Mission 059

Mar 02, 2012 19:09

Session Start (overmanzs1:!aol://2719:10-4-srwugamission59): Tue Feb 21 22:18:29 2012 -0600
*** blackmagerulz101@gmail.com has joined the conversation.
*** Herc061881 has joined the conversation.
*** xSaintjade has joined the conversation.
*** vertigojockey@gmail.com has joined the conversation.
NightlitEquinox: (Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hr3yRv6bO-w)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hr3yRv6bO-w
NightlitEquinox: The White Chalice is over the ocean. On our way to India, Dan picked up a distress call on our encypted Tatsumiya Island channel. You have all been asked to be at alert... SO, what exactly are you all doing?
xSaintjade: The markswoman is on the deck of the Chalice. Snuggled around her rifle and letting the tip rest on a bipod, she stays on watch for threats, occassionally peeking her head above to check for any more locations. In spite of having found nothing, and with a cup of tea by her side... She is alert.
vertigojockey@gmail.com: [Cheng is triple checking the patch job on the Jotunn's arm. As rough as the repair was he had a promise to keep since considering it was Tatsumiya, there's probably only one sort of trouble to be expected.]
OvermanZs1: Curious about this distress signal, Mio's been on deck, using her eye to peer as far off into the distance she can, scanning for anything, be it the island or enemies
Herc061881: Yoshika's close to both Lynette and Sakamoto, swinging her kendo sword back and forth as is her usual training regimen for this time.
NightlitEquinox: Ayame "We are approaching Tatsumiya, everyone get ready. And whatever you do, don't answer any questions. Especially psychic ones. Particularly 'Are you there?'"
blackmagerulz101@gmail.com: Setsuna's sitting in his gundam, going over the OS to make sure there are no issues
*** HyprKnux1 has joined the conversation.
xSaintjade: Lynne: "Psychic!? ... Isn't that fantasy?" Asks the pantless witch with a very big gun.
vertigojockey@gmail.com: "No. It isn't... I have fought the Festum with several others for weeks on end. Expect to be tested sorely."
Herc061881: Yoshika: "It is?" After most of the things she's seen so far, the Fuso native thought Psychic was a person.
OvermanZs1: Mio: "Sergeant. After all you've seen, you'd still find that to be a surprise? She's correct, if you don't hear a familiar voice, don't answer it.
Herc061881: "Ehehe..." Yoshika flushes a little bit.
xSaintjade: Lynne: "There's the wish-granting elephant incident, now that you mention ir, Major..."
OvermanZs1: Mio shudders...
OvermanZs1: Pants... terrible terrible pants
Herc061881: Yoshika: ...And her cheeks turn beet red at that memory.
vertigojockey@gmail.com: [Cheng... very wisely does not ask about it.]
xSaintjade: And Lynne catches the hint, and hurriedly puts her eye back to her scope with a blsh.
NightlitEquinox: Ayame "If that is all, be quick. Enough of you were at the L-Boat incident that you will know way more about fighting the Festum than I do. Hua Cheng Kwan, you are in charge with Mio Sakamoto as your second until such a time that an ALVIS official takes command."
OvermanZs1: Mio gives a look to Officer Kwan. "Understood, Ma'am. You heard the woman, you'll treat Kwan as your superior as well today, girls."
vertigojockey@gmail.com: "Understood ma'am... We will do our best."
xSaintjade: Lynne: "Yes, Major!"
Herc061881: Yoshika: "Yes, ma'am!"
NightlitEquinox: Ayame "...what are you waiting for. Go. And I would wish you victory... but this is the Festum so... just don't die."
xSaintjade: ... Lynne puts the lock back on her rifle before rises with it, and goes to her Strike Unit. Avoiding your death and those of your friends always goes above any mission, Lynette learned quickly enough.
Herc061881: Yoshika gives her kendo sword to Sakamoto for safekeeping before quickly heading to her Striker Unit, and procuring her own rifle.
NightlitEquinox: (Cutting to the combat)
vertigojockey@gmail.com: "Squad remember to watch your spacing and keep alert. Festum can generate Black holes as attacks." [Cheng was trying to not let the pressure get to him. This was his first 'command' as it were... he was beyond tense.]
NightlitEquinox: The first sign that the Festum are present is a voice... that of a little girl asking... "Are you there?"
OvermanZs1: Mio: Bishop, you're with me. Miyafuji, Kwan is going to need your shield.
Herc061881: Yoshika: ...Yes, ma'am!
NightlitEquinox: This happens as you approach the island. Outside over the ocean, is a large Golden thing. This one is FAR larger than the ones that were on the L-Boat.
xSaintjade: Lynette: "Yes, Major." She procures the settings of her rifle. She's going to have to take the Black holes in consideration when they are thrown in.
NightlitEquinox: There are two others, though the first one seems to be trying to push forward, the others are calm and still. Waiting, as if they have all the time in the world.
NightlitEquinox: A group of fighter jets is trying and failing miserably at fighting the Festum. To the point that half the time it doesn't even look like the Festum even care. A black sphere here and swing there, slowly the group of fighters goes down. The Walle Shield is going to be breached, the inevitability of the situation is clear. Unless you can do something to stop it.
NightlitEquinox: (Enemies: Sphinx Festum x3)
NightlitEquinox: (Allies: Fighter Jets)
NightlitEquinox: (Initiative: Setsuna, Cheng, Van, Lynette, Mio, Yoshika)
NightlitEquinox: (Setsuna and Cheng)
*** UltimateSalsa has joined the conversation.
blackmagerulz101@gmail.com: *"Exia, eliminating the target." GN Beam dagger in hand, Setsuna flings the weapon at the nearest Festum, moving in closer&
vertigojockey@gmail.com: Cheng: [Three. That was good.] "Let's put the Jotunn's mobility to the test." *Cheng was moving at Full Speed, unleashing Shoulder Machinegun and Assault Rifle fire upon the most aggressive Sphinx type+
NightlitEquinox: [Setsuna] "Are you there?" A black hole appears and eats the Beam Dagger, the attack is completely spot on. Then another black hole appears right in front of Exia.
NightlitEquinox: (Setsuna react)
vertigojockey@gmail.com: Cheng: "Tatsumiya Defense pilots. This is Hua Cheng Kwan of the White Chalice! Pull back. You've done enough already!"
blackmagerulz101@gmail.com: *Setsuna hits hard right, circling around the black hole to take shots at the offending Festum with the GN Beam Gun
blackmagerulz101@gmail.com: +
NightlitEquinox: Pilot "Thank you very... WAH!!!!" And one of the pilots is eaten by a black hole. The others try to escape, only some of them make it. Two of them are speared.
NightlitEquinox: [Setsuna] The GN particles actually seem effective against the Festum, something it apparently wasn't expecting, it cuts a hole through it. Though only the first one hits. The Sphinx seems to pre-emp your attacks, moving slightly to ensure that each additional shot doesn't hit anything important. And each shot that does hit is quickly regenerated. It's as if it's reading your mind! Also, cue black holes at your flanks and above you and below you. Though the biggest one is right in the direction your momentum carries you!
NightlitEquinox: (Setsuna react)
NightlitEquinox: [Cheng] The sphinx type mostly ignores your shots becaise... wait... the Core is in a different place!? The Sphinx type sort of meanders in your general direction ominously.
NightlitEquinox: (Van and Lynette)
blackmagerulz101@gmail.com: *Setsuna stops on the dime and dashes between what space he has available between the bottom, front, and left black holes.+
NightlitEquinox: [Setsuna] Each time you try to move another black hole appears right where you were ABOUT to go. This is not looking good.
NightlitEquinox: (Someone might want to support Setsuna)
NightlitEquinox: (Otherwise, Setsuna react again)
xSaintjade: *Lynette flies close to the Major as her wingwoman until receiving further orders. She keeps the victims of the Black hole out of her mind, and instead focuses on the current threat to her aim -- The Black Hole. And Setsuna. She focuses on the Sphynx generating those black holes.
vertigojockey@gmail.com: Cheng: "Someone support Setsuna! Go! GO!"
xSaintjade: Taking in consideration the masses of black holes spawning near her, Lynette fires a test shot towards the chest of the distracted one. A test shot, before she tries the head in future shots.+
NightlitEquinox: (Enemies: One Festum pushying against the Walle Shield, One Festum assaulting Setsuna, one Festum Slowly Approaching Cheng)
UltimateSalsa: *Van's fought Festum all of once, which is enough to know he REALLY don't like them. With that said, the Shield Liger lets out a roar as it charges, laser blades deployed, at the Sphinx-type Lynette's aiming for. "Let's try this...!"+
NightlitEquinox: [Lynette, Van and Setsuna] Distracted Festum? Unfortunately for Lynette, this largely doesn't exist. However, a few shots and more importantly a sword does matter. Oddly, the Festum entirely ignores the shots to the head. Fortunately for Setsuna, the Festum cannot simply ignore the Sword, so it turns and spikes extend from it catching the sword in a scissor and presing it back, attempting to just plain BREAK it off the Liger through sheer force.
NightlitEquinox: [Setsuna] Exia manages to not get eaten by a black hole, but it's missing some parts... including it's lower left leg and it's entirely right arm. They aren't removed they are simple GONE. Entirely annihilated by the black spheres.
NightlitEquinox: (Mio and Yoshika)
NightlitEquinox: (Van react)
xSaintjade: #
Herc061881: *Yoshika's doing her best to protect Cheng as per her orders, which means firing at the Festum slowly approaching. Oh Sakamoto, WHY leave the newest Witch/good little trooper with the guy who decides to fight the TOUGHEST Festum?!!+
NightlitEquinox: (Lynette react)
NightlitEquinox: (Actually... there doesn't seem to be a discernable difference between the three Festum)
NightlitEquinox: oops (Lynette support)
NightlitEquinox: [Yoshika] "Are you there?" The Festum pretty much ignores your shots and continues to approach. Clearly, the direct assault plan is not working as effectively as one might hope.
OvermanZs1: *Mio unveils her eye, and makes a good attempt to see 'through' or even 'into' the Festum. Mention of a core was made, so it's worth the effort. Not one to go and play the solo-hero, Mio peppers bullets into the Festum most of the others seem rather focused on. Hopefully it'll spread it's attention so thin something will get through to it.+
UltimateSalsa: *"...!" Van can't power through, so his only option is to reverse. With minimal experience in aerial combat, though, he has no idea how to do that, and instead tries to cut up, through one of the spikes, routing more power to the trapped blade.+
xSaintjade: *Lynette has a better idea on how to use the shots. Divind in forward would be needlessly risky, but now knowing a little more about the strength of the Black holes, she can arc her shots better now. She dives a little lower, and puts her focus on one of the spikes... and gets an idea. She fires against the single spike, and hopes somebody may use it as a window of opportunity+
NightlitEquinox: Worse, as you get in closer proximity to them, the mental strain begins to become quite worse. "Are you there?" sounds more insistant, almost beckoning you to answer. The mental strain is constant and strong. Like a wall slowly closing in to force through a door of no return.
NightlitEquinox: [Mio] Success! There is in fact a portion of the Festum which stands out, similar to a Core. Unfortunately the Festum seems to notice you. And it starts to cleave the area around you with Black Holes. It is still trying to break off the sword though, and avoid the various shots aimed to stop this so it's not quite as on target as it was with Setsuna. A faster smaller target also works in your advantage.
NightlitEquinox: (Mio react)
OvermanZs1: *Mio finds the quickest escape route that puts it moving away from the Festum and the cluster-f-bomb of black holes. +
(where IS the core)
NightlitEquinox: (It's basically in the center of it's upper torso.)
NightlitEquinox: [Van] It was about to take the sword right off, but a little support from the Witches causes it to change it's tactics and the sword cuts into the long spike like tendril. It swings the Tendril to the side, attempting to throw the Liger off balance.
NightlitEquinox: (Van react)
NightlitEquinox: Meanwhile the Festum trying to break through the shield succeeds. And then there are numerous black holes opening ALL OVER THE ISLAND! The Festum moves closer.
OvermanZs1: Mio: Bishop! Seiei! It has a core in the upper torso. Support eachother and take it out!" Mio now looks to scan the Festum encroaching upon Cheng!
xSaintjade: #
NightlitEquinox: (Lynette support)
NightlitEquinox: The Festum is identical to the first one.
UltimateSalsa: *Van's response is to boost forward with the Liger's additional jets, continuing the cut and ideally getting out of the way of the tendril before it connects.
UltimateSalsa: +
NightlitEquinox: Kazuki has been rushed into an underground... place.
wyverncakes: Indeed he has been!
wyverncakes: And he's just milling around
wyverncakes: Not really talking to anyone
wyverncakes: But not in that Shinji kind of way
wyverncakes: More like he's just naturally asocial
NightlitEquinox: That is until a couple of people just run in and grab him. "Kazuki Makabe is the one right?" "Yes."
OvermanZs1: Mio: Kwan, Miyafuji, the core is in the same location. Upper torso, below the head and above the center! Don't disapoint me!
wyverncakes: Aaaaaaand now he's getting confused.
xSaintjade: *Lynette nods. Now she knows what to do. The masses of black holes is going to play hell on her aim, so she'll need to make this shot well and use ballistic stabilization. She keeps aim over the Festum attacking Van, and just as it pushes forward... the witch fires. Mind deep into zen, bullet flying as if trying to ignore the black holes, towards the upper chest, to the core.+
NightlitEquinox: Much to everyone's (probably Kazuki included) dismay. The people, without really answering any questions rush Kazuki out of the room.
vertigojockey@gmail.com: Cheng: "Understood!" [His hands were flying across his controls, prepping a grenade volley and followed by cannon fire.] "I hope this is enough.."
NightlitEquinox: [Lynette] Every shot barely misses, either blocked by a tendril, eaten by a block hole or simply moved slightoly out of the way. It was impossible... unless the Festum knew exactly where you were aiming BEFORE you fired.
Herc061881: Yoshika: "...Yes, ma'am!" (She does her best to stay focused, fighting back any mental strain while flying above to where the upper torso is and resuming her fire.)
blackmagerulz101@gmail.com: Setsuna:Got it. (Festum really were an entire class above the mobile suits he had been facing recently. Still, he wasn't out of the fight yet. He had a good arm left, after all, and that would be all he needed!)
NightlitEquinox: Kazuki is taken to a Large Machine, and basically gets a crashcourse in Fafners.
wyverncakes: Yeah, and by crash course it pretty much amounted to "put hands in red goo" and "think about doing actions"
NightlitEquinox: yes
NightlitEquinox: That is exactly what it was.
wyverncakes: That said though, he can't help but just close his eyes and shake his head.
wyverncakes: "... You have to be kidding me. There can't possibly be..."
xSaintjade: Lynette: "No!" It's frustrating. Her shots are having no effect. There has to be a way to fool it. Unless... She remembers her history lessons. The way probes would be shot out of the solar system.
wyverncakes: "You can't expect me to believe that with all this equipment, you need a civilian to pilot a machine like this!"
wyverncakes: Why didn't they get Mamoru to do this? He was the manga nut.
NightlitEquinox: Soushi walks up to Kazuki, "You are the only one who can do this Kazuki. I would but." He stares into Kazuki's eyes, the scar on his left eye staring Kazuki in the face, "I can't."
wyverncakes: Aaaaaand at that Kazuki seizes up.
wyverncakes: "Soushi you're..."
wyverncakes: A beat.
NightlitEquinox: Soushi then sighs, "I'll be out there with you in a manner of speaking. But you have to do this, or we all die."
wyverncakes: And then Kazuki relents, bowing his head in defeat as he heads into the Fafner.
NightlitEquinox: Soushi then runs off towards the control room.
NightlitEquinox: Kazuki finds the cockpit rather... spacious all things considered. And there is a chair and this odd goo. It looks like it has finger holds in it.
NightlitEquinox: Is this what they were talking about?
wyverncakes: Probably.
wyverncakes: And at that, Kazuki gently moves his fingers forward, testing the goo before finding it quite permeable and sinking his fingers into it...
wyverncakes: However, just at that moment, a number of prongs suddenly snap out from both sides of the cockpit, and slam into Kazuki's arms and legs, actually tearing holes in his pants...
wyverncakes: And then all at once, it feels like every nerve in his entire body just decides it wants him to HURT
wyverncakes: He screams. He screams like he's never screamed before.
wyverncakes: As the seconds pass, Kazuki can actually sense not only his own surroundings... but also the way the air seems to be blowing against the Fafner itself. As he moves, the Fafner moves as well...
NightlitEquinox: Suddenly the pain is calmed somewhat as... a strange feeling comes over Kazuki. As if another mind was connected to his.
NightlitEquinox: Soushi "Kazuki? Are you there?"
wyverncakes: Aaaand shock number 2 came in order, this one just purely surprise. "S-Soushi... you're... where are you?"
NightlitEquinox: Soushi "That's not important, and I don't have time to explain. Just know that I will be here, and we will be going."
wyverncakes: "... Going where?"
NightlitEquinox: An image of Soushi closing his eyes, almost as if in longing appears in Kazuki's head, "To paradise."
NightlitEquinox: And then the Fafner Launches.
NightlitEquinox: MEANWHILE! As the rest of you are outside fighting a battle against the Festum... there is a sudden sense of static. The mental pressure is lessening somewhat.
wyverncakes: For those of you unfamiliar with the series and those on the White Chalice unfamiliar with recent developments at Tatsumiya Island...
wyverncakes: (Link: http://www.gundammodelkits.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/Robot-Damashii-Side-FFN-Fafner-Mark-Elf-Review-By-Hacchaka-01.jpg)It is the Mark Elf
NightlitEquinox: The voice sounds less insistant.
NightlitEquinox: The good news is... a Fafner was just launched from Tatsumiya Island where it is headed towards the beach and the Festum...
NightlitEquinox: The BAD news is... it's entirely weaponless.
NightlitEquinox: (Kazuki)
NightlitEquinox: (Initiative: Kazuki, Setsuna, Cheng, Van, Lynette, Mio, Yoshika)
OvermanZs1: Mio: Reinforcements? That model... It looks like...
vertigojockey@gmail.com: Cheng: "A Fafner Unit."
UltimateSalsa: Van: Is that a...!
wyverncakes: (Enemy lineup?)
blackmagerulz101@gmail.com: Setsuna: A Fafner?
NightlitEquinox: (Enemies: Festum on the beach near Tatsumiya, Festum which beat up Setsuna, Festum near Cheng)
wyverncakes: * Honestly though, with his completely and utter lack of knowledge about this thing, Kazuki doesn't even know if that is bad news at all. I mean... sortieying him without any kind of way to fight? That'd be silly! So for the moment he just focuses, the Fafner's hand curling itself into a fist as Kazuki punches at closest of the Festum, incidentally the one at the beach!+
NightlitEquinox: [Kazuki] He tries to punch the festum... unfortunately the Festujm seems to have other ideas. It bum rushes the Fafner and catches it's hands.
NightlitEquinox: "Are you there?"
NightlitEquinox: Soushi "Whatever you do Kazuki! Don't an...." And he gets cut off.
wyverncakes: Kazuki grits his teeth in frustration. What the fuck are these things. "O-" But he stops when Soushi says no.
wyverncakes: At the same time though, his right arm suddenly feels a tremendous clamping pressure down on it... just like what the Fafner was feeling!
NightlitEquinox: (Setsuna, Cheng and Van)
NightlitEquinox: The Festum's movements have slowed, as if they aren't able to read you quite as well.
wyverncakes: What was going on here... and what were those other machines he could see in the distance too?
wyverncakes: "S-Soushi... just what have you been keeping from everyone?!?"
vertigojockey@gmail.com: Cheng: "Setsuna! Van! Go support the Fafner unit!" *Cheng proceeds to let loose the Grenade and cannon volley into the Festum that was trying to close on him. Gritting his teeth and hoping that some damage can be done+
NightlitEquinox: [Cheng] The Festum gets hit! And it doesn't seem to anticipate it either, whatever's going on it looks like the battle is actually moving in your favor... at it until two tendrils fly out of the previously non aggressive Festum towards the Jotunn!
blackmagerulz101@gmail.com: *"Roger" Setsuna maneuvers the Exia towards the Festum facing the Fafner, Throwing his last GN Beam Dagger from one angle then firing the GN Beam Vulcans from another.+
NightlitEquinox: Suddenly Soushi's voice appears in Kazuki's head again, "Kazuki! Are you okay?"
UltimateSalsa: *"Roger that, Cheng! I'm gonna see if I can cut its arm free...!" Indeed, Van charges and tries his sword again against the Festum that's got the Fafner's arm.+
vertigojockey@gmail.com: *Cheng attempts to dodge the tentacles, however he keeps his Rifle AND it's bayonet at the ready, shooting and chopping at the limbs attempting to assault the Jotunn as best as he could+ "Roads!"
NightlitEquinox: [Setsuna] The Festum actively tries to block the GN Dagger this time, and it suceeds in mostly deflecting it, but the GN Vulcans actually get through and rip some holes into the Festum!
wyverncakes: Kazuki just grits his teeth. "I have no idea what's going on here... and I need a weapon!"
wyverncakes: ^but I know I need a weapon
NightlitEquinox: Soushi "We are working on it." And then the Festum slams the Fafner into the ground.
NightlitEquinox: And then it opens and Kazuki sees... colorful lights!
wyverncakes: "GAH!"
arachnion01@gmail.com: There's some random noise on Cheng's radio for a bit, and then Roads picks up. "Yeah, what is it? I was kind of in the middle of something…"
wyverncakes: More pain!
wyverncakes: ... And now lights?
vertigojockey@gmail.com: Cheng: [Cheng spots this. OH SHIT!!!] "Is there any way I can get more power out of the engines!! I NEED AN ANSWER NOW!!!" (is that a react?)
wyverncakes: Aaaaand now Kazuki's eyes open wide. HE DOES NOT LIKE THE SOUND OF THAT!
NightlitEquinox: (You can react if you want)
arachnion01@gmail.com: "Disengage safeties 9, 11, and 15. Also, pray."
NightlitEquinox: (Cheng I mean)
NightlitEquinox: Green Crystals begin to come out of the Festum towards the Fafner.
vertigojockey@gmail.com: Cheng: "Safties: 9, 11, 15!" *Cheng puts the Jotunn full throttle towards the Festum that was attacking the Fafner in a jet propelled Bayonet Charge. He wasn't going to let one of Ryo's people die when he could do something about it+
NightlitEquinox: [Setsuna] Meanwhile a series of Black Holes appears around setsuna again. This time they aren't in any planned fashion, more like a burst from a shotgun than precision strikes from a group of snipers like before.
NightlitEquinox: (Setsuna react)
blackmagerulz101@gmail.com: *Setsuna frowns as he attempts to manipulate the Exia out of this veritable minefield toward the Festum. They were getting disorganized. Was this because of the Fafner?+
NightlitEquinox: [Cheng and Kazuki] Cheng manages to smash into the Festum and knock it to the side, knocking it off the Fafner. At the same time two things happen, a tube is fired out of a thing on a nearby island at the Mark Elf, and a large black holes eats the base. The tube lands right next to the Mark Elf!
NightlitEquinox: (Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y-dCtWO8NoM)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y-dCtWO8NoM
NightlitEquinox: (Kazuki go!)
wyverncakes: If that isn't a weapon Kazuki is going to totally lose all faith in Soushi...
wyverncakes: ... But as he reaches out, the tube suddenly ejects a... sword?
NightlitEquinox: [Van] The Festum that was fighting you gets in the way of its... colleage? And while you don't cut into your target, you do succeed at cutting into the second Festum.
wyverncakes: * GOOD ENOUGH! Swords are simple! Grab and stab! And with another roar Kazuki drives it into the Festum's head!&
NightlitEquinox: [Van] It then proceeds to try and spike you... with it's two tendrils. Which at this range... is going to be rather difficult to evade!
NightlitEquinox: [Kazuki] And he does! Unfortunately, this has basically no effect on the Festum other than to make it's head look rather open.
wyverncakes: Kazuki's eyes are wide. "Soushi... you... there's gotta be something more to this thing... ANYTHING! Please tell me that!!!"
blackmagerulz101@gmail.com: Setsuna's gonna try and patch through to the pilot. "The Festum have a core. Destroy it, and you kill the Festum."
OvermanZs1: Mio just... cuts in, not knowing what's being said to Kazuki: "Fafner pilot! Bring that sword down! Bring it down or pull back!"
NightlitEquinox: Soushi "Just do this!" He says, and information about the Ruge Lance appears in front of Kazuki's eyes. Apparently... it's not a sword at all... It's a lance... and a GUN!"
NightlitEquinox: (Kazuki continue)
NightlitEquinox: Meanwhile, Mio finds that... of course THEY would show up NOW! Because that
NightlitEquinox: s just how things work on the White Chalice.
NightlitEquinox: Yes... Mio's eye knows exactly what THAT is. A Neuroi.
wyverncakes: * And suddenly... it all clicks! With focus, the Ruge Lance begins to open itself up, prying open some of the Festum as well. And at once a blast of energy gets released from between the lance's prongs, shooting straight at the Festum!_
wyverncakes: ^+
NightlitEquinox: And oddly cube shaped Neuroi is approaching Tatsumiya Island, rather fast actually.
NightlitEquinox: (Lynette, Mio and Yoshika)
NightlitEquinox: (Van react)
NightlitEquinox: [Kazuki] KABOOM! The Festum disintegrates.
NightlitEquinox: Soushi "GET AWAY FROM IT RIGHT NOW!"
NightlitEquinox: (Kasuki react)
wyverncakes: * Kazuki STILL HAS NO FUCKING IDEA WHAT'S GOING ON... but at this point he's fine with doing whatever Soushi says and has the Fafner's thrusters push off to try to get it away from its kill!+
vertigojockey@gmail.com: Cheng:.. "Major!.. I think we have a proble- AGH!" [At this point the Jotunn's systems start sparking and smoking and essentially DYING. One or two of the panels even Blow out and send pieces all over the place!]..... "grand"
Herc061881: Yoshika: "...A Neuroi!" (she almost goes to sortie but stops, waiting on Sakamoto's orders first. She does have orders to look after Cheng.)
xSaintjade: Lynette: "Cheng!" She looks at the new enemy. "A neurou!? We don't have time for this!"
NightlitEquinox: [Kazuki] Just in time, the only thing that gets hit by the GIANT SPHERE of black is the fist on your left arm. Except OUCH!
NightlitEquinox: Soushi "Convertihng pain, removing left arm."
arachnion01@gmail.com: "Cheng, you need to switch those safeties back on as quickly as you can in reverse order. That's 15, 11, 9. Also, pray harder!"
UltimateSalsa: *"Not again...! Zeke, we gotta move!" At melee range Van's not going to manage this well... "I've got it! Hope this works...!" Van messes with the boosters and tries to jump off the Festum itself to get to safe range.+
NightlitEquinox: And then the pain is gone... and so is the Mark Elf's left arm.
wyverncakes: Yeah, but NOT WITHOUT ANOTHER SCREAM.
wyverncakes: GAH
vertigojockey@gmail.com: Cheng: " Fifteen... eleven..." [Cheng promptly paled under his helmet.] "The panel with nine was one of the ones that blew up!"
arachnion01@gmail.com: There is a stream of cursing on Roads' end.
NightlitEquinox: [Van] The Liger manages to keep its cockpit from being skewered. But now it is in fact skewered by the Festum and held in place. Cue SWIRLY LIGHTS!
NightlitEquinox: (...Van needs help pronto)
blackmagerulz101@gmail.com: #
NightlitEquinox: (Setsuna support)
blackmagerulz101@gmail.com: *Setsuna's cutting those tendrils spearing the Liger with the GN Beam Saber!+
UltimateSalsa: Van: "Wait, what's going on now...!?"
xSaintjade: Lynette hesitates... "Major... Should we stay? But the Neuroi...?" She is confused. She doesn't know what to do.
OvermanZs1: Mio: A Neuroi... what terrible timing. Miyafuji, Bishop, with me. Kwan... can you still lead the others?
arachnion01@gmail.com: "Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck…" Sounds of rummaging come over the radio. "Right! Got it! Cheng, we'll get one shot at this. Also, make sure nobody you like is standing behind you, and you're on solid ground."
OvermanZs1: *Mio makes a break for the Neuroi, keeping an eye on it while opening fire to expose the core. It's a cube... there's not a lot of places the core could be.+
Herc061881: Yoshika: "Yes, ma'am!" She silently wishes Cheng good luck before going to follow Sakamoto.
NightlitEquinox: [Van and Setsuna] The Festum's things are cut. Actually... the core is right there! The Liger could do it in right now!
NightlitEquinox: (Van GO!)
vertigojockey@gmail.com: (..TK... is Cheng dealing with a situation that is the complete opposite of what Roads has told him? i.e. not-Solid ground and people close by?)
xSaintjade: She obeys. Lynette follows Sakamoto, but not without a glance back to Cheng. This is why they warned them about the Festum,
UltimateSalsa: *"Ugh... You're not gonna make a fool of me! Zeke!" One more charge from the laser blades should do it...! "Let's go....!" The Blade Liger charges with all its might.+
wyverncakes: At this point, Kazuki's just trying to piece things together, but he tries to find the channel that the mech that saved him is on.
wyverncakes: "I... thanks..."
vertigojockey@gmail.com: "Please tell me that those last two are completely optional..." [Cheng sounded VERY worried there. Kazuki's channel clicked on.] "You're welcome.. now I just hope I can live long enough to do something with that thanks.." [Back to Roads!] "Roads. Instructions. Now"
xSaintjade: *Upon concentration on the target, Lynette takes aim at the Neuroi. She takes in consideration all of the black holes formed behind them, so to make up for it, she draws a little extra energy for power in her shots...
xSaintjade: "Is the core in the center, Major?"
NightlitEquinox: As Mio tries to find the core... SUDDENLY LOTS OF LITTLE CUBES!
arachnion01@gmail.com: "They aren't really. Anyways, those switches on the top of the cockpit? There should be a set of four big red ones. They say "Do not flip", if I recall correctly."
arachnion01@gmail.com: "Flip them."
Herc061881: Yoshika: "Waaaa!" Definitely not expecting that!
Herc061881: Are they surrounded?
NightlitEquinox: Kind of impossible NOT to be.
NightlitEquinox: The sheer NUMBER of cubes ensures that... really though... each individual cube doesn't actually seem that dangerous.
xSaintjade: "I can't take a shot with so many of them! There has to be one of them!"
NightlitEquinox: Also, unfortunately, the cubes are still headed towards the island and everyone else.
vertigojockey@gmail.com: [Four. They just had to be FOUR OF THEM! FFFFFFF! Cheng flips them quickly.] "... Did they have to be flipped in any order?" [And now Cheng was feeling a pit forming at the bottom of his gut]
NightlitEquinox: Oh yeah everyone else? SUDDENLY HOARDS OF CUBE SHAPED NEUROI!
NightlitEquinox: [Van] EXPLOSION and... SUDDENLY BLACK HOLE!?
NightlitEquinox: (Van react)
arachnion01@gmail.com: "No! Just hit them all!"
vertigojockey@gmail.com: "I already did that!"
xSaintjade: "It's going to waste ammo...!" There has to be a way, but... "Can we get the black holes to absorb them!?"
OvermanZs1: Mio: "This isn't helping the situation. We need to just find the core." Mio lifts her eyepatch and spends her (re?)(action?) trying to hunt it down. "Miyafuji, cover me while I find the core. Everyone else, do anything you can to keep the Neuroi from getting to the island!
arachnion01@gmail.com: "Then either you're good or you're dead. Good luck."
NightlitEquinox: (Enemies: Sphinx Festum, Neuroi x... LOTS AND LOTS)
NightlitEquinox: (Really at this point... people can act freely. Frankly, the Neuroi aren't a threat to your robots in any way really)
NightlitEquinox: (They are barely a threat to the witches... there are just SO MANY of them)
Herc061881: "Yes, ma'am!" Yoshika fires while remaining in close proximity to Sakamoto.
blackmagerulz101@gmail.com: Setsuna's just gonna quirk an eyebrow as he opens fire with GN Vulcans on the Neuroi that get too close to him.
UltimateSalsa: *"No! Zeke...!" Van's bag of tricks never included movement against a black hole. All he can do is throw all power into the back boosters, shields up just to be sure nothing slows him down from the front.+
wyverncakes: * Kazuki... well he's got either a massive swarm of one unknown enemy, and then another of those golden ones... which just took one of his arms. But at least he knows he can kill a Festum with this lance! And he charges at the last one, stabbing with the Ruge Lance once more. "This... is the last one!"+
vertigojockey@gmail.com: "Thank you Roads. That was very helpful-" [At that point. You know all that Radioactive Material that powers a Minovsky Reactor? It is ejected out of the Jotunn's Thrusters. It looks like its environemntal hazard week for the Chalice.]
xSaintjade: *To aim the Major Sakamoto, Lynette Bishop trails behind her, taking a shot at whatever is so much as being stared at by Mio.+
NightlitEquinox: [Kazuki] The Festum was paying too much attention to the Jotunn and not enough to the strange mind reading resistant... and stabbed.
NightlitEquinox: (Kazuki continue)
wyverncakes: * "One more...!!!!" It worked so well the last time, so Kazuki again snaps open the Ruge Lance and fires, and this time gets the hell out of there BEFORE waiting to see if the attack takes or not.+
NightlitEquinox: [Cheng] Things look grim for you. The core is about to overload and... except wait? Suddenly a group of small... things charge out of the island. They form a shield around the Jotunn.
NightlitEquinox: Somehow they are... syphoning off the excess radiation.
NightlitEquinox: It's almost as if the excess radiation is simply... ceasing to exist.
NightlitEquinox: And then the core shuts down.
NightlitEquinox: Meanwhile, a lot of destruction happens before... MIO SPOTS THE CORE! It's like up near the sun.
NightlitEquinox: Above it all.
NightlitEquinox: (Mio react)
vertigojockey@gmail.com: Cheng: [Is now out of the fight... but still alive. He slumps in his seat and wishes his comrades luck. THIS is why he should NEVER be in command situations.]
xSaintjade: #
OvermanZs1: **Mio turns her gun upward, only to shade her eyes. "It's up there. Hiding in the sunlight." At least Miyafuji wil have her orders, and the Major turns her gu ntowards the sun and opens fire
OvermanZs1: +
Herc061881: *Yoshika, still obeying orders, is firing at any Neuroi cubes that try and come even close to Sakamoto+
NightlitEquinox: [Yoshika and Mio] The cubes blow up, but the core is surprisingly agile and it rips past you towards the island!
NightlitEquinox: (Strike Witches react)
Herc061881: Yoshika: Sakamoto...! (she takes flight toward the core almost immediately)
OvermanZs1: *Mio stops firing as she turns around. "The core is moving independantly! It's headed for the island!" Mio gives chase, opening fire now that she's not going to mistakenly shoot her teammate while turning around
OvermanZs1: +
xSaintjade: *Lynette does not rush in -- She takes into account the movement of the Neuroi, and remembers something else. "Major! Yoshika! Drive the Neuroi down so I can shoot it!" Not an original plan, but... @
NightlitEquinox: [The Witches] Mio and Yoshika do drive it down but Lynette takes the shot and... misses? This thing is FAST! Fortunately Yoshika is faster and her rapid fire gun is more suited to this task. A few shots later and... BOOM. Exploded core, and a rain of Neuroi bits ALL OVER THE PLACE.
NightlitEquinox: It's all beautiful, serene... and then one of the bits pierces Mio's shield. right over her shoulder.
OvermanZs1: Mio puts up her shield to defend from raining Neuroi glitter. It's kind of like glass...
UltimateSalsa: It takes Van a bit to realize he's escaped the pull of the black hole. Of course, he doesn't notice until he's already a decent distance out from the island. "Wait... ack!"
xSaintjade: Lynette sets her rifle at forty-five degrees, sighing heavily. That was too close... At least there was one threat they were able to overcome.
OvermanZs1: Mio: Everyone, report in.
wyverncakes: Kazuki takes a moment to try to get his hands out of the goo before just letting out a weak sigh.
blackmagerulz101@gmail.com: Setsuna: This is Setsuna. Cheng's machine appears to have shut down
wyverncakes: And when he hears that girl call out for people he, guesses he probably should. "... Kazuki Makabe?"
xSaintjade: Lynette: "Sergeant Lynette Bishop, reporting." This is said in an exhausted voice.
OvermanZs1: Mio: "Makabe? Are you part of Tatsumiya's defences?
wyverncakes: That unfortunately leaves him at a loss for words
wyverncakes: "They did make me sortie..."
vertigojockey@gmail.com: Cheng:.... [Was just sitting there, in his cockpit. Arms folded. Because he's known for his patience.]
UltimateSalsa: "Van Flyheight, attempting to return to the battlefield after an... overenthuastic escape from a black hole. No damage to report."
Herc061881: Yoshika stares in awe and somewhat shock. "...I'm here!" And then she goes and glomps Lynne. "I DID IT, LYNNE~!" She defeated the Neuroi!
OvermanZs1: Mio recognizes that hesitation... "Understood, Makabe."
xSaintjade: Although tired, Lynette smiles and holds her head. She got to hit where everything played hell on her aim. In the end, they won... that matters more.
*** blackmagerulz101@gmail.com has left the conversation.
*** vertigojockey@gmail.com has left the conversation.
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Herc061881: Inwardly, Yoshika felt relieved. During her first sortie, she hesitated and hadn't taken the shot. Since then, she'd always doubted herself when it came to fighting the Neuroi and hitting the shot...until now. "Did you see, Sakamoto?"
*** HyprKnux1 has left the conversation.
Session Close (!aol://2719:10-4-srwugamission59): Wed Feb 22 01:05:30 2012 -0600

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