Mission 060: Primer Suspects part 2

Feb 27, 2012 20:45

wyverncakes (7:58:17 PM):    [Samus] Probing swipe, yes.  But Prime's still serious, and its speed manages to leave a scratch on your suit all the same!
wyverncakes (7:58:50 PM):    (Decade, Please wait your turn)
wyverncakes (7:59:25 PM):    (Samus had mentioned going for the head, Laura)
kamikasei (8:00:47 PM):    *And so Laura does - each bullet glowing a different colour and trailing mist like a shockwave made visible, while the mist around her flashes and swirls with the intensity of her focus.+
Nekomittchi (8:00:57 PM):    *"The head? Got it." W stayed in CycloneTrigger, and started firing away. Before the shots cleared, W removed the Trigger Memory from their belt, and inserted it into the Trigger Magnum's slot. "Trigger Aerobuster!" Both voices called out, as multiple shots flew out at the monster's head.+
wyverncakes (8:03:06 PM):    [Laura and Double] Your assault does manage to pelt Metroid Prime's head, knocking it back somewhat, and a crack begins to form on its head.  It's apparantly a deep one, judging by the fact that Phazon is beginning to leak out... but at the same time suddenly it unleashes a sudden beam of energy at both of you!  And at once it feels like entire worlds are weighing you down, making movement nearly impossible, and it's at that point it unleashes dozens of organic missiles at both of you!
wyverncakes (8:03:12 PM):    (React: Laura and Double)
wyverncakes (8:03:20 PM):    (Ren, Samus)
drascin (8:03:39 PM):    #
wyverncakes (8:04:16 PM):    (Support and then take your turn, Samus)
drascin (8:04:42 PM):    *Samus is going to interrupt that sequence of attacks, running straight at the Prime after the beam of energy and shooting a supermissile straight at the crack to completely ruin the organic missile attack+
Nekomittchi (8:06:20 PM):    *W did not like this weight, especially as they were in one of their lightest and quickest forms. All they could do was dive to the floor and hope that everything went over their heads.+
drascin (8:06:59 PM):    *Then in her turn, she clacks her cannon, standing right in front of it, knowing she's the tankiest thing in the room... and activates Wave Beam Combo, unleashing a powerful stream of energy that seeks the creature's eyes and keeps there, burning off skin and shell mercilessly+
Canta Akino (8:07:38 PM):    *There wasn't a whole lot of room for Ren to fly, but he took advantage of the increased ability to maneuver around the Metroid's attacks to try to plunge his sword into its head+
kamikasei (8:08:48 PM):    *Laura's unwilling to trust that these things can be avoided by Shifting… instead, barely able to move herself, she fills the space between her and Prime with a scintillating fog that sends whatever missiles make it through Samus' disruption wide of both her and W… she hopes.+
wyverncakes (8:11:34 PM):    [Samus, Double, and Laura] The Wavebuster assault comes quickly... but not before Prime nevertheless let loose countless missiles already... enough that even though Laura manages to make many of them go wide, there's still a few too many near-misses to be comfortable.  Double and Laura are blown a ways from the explosions, and although you're still in one piece thanks to Laura's intervention, you're both hurting.
wyverncakes (8:13:19 PM):    [Ren] And in the aftermath of all of this, you make your move!  Your sword does get thrust forward, slamming into Prime's head and cracking it somewhat, but it only goes in a slight way before stopping... and more and more Phazon begins to pour out of it, enough that you're starting to feel the heat!
wyverncakes (8:13:23 PM):    AND THEN...!!!
kamikasei (8:13:28 PM):    Laura just about managed to curl in to a ball and shield her head before being blown away, which means her pained unfolding is at least an appropriate stance to take when fighting a Metroid.
wyverncakes (8:13:38 PM):    ??? 1: "So that's the motherload then!"
wyverncakes (8:13:46 PM):    ??? 2: "And they're already softening it up for us!"
VJockey (8:14:11 PM):    (Brb)
wyverncakes (8:14:35 PM):    And from out of nowhere, a wall is blown out, revealing two more Robot Masters!
wyverncakes (8:15:42 PM):    (Gemini Man: http://images.wikia.com/megaman/images/4/4a/MM3GeminiMan.jpg)
wyverncakes (8:16:02 PM):    (Hard Man: http://images.wikia.com/megaman/images/5/5e/Hardman.png)
troublefirecat (8:16:20 PM):    Megaman: What? More of them?!
wyverncakes (8:16:46 PM):    Gemini Man: "Of course!  You didn't think we'd walk away from the chance of avenging our fallen comrades, Magnet Man and Snake Man, did you?"
wyverncakes (8:17:05 PM):    Hard Man: "And all of the energy up for grabs is all the more reason to come pound you into mulch!"
wyverncakes (8:17:55 PM):    And at that, Hard Man suddenly punches out into empty air, only for his fists to break off and hurtle at you Mega Man!  And at the same time, Gemini Man fires a laser at the ground... only for it to rebound and begin to bounce around the room!
wyverncakes (8:18:21 PM):    (Everyone, react to the Gemini laser.  Mega Man, you have the Hard Knuckle to worry about too.)
wyverncakes (8:18:26 PM):    (After that, Mega Man and Devon can take their turns)
Shaun Garin (8:19:03 PM):    *Tsukasa rolls to the side, cupping his hands and forming his protective shield to keep the laser off his back.+
kamikasei (8:19:17 PM):    Laura: "Oh hell."
wyverncakes (8:19:47 PM):    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q8c8qpeOZTk
kamikasei (8:19:51 PM):    *There's really not a lot she can do about a bouncing laser so it's back into the ball she just unrolled from and in to the nearest cleft in the rock that offers some shelter...+
cubey@aol.pl (8:19:58 PM):    *Devon: "Ha. Such arrogance. Compared to phason and metroids, you are but afterthought." She Shifts, but it might not be enough to avoid the laser, so as the beam draws closer she quickly jumps to the side.+
drascin (8:20:41 PM):    *Samus is forced to let up the Wavebuster current - sadly enough, because that looked like it was really working - and spacejump horizontally. Straight under the Prime and on the other side, using its bulk as cover!+
Camiu (8:21:24 PM):    *shoutaro curses as he finds himself dancing about to keep from getting hit by the laser.+
drascin (8:21:48 PM):    In the meantime, she is turning the scan visor on the two newcomers. She no longer has a line of fire to them, but she can tell their weaknesses to the others
cubey@aol.pl (8:22:26 PM):    *Still Shifted, Devon runs towards - and through, Gemini Man! She returns to the material plane behind him.
Canta Akino (8:22:28 PM):    *Ren hurried to pull his sword free from the Metroid, but this far underground, it was harder to evade the laser, and he was thrown to the ground.+
cubey@aol.pl (8:23:35 PM):    *"This is proof!" She uppercuts him mightily with both fists, but before the robot can launch into the air she leans back and headbutts to send him towards the hard ground below instead.+
troublefirecat (8:24:22 PM):    Some quick manuvering from Rush allows Megaman to dodge Hard Man's rocket punch, and the laser, and gets ready to return fire, switching weapons to... Let's try one of the new weapons, he hasn't done that yet. Ah... Magnet Missle! +
VJockey (8:24:51 PM):    Terui: *Dive-rolls to and dodges as best as he can, though his motions are lagging due to the long fall+
wyverncakes (8:26:19 PM):    [Laura, Tsukasa, Double, and Terui] The four of you put emphasis on defense, and miraculously none of you get more than maybe a scratch or two from the hit
troublefirecat (8:27:04 PM):    (oh yeah, the Magnet Missle was aimed at Hard Man XD;)
wyverncakes (8:27:26 PM):    [Samus] As you roll underneath Prime though, it seems... willing to let you get away with that?  And as you roll through a patch of Phazon, the nerve-wracking pain lets you know exactly why.  Christ, it lit up more lights than a Christmas tree on your sensors... and speaking of which though...
wyverncakes (8:27:37 PM):    Hard Man seems to have a lot of highly-magnetic alloys in his body
wyverncakes (8:28:05 PM):    And Gemini Man's scan mentions something about bifurcating weaponry being a weakness of his?
wyverncakes (8:28:37 PM):    [Ren] As you pull your sword out, you'll be surprised to find that the part of it driven into Metroid Prime's been completely melted away, the exposure to all of that Phazon just too much!
wyverncakes (8:29:24 PM):    [Mega Man] Hard Man tries to dodge that Magnet Missile, but it homes in on him remarkably well... better than it's advertised in fact!  Be's blown back by it, a bit of his armor cracked as well.  "Damn you..."
wyverncakes (8:30:12 PM):    [Devon] As for Gemini Man, your shifting does take him by surprise... but as he gets pounded into the ground suddenly you yourself get a painful blow to the back of your neck, sending you hurtling away!
wyverncakes (8:30:15 PM):    And the cause is...
wyverncakes (8:30:16 PM):    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YmQXi9WsrzQ
drascin (8:30:21 PM):    Samus: She ignores the pain. Tricky bastard dumped a puddle of phazon right in her trajectory. It's smart, isn't it? Much more than normal metroids. Instead, she focuses on the results, and calls out to megaman "Keep using those magnetic missiles on the big one! The other scans as weak to bifurcated weapons!"
wyverncakes (8:30:23 PM):    Another Gemini Man?!?
wyverncakes (8:30:48 PM):    Gemini Man 2: "Best part of being Gemini Man... I can be my own backup!"  And with that he picks up the original
wyverncakes (8:30:58 PM):    (Red: Metroid Prime)
wyverncakes (8:31:13 PM):    (Yellow: Hard Man (damaged), Gemini Man 1 (damaged), Gemini Man 2)
wyverncakes (8:31:20 PM):    (Mega Man and Devon)
kamikasei (8:31:36 PM):    (Did Laura's gun survive?)
cubey@aol.pl (8:31:38 PM):    (I already wrote my attack didn't I?)
wyverncakes (8:32:20 PM):    (Yeah, Laura's gun's fine)
troublefirecat (8:32:23 PM):    "Oh, hey, so that's his weakness!" Time to fire another Magnet Missle. They should get these guys out of the way quickly. +
wyverncakes (8:32:42 PM):    (Oh right, you did.  Still, I counted that as all one react, so you can move again if you'd like)
wyverncakes (8:33:51 PM):    [Mega Man] Unfortunately it's not that easy though, and Hard Man knows now conventional dodging isn't going to work... so instead he just pounds into the ground, letting a bunch of rocks fall and crush the Magnet Missile in mid-flight!
cubey@aol.pl (8:34:42 PM):    *"The strong..." Devon gathers herself up. And she immediately rushes forward again. "Need no backup!" It's a blind, reckless charge - did she lose her cool? &
wyverncakes (8:34:43 PM):    (And while we're at it, Terui and Tsukasa can go)
wyverncakes (8:35:10 PM):    [Devon] The Gemini Men certainly think so, and they both flank you, firing more Gemini Lasers to overwhelm you with their unpredictable angles!
wyverncakes (8:35:26 PM):    (Continue: Devon)
VJockey (8:35:55 PM):    Terui: "tch"... *Terui goes into his bike form. Now. What would he be doing in this might you ask? While the Gemini Men were occupied with Devon. HE RUSHES AT ONE FULL SPEED TO RUN IT OVER!&
wyverncakes (8:38:56 PM):    [Terui] Aaaand Gemini Man 2 gets clipped by the roaring engine of Kamen Rider Bike, sending him spinning a little as he tries to right himself.  "Gaaah... getting in the way ouf our fight?"  MORE GEMINI LASERS FOR YOU!
cubey@aol.pl (8:38:58 PM):    *As soon as she sees the Gemini Men move, Devon knows her plan worked. She turns mid-run, showing that her chest and whole upper body is already bristling with Sophium shards. Shards that shoot out at the damaged Gemini Man, and she immediately Shifts once they do so.+
wyverncakes (8:39:06 PM):    (Continue: Terui)
wyverncakes (8:40:39 PM):    [Devon] Fletchet storm of death!  The assault pounds into both of the Gemini Men, tearing them up an awful lot... Gemini Man 2 whethering it better since he was in better shape to begin with... though after Terui hitting him it's kinda become a moot point!  As for your shifting, you do avoid the lasers, but with all that rebounding you're going to have to stay shifted for a while before they wear away.
VJockey (8:42:00 PM):    Terui: *you know those action sequences where the Riders tear their bikes through explosions? TERUI IS DOING THAT! RIGHT THE FUCK NOW! -ACCEL!! MAXIMUM DRIVE!- Gemini will find Terui doing his best to smash his wheel into his face and GRINDING IT OFF+
wyverncakes (8:43:39 PM):    [Terui] The wheel slams into the wounded Gemini Man, and he screams out as the grinding friction swiftly tears down through his head down into his body... cleaving the second Gemini Man in twain!
VJockey (8:44:35 PM):    Terui:..."Pathetic... it seems you're half the man you used to be."
Shaun Garin (8:44:49 PM):    *Throwing another card into his belt, a flute appeared in his hands as he started to play it, a huge cobra erupting from the back of OOODecade's neck. With any luck, his target Gemini Man would have a huge strangling cobra doing the same, but this time squeezing and aiming to chomp on his head!+
wyverncakes (8:44:52 PM):    (Double, Laura)
wyverncakes (8:47:45 PM):    [Tsukasa] The sudden cobra does indeed surprise Gemini Man... but at the same time he just grits his teeth.  "Feh... it's not Snake Man's so..." He thrusts his hand up and blows the cobra's head away... and at the same time though, Metroid Prime makes its move again, charging straight at you Tsukasa and unleashing a frigid stream of energy to flash-freeze you!
wyverncakes (8:47:48 PM):    (React: Tsukasa)
Shaun Garin (8:48:06 PM):    Tsukasa: Shit.
kamikasei (8:48:07 PM):    *Laura struggles to a half-crouch again and takes in the sight of the Robot Masters - currently beset with Chalice fighters - and Metroid Prime - currently… apparently ignored by almost everyone… and wearily, but methodically, takes aim at the crack in the head of the latter. She hasn't much left, but she'll give what she can… "Samus, can you weaken it?" she asks before readying to fire.+
Camiu (8:48:26 PM):    *Shoutaro, seeing what his fellow riders/had done, decided on his course of action. 'LUNATORIGA'. Not even bother for a maximum drive, he opens fire rapidly at remaining half of a robot master.+
Shaun Garin (8:48:46 PM):    *FINAL ATTACKRIDE: O-O-O-OOO! And with that, Tsukasa leaps high into the air, hoping to bypass that energy stream as he comes down with two massive crocodile jaws aiming to crunch on Metroid Prime. He who fires first...+
drascin (8:48:49 PM):    #
troublefirecat (8:48:53 PM):    Rock heard that by the way. "Snake Man, huh?"
wyverncakes (8:49:26 PM):    (Who are you support defending, Drascin?)
wyverncakes (8:49:29 PM):    (Tsukasa?)
drascin (8:49:55 PM):    (I was going to do as Laura asked, basically)
drascin (8:50:07 PM):    (you know, see about doing a little interrupt and help both)
wyverncakes (8:50:16 PM):    (Ah)
wyverncakes (8:50:20 PM):    (Granted)
cubey@aol.pl (8:50:36 PM):    (Offensive supports are @, # are defensive)
drascin (8:51:53 PM):    *Heeding Laura's call for aid, and taking advantage of the fact that it turned its back on her (never a good idea), Samus takes the chance. She jumps and climbs onto Metroid Prime, shoving her cannon between plates ilke a nail before unleashing another Wavebuster combo! That should give a damn good distraction!+
wyverncakes (8:52:03 PM):    [Double] The attack spam shoots towards Gemini Man, poised to blow him apart... when suddenly Hard Man's on the scene again!  The Maximum Drive slams into him again, and he grunts in anger before charging ahead, swinging his fist to pound your head into mulch, Double!
wyverncakes (8:52:07 PM):    (React: Double)
Nekomittchi (8:52:47 PM):    ((I didn't think we did a Maximum Drive?))
Camiu (8:52:54 PM):    ((We did not))
wyverncakes (8:53:16 PM):    (Whoops.  Sorry then.  Still, effect is the same; a beamspam that Hard Man takes one for the time again)
wyverncakes (8:53:18 PM):    ^(against)
wyverncakes (8:54:22 PM):    [Tsukasa, Laura, and Samus] As you shoot up and come hurtling down, Tsukasa, Metroid Prime just has to shift its gaze up to trap Tsukasa in a sheet of ice, stopping his attack cold (no pun intended) and causing him to crash to the ground.  Fortunately he doesn't shatter, because physics doesn't work like that.  And he's still a suitable distraction for Laura and Samus to hammer Prime's back all the same, and the cracks grow wider and wider, more and more Phazon falling out...
wyverncakes (8:54:55 PM):    ... And then at once, the entire exoskeleton of Metroid Prime finally shatters, a massive quantity of phazon pouring out everywhere... and...
wyverncakes (8:54:59 PM):    ... ALSO ONTO SAMUS!
Camiu (8:55:07 PM):    *'HIITOMETARU! METARU! MAXIMUM DORIVU! "Metal Branding!" Shoutaro ducks under the fist, and stabs into Hard Man with the Metal Shaft!+
wyverncakes (8:56:12 PM):    [Double] You might have dodged one, but Hard Man still has his other and as you stab at him, he swings it!  Your two blows collide... knocking you both back as pain goes through your whole body Shotaro!  But Hard Man's not looking so hot now either!
wyverncakes (8:56:16 PM):    IN OTHER NEWS
wyverncakes (8:56:18 PM):    SAMUS!
drascin (8:56:25 PM):    Samus expected a retaliation. She did not, however, expect it to explode, and she falls to the ground, covered in Phazon
wyverncakes (8:56:50 PM):    Pretty much every alarm on the Power Suit's going off as you are being just plain *saturated* in Phazon, including ones you didn't even know the suit had.
wyverncakes (8:57:28 PM):    And one after another the suit keeps shutting off unnecessary systems and rerouting power to keep you from getting killed by it all.  Morph ball, bombs, missiles, your various energy weapons... CHRIST EVEN YOUR POWER BEAM'S GOING OFFLINE!
Shaun Garin (8:57:37 PM):    Internal monologue of Tsukasa: Well son of a b...
wyverncakes (8:58:49 PM):    Your visor goes all staticky and when the phazon stops pouring on you, you're left in the middle of a puddle, parts of your armor black with glowing red lines.
wyverncakes (8:59:15 PM):    Meanwhile, Gemini Man and Hard Man just stare in wonder.
troublefirecat (8:59:25 PM):    Megaman: Samus!
wyverncakes (8:59:27 PM):    "All of that energy... and it's... it's all for the taking!"
wyverncakes (8:59:34 PM):    (Samus: Downed)
troublefirecat (8:59:40 PM):    Megaman: I don't think so!
wyverncakes (9:00:07 PM):    However, from the remains of Metroid Prime... something begins to stir
Camiu (9:00:18 PM):    Shou: .... something's wrong
VJockey (9:00:34 PM):    Terui:  Your powers of observation are astounding Hard-Boiled
wyverncakes (9:00:40 PM):    And at once it begins to rise up, revealing something somewhat Metroid like, but also nothing like the other Metroids
wyverncakes (9:00:47 PM):    (True Metroid Prime: http://images.wikia.com/metroid/images/c/c1/Metroid_Prime_Core.png0
Canta Akino (9:01:11 PM):    *Ren got to his feet, lightheaded from the heat and hurt. "What is..."
wyverncakes (9:01:13 PM):    It rises up, looking at all of you, Phazon dripping from its body, glaring angrily at every single one of you.
troublefirecat (9:01:32 PM):    Nevermind stopping them right now. This isn't good. "Uh oh..."
kamikasei (9:01:37 PM):    Laura: "Oh god… Samus! What… what is that thing?"
wyverncakes (9:01:44 PM):    And at that, it suddenly strikes!  Laura, it remembers... you were the one that helped Samus drive it to its state!  And at once its tentacles lash out to try to bind you up!
wyverncakes (9:01:52 PM):    (React: Laura)
wyverncakes (9:01:54 PM):    (Ren)
cubey@aol.pl (9:02:17 PM):    #
wyverncakes (9:02:24 PM):    (Support defend: Devon)
Camiu (9:02:44 PM):    Shou: You're in no position to talk with that terrible one liner of yours, Terui.
VJockey (9:03:06 PM):    Terui: Don't you have a pot of boiling water to be in?
kamikasei (9:03:10 PM):    *!!! Laura doesn't have time to think - she just flies up and back out of the tentacles' reach!+
Camiu (9:03:49 PM):    Shou: It's your crater, not mine.
Nekomittchi (9:03:56 PM):    Philip: Not now.
cubey@aol.pl (9:04:07 PM):    *Suddenly, Devon out of nowhere! Or rather, out of Shifting as she phases back into reality and grabs one of the tentacles with all her might. "This is not... over!" She grits her teeth as Sophium shards protrude from under her armor yet again, this time only on her arms so to cut into the tentacle.+
Canta Akino (9:04:39 PM):    *Tossing the useless, melted piece of his sword aside, he scanned his Nasty Vent card, sending Darkwing forward, screeching and releasing a sonic blast at the Metroid.+
cubey@aol.pl (9:05:31 PM):    Devon: "Fight, die or run away. I care not. But don't waste time arguing." She sounds really pissed off right now. Is it because of the metroid, Samus, the Robot Masters or something else altogether, nobody knows.
wyverncakes (9:06:00 PM):    [Devon and Laura] Laura's evasion manages to get her away in time, and it's helped by Devon grabbing the tentacle that'd been closest to snatching her up!  The Sophium shards begin to dig into the material of the tentacle... but the material is much, much more durable than what the basic Fission Metroids had, and you only managed to cut through half of it before Metroid Prime flicks you away.
wyverncakes (9:07:19 PM):    [Ren] Darkwing's sonic assault is much stronger than the Bat Shot's... though Metroid Prime is also must stronger than the basic Metroids too.  And as it gets attacked it spins around, eyes leering at Ren before just flicking its tentacles at him, splotches of phazon being launched to dissolve through him and Darkwing together!
wyverncakes (9:07:21 PM):    (React: Ren)
wyverncakes (9:07:36 PM):    (Mega Man and Devon)
Shaun Garin (9:08:03 PM):    # Ren
wyverncakes (9:08:21 PM):    (Support defend: Tsukasa)
cubey@aol.pl (9:09:44 PM):    *Devon lets go off the tentacle. What she does instead is leap towards the remaining Gemini Man. With lightning speed, she grabs the robot and raises him above her head.&
troublefirecat (9:11:04 PM):    While Hard Man is distracted Gawking at Prime, Rock decides to fire another Magnet Missle to hopefully finish him off so they'd be able to focus on Prime. +
Canta Akino (9:11:13 PM):    *Darkwing instinctively flew far from the phazon, but Ren had to drop into a roll to avoid it, taking the chance to kick at Tsukasa's ice.+
wyverncakes (9:11:20 PM):    [Devon] As Gemini Man sees Devon move towards him, he opens fire with the Gemini Laser again.  But fun fact about it: the Gemini Laser might have that rebound thing, but it's not as fast as some other attacks... and thus Devon's able to get into position!
wyverncakes (9:11:27 PM):    (Continue: Devon)
wyverncakes (9:11:32 PM):    [Mega Man]
Shaun Garin (9:11:39 PM):    *Crack. Crack crack crack crack. Like the hand of the titans ripping free from the confines, Tsukasa managed to slot in a card. It was muffled but then... Tsukasa vanished! And then from the echoes of the cavern, a goddamn DRAGON was seen from the reflective surface of the ice as Dragredder burst free from it, Tsukasa already spinning around.


Ren was in trouble. He was here to bail him out.+
wyverncakes (9:12:18 PM):    ^Having since moved in to try to help Gemini Man, Hard Man's out in the open now!  He's got nowhere to run and no more rocks to drop!  His eyes open wide for a moment in despair... right before the missile strikes!  And BOOM!  No more Hard Man
wyverncakes (9:12:50 PM):    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJbz-FGYyOo&feature=results_main&playnext=1&list=PL21DC5F77ED694068
cubey@aol.pl (9:13:01 PM):    *"No defense against a straighforward assault." Devon's muscles flex as she mobilises her whole strength to throw the robot. Throw where, one might ask? Right at the Metroid Prime! "Feast on its power, if you so desire!"+
wyverncakes (9:13:39 PM):    [Tsukasa and Ren] And your combined efforts prove enough to free Tsukasa from his icy prison... and once more, Ryuki and Knight are reunited!  And this time we're getting an effectual Ryuki too!
wyverncakes (9:14:33 PM):    [Devon] Gemini Man has nothing he can really say to that, and he's hurled straight at the almighty Metroid, crashing into it and all but shattering on impact!  But then he begins to laugh in utter amazement.
wyverncakes (9:14:43 PM):    Gemini Man: "Ha... ha...!!!!!!!"
wyverncakes (9:15:12 PM):    His eyes open wide.  "Power... so much power... UNLIMITED POWER!  WITH THIS I CAN... I CAN-" He doesn't say anything else.  His head simply shatters and explodes
wyverncakes (9:15:18 PM):    Gemini Man downed as well!
wyverncakes (9:15:20 PM):    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJbz-FGYyOo&feature=results_main&playnext=1&list=PL21DC5F77ED694068
wyverncakes (9:15:38 PM):    (Terui and Tsukasa)
Camiu (9:16:09 PM):    Shoutaro: Shoddy workmanship, that.
troublefirecat (9:16:50 PM):    Rock kind of winces, but hey new weapons! Let's worry bout that later though.
Shaun Garin (9:17:01 PM):    Landing, Tsukasa slid another card into his belt. ATTACKRIDE SWORD VENT! The sword appearing in a fireball, he offered it to Ren. "Take it. I'm formriding."
wyverncakes (9:17:06 PM):    Yes you do, Rock!
wyverncakes (9:17:07 PM):    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eRlDxDjzx7A
wyverncakes (9:17:27 PM):    Inside of your head, you begin to be able to conceptualize the Hard Knuckle, and the Gemini Laser as well!  Two more moves to add to your pool of them!
troublefirecat (9:18:38 PM):    Awesome! Now to focus on the main boss!
VJockey (9:18:44 PM):    "Not that mentally stable as well considering how he lost his head." *Now that the Robot Masters were out of the way, Terui turned his sights to Metroid Prime and readied the Engine Blade. He was probably under equipped for this. But he wasn't going to complain. He charged and made to hack at it's limbs+
Shaun Garin (9:19:07 PM):    *Dropping out of Formride, he slid another card into his buckle. KAMENRIDE BLADE! Changing form, he dusted his hands. "I've got payback coming, big and ugly."


Stancing, Tsukasa crouched -- and blurred, charging and zipping across the battlefield towards Metroid Prime while he tossed in one final card. ATTACKRIDE METAL!

Have a thousand pound Tsukasa hurling at you Prime!+
Camiu (9:20:29 PM):    Shoutaro: ... Seriously, we need to have a discussion about this when we get back
Canta Akino (9:21:26 PM):    *Ren grabbed the sword as soon as Tsukasa offered it, relieved not to have to risk his Visor. The weight was different from what he was used to, but it would do the job.
wyverncakes (9:21:32 PM):    [Tsukasa and Terui] The two of you charge in, hammering Prime with everything you both have... but the more you push Prime, the madder it seems to get, and suddenly it channels a tremendous amount of energy through its tentacles, blasting both of you away!
wyverncakes (9:22:35 PM):    The good news is though that one of its six tentacles HAS been cut clean off, and there's a very large, Blade-y intentation in Prime's head.  Not that it isn't popping right out though.
wyverncakes (9:22:50 PM):    (Ren)
VJockey (9:22:59 PM):    Terui: *flips in the air before smashing the Engine-Blade into the ground to keep from tumbling.+ "ngh.... there's nothing to discuss Half-Boiled"
Camiu (9:23:15 PM):    Shou
Camiu (9:23:55 PM):    Shou: *holding his ground just in case by stabbing Metal shaft into the earth.* You'd think that, wouldn't you...
Shaun Garin (9:23:59 PM):    Tsukasa lands as well, grunting. "Now now, ladies you're both pretty. Quit it, or I'll cut off your ice cream privilages."
Nekomittchi (9:24:08 PM):    Philip: "Shoutaro..."
Canta Akino (9:24:22 PM):    *Ren leapt up to attack with Ryuki's sword, aiming right for the dent in the Prime's head. +
VJockey (9:25:34 PM):    Terui: "I couldn't care less about those. Give them to the smart half of Double."
Shaun Garin (9:25:48 PM):    Tsukasa: No coffee then.
wyverncakes (9:26:09 PM):    [Ren] Having just exerted itself driving away Tsukasa and Terui, Prime was easy pickings for Ren, and the sword is driven straight into the creature's head!  And at that its eyes go wide and it roars, flailing and pulling Ren away and sending him slamming into the ground!  Damn, you're going to be feeling that in the morning!
Camiu (9:26:20 PM):    Shoutaro: *Not rising to the bait, fuck that, he needs Philip happy!*
wyverncakes (9:26:42 PM):    And now even more phazon is pouring out onto the floor.  But it's more a case that it's just being produced from Prime's rage at all of you than it being some pre-existing amount...
wyverncakes (9:27:00 PM):    At this point, it's going to cover the entire floor with it at that rate...
wyverncakes (9:27:05 PM):    (Samus)
drascin (9:27:10 PM):    Aaaand #
drascin (9:27:42 PM):    However, it cannot finish the flood. Because from the puddle of goop, something has risen, crackling with phazon's sickly energy. It's Samus! She gets up, a bit slowly for a second and then as she recovers her breath quickly again. But something is covering her suit - a black layer that hides its orange color. It crackles and seems to actively repel the phazon that was covering her.
Her visor is still glowing red with warnings [WARNING: SYSTEM OVERLOAD. VARIA SYSTEM OFFLINE. BOMB SYSTEM OFFLINE. MISSILE SYSTEM OFFLINE. POWER BEAM OFFLINE] but Samus ignores it. She looks at the creature that just blasted from the shell, and to her own arm cannon. And without a second thought, she stabs the cannon into the phazon under her, absorbing it, gritting her teeth to mentally drive the malevolent poison into submission. The malignant will of the Great Poison, emissary of a predator of planets. Samus knows it now. But where it tries to go into her mind, it finds an indestructible steel wall.
drascin (9:27:53 PM):    Her visor flashes again.
drascin (9:28:06 PM):    (and, music! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g9my4utzidc)
drascin (9:29:19 PM):    *Samus is back into the fray. Nothing but her shields really in working order, but an avatar of death nonetheless. "Metroid ae va metroid!" she exclaims in Chozo, as she unleashes an earthshattering discharge of a shining, sickly blue and white beam straight into the creature - a continuous torrent of death and pain turned right back at its creator+
Camiu (9:31:14 PM):    Shou: 'Interesting... She's absorbed the phazon into her cannon and weaponized it...' (he's still keeping his mouth shut though.)
wyverncakes (9:31:21 PM):    [Samus] The beam pounds straight into Metroid Prime, pinning it to a wall as the creature begins to twitch and flail uncontrollably.  And it's screaming again.  Not in anger but in genuine *pain* this time...
wyverncakes (9:31:26 PM):    (Anyone else wishing to contribute can!)
drascin (9:31:36 PM):    (alright guys, I just got its shell and stunned it in pain! Anyone mind doing the finisher?)
Shaun Garin (9:31:37 PM):    *FINAL ATTACKRIDE: B-B-B-BLADE! Thunder cracked as Tsukasa crouched down, his foot charging with electrical energy, the hiss of ozone in the air. All or nothing at this point! And he leaps at Metroid Prime, kick charged with the powers of Kick and Thunder cards!+
cubey@aol.pl (9:32:12 PM):    Devon stands back. Just this one time she decides to gracefully hand the kill over.
kamikasei (9:32:42 PM):    Laura's looking at Samus, alarmed by what that stuff's done to her.
Canta Akino (9:34:44 PM):    *FINAL VENT. It was improvised, but as Darkwing attached to him and readied the attack, Ren held out Ryuki's sword to plunge into Metroid Prime, flying in a fast spiral.+
cubey@aol.pl (9:35:10 PM):    (Or perhaps she is just too tired or unmotivated to attack. Who knows.)
troublefirecat (9:35:57 PM):    Wanting to contribute as well, Rock charges a Charged Shot from his Mega Buster and fires at Metroid Prime. +
kamikasei (9:36:56 PM):    *"One thing at a time…" Laura takes aim and, though her focus is shaken enough that she can rely only on her own marksmanship and the enhancement on the bullets is well below maximum, opens fire at Prime's core.+
Camiu (9:38:46 PM):    *METARU! MAXIMUM DORIVU! "METAL JAVELIN!" With the last of his strength, Shoutaro throws the Metal Shaft at Metroid Prime, the weapon wreathing itself in flames as it flies.+
VJockey (9:41:04 PM):    "-ACCEL! MAXIMUM DRIVE!- ...One more!" *Terui unleashes another Dynamic Ace! The Energy A tearing towards the Metroid at full force!+
wyverncakes (9:42:43 PM):    [Everyone except lazyass Devon] With Samus tearing Metroid Prime a new one and also pinning it down, it's an easy enough time for you all to unload on the mutant abomination, hammering it more and more as the creature is systematically just completely and utterly annhilated
wyverncakes (9:42:45 PM):    Seriously
wyverncakes (9:42:56 PM):    There's just... nothing left of it at all when all is said and done
wyverncakes (9:43:38 PM):    Every bit of it that simply got torn off is instantly vaporized, and the rest is steadily worn down as well... and finally, the last of it's exterminated
wyverncakes (9:44:23 PM):    And for a moment there's nothing but silence... right before you then hear an explosion and a minor quake from down below.
wyverncakes (9:44:31 PM):    ???: "Target destroyed."
wyverncakes (9:45:00 PM):    Anyone wanting to look down below would see that the red phazon had also been completely been destroyed, Break Man escaping into a mine shaft below to make his exit
Camiu (9:45:05 PM):    Shoutaro: *Wavering on unconcious.* Someone say something?
Shaun Garin (9:45:17 PM):    Tsukasa: ... well I ain't chasing him.
kamikasei (9:45:31 PM):    Laura: "Owww."
troublefirecat (9:45:35 PM):    Megaman: Wait!
wyverncakes (9:45:46 PM):    At any rate though... it seems like you've cleared everything up here.  The phazon's gone (no Geiger counter clicking)
troublefirecat (9:45:47 PM):    Yeah Rock's going to try and chase him.
wyverncakes (9:45:53 PM):    Though Samus, you might want to purge that armor of yours
kamikasei (9:46:35 PM):    She flops back to sit heavily on the rock and let the scrapes, bruises and general ill treatment hit her.
wyverncakes (9:46:46 PM):    Rock, as you jump down to the lower level, Break Man stops for a moment
wyverncakes (9:46:47 PM):    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d30OSJkt7Dc
drascin (9:46:58 PM):    Indeed. Samus doubles a bit over in pain, and mutters a few words in chozo. The black shell covering her armor cracks and is shed, revealing an intact looking Varia suit underneath
wyverncakes (9:47:02 PM):    "I suppose I should give you all my thanks, shouldn't I?"
drascin (9:47:42 PM):    Samus, however, seems tired, and walks slowly as the black carapace clanks to the ground.
wyverncakes (9:47:57 PM):    Break Man snorts.  "No matter.  My path and goals do not coincide perfectly with the Chalice.  You may very well be seeing me again.  Possibly as an enemy-"
wyverncakes (9:48:15 PM):    And with that he swivels around, pointing his arm cannon at Rock... only to immediately drop it.  "Or an ally."
troublefirecat (9:48:38 PM):    Rock pauses, blinking at him. He's still not sure what to make of this guy.
cubey@aol.pl (9:49:03 PM):    Devon is not done yet. While everyone was busy, she was busy observing Samus. Ready to strike if the bounty hunter shows any signs of strange phazon-induced behavior. Only now can she drop her guard. Somewhat.
drascin (9:49:26 PM):    Samus: "I made a mistake" she sounds... healthy, but ragged. "I did not expect it to explode like that"
Shaun Garin (9:49:50 PM):    Tsukasa shrugs. "It happens." FORMRIDE BLADE JACK.
kamikasei (9:50:06 PM):    Laura: "I don't think it expected it either."
Shaun Garin (9:50:15 PM):    Tsukasa: I can carry two at once. Or three if the third is really light.
Nekomittchi (9:50:17 PM):    Philip: *sounding as exhausted as Shoutaro looks* "Someone may need to help Shoutaro back to the shuttle."
wyverncakes (9:50:19 PM):    The outer husk of Metroid Prime, in the meantime, is just that.  Lifeless.  Inert.
wyverncakes (9:50:27 PM):    If you wanted to take it back with you for study?
wyverncakes (9:50:31 PM):    Well you could
troublefirecat (9:50:33 PM):    Rock: Who are you?
wyverncakes (9:50:37 PM):    No telling what you'd find out in the process though
wyverncakes (9:51:12 PM):    Break Man: "Just a robot with the best intentions for the world as a whole, even if it means going against other, fundamentally good people."
wyverncakes (9:51:16 PM):    And with that he turns and leaves.
wyverncakes (9:51:20 PM):    "See you around... Mega Man."
drascin (9:51:21 PM):    "And now I... understand the danger of this Phazon better than ever. This is no mere poison. It is the advance force of a predator. A predator of planets. This was just a start"
drascin (9:51:58 PM):    she sounds more determined as she straightens her back again, her breathing starting to normalize again. Holy shit did this hurt
Camiu (9:52:09 PM):    Shou: Someone grab-*No more words from Shoutaro, he's falling asleep*
Shaun Garin (9:52:35 PM):    Tsukasa sighs heavily. "Line up. I'm carrying everyone out one at a time looks like."
Nekomittchi (9:52:49 PM):    Of course, as soon as Shoutaro passed out, the henshin was broken, and commentary from Philip was cut off. Not that Philip was conscious anymore, either.
troublefirecat (9:52:52 PM):    Rock doesn't try to stop him this time. He just watches him go, frowning.
kamikasei (9:52:55 PM):    Laura: "I can try to fly people out. So long as they can take care of holding on."
Shaun Garin (9:53:25 PM):    Tsukasa: We'll do it together. We've got injured anyhow. Ren, is Darkwing pissed at you or do we have a third flier?
drascin (9:53:30 PM):    "I am okay. I can move. But my suit is going to need some time to recover"
troublefirecat (9:54:16 PM):    Rock: Me and Rush can help. *he's turning away from where Break Man disappeared to focus on his team mates now*
Canta Akino (9:54:40 PM):    Ren wasn't doing much better, leaning against the wall just to keep standing. But he was stubborn as all hell. "Yeah, I think it'll listen for this at least."
Shaun Garin (9:55:38 PM):    Tsukasa nodded. "All right, lets get everyone back to the shuttle."
drascin (9:55:58 PM):    Samus isn't going to ask for help. But with her space jump and grapple beam both offline, she's going to need to be carried at least to the edge of the hole
kamikasei (9:57:07 PM):    Laura gets back on her feet and goes to assist Tsukasa. Fortunately, working together makes it seem a little more manageable...
Shaun Garin (9:57:12 PM):    And after everyone's loaded, Tsuksa is about to get on when he hears a noise. Going over, he bent over. "Well hello there... why don't you come with me." And with that, he gets on the shuttle with a adorable lab under his arm.
drascin (9:57:26 PM):    She'll insist on walking around the area and checking for any remains of leftover metroids, however
wyverncakes (9:57:26 PM):    You all leave, one after another.
wyverncakes (9:58:25 PM):    The town itself has been pretty much deserted, except for that lucky, lucky dog
wyverncakes (9:58:42 PM):    There's no more Metroids to worry about at all, and the condition's fine
wyverncakes (9:58:57 PM):    At any rate, you can pass this on to any local governing body to run cleanup in case of emergencies
wyverncakes (9:59:08 PM):    But...
wyverncakes (10:00:03 PM):    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VEVQ6JxQFr4
wyverncakes (10:00:14 PM):    Inside of the cave, the one, lone tentacle of Metroid Prime...
wyverncakes (10:00:30 PM):    The one that'd been cut off from the whole of the creature stirred
wyverncakes (10:00:47 PM):    Wriggling towards its only hope for survival, Samus's discarded armor...
wyverncakes (10:00:50 PM):    MISSION
wyverncakes (10:00:52 PM):    COMPLETE
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