKE! Are you ready for the diving?
howmuchineedyou: "I'm about to be submerged in Lava, and you're concerned with fun!" He laughed aloud, obviously enjoying the good humor. It made him feel less afraid, and that was visible if you have his comm video up on your screen.
howmuchineedyou: "Yes ma'am! Let's do this, so I can get out of this THING!"
Zappa: The crane starts to move the Eva over the vocano's opening. But first another mechanism fires a shot down into the magma. Moving Unit 04 into place, the winch's cables start to lower the uncool-looking mecha into the magma.

wyverncakes: And at that Kazuki straightened up in his Fafner, bringing it online as his hands slid inside of the goo once more. And this time he WAS wearing his synch suit, so the pain wouldn't be as bad as before.
wyverncakes: And thank God for that!
howmuchineedyou: Kensuke takes a deep breath of fear, and swallows it as he looks down into the magma.
cubey@aol.pl: Alessandra: "Ah, the titan's monumental descent!" She is not happy with the Eva unit being so large, but she still waves good-bye. And so does her unit because motion control.
Zappa: Operator: "Four-fifty. Five hundred. Five-fifty. Six. Six-fifty."

UltimateSalsa: Van: "That... can't be pleasant. I know it's important, but wow."
Nerdorama09: Misato: "Switch to your CT monitor, or you won't be able to see in there."
Zappa: Operator: "Nine hundred. Nine-fifty. One thousand meters down. One thousand-fifty."

Zappa: Operator: "We're over max safty depth. Target at estimated depth of thirteen-hundred meters."

howmuchineedyou: Kensuke switches monitors. "Roger." Already is was hot as hell in the plug, and he sighed in disgust as he started to sweat. "Everything good on my end Miss Misato!"
Nerdorama09: Misato: "Any sign of the target?"
vertigojockey@gmail.com: Michael trots the Wolf over by the Memento Mori to get a better look. If Alessandra's got a Napoleon complex she would probably feel better about having an SS sized unit next to her.
Zappa: And still, the Eva moves in deeper, but in all this time... not a damn thing but bright red and sweltering heat.
howmuchineedyou: Kensuke: "Nothing yet, just lava as far as I can see, but the visibility is pretty low." Sweat runs down his face.
wyverncakes: Kazuki: "How much further until he has to go?"
Nerdorama09: Misato: "The magma must be moving faster than we thought. Recalculate and continue diving."
Zappa: Operator: "Thirteen-fifty. Fourteen hundred meters."

howmuchineedyou: Kensuke: "Yes ma'am." He fidgets in his seat, and whipes the sweat from his face. He wants to complain, but won't.
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Zappa: [Kensuke] One of the coolant pipes cracks! (Panic)

Zappa: o7
howmuchineedyou: Kensuke: "Miss Misato, I've got a cracked coolant tube!" He looks around as if it's going to fix anything. "If it's in safety limits I can keep going! " A look of determination covers his fear. He knows he has alot of prove here.
Zappa: Operator: "Fourteen-eighty. We've exceeded the maximum allowed depth!"

Nerdorama09: Misato: "Continue the dive."
Zappa: [Kensuke] The viewing glass over the Eva cracks! (Panic more?)

Zappa: Operator: "One hundred and twenty meters over allowed depth."

howmuchineedyou: Kensuke: HE jumps as the crack appears, but it seems to be alright. He adjusts his glasses. "I've got a crack in the D type armor window, but it seems to be alright. Are we getting close?"
Nerdorama09: Misato: ...
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Zappa: [Kensuke] The mechanism keeping your Smash Hawk handy finally gives in to pressure and melting! (Panic again!)

wyverncakes: Kazuki began to stir irritably. "Why aren't they aborting? Are they just going to keep going down until it's too late?"
Nerdorama09: Misato: "Keep the chatter down. This is a NERV operation."
howmuchineedyou: Kensuke: "No! I'm alright! Don't abort the mission, we only get one shot at this!!" Despite the melting weaponry, he tried to stay calm. "If everything goes right I won't need that smash hawk anyways! I can keep going!!"
Zappa: Operator: "Over two-hundred. Seventeen hundred and eighty meters! We've reached the corrected target depth!"
Zappa: Oh, wait... there's a thing there. Kinda darker than everything else. That's gotta be it!

howmuchineedyou: Kensuke: "I see it! Miss misato, I see it!" He beams like a puppy trying to please his master. "Let's get this egg, and get out this frying pan!"
Nerdorama09: Misato: "Right! Proceed with the capture operation."
wyverncakes: Kazuki breathed in relief. Now he just needed to get out of there with the Angel...
Zappa: (Kensuke, git dat Angel!)

cubey@aol.pl: Up on the surface, Alessandra was busy rubbing her chin in an exaggerated thinking gesture. Would cooling the magma down make the whole thing safer? But what about pressure?
howmuchineedyou: Kensuke holds the cage carefully between pincer hands and moves in for the capture. slowly... slowly...
"Deploy electric magnetic cage!!"+
Zappa: Operator: "Capture confirmed! Bringing Unit 04 back up! "

Nerdorama09: Misato breathes a sigh of relief
cubey@aol.pl: Alessandra: "Huzzah!"
Zappa: [Kensuke] You've succeeded in capturing an Angel! Achievement Unloc-

howmuchineedyou: Kensuke sighs in relefie too. "Oh man, I can't wait to take a shower!! This thing is horriable! I feel like I'm in a sauna! uhhhhh!" He is both relieved and happy.+
Zappa: Oh wait...

Did you think it would go that smoothly?
UltimateSalsa: Van: "Did we...!"
Zappa: HOWEVER... meanwhile...

Scene change! Corinth!

Zappa: Ranger Green/Black: "Turbo Blaster Launcher. Engine cell set!
Ready! And! FIRE!"

Zappa: ((Unfortunately, the thread isn't finished so I have no link to give you to read))
Zappa: The combined fire blows up the Gopher-bot in a less-than dramatic display. Why so anti-climatic?

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Zappa: Because it's getting a download just as it starts to break apart. From it's breaking corpse it multiplies in size! What's a Ranger to do?
Zappa: ((Ranger Blue, Ranger Red))

ShaunGarin: Flynn: Well there's something we see every day.
CantaAkino: Scott pulled out his morpher. "Flynn, Summer, downmorph zords!"
ShaunGarin: Flynn grinned as he pulled out his own morpher. "Downmorphing Lion Hauler!"
CantaAkino: Once all three zords were downmorphed out of subspace, Scott entered Eagle Racer and powered up his Engine Cell. "Combine!" (Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fDdsTEDOQ50)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fDdsTEDOQ50
ShaunGarin: Flynn grinned, entering Lion Hauler as well. "All systems at max!"
Zappa: [Everyone who's not Kensuke or a Ranger] Over yonder there's suddenly a GIANT freakin machine with shovels all over it, and another more friendly, color-coded machine.

Zappa: ((RPM Crew, action!))
wyverncakes: Kazuki: "... Is this why we were called here?!?"
wyverncakes: His Fafner's reading its Garm-44 and its Ruge Lance
ShaunGarin: Flynn: Deploying Super Saber! *And there's a huge sword that pops out of the left leg and unfolds, spiraling up for their machine to use.+
vertigojockey@gmail.com: Michael: "Anyone got a flashlight? That Groundhog's probably going to have the biggest shadow ever!"
CantaAkino: "Punch it!" Scott shouted, speeding the Megazord forward to try to slice the Gopher Bot in half.+
cubey@aol.pl: Alessandra: "Something wicked this way comes!"
Zappa: [RPM] (that's your tag) While it seems like that straight slash would be simple enough, it puts it's arms up, leaving your sword to clash into the massive shovels on it's arms! Full defended!
Zappa: While it seems aparently fine in one on one combat there, soon there's a few of those damned Grinders again, all just as big as the Ranger's Zord!

Zappa: And just to pile on, a swarm of Vilgax drones are coming your way! Even from afar they're already opened fire! And there's all that equipment too! (Everyone else react!)

wyverncakes: * Without many options to work with, Kazuki returns fire with his Garm-44 machinegun while trying to stay on the defensive and out of their line of fire!+
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Zappa: [Kazuki] Many of the drones simply scatter away from being fired upon! But being a rookie, you're allowed your moment in the sun and you nail one! ENjoy your first non-Fafner kill!
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UltimateSalsa: *Van gawks at the incoming enemies. "From there....!? Zeke, it's showtime!" The laser blades deploy forward-facing, and Van opens fire with the laser shot function at the incoming units, aimed for coverage rather than specific targets.+
cubey@aol.pl: *Alessandra starts jumping from place to place wildly, trying to avoid shots as they aim for Memento Mori.+
wyverncakes: Kazuki'll feel good about after the threat was dealt with
cubey@aol.pl: "This is not the welcome I expected! Was not the danger supposed to come from under the Earth's surface rather than air?!"
ShaunGarin: Flynn: Is it just me, or is this the first time ah've ever seen Venjix supersize a Grinder?
wyverncakes: Kazuki: "... Corinth has its own enmies, right?"
wyverncakes: ^enemies
CantaAkino: "He's stepping up his game," Scott said.
vertigojockey@gmail.com: Michael: Alright you tin-cans! WHO WANTS SOME!? *Michael leaps back, snapping out the Multi-Missile Launcher. Like a deadly flower of flaming death, it's 'petals' snap open... and send a massive barrage at the venjix drones+
Zappa: [Van] The drones scatter further, but as they loop back around, one has the balls to dive bomb the Liger... it misses though... terribly so, and pulls back before being hit by anyone else
Zappa: [Alessandra] Stop playing hopskotch in your mech! But... it's working! Nothing's managed to hit you, yet!
Zappa: [Michael] The drones actually panic and seem to retreat for a second, before reforming their ranks and returning, and they all hate you now. They open fire completely on you! (reactface)
Zappa: ((Enemies: Gopher-bot x1, Giant Grinder x5, Drone x10 ))
Gopher bot ( (Link: http://www.rangercentral.com/database/2009_rpm/images/prrpm-vi-attackbot04.jpg)http://www.rangercentral.com/database/2009_rpm/images/prrpm-vi-attackbot04.jpg )
Grinders ( (Link: http://i802.photobucket.com/albums/yy309/SkyBuzz/Power%20Rangers%20RPM%20Toy%20Action%20Figures/ZZA1k.jpg)http://i802.photobucket.com/albums/yy309/SkyBuzz/Power%20Rangers%20RPM%20Toy%20Action%20Figures/ZZA1k.jpg )
Drone ( (Link: http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b253/Zappa_Slave/PowerRangersRPM-S17E02-FadeToBlackHDTVXviD-dekabrokenavi_snapshot_0324_20120229_102603.jpg)http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b253/Zappa_Slave/PowerRangersRPM-S17E02-FadeToBlackHDTVXviD-dekabrokenavi_snapshot_0324_20120229_102603.jpg )
Zappa: (I told you I had it)
ShaunGarin: (lol)
Zappa: ((Initative: Alessa, Miki, Michael, Kazuki, RPM crew, Kensuke))

Zappa: **FFFFFFFF Sub Miki for Van, damn copy/pasta**
wyverncakes: (Miki? Don't you mean Van?)
Zappa: ((Van, Alessa, ACTION)
vertigojockey@gmail.com: Michael: WHOANELLY! *Michael sends the Wolf into several wild manuevers that you would expect from the Misato Katsuragi School of Evasive Driving. In other words. HIS DODGING IS INSANE+
Zappa: [Michael] Probably not as insane as Macross missile dodging, but impressive all the same. Not a one can lay a hit on you, but... they seem to love you the most right now all the same
UltimateSalsa: *"Okay, time to work with what I've got...! Zeke!" The laser blades lower for a charging attack, and he takes off for the Gopher-bot.
cubey@aol.pl: *Alessandra cannot help but wonder how does the struggle inside the volcano go. But, there's something she has to take care of herself now - so she whips out both of her guns, training them at two individual drone targets. "Begone from my sight! Robots should not fight with humans, this goes against established laws of..." She forgot the name exactly, so instead she fires a whole barrage.+
Zappa: [Van] Like any good toku show, the Gopher bot moves sluggishly, and can't keep up with the Liger at first. You pass by, cutting at it's legs with ease, but, it doesn't seem to affect it at all. And as you run by, it shovels into the ground and sort of "tableflips" a wall of dirt and earth in your path (react)
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UltimateSalsa: *Van has no idea how to react to a wall suddenly being present. Best he can do is try to jump and bounce off of it... which probably requires more time than he has.+
Zappa: [Alessandra] These robots don't care about your laws and theories! While your shots easily pick off the drones, this leaves one of the giant Grinders to come with it's... sword-stick thing and club at your back (react)
Zappa: ((Michael/Kazuki))
Zappa: [Van] The mass of thrown Earth isn't solid enough to bound off of, so in your attempt, you fall through, and thus, fall over while half-buried in random dirt and debris
wyverncakes: * "It's time..." Steeling his resolve, Kazuki had the Mark Elf stomp forward, locking onto one of the Grinders and opening fire with his machinegun to pin it down before slashing down with the Ruge Lance!+
UltimateSalsa: "Ow..." Van takes a moment to appreciate how sore he is before trying to get the Liger back on its feet.
cubey@aol.pl: *"How underhanded! Ohoho!" Alessandra sounds appreciative of the mook trying to bludgeon her in the back. It means she can just leap forward to make the attack miss and possibly throw the Grinder offbalance. Surely such a plan cannot fail!+
Zappa: [Kazuki] Grinders hardly have any ranged defence, so the shot makes them cover and panic. But when it uncovers to fire back, it's catching Ruge Lance to the face with great ease! It sparks and crackles as it falls back, but... it's slowly getting back up
wyverncakes: Hearing Alessandra talk like though did make Kazuki falter a bit... this was life and death! Why was she taking this not seriously at all?
vertigojockey@gmail.com: Michael: "You metalheads wanna play hardball! Let's PLAY!" *Michael whips out the Railgun, slamming the two halves together and leaping back to pre-emptively avoid any attacks as it charges, with his free hand he pulls out... you guessed it. The Shark launcher. He fires one ill-tempered and angry shark right into a Grinder's face as the first half of his 1-2 attack!&
Zappa: [Alessandra] It whiffs like it was a professional misser of things! However, it doesn't really stumble, it just stalks forward to close the gap!
Zappa: [Michael] Again, like any good Toku, special attacks almost always nail the mooks! Cue one successful shark to the face, as the grinder stands upright, with a shark wriggling about it's head and shoulders (continue)
ShaunGarin: Flynn: These guys are holdin' up. I'm rather impressed. Yanno, considerin' everythin.
Zappa: (RPM CREW)
wyverncakes: Kazuki: "It helps that we have ranged weapons."
ShaunGarin: Flynn: All right lets get some of these bad boys down!
vertigojockey@gmail.com: Michael: "Time to take you guys to the Recycling Centre! WHOOYAAAAH!" *FULLY CHARGED! The Railgun fires with the thundering crack of Zeus letting loose the great grandmother of all thunderstorms to let the world know he was back! The Shark now to be dubbed as 'Great White Chalice' somehow manages to flip back and vanish back into the elemental plane of Shark before he could get into any danger from the shot+
CantaAkino: *"Spin out!" Scott ordered, putting the Megazord into a wild spin, the Super Saber held out to try to cut down some of the Drones while cutting into the Gopher Bot.+
Zappa: [Michael/Shark] The shark flips back into it's magical plane of existance and tanking while all of a storm, all of it, crashes into one mook. For a move that should be a boss killer, thusly wasted on a mook, the mook is wasted!
ShaunGarin: Flynn: Rebalancing gyroscope!
*** macprysm has joined the conversation.
Zappa: [RPM] Unable to handle that sick spinning of the Megazord, two of the Grinders are blown aside and completely disabled. However, the Gopher bot is still trying to play on the defensive! It saves itself from destruction, but... it does have it's shovels cut in half!
Zappa: ((KENSUKE))
Cut back to Kensuke now!
Zappa: [Kensuke] As not to forget about you, because who would... The first few seconds of capture are ideal; nothing went wrong. However, the Angel decides it's time for it to hatch!

Zappa: (Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sFxxYe2wqZA)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sFxxYe2wqZA
Zappa: Misato: "Jettison the cage! We're changing operations! Destroy the Angel immideately!”

Zappa: ((Kensuke’s enemies: Anomalocaris Angel (Sandalphon) ))

howmuchineedyou: Kensuke is blind to the fighting topside, he's got his own monsters to fight. But figuratively and literally. Here in the belly of hell, he is face to face with a monster he cannot fight, no weapons, and leaking coolant. Kensuke pushes the cage away from him as hard as he can, trying to buy a few precious seconds to think over a plan. "Miss Misato, what do I do?" His voice was panicked, his fear is plain to see, but he holds it together the best he can. "Oh man, somebody think of something! Ahhhh! Help guys, I need an idea, and QUICK!"
howmuchineedyou: +
Zappa: [Anyone] Kensuke needs and idea! (Respond?)
cubey@aol.pl: [Alessandra has an idea!]
Zappa: @ (Alessandra!)
cubey@aol.pl: "Oh! There are complications in the Earth's fiery core as well, I see! Very well then, if a fight is what the Angel wants... cool it off instead! Use the scientific property of..." Memento Mori's guns go back to their holsters, because the unit is busy posing with its finger pointed. Not that Kensuke can see that.
cubey@aol.pl: "THERMAL EXPANSION!"
Zappa: [Alessandra] Cue a freeze frame, with the... dramatic appearance of Japanese characters writing out "THERMAL EXPANSION" beside the Memento Mori
cubey@aol.pl: "In other words, I suggest you do find something cool and available in huge quantities and pump a lot of it into the angel in question."
Zappa: [Kensuke] The Angel, wasting no time with these silly dramatic hijinks, rams itslef into the bubbly Eva. It's claws start to sink into the CapsuleCorp custom armor's shoulders.
wyverncakes: Kazuki: "Like his coolant!"
howmuchineedyou: Kensuke: "Yes! Thermal Expansion!!" Shaking with fear he reaches for the leaking coolant tube and with a shout of gar he jams the coolant pipe into the approaching angel's mouth. "RRRRAAAHhhhhhhhhggggggg!!! Eat This!!" He shouts loud as the angel wraps it's around the bulky D type Equipment.+
Zappa: [Kensuke] The Angel tightens it's grip and starts clamping down harder but, at the same time, it's shell looks to be cracking... cracking...

The carapace of the Angel shatters! Magma flows into it's innards and starts to rapidly dissolve it!
Zappa: (Proceeding with initative, Alessa and Van!)
Zappa: [Kensuke] The Angel has been defeated... without much incident at all ,except some damage to the Type D armor. But now you're kind of sitting there. In the magma. Chillin?
howmuchineedyou: Kensuke winces in Pain as he feels the pressure of the angels arms as if it where his own skin but then, it burns up and he nearly cries, very unmanly, out of sheer disbelief that that ACTUALLY WORKED. "It worked!! It worked!!"+
wyverncakes: And at that Kazuki breathed in relief. Now he just had to get back up out of here.
cubey@aol.pl: *Suddenly, Alessandra remembers the enemy whose attack she avoided not too while ago. Wait, wasn't it right behind her? Quickly, she draws the rapier and slashes as she turns to face the Grinder!
UltimateSalsa: *Having finally brought the Liger to bear, Van tries a new tactic, and fires the actual solid-projectile cannons at the mooks elsewhere, intending to clear the field.+
Zappa: [Alesandra] Aparently the Grinder forgot to pay attention after the scene changed back to him, as he takes the rapier to the face with a look of shock... okay, a look of robot line face. It sparks and pops before exploding apropriately!
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Zappa: (which mooks, drones or Grinders)
UltimateSalsa: (The drones, we'll say.)
cubey@aol.pl: "It would be ill-suited a greeting for the Evangelion giant if there were many more of these cads remaining while the lava bath is over and done with!" She sheathes the sword back, glad it took but a single hit. It was rather surprising, really.
Zappa: [Van] the Drones swarm and fly about, and take hits farily easily. It's not until two of them are shot down that they come to bear upon the Liger, swarming it with energy shots...

MEANWHILE... there's a glint of something in the sky... this could be bad
HyprKnux1: ?????: And that glint is growing bigger and bigger... and if you hear just right? You can hear the sound of "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!"
Zappa: [Kazuki] Something is falling and screaming in your general direction! Do something about it
Zappa: (react Van)
cubey@aol.pl: #
Zappa: (# who?)
cubey@aol.pl: (Van)
Zappa: (approved)
wyverncakes: * The crazy stuff that happens to him! Kazuki reacts as well as he figures though, firing up his thrusters up to the figure's level before cutting them, falling back to the ground and matching its speed and trying to catch the figure before firing his thrusters again!
wyverncakes: +
wyverncakes: Because everyone knows just catching someone falling doesn't accomplish anything!
wyverncakes: He remembered having to explain that to Mamoru at one point.
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Zappa: [?????] You've been caught! Make your thanks and intro!
cubey@aol.pl: *"Worry not sir Van! This is a masterful technique I did memorize quite a while ago!" Alessandra draws her axe in fast notion and... "Tomahawk... Non-returning Projectile!" She throws it at the attacking drones, hoping to... disperse their ranks? Deflect the shots? What was this supposed to achieve anyway?+
wyverncakes: And in the meantime Kazuki moves the Mark Elf's hand to try to see exactly who he just caught...
HyprKnux1: ?????: "Ow... I'm still alive?" From the hands of the Fafnir is a white and black figure. Like a spacesuit. However, when his head comes into view, the look is familiar... one of a KAMEN RIDER. "Oi! Thanks for the save!"
Zappa: Van! The drones you shot down though... don't make the best of landings. One of them crashes into one of the many winches holding up the Eva! But... when the weight shifts, the others start to give and fall in
[Kensuke]... you're falling into the magma... slowly, but descending further!
wyverncakes: "... Kamen Rider?"
wyverncakes: Yeah, he hasn't gotten around to talking to any of the Riders yet.
HyprKnux1: ????: "Yup. Kamen Rider... Fourze!" With that, he just HAD to strike a pose!
howmuchineedyou: The moment the cable snaps Kensuke feels the sound, and it shakes him to his very core. His life flashes before his eyes in bursts as he looks up in the lava, nothing but glowing red darkness. *I must be going stright to hell* he thought to himself. Sure he is going to die, falling in the lava with no hope of escape "Flynn!" He shouts. "Thank you!"+
ShaunGarin: Flynn looks up. "Someone call me?"
HyprKnux1: As he calms down, though, he stops and looks around. "...this isn't Fuso, is it?"
Zappa: [Alessandra] What it achieves it taking out another drone, which crashes onto the Liger's back! It... doesn't really damage the Liger any!
Zappa: [Fourze] You have a call! Your left arm is ringing
howmuchineedyou: Kensuke: "the other Flynn..." It was more of asad whisper. He wondered how long we could desent before he was crushed by the preassure. Would it hurt... to die like this?
Zappa: (At this point, feel free to kill mooks! or otherwise act freely)
HyprKnux1: Fourze: "Huh?" He goes for one of the devices on his belt, pushing the switch. [RADAR ON] And the Radar Switch activates as the Rider sets it up.
*** macprysm has joined the conversation.
UltimateSalsa: Van lets out a breath. "Thanks, Alessandra." He winces when he feels the mook hit the Liger's back.
Zappa: [Fourze] ???: Kisaragi! Something broke one of the winches there. It's obviously important. Make yourself useful! Use 23 too cool your entry into the magma, then 16 to get whatever it was out of there!"
ShaunGarin: Flynn: We may as well finish this up. Charging the Super Saber!
wyverncakes: Kazukis just looking down at that radio thing in confusion, but he catches something about "cooling".
cubey@aol.pl: Alessandra: "I cannot believe it worked... I mean! Yes, but of course - do not mention it in the slightest, o ho ho ho!"
wyverncakes: "... If you can help us get Kensuke out I'll get you to the volcano!"
howmuchineedyou: Kensuke starts weeping silently like a bitch.
vertigojockey@gmail.com: Michael: *Take out the mooks you say? YES PLEASE! Michael sent the Wolf as high as he could into the air! Gatling Guns, Assault Rifles, Shotguns! "Looks like you buckets are in for some trouble! Looks like rain! LEAD RAIN!" -DAKKA! LOTS OF IT-+
wyverncakes: Kazuki: "Kensuke! Just hold on a little longer!"
HyprKnux1: Fourze: "Right, don't worry, I'll get it!" He looks over to Kazuki, then nods. "That might help. I'll need just a little time to switch up! Get me there!"
wyverncakes: And with that, (and assuming this counts as a free action) the Mark Elf charges up the volcano as quickly as it can!
Zappa: (all actions are free actions)
CantaAkino: "All right, let's get these Grinders out of the way first!" Scott yelled, charging forward with the Saber to take out a few Grinders
HyprKnux1: Fourze: On the way there, Fourze starts switching out switches - Drill for Water and Radar for Wrench. "So, what are we saving?"
Zappa: [RPM] Grinders 3, 4, and 5 are easily dispatched, hardly holding a candle to the speeding slashes from the Megazord
wyverncakes: Kazuki: "Someone in the magma!"
HyprKnux1: Fourze: "..." Fourze's not the smartest tool in the shed, but hearing that? "...wait, what?!"
cubey@aol.pl: Alessandra: "You have my emotional support, strangely dressed armored man who fell from the sky!"
UltimateSalsa: Van sets the blades back into laser-mode. "I'm not gonna forgive that!" He lights into the remaining mooks...!
wyverncakes: Kazuki: "We don't have much time... just go in and cool the magma so the Mark Elf can get into the volcano to help pull him up!"
wyverncakes: "And not too cool, or the magma will solidify!"
Zappa: [Van/Michael] Pew pew pew, drones exploding light the sky... only to have bullets and bullets BLOT OUT THE SUN! It's... kind of a nice shade for a while actually, if not concerning.
wyverncakes: And with that, Kazuki flings Fourze into the open mouth of the volcano
Zappa: [Fourze] Kazuki has THROWN you into the magma. You can vaguely make out things drifting into it, the winch bases. Also, it's hot, but... you'll be fine
HyprKnux1: Fourze: "Wait, wait, wait, WOAAAAAAAAAAH!" And as Fourze's flung in, switches are pressed in rapid order! [WATER ON] [WENCH ON] "Alright, let's do this!" And with that, the device on his left leg starts gushing out cold water!
HyprKnux1: (Winch, not Wench. My bad!)
Zappa: [Fourze] DIVE DIVE DIVE! You're actually propelled so it doesn't take long to get down to 1780 meters in the magma... but... Kensuke's not AT 1780 right now! more like 2000! (continue)
ShaunGarin: Flynn: All right, lets wrap this whole thing up. Super Saber is at full charge! Power Rangers RPM! *And he threw the machine into gear, the wheels on the bottom of the zord attack vehicle screaming.+
CantaAkino: "Burnout!" Scott ordered, bringing the arms to swing the Saber right through the Gopher Bot's shredded defenses. (Link: http://youtu.be/5t8B9MglbaE)http://youtu.be/5t8B9MglbaE +
HyprKnux1: Fourze: "...I'm not seeing your friend... gotta go deeper..." Another switch is hit [ROCKET ON!] And with the Rocket Module active, he pushes himself farther.
wyverncakes: And at that, Kazuki keyed open a channel to the Chalice.
wyverncakes: "Dan..."
Zappa: [Fourze] THERE IT IS! A big... bubbly thingy! That's gotta be it! (continue)
Zappa: Dan: "Oh, Kazuki! Is the operation proceeding alright?"
wyverncakes: "I need to enter the volcano to get Kensuke out... I remember reading about some flight craft for the Fafners?"
HyprKnux1: Fourze: "Ah-ha! Found you... let's hope you're not heavy!" With that, he fires the Winch Switch's Boost Hooker to wrap around and bind it. "Oi! You alive?"
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frifreeman: aah
frifreeman: I overslept badly
Zappa: (wrong chat)
howmuchineedyou: Kensuke looks up shocked, tears in his eyes. "Y-yeah!! Yeah! I'm still alive!! Can you get me out?" +
HyprKnux1: Fourze: "Don't worry, I'll get you out. I'm a Kamen Rider - we protect the innocent!"
wyverncakes: Kazuki: "Dan, I need the craft now!"
Zappa: Dan: "Get Kensuke out? What's going on out there! You're talking about the Lindwurms? I'll send one out to you! Or... someone will! It won't be long!
wyverncakes: "Thank you!"
howmuchineedyou: Kensuke gets all wide with admiration. * So cooool! i wish I had my camera!*
wyverncakes: And now Kazuki was steeling every nerve in his body
wyverncakes: This was going to hurt
wyverncakes: Hurt so much.
Zappa: [Fourze!] PULL DAT EVA!
HyprKnux1: Fourze: "Let's hope there's enough juice here!" And up we go! With everything he has, Fourze starts to pull and get the Eva out!
Zappa: ( WHY AM I POSTING THIS! (Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YHKcgGfJ14s)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YHKcgGfJ14s )
Zappa: [Kazuki!] Something blips for you! It's a Lindwurm!
wyverncakes: (Lindwurm: (Link: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v200/dreamless_lavos/fafner_4_2.jpg)http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v200/dreamless_lavos/fafner_4_2.jpg)
wyverncakes: And with that, a flight craft docks onto the back of the Fafner, and with a determined cry Kazuk dives straight into the lava!
Zappa: [RPM!] The Gopher tries to backpedal from the attack, but, it hardly has anywhere to go when there's allies all about. As the Megazord dashes in, the poor monster eats issen for breakfast lunch and dinner. Toppling over first... it THEN explodes!
wyverncakes: The cry almost immediately becomes one of pain as he feels as if his skin's being boiled alive... Fourze cooled the lava but it's still stupidly hot... but he won't give up!
Zappa: (Fourze/Kazuki SAVE DAT EVA! Don't bother waiting for me to do it!)
wyverncakes: "Ryo... you had to deal with this kind of pain, didn't you?" Kazuki gasps out, tears welling up in his eyes.
wyverncakes: "I... WON'T FAIL TO LIVE UP TO..."
HyprKnux1: Fourze: "What the...? Hey!" Fourze can't believe his eyes - one of the other mecha jumped in! Maybe he won't have to do all of the work in the end!
wyverncakes: His eyes caught sight of the Kamen Rider and Eva, and the machine grabbed one with both of its steadily-melting hands... "THE STANDARDS YOU SET!"
wyverncakes: And with that Kazuki put all thrust he could to get the dissolving machine out of there in time!
HyprKnux1: Fourze: "Woah..." And the Rider hangs on to the Eva as Kazuki pulls out.
howmuchineedyou: Kensuek is way to happy to say much of anything! He's watches his monitors with teary eyes adoration and amazement!
Zappa: [Everyone] The volcano ERUPTS!
Zappa: But not in the manner that's threatening! It's a melting Fafner, a Rider, and a rope attached to an Eva!
cubey@aol.pl: Alessandra: "Congratulations! Once again, everyone succeeded thanks to excellent teamwork and bravery!" Nevermind she spent the last few minutes doing nothing.
wyverncakes: Kazuki's too busy crying from the pain as the Lindwurm's thrusters finally blow out and the machine falls, crashing down onto crest of the volcano.
wyverncakes: Yeah, this hurts
UltimateSalsa: Van: "Is it over...!?"
vertigojockey@gmail.com: Michael:....."Yeah it's over"
CantaAkino: Scott called into Corinth. "This is Ranger Red. Target has been neutralized."
ShaunGarin: Flynn: I am SO glad we took this fight outside the dome fer once.
wyverncakes: As the wrecked Fafner finally settles down, Kazuki pulls his arms out of the controls, clutching them.
wyverncakes: "... I did it..."
wyverncakes: And with that he shuts his eyes, his body blacking out just so the hurting will stop.'
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howmuchineedyou: Kensuke sits in his plug, and doesn't say anything wiping tears from his eyes, trying to look tough! Kensuke wasn't crying, no way. "You- YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING!!!" He blurts out. "I can't believe it! SO COOOOL!!". And then after he takes a deep breath. "I'm so happy... to be alive..."
HyprKnux1: Fourze: "Whew, that was fun...!" And Fourze hops off the Eva, recalling his devices, though stopping short of dehenshining.
Zappa: Kengo: "Kisaragi! You're in Sri Lanka. You're too far away from Fuso! Can you find a way back?"
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HyprKnux1: Fourze: "...Sri Lanka?" He looks around for a bit. "I... guess I'll have to. There's a lot of giant robots here, they might give me a hand to do just that!"
ShaunGarin: Flynn turns on the comms. "Ye might want to get yer gear fixed. Scott, Summer an' I are headed back t'Corinth fer now. We have t'get inside the dome before Venjix attacks again. Oi, wee littl' man, ye comin?"
HyprKnux1: Fourze: "Eh, sure! Better than walking at the moment!"
CantaAkino: "And we'll make sure to report to the Colonel on how everything went," Scott added.
ShaunGarin: "An' hope they don't throw the lot of ye out if somethin' goes wrong." Flynn finished.
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