Mission 050: Singularity

Jan 16, 2012 22:05

[17:05] Nerdorama09: (Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hr3yRv6bO-w) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hr3yRv6bO-w
[17:07] Nerdorama09: The White Chalice (and friends) is en route to upper orbit, riding the gravitational shortcut of the captured mass driver. A half-coherent announcement from Captain Smith indicates that you've left the atmosphere and should reach the debris-belt altitude fairly soon. What's everyone doing?
[17:07] *** Cubey has joined the chat.
[17:07] *** Cubey has left the chat.
[17:08] Knux: Hana's in complete awe, her AI companions by her side. "This is space?! Wow!"
[17:08] Eric: Kincaid is enjoying being in Zero-G again by kicking around off walls
[17:08] Eric: in some place where we actually have zero-g
[17:09] *** Fenrir has left the chat.
[17:09] Aero: Ichitaka is messing around in the hangar trying to figure out if he needed to make any adjustments to Rushbird now that they were in space.
[17:10] Steam: Julia's taking the opportunity to get used to Zero-G again
[17:10] *** Fenrir has joined the chat.
[17:11] Nerdorama09: (The Chalice is just getting into space, Alexei. Thoughts? Actions?)
[17:11] Zappa: (Hope you remembered I'm sending Gainer instead)
Gainer was playing games, only... he's had to stop for the sake of getting up into space
[17:11] Steam: After all that time on Earth, virtual weightlessness was a big change, but she was working her way through it, floating down halls and greating people and whatnot
[17:12] *** JayDee has joined the chat.
[17:12] Fenrir: Alexei is acting sick of space yet again, though much less so than before. "I don't get how people can live up here..."
[17:12] Knux: "You've never been to space-desu?" CHYPrE asked Hana, the girl shaking her head. "It's a first! It's... it's so awesome!" Hana replied.
[17:13] Steam: Julia, who'd just been passing by Hana, paused in surprise. "Really? This is your first time out here?"
[17:13] Steam: She couldn't help but laugh a little at that. "I hadn't ever touched down on Earth until a few months ago myself!"
[17:14] Knux: Hana blinks in surprise herself before chuckling. "I guess we're on the same sort of boat - never being in the opposite place! It feels weird, though!"
[17:14] Tengu: Werter and Prometheus float down the corridor with cans of paint and large brushes. What they're up to is a mystery.
[17:14] Zappa: Unable to play any games at all, and, well, not being a social-type, Gainer wanders around the ship... Maybe he'll just go check on King Gainer again. Space isn't all that easy to get around in.
[17:15] Fenrir: Alexei spies Werter... "Hold on there a minute..." And holds his hand out to stop him.
[17:16] Tengu: Werter: "Don't worry. It's for science."
[17:16] Nerdorama09: Suddenly, it's Dan time!
[17:17] Nerdorama09: He's doing his usual trick of appearing on every monitor at once, and looking serious for once
[17:17] Fenrir: Alexei: Uh... huh... And the science of paint would apply to what today? *He'd say that before looking up at a Dan screen*
[17:17] Nerdorama09: Dan: "Uh, guys? You all might want to scramble. Like, all of you, if possible."
[17:17] Eric: Kincaid catches onto a railing to stop and pay attention
[17:17] Aero: Ichitaka: "Who's attacking?"
[17:17] Eric: then kicks off towards X-1's core fighter
[17:18] Nerdorama09: Dan: "Well that's the thing..."
[17:18] Fenrir: Alexei just nods and floats off. "Don't do something stupid, Werter... Looks like we won't have for hijinks here today."
[17:18] Steam: More crap? Well, they'd come under attack when returning to Earth, anyways... so it wasn't THAT surprising
[17:18] Steam: So cue her speedy flight to the Corona! "Hana, this way!"
[17:19] Nerdorama09: He replaces his own image with a shot of a huge battle happening on the ship's outer cameras. Federation ships appear to be having an all-out brawl with ones you probably haven't seen before.
[17:19] Knux: "R-Right!" Hana replied, following Julia.
[17:19] Tengu: Werter: "Well, guess you will find out later! Come, little guy." He grabs the tiny robot and floats towards the hangar, staring at the screens whenever they pass one.
[17:19] Nerdorama09: Dan: "I'd try to change course to get around them, but there's only so much we can do at this point...we're going to have to cut a path through whatever's going on here."
[17:20] Eric: Kincaid pauses in strapping himself in to check out the battle
[17:20] Aero: Ichitaka just nods then and hauls ass to the Rushbird.
[17:20] Eric: Kincaid: "Of course, we're gonna end up stuck in the middle of that."
[17:20] Knux: "...I don't like this. At all." Hana said, taking notice of the fight.
[17:20] Fenrir: Alexei: "Well hopefully this will be cut and dry... Just carving through, right?"
[17:20] Eric: "Those look like Feddies, but what about the other side?"
[17:20] Steam: Julia: "Well maybe if they're too focused on each other we can slip through!"
[17:20] Zappa: Gainger float-trudges over to King Gainer.... "Again...
[17:21] Aero: Ichitaka: "Somehow I doubt it'll be that easy Julia."
[17:21] Tengu: Werter: "I don't suppose the Federation will be grateful if we help them out with their unknown enemy, would it?"
[17:21] Fenrir: Alexei opens the cockpit to the Wahrheit, taking care to apply the Valkyrie pack and plug himself in. "I somehow doubt that..."
[17:22] Eric: Kincaid: "DOn't forget we're bloodthirsty pirates."
[17:22] Aero: Ichitaka: "We did kill hundreds of their pilots also..."
[17:22] Steam: Julia winces a little bit
[17:22] Knux: "But, they attacked us first!" Hana said.
[17:22] Steam: Good reason or not, she didn't like getting compared to Bairoft
[17:22] Fenrir: Alexei: "Yar har fiddle dee dee..." In just the most dead pan manner possible
[17:22] Tengu: Werter: "In self-defense. Plus, I'm almost sure I didn't kill any. Almost."
[17:22] Eric: Kincaid: "Grog for everyone when we get back."
[17:23] Aero: Ichitaka: "Alright enough small talk, we should head out as soon as possible. I'll go on ahead to check it out."
[17:23] Fenrir: Alexei: "Aye... Okay, that's the last bit of rediculiousness this mission. Let's just make this quick."
[17:23] Eric: "Now focus. Who's the Federation's enemy here? If we can't hook up with the Feds, maybe we can get backup from them?"
[17:23] Steam: At any rate, Julia quickly got to the Corona and started up the systems for it. This was going to be tricky... they were at the edge between space and the atmosphere... and the Corona handled much worse under strong gravity too.
[17:24] Aero: With that Ichitaka is heading out to the battlefield.
[17:24] *** UltimateSalsa has left the chat.
[17:24] Fenrir: Alexei would follow suit just behind. "Calibrations set, AMS flow is perfect. No more faults this time..."
[17:25] Knux: Hana soon reached the Desu Tsubomi, henshining into her flight suit and activating the PreDesu machine. It would be the perfect time to try out the Desu Wing flight cape (that she didn't realize she had until Eri used it herself).
[17:25] Aero: (So are there any units that are recognizable from the other side?)
[17:25] Nerdorama09: Getting to your robots and deploying, you can see before you an all-out brawl in the debris fields that ominously populate low orbits nowadays. In addition to older wreckage, you can tell a battle has been joined by (Link: http://www.mahq.net/mecha/gundam/z/alexandria.htm) Federation-built battleships on one side and (Link: http://www.mahq.net/mecha/srw/og1/albatross.jpg) unfamiliar but similar battleships on the other.
[17:26] Nerdorama09: The Federation group - almost definitely Titans - seems to be using a mix of both Mobile Suits and Advents. They weren't kidding about working together.
[17:26] Tengu: Werter: "Can't help but wonder who these other guys are... Well, Prometheus, time to do what we're best at again." One scene of tiny robot growing into a mass of metal, swallowing Werter an turning into a giant robot later, and they're ready to go and meet the opposition!
[17:27] Aero: Ichitaka: "Tch...Advents..."
[17:27] Knux: "Titans..." Hana uttered.
[17:27] Steam: As the Corona scoots higher up into the air, her eyes narrow. "Well that kills the chances of working with the Federation forces here..."
[17:27] Fenrir: Alexei: "I'm more concerned about the other side..."
[17:27] Nerdorama09: The other, now that you get closer, seems to be made up of armored modules that some of you may have seen before - (Link: http://www.mahq.net/mecha/srw/og-tv/dcam-004c.jpg) Lions and (Link: http://www.mahq.net/mecha/srw/og1/dcam-006.jpg) Guarlions
[17:28] Tengu: Werter: "And their enemies seem to be humans too, unless some invading aliens really like our ship designs."
[17:28] Eric: The Core Fighter launched into the back of the X-1, propelling it out of the dock
[17:28] Aero: Ichitaka: "Ah Lions again, so they must be DC."
[17:28] Steam: Julia: "The Divine Crusaders?"
[17:29] Aero: Ichitaka: "That's them."
[17:29] Fenrir: Alexei: "Really now? Perhaps I can get a hold of them."
[17:29] Steam: As the only alien in the group, hearing that THEY were present was enough to get a bit uneasy.
[17:29] Tengu: Werter: "The what now? that name sounds like religious nutjobs."
[17:29] Knux: The flight cape draped over the Tsubomi as it came to a stop. She isn't versed much in both groups, but... "...I dunno... m-maybe we can ignore both..."
[17:29] Fenrir: Alexei opens a channel to the Chalice. "Dan, permission to contact the Divine Crusaders?"
[17:29] Steam: Julia: "Well, they're... kinda like Thaumata..." she said, trying to recall what she could about them.
[17:29] Aero: Ichitaka: "Don't worry they're not that bad."
[17:30] Nerdorama09: The battlefield in front of you is an all-out brawl. It's tough to say who's winning, but it's not hard to see you're going to be directly in the crossfire, and both sides are gunning for the interloping mobile suits as well as each other, for now.
[17:30] Nerdorama09: (Enemies (Red): Advent x20, Marasai x20, Gaplant x6, Alexandria-class battleship x3)
[17:30] Steam: "Big on protecting Earth from alien invaders, not too worried about more peaceful ones..." Hopefully nobody would get half a mind to take a potshot at her Corona either
[17:30] Zappa: Gainer: "Why is it my luck to always end up fighting off those Adventus guys... Any second now... one of their leaders is going to show up...
[17:30] Nerdorama09: (Enemies (Yellow): Cosmolion x20, Guarlion x10, Albatross-class battleship x3)
[17:30] Aero: Ichitaka: "I missed the last one so I'll have to make up for it this time."
[17:31] Knux: Hana shuddered at what Gainer said. She remember RGNK. That wasn't fun, especially at how helpless she was there.
[17:31] Nerdorama09: (Initiative: ????, Kincaid, Gainer, Julia, Werter, Ichitaka, Alexei, Hana)
[17:31] Nerdorama09: (Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_cavoKZbGew) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_cavoKZbGew
[17:32] Nerdorama09: The DC and Adventus forces both send detachments of mobile units toward the White Chalice, guns drawn and aiming...
[17:32] Nerdorama09: (????, do your thing)
[17:32] Final: (Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqh3JYSfY1w) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqh3JYSfY1w
[17:33] Final: ????: DC! I finally found you!
[17:34] Knux: "I guess asking any of them if they need help is out of the question...!" Hana said, surprised.
[17:34] Final: A machine is quickly speeding into the battlefield, sword held by its side. Who could it be!? In any case, he is heading toward the DC Lion units, zipping around them and trying to cut them down with the Zephyr Sword! +
[17:34] Fenrir: Alexei: "Well, there goes that idea of using my contracts..."
[17:34] Aero: Ichitaka: "Is that some sort of new Federation machine?"
[17:34] Eric: Kincaid: "It's not like any I've ever seen."
[17:35] Steam: Julia: "I-it's too fast!"
[17:35] Nerdorama09: Three Cosmolions with very surprised pilots get cut down by the white streak that just entered the battlefield.
[17:35] Steam: "And it doesn't look like an Adventus machine either!"
[17:35] Fenrir: Alexei: "It's swift... but that's not White Glint..."
[17:35] Tengu: Werter: "Looks kinda similar to Prometheus... Do you have another brother, little guy?"
[17:35] Aero: Ichitaka: "Either way we can't have him ruining our chances of getting the DC to help us out."
[17:35] Knux: "...is it a knight?" Hana uttered.
[17:35] Nerdorama09: Their companions have slightly better reaction times, firing homing missiles after the Cybuster (Masaki react)
[17:36] Final: ????: "Now then, DC, surrender right now and tell me where Shu Shirakawa is! Do that, and I'll let you live."
[17:36] Final: Shiro: Masaki, look out!
[17:36] Steam: ... Aaaand then that name.
[17:36] Zappa: Gainer: "Wait a minute... something going as fast as King Gainer?
[17:36] Aero: Ichitaka: "Wait he's looking for THAT Shu Shirakawa?"
[17:36] Steam: "Wait... a guy looking for someone?" And then cue her snapping her fingers. "He's that guy who helped us out at Asturia!"
[17:36] Knux: Hana: "Who's Shu?"
[17:37] Final: Cybuster moves to react, two machines coming out of it: the Familiars! As Cybuster moves, the High Familiar's zip around, aiming their lasers to get rid of the missiles. +
[17:37] Final: Masaki: "Kuro, Shiro! Take
[17:37] Final: Masaki: them down!"
[17:37] Aero: Ichitaka: "Doctor Shu Shirakawa, he's pretty famous even out in the colonies."
[17:38] Nerdorama09: [Masaki] The missiles get shot down or dodged with comparative ease, and the DC and Adventus forces both spread out to deal with this new threat.
[17:38] Eric: Kincaid: "Didn't he kinda vanish off the radar a few years ago?"
[17:38] Steam: Julia: "Wellit sounds like he's thrown his lot in with the DC!"
[17:39] Tengu: Werter: "I have no idea why he's looking for that scientist, but if he helped us out before, there's a high chance he'll do that again, no?"
[17:39] Tengu: Werter: "Especially since I doubt the DC will surrender just to one machine."
[17:39] Fenrir: Alexei grits his teeth. This'll be a fun one explaining to his superiors...
[17:39] Aero: Ichitaka: "He did just cut down another potential ally."
[17:39] Final: Masaki growls. "Alright then, you wanna throw down! Let me show you the fury of the Lord of the Wind!"
[17:39] Nerdorama09: The Adventus contingent doesn't slow down, though, the Gaplant squad (in MA form) trying to ignore the White Chalice's units to zip past and strafe the ship itself
[17:39] Fenrir: Alexei: "Potential for you, active for me..."
[17:39] Nerdorama09: (Kincaid, Gainer, Julia)
[17:39] Eric: Kincaid: "He's already helping us out. Adding more confusion to the battle can only help us.
[17:39] Eric: "
[17:40] Steam: Julia furrows her brow. "They were coming to attack us anyways though..."
[17:40] Eric: *Kincaid matched speed alongside the White Chalice. Since this new guy was going after the DC forces, Kincaid focused on the Federation. He flew in an arc that took him past three of the Advents at speeds that may not have matched Cybuster's but were still damn fast. He slashed at each with X-1's giant beam saber as he flew past!+
[17:40] Aero: Ichitaka: "I don't want us to ruin our relationship with any other allies then, we need to stop that machine."
[17:41] Steam: * That said, Julia wasn't one to try to throw more fuel on a fire like this unless she had to, and focused instead on the oncoming Federation units. And bringing her railgun up at the ready, she fired on the first wave of mobile suits with the Corona's scattershot.+
[17:41] Eric: Kincaid: "We need to focus on getting through here. They have no reason to associate that guy with us, do they?"
[17:41] Zappa: Gainer: "So we have to be careful which side we attack at all? We already have a bad rap with Adventus. NO harm in making it any worse, I guess.
[17:41] Steam: Julia: "Push come to shove, we can leave this up to Dan and the command crew!"
[17:41] Tengu: Werter: "...Can't say I don't see your point. The DC didn't really do anything to us so far."
[17:42] Aero: Ichitaka: "They are Alexei's ally we have to help them at least."
[17:42] Zappa: *"Overskill!" Suddenly, King Gainer starts moving at OHGAWD speeds, moving to cut off the Gaplants, aiming with his chainblade to take out their beam rifle shields (i.e. the wings/arms)
[17:43] Nerdorama09: [Kincaid] The Advents scatter in three directions, though X1 removes an arm from one and cleaves through another. The third moves back and fires a pair of beam handguns at X1 in a rapid volley of fire (Kincaid react)
[17:44] Eric: X1 demonstrates incredible maneuverability, weaving nimbly through the rain of beams to try and get back into melee range with its prey.
[17:45] Nerdorama09: [Julia] Julia's scattershot does some damage to the charging Gaplants, bringing their charge up short, and also refocusing their attention on the Corona. One transforms into MS mode and charges while two others fire their beam rifles at her (Julia react)
[17:46] Steam: [Julia] "You'd have done better to stay away!" she shouted as the Corona pulled out its HFM Blade in response and charged at the attacking MS-mode Gaplant, trying to keep it between herself and the other two before slashing down at it.+
[17:46] Nerdorama09: [Gainer] Gainer manages to get the other trio of Gaplants occupied, disarming (diswinging?) one and causing the other two to break off and circle around.
[17:47] Nerdorama09: [Kincaid] The Advent backs off - the pilot clearly knows how to fight a mobile suit like the X1, but on the other hand, his aim isn't good enough to beat Kincaid's Newtype instincts.
[17:49] Nerdorama09: [Julia] The Gaplant's beam saber meets the HFM blade, and after presumably a hurried radio conversation, his wingmen ignore Julia and dart off to try to get to the Chalice again.
[17:50] Zappa: Gainer: "Ugh.. I need to get used to trajectory in space again...
[17:50] Steam: Currently locking blades, Julia takes the chance to have her own hurried radio conversation too! "Two of them got past me! Anyone back there stay on guard!"
[17:50] Nerdorama09: The DC forces, meanwhile, split their attention between trading railgun potshots with the Marasais' beam rifles and trying to charge after Cybuster and pin it down with concentrated railgun fire (Masaki react)
[17:50] Eric: Kincaid: "In space it's generally best if you can get into melee range."
[17:51] Nerdorama09: (Werter, Ichitaka)
[17:52] Final: Kuro and Shiro's familiars already zipped around the lions, using Masaki's speed as a distraction to pop off shots from different angles. Masaki kept up the speed rouse, luring the DC into the trap set by his Familiars. +
[17:53] Zappa: Gainer: "I know that!"
[17:53] Nerdorama09: [Masaki] The lead Guarlion bites it from the cat-powered crossfire before his friends break off. In return for being bait, Cybuster takes a glancing hit from one of the railgun attacks.
[17:54] Aero: *The Rushbird takes off in the direction of the Cybuster, at the very least he had to make sure that they didn't lose any more potential allies. "Alexei I'm counting on you to back me up." He was going to charge in and try to restrain the silver machine.+
[17:55] Tengu: *Werter charges forward towards the two Gaplants, briefly letting a burst of plasma from Prometheus' feet to propel himself. He uses more plasma to form a pair of giant scissors in his hands, which he uses to cut one of the incoming Mobile Suits, avoiding the cockpit or the generator. "Get out if you know what's good for you!" &
[17:55] Fenrir: Alexei nods. "I'll do my best..."
[17:56] Nerdorama09: [Werter] Its pilot freaking out at the sight of giant scissors, the Gaplant gets an arm and a leg cut off, and the pilot does indeed eject (continue)
[17:56] Nerdorama09: [Ichitaka] (Masaki react)
[17:56] Final: Panting can be heard from over Masaki's radio. "Come on already..."
[17:57] Final: Shiro: Masaki, you really shouldn't strain yourself, meow.
[17:57] Tengu: *Werter grabs one of the cut-off limbs (the Mobile Suit can be used for later!) and throws it towards Cybuster. "Hey, you! Attacking people who didn't do anything to you AND are in the middle of fighting a bunch of fascists is kind of an asshole move, don't you think?" +
[17:58] Nerdorama09: (Masaki react to that as well)
[17:59] Nerdorama09: Suddenly, the mobile suit next to Werter detonates in an explosion of plasma as one of the Advents decides to use it as an improvised bomb by shooting at it (react Werter)
[17:59] Final: Before Maski can give a retort, he sees the blades and immediately moves Cybuster away from the objects thrown at him. "Stay out of this! I have to find Shu, or everything we know is going to be lost!" +
[18:00] Aero: Ichitaka: "Then why are you killing the people who could tell you where he is!"
[18:00] Final: Kuro: I warned you coming here this early may have been a bad idea.
[18:01] Final: Masaki: "Oh I don't know, maybe because they have tried to kill me even before I say anything!"
[18:01] Tengu: * Werter tries to escape the explosion by turning the scissors into a burst of plasma that pushes him away from it! +
[18:01] Fenrir: Alexei: "As far I could tell, you were the one to open fire first, boy."
[18:01] Aero: Ichitaka: "They were in the middle of a battle then you came up and sliced them apart."
[18:01] Nerdorama09: [Werter] Prometheus is burned somewhat by the explosion and hurled across the battlefield, but it's all surface damage
[18:02] Final: Masaki: "I was in the middle of flying and minding my own business before they tried to shoot me down! Three times before this! And I gave them the chance to lay down their weapons! Now piss off!"
[18:03] Nerdorama09: Meanwhile, while Ichitaka and Masaki are talking, one of the Albatross battleships fires a space-filling volley of beam cannons at the two mechs while they're distracted (Masaki and Ichitaka react)
[18:03] Aero: Ichitaka: "Looks like you won't listen to reason."
[18:03] Final: Masaki: "And you won't listen to common sense!"
[18:03] Nerdorama09: (Alexei, Hana)
[18:03] Aero: Ichitaka: "I'm not the one who's flying around trying to pick a fight."
[18:04] Tengu: Werter: "Tch... At this rate this is going to become a four-way battle..."
[18:04] Final: Cybuster moves again at high speed, just now noticing the beam cannons. +
[18:04] Eric: Kincaid: "Why do we care about that guy again? Let him make things as confusing as he wants!"
[18:04] Aero: *Of course Ichitaka reacts by facing the beams and raising his left arm. "LAPLACE WALL." The hex like shield raising to protect the entire machine from the beam.+
[18:04] Final: Masaki: "If I take down Shu, you'll be thanking me!"
[18:05] Fenrir: Alexei darts off towards Masaki, at the same time, opening a channel to the Divine Crusaders. "This is Collard Rank 30, Alexei Soras from the League of Ruling Corporations, please respond, Divine Crusaders." As Cybuster darts off, Alexei opens fire with both of his arm mounted missile launchers, firing 8 of them at once.+
[18:05] Tengu: Werter: "He manages to do that pretty well so far, alright."
[18:06] Nerdorama09: [Masaki and Ichitaka] Cybuster escapes and Rushbird tanks, naturally, but the former is now well away from the latter.
[18:06] Knux: "Everything's green, Hana! Protect the Chalice-desu!" CHYPrE called out. "Right!" *With that, the Desu Tsubomi shot up and around, intending on attacking the Advent machine that tried to blow up one of her teammates, fists flying in a rapid fire assault as she got close.+
[18:06] Zappa: Gainer: "Communications with the DC? What're you planning, Alexei?" Not that he expects an answer right now. Gotta be busy talking.
[18:06] Nerdorama09: [Alexei] (Masaki react).
[18:07] Nerdorama09: DC Pilot: "A merc? We're in the middle of a battle here, what do you want?"
[18:07] Aero: Ichitaka: "The DC should be allied with the people Alexei works for, if we can get them to help us it'll be easier for us."
[18:08] Final: The Familiars return, doing their best to shoot down the missiles. But as Cybuster tries to dodge, he counters with an attack of his own. Green energy forms before firing: Caloric Missiles! +
[18:08] Fenrir: Alexei: "The Wahrheit and Reinheit joint NEXT Cores are located on the Chalice. Remember, DC, the League has a deal to protect your best interests, in return for protecting ours."
[18:09] Aero: #
[18:09] Final: Kuro: Masaki, maybe we should go now. You're in no condition to be fighting like this now!
[18:09] Nerdorama09: [Hana] The Advent holds up a shield that's quickly battered away by the attack, then responds by firing several small-caliber leg-mounted machine guns at the attacking magical girl-ish person. The kind jerks use for crown control (Hana react)
[18:09] Aero: (For Alexei)
[18:09] Fenrir: Alexei: "We'll take care of this little white problem, but focus on the Federation."
[18:10] Nerdorama09: (Ichitaka support)
[18:10] Knux: Hana: "H-Hey! What are you...?!" *Hana's force to push back, trying to not to let the bullets hit her as she bobs and weaves+ "O-Okay, maybe melee attacks AREN'T such a good idea!"
[18:11] Final: Masaki grunts. He hated to be in this situation. "I am giving you all one more chance. Either you all get away from me, or else. Final Warning."
[18:11] Nerdorama09: DC Soldier: "We've got orders to take down everyone in this area, and the boss was really SPECIFIC about everyone!"
[18:11] Aero: *The Rushbird gets in the way of the caloric missiles with the Laplace Wall still up. "I'm telling you to back down or else we won't hold back."
[18:11] Zappa: Well, it sounded like that might work for a moment. "So... we're stuck fighting both sides then... Great."
[18:12] Nerdorama09: As if to prove his point, one of the Cosmolions backing him upn unleashes its own missiles at Wahrheit (Alexei react)
[18:12] Steam: Julia: "Grrrgh, then our hands are tied, aren't they?"
[18:12] Fenrir: Alexei: "If your boss wants to answer to the rest of the Collard stable, then be my guest. Just remember, NEXT machines are not to be underestimated."
[18:12] Final: Masaki: "DC, one more time! Either tell me where Shu Shirakawa is, or I'll destroy every last one of you!"
[18:12] Steam: #
[18:12] Tengu: Werter: "Yup, four-way battle. Do you think it's too late to ask for the winged mini-Prometheus guy's help?"
[18:12] Knux: Hana: "Oh, why do things have to go from bad to worse around here?!"
[18:13] Fenrir: As a show of force, the Wahrheit flares up its Overd-Boosters, darting around at incredible speeds while launching an embarassing amount of missiles at the Cosmolion+
[18:13] Eric: Kincaid: "You HAD to pick at it, didn't you?"
[18:14] Zappa: Gainer: "You mean that guy with the fast machine. I don't know. It's utter chaos out here. All I know is... Adventus and the Federation are probably are biggest thread. The DC is just being incooperative
[18:15] Nerdorama09: [Masaki, Ichitaka, and Alexei] Regardless of whether the Laplace Wall or Rushbird's heavy armor is stopping it, the Caloric missiles are nonethless blocked as Masaki's catfunnels stop Wahrheit's attack. The Cosmolion, on the other hand, isn't so lucky, and is reduced to space dust before the pilot can even shout for glory to the Divine Crusaders.
[18:16] Fenrir: Alexei: "Changed your mind?" He turns back to the battleships
[18:16] Nerdorama09: There's still a lot of DC units, and none of them are responding
[18:16] Nerdorama09: The DC and Adventus/Titans continue trading blows, though one Alexandria takes the opportunity to fire off a beam volley at the Chalice.
[18:17] Nerdorama09: Smith: "OW! I bih mah tongue."
[18:17] Fenrir: Alexei clicks his tongue. "Guess this contract is up..."
[18:17] Tengu: Werter would defense support that, but the captain kinda deserved that after all the crap they've been through. Stupid pony music.
[18:17] Fenrir: Alexei: "Chalice, the DC's contract with the League from henceforth is officially dissolved. Fire with extreme prejudice."
[18:17] Nerdorama09: The two Gaplants that got through also strafe the outer armor of the Chalice, weaving around Dan's attempt at defensive fire.
[18:17] Aero: Ichitaka is quite angry at the turn of events punching the side of his cockpit. "Every single time..."
[18:18] Fenrir: He is not a happy camper.
[18:18] Steam: Julia: "On the bright side it makes this a lot less complicated though!"
[18:18] Nerdorama09: (Enemies (Red): Advent x18 (2 damaged), Marasai x17, Gaplant x5 (1 damaged), Alexandria-class battleship x3)
[18:18] Nerdorama09: Enemies (Yellow): Cosmolion x15, Guarlion x8, Albatross-class battleship x3
[18:18] Nerdorama09: (Masaki, Kincaid)
[18:18] Eric: *Not to be denied, the X-1 launches it's clawhook at the fleeing advent to pull it back in to range where he can chop off all it's arms and legs.+
[18:19] Aero: Ichitaka: "We really are outlaw pirates at this rate." Ichitaka just felt stupid, so stupid for even thinking they had any allies left and making himself look like a fool.
[18:19] Final: Masaki: "Well then, I guess we got no choice. I warned you twice now!"
[18:20] Fenrir: Alexei: "It was my fault for asking you to do that, Ichitaka. Let's just get this over with. My superiors will want to hear about this..."
[18:20] Nerdorama09: [Kincaid] The Advent is grappled and drawn in, but before it gets dismembered, it's got a beam pistol in X1's face and ready to fire (react or just continue)
[18:21] Aero: Ichitaka: "Yeah, got it." Backing off the Rushbird from the Cybuster Ichitaka turned his attention back to the other enemies.
[18:21] Final: The Cybuster's body glows with energy, prana building up at an incredible rate. It doesn't take long before the massive energy builds and expands so suddenly, the power of the Cybuster launching out to all foes. Yet despite the light and intense energy, the White Chalice group is not in the least going to be damaged. Only DC and Titans! +
[18:21] Final: Masaki: "GOOOOOO! CYLFASH!"
[18:22] Eric: Kincaid ducks and boosts towards the Advent
[18:23] Aero: Ichitaka is quite amazed by the attack.
[18:23] Nerdorama09: [Masaki] Cyflash, as usual, fries enemies most effectively, taking out some Marasais, an Advent, and some of the Cosmolions, as well as damaging a few others. Of course, it uses up a lot of Cybuster's energy too, and now both sides have an immediate threat, as evidenced by a couple of grenades flying at Cybuster from another Advent's shoulder launcher (Masaki react)
[18:24] Zappa: Effective as it is, Gainer finds it totally cheap. Damn area attack weapons... SO CHEAP! D-Tier forever.
[18:24] Aero: #
[18:24] Nerdorama09: (Ichitaka support)
[18:25] Final: Kuro: Masaki, we have--
[18:25] Aero: "Not this time Adventus LIGHT BLAZER." The Rushbird fires out a huge beam from it's right arm at the grenades to destroy them before they reached the Cybuster then sweeped the beam across towards the Advent.+
[18:26] Final: Masaki pants, vision blurring. This was not good. But even so, Cybuster glows again. "Gotta..keep...fighting...Cyfla--" But that glow dies down, and Cybuster moves away from the Rushbird. +
[18:27] Nerdorama09: [Ichitaka] Having apparently had Adventus's douchebag uses of grenades well-demonstrated to him, Ichitaka successfully vaporizes the projectiles before they get too close.
[18:28] Nerdorama09: [Kincaid] Tackling the Advent he's fighting, Kincaid gets part of the X1's V-fin shot off by a point-blank beam gun shot, but otherwise successfully dismembers the Advent.
[18:28] Nerdorama09: (Gainer, Julia)
[18:28] Zappa: (Enemy count!)
[18:29] Nerdorama09: (Enemies (Red): Advent x17 (3 damaged), Marasai x14 (2 damaged), Gaplant x5 (1 damaged), Alexandria-class battleship x3)
[18:29] Nerdorama09: (Enemies (Yellow): Cosmolion x12, Guarlion x8, Albatross-class battleship x3)
[18:30] Zappa: *intent on finishing what he started, Gainer continues with the Gaplants, starting with the damaged one. Burstin into Overskill Speed, Gainer aims his chainsword for the remaining arms &
[18:30] Eric: Kincaid sheds a silent tear for his V-fin
[18:31] Steam: * Knowing that there's two more Gaplants still harrassing the Chalice, Julia decides to try to deal with the one she's currently locking blades with first, and when she gets the chance to swing her knee up to smash the machine's midsection in!-
[18:32] Nerdorama09: [Gainer] Gainer removes an armgunwing thing once more! This one's wingmen come back around and begin attacking him, though. (React and continue)
[18:33] Nerdorama09: [Julia] Low blow. The Gaplant is knocked back, however! (continue)
[18:33] Steam: * And another kick to send that Gaplant hurtling down into the gravity well, right before she hurtles back to the others. "You should have shot me when you had the chance!" she snaps before firing a railgun shot at both of them!+
[18:34] *** Specs has joined the chat.
[18:34] Final: Shiro: Masaki, we can't keep doing this! One more Cyflash, and we're done! And I can't swim, meow!
[18:35] Nerdorama09: [Julia] The Gaplant is knocked down and into the atmosphere and one of the others is picked off as it attempts to blast laser turrets off the outside of the Chalice. The other jukes and dodges, though, and fires back with both barrels of its own (Julia react)
[18:35] Zappa: *Still in mad OverSkill speed, King Gainer shoots upward, then angles back downward, intending to be wait out of firing angle before coming back and dis-winging another Gaplant&
[18:36] Nerdorama09: [Gainer] Gaplants are fast as hell, but they're not physics-breakingly fast. The enemy pilots yell in frustration as Gainer disables another one (continue)
[18:37] Steam: * "Dan, shoot him now!" Focusing just on evasion now, Julia has the Corona pull back and swerve around the Gaplant's shots!+
[18:38] Nerdorama09: Dan: "Oh, right!"
[18:38] Nerdorama09: The Gaplant gets taken out easily by concentrated CIWS fire to its back. Whoops.
[18:39] Zappa: *King Gainer comes out of OverSkill and puts the recently disarmed Gaplant between himself and the 3rd in the trio, taking shots at him with the gun end of his sword.+
[18:40] Nerdorama09: [Gainer] The charging Gaplant gets winged by the gunfire and pulls up, unwilling to shoot at his wingman's mobile suit as he's quietly ditching it and running away.
[18:41] Nerdorama09: The Marasais and Cosmolions fight some more, now largely scattering and taking cover amid debris. Two of the Guarlions, meanwhile, charge forward and attack Rushbird, seeing that it is significantly slower than their previous target. Railgun shots incoming, Ichitaka (react Ichitaka)
[18:42] Nerdorama09: An Advent toting a beam sniper rifle also takes a potshot at Crossbone X1 from a ways away behind cover of debris. Kincaid only even notices it because Newtype (Kincaid react)
[18:42] Nerdorama09: Werter, Ichitaka
[18:42] Nerdorama09: *( )
[18:42] Tengu: (any enemies still attacking WC?)
[18:42] Nerdorama09: (Not at the moment)
[18:46] Tengu: *Werter propels himself towards several Marasai, but tries not to stay too far away from the White Chalice. "I hope you like seafood, if you know what I mean." Prometheus spreads his arms and a bunch of long energy tentacles emerges from its back, grabbing the limbs of the Mobile Suits and trying to pull them off! +
[18:47] Nerdorama09: [Werter] The mooks don't know how to react to this, and several get taken out. The nearby Advents, however, do seem to have a plan, as Werter's got incoming mystery projectiles (react Werter)
[18:48] Tengu: *Luckily, Prometheus has free hands, so Werter can protect himself from the incoming projectiles by spreading his defensive force field. +
[18:49] Aero: *The Rushbird raises it's right arm again covering it in the energy of the Lightning Fist this time punching at the railgun shots while firing the Light Blazer at the same time, his plan was to destroy the railgun shots before they got to him. +
[18:49] Nerdorama09: [Werter] The grenades detonate against the forcefield and don't penetrate it. Rather, they somehow absorb the plasma as they "detonate" and channel it outward, causing a seriously increased drain on Prometheus's power reserves (tl;dr EN Drain)
[18:50] Tengu: The remaining tentacles and the force field fizzle and disappear!
[18:50] Tengu: Werter: "Well, poop."
[18:50] Steam: Julia: "W-Werter, are you okay?!?"
[18:50] Nerdorama09: [Ichitaka] Rushbird's beamspam knocks some of the railgun shots and one of the Guarlions out of the sky, but several shots still impact the Rushbird, causing light damage.
[18:50] Tengu: Werter: "Don't worry, I still have my drill. It lacks finesse, though."
[18:50] Nerdorama09: (Want to take a turn or just make that beamspam it?)
[18:51] Aero: (I'm fine with that.)
[18:51] Nerdorama09: (Alexei, Hana)
[18:53] Fenrir: Alexei immediately makes a beeline for the Albatross-class battleships of the DC, opening his relation missile pods and firing them in sync with the missles on his back, a dense barrage headed towards the ship as he draws near. & ((Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FrLz432x_Kc) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FrLz432x_Kc)
[18:54] *** Alwalid has joined the chat.
[18:54] Nerdorama09: [Alexei] The Albatross battleship turns to open up with its guns against the incoming missiles, but most slam into it anyway and blast a huge hole in the hull! Alexei still needs to worry about the beams in that attempted intercept, though (react)
[18:56] Fenrir: Alexei flares open his Overd Boost yet again under the cover of his own missiles, going at a blinding speed to get as close to the ship's deck as possible. "Tell your superiors to shove it..." And launches a close proximity Assault Armor burst.+
[18:56] Knux: *"Mouuu! I've had enough!" Hana cried out. She hate being helpless, but she wasn't going to stand down. Someone else was in trouble! Her unit, small as it was, dived at the Advents that weakened Werter. "TAKE THIS! PREDESU GREAT EXPLOSION!" With that, pink energy gathered around her before expanding outward in a massive burst.&
[18:57] Nerdorama09: [Alexei] Though some of Wahrheit's armor gets burnt off by the barrage, Alexei's charge smashe's the Albatross's bridge in return, taking it out of the fight
[18:58] Fenrir: Alexei: "Damages minimal..."
[18:58] Nerdorama09: [Hana] The Advents, for all their attempts to prepare, are sure as hell not ready for that and are kncoked away by the burst (continue)
[18:58] Eric: Kincaid: "How much longer do we need to hold these guys off?"
[18:59] Steam: Julia: "Until we get an opening to fall back!"
[19:00] Aero: Ichitaka: "When is that exactly."
[19:00] Tengu: Werter: "Can't take longer than last time when we fought the Federation. I hope."
[19:01] Eric: Kincaid: "Let's shoot for less than that time"
[19:01] Knux: Hana: *"Too many... one at a time, then!" Summoning the Tsubomi TACT, she raised it high, energy gathering. "Flowers, gather! PINK FORTE WAAAAAVE!" Aiming at one of the Advents, she let loose another burst of energy (resembling a FLOWER) at it, intending on taking it down+
[19:02] Nerdorama09: [Hana] The Advent is wiped out in possibly the most embarassing way to befall one of these guys yet.
[19:02] Nerdorama09: The enemies are thinning out, but more reinforcements could be en route...
[19:02] Nerdorama09: It's tough to say how much longer this battle might go on...
[19:02] Nerdorama09: Suddenly!
[19:03] Nerdorama09: Over on the Adventus side of the battlefield, a huge black mech wielding a sword appears, coming in fast.
[19:03] Nerdorama09: It raises its weapon and...
[19:03] Nerdorama09: ????: "Gravitron Cannon"
[19:03] Nerdorama09: A sphere of black gravitational energy expands to reach out and crush inward all three Adventus/Titans battleships.
[19:03] Nerdorama09: (Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wIkJ7FL4JkU
) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wIkJ7FL4JkU
[19:03] Eric: Kincaid: "Well that makes things...simpler"
[19:03] Fenrir: Alexei: "What... the hell was that?!"
[19:03] Final: Masaki's eyes widen. "SHU!"
[19:03] Aero: Ichitaka: "Lots of gravity.."
[19:03] Knux: Hana: ...took the words out of my mouth!"
[19:04] Steam: Julia: "That kind of power..."
[19:04] Nerdorama09: Shu: "Ah, it's the White Chalice. I see you really were the guests of honor here."
[19:04] Final: Kuro: If Shu is here...Masaki, let's fall back. We can't--
[19:04] Aero: Ichitaka: "Shu Shirakawa?"
[19:04] Fenrir: Alexei: "Shu..."
[19:05] Final: Masaki: "SHU! So you come out at last!"
[19:05] Steam: Julia: "Well... there he is then..."
[19:05] Knux: Hana: "Guest of honor...? What do you mean?"
[19:05] Nerdorama09: Upon closer inspection, the black machine actually looks somewhat damaged. The arm not holding a huge sword is missing a good deal of armor and sparking, and there's blast marks all over the machine.
[19:05] Final: Masaki: "You have no idea how long I have waited for this day!"
[19:05] Nerdorama09: Shu: "I'm not sure what you did to make that strange woman angry, but she fought furiously."
[19:06] Nerdorama09: Shu: "Hm? Oh, it's you Masaki."
[19:06] Tengu: Werter: "Strange woman? You have to be more specific, I'm afraid. We met many."
[19:06] Final: Masaki: "I'm stronger than the last time we fought! Let's settle this, here and now!"
[19:06] Aero: Ichitaka: "The better question is what are you doing here."
[19:07] Tengu: Werter: "Coming to our help, I hope."
[19:07] Nerdorama09: Shu: "Normally, I would decline, but I see the opportunity to eliminate two birds with one stone, so to speak."
[19:07] Aero: Ichitaka gulps at that.
[19:07] Knux: Hana: "...that's not a good sign..."
[19:07] Zappa: Gainer: "So... he helped us to he could take us out himself... Typical..."
[19:07] Nerdorama09: Shu: "Men, you can fall back. Adventus isn't going to be any more trouble today, and I'll deal with these people personally."
[19:08] Aero: Ichitaka: "He's confident..."
[19:08] Steam: Julia scowled: "And with a machine that's taken damage already too..."
[19:08] Final: Masaki: "He's always like that, but today, that's going to change!"
[19:08] Tengu: Werter: "A fruitless hope... Why am I not surprised?"
[19:08] Nerdorama09: Indeed, the Advents are scattering now that their support ships have been crushed. The DC follows the same orders to retreat in good order to their remaining Albatrosses.
[19:08] Aero: Ichitaka: "Do you think he was fighting that last Adventus General?"
[19:08] Aero: Ichitaka: "The one from their press conference."
[19:08] Tengu: Werter: "I'd say he's overconfident, but everyone saw what he just did."
[19:08] Eric: Kincaid: "Taking us all on with one damaged mech?"
[19:08] Nerdorama09: Shu: "Well then, let's get started."
[19:09] Zappa: Gainer: "Which means... that he's probably worse than that lady might have been..."
[19:09] Eric: "I'd hate to see what it can do when it's undamaged"
[19:09] Nerdorama09: Granzon takes a fighting stance on top of what was once a battleship.
[19:09] Nerdorama09: (Enemies: Granzon (Shu))
[19:09] Fenrir: Alexei winces... this isn't good... not one bit.
[19:09] Nerdorama09: (Masaki, Kincaid)
[19:09] Final: Masaki: "Shu, you'll pay for what you have done! Do you hear me!?"
[19:10] Eric: Kincaid flanked around Granzon, then kicked at it as soon as it looked like Masaki was making his first move, revealing the dagger hidden in his gundam's foot that was flung out like a throwing knife.+
[19:10] Eric: *
[19:11] Final: Cybuster rushes forward, sword glowing a malevolent pinkish color. Such power was dreadful, but he had to use it now! "YOU WILL PAY!" Cybuster is nothing more than a blur. Coming every single way, he continues a barrage of slashes aimed at the Granzon. &
[19:12] Nerdorama09: [Masaki] The Granzon deploys its gravitational barrier and raises the Gran Sword to block and deflect Masaki's attacks. He's having to move very fast, though... (continue)
[19:13] Final: Masaki: "Take this! Zephyr Rave!" And just like that, Shu may notice the glyph surrounding him, glowing around his Granzon, shining brightly before giving off a rather large explosion! +
[19:15] Nerdorama09: [Masaki] The Granzon is visibly shaken, though its barrier did absorb most of that. Kincaid's knife, bizarrely, makes it through to the damaged arm, setting off sparks.
[19:15] Nerdorama09: Shu: "Hm...are you really giving this your all, Masaki?"
[19:15] Final: Kuro: Masaki, we can't keep this up!
[19:16] Final: Masaki: "Funny, I was about to say the same thing!"
[19:16] Final: Shiro: But he is kinda beating us alre--
[19:16] Final: Masaki: "Shut up!"
[19:16] Nerdorama09: Granzon raises its sword arm and fires off several shots from an embedded cannon, which disappear into the ether...only to reappear coming at Cybuster from impossible angles (Masaki react)
[19:17] Nerdorama09: (Gainer, Julia)
[19:17] Steam: Julia: "So the barrier has trouble with physical weapons!"
[19:17] Steam: * Without much to go on, other than that and the Granzon was horrifyingly powerful, Julia quickly began to flank around to the side of the Granzon mission an arm as it readied its HFM blade. "If I can get it this inside of it..." And with that she charged, stabbing with the blade!+
[19:18] Final: The only thing Masaki can do is use the remaining speed he had left from his attack to dodge as best as he could do. This wasn't the first time he had to deal with the attack. Though this was a first when his prana was low...+
[19:19] Zappa: Gainer: "Phsyical weapons huh? Well... sounds as goo ad any idea.
[19:20] Nerdorama09: [Julia] You charge directly at the Granzon, and it stands there, not dodging. Indeed, it takes the attack on its damaged arm, force blunted somewhat by its barrier. And then it whirls and brings the Gran Sword at the Corona with speed born of breaking Einsteinian physics in half (Julia react)
[19:20] Nerdorama09: [Masaki] The wormhole attack brackets Cybuster, heavily damaging a wing and a leg, but Cybuster avoids the worst of it
[19:20] Steam: * Julia's eyes go wide at the size of that blade... and all she can try to do is pull her own sword back and try to divert the attack!+
[19:21] Final: Masaki growls and grunts in pain. "Still in this..."
[19:21] Zappa: *Gainer tries to use up what OverSkill might have recharged by now, and abuses it to get around behind the Granzon after it's attack on Julia. How long can he stay in this blond spot while ...w-wait... cold wind in space? YEAH! Thrusting it's chainsword... "OVERFREEZE!" +
[19:22] Nerdorama09: [Julia] Unfortunately, when it comes to melee weapons, size does matter, and the Gran Sword might not be the biggest one the DC's ever made, but it's up there. The sheer weight of the weapon knows the HFM blade lose and smashes into the top of the Corona, dealing critical damage to...well, everything.
[19:23] Steam: As systems go haywire in the Corona, Julia just cries out, trying to get the machine to pull away in time!
[19:23] Steam: "N-no... not here!"
[19:23] Tengu: Werter: "Gah, Julia!"
[19:23] Eric: Kincaid: "Shit, Julia!"
[19:23] Steam: They were still too close to the Earth's gravity well... if she fell here then she'd die! Just like that guy that she-
[19:23] Steam: ... Well fuck, karma was a bitch, wasn't it?
[19:24] Nerdorama09: [Gainer] the Granzon actually does sidestep, but the attack still impacts his shield, surrounding it with a shell of ice.
[19:24] Nerdorama09: Granzon then proceeds to shatter it, but...
[19:24] Nerdorama09: Shu: "You're getting serious. No more warp field. What SHALL I do?"
[19:25] Final: Masaki: "I have a good idea: DIE!"
[19:25] Zappa: Gainer won't verbally express his shock that he could do that in space.
[19:25] *** vertigojockey@gmail.com has joined the chat.
[19:25] Nerdorama09: The machine charges up, opening a cannon on its torso. "As long as I'm not worrying about powering that...Black Hole Cluster." He then shoots a black hole at Gainer (react, for God's sake)
[19:25] Nerdorama09: (Werter, Ichitaka)
[19:25] Tengu: * Werter spins around and kicks several large pieces of space rubble towards the Granzon, disappearing behind them. When they're close and float around the huge robot, Prometheus suddenly leaps out from behind the medium-sized one, drill lance in hand, and strikes at Granzon with the quickly spinning and vibrating weapon! His target - that yellow thing in Granzon's chest that just begs 'hit here for massive damage'.+
[19:26] Aero: *Taking no time to hesiate Ichitaka rushes at the Granzon with the Lightning Fist up. "You really should not leave yourself exposed like that." Slamming the fist down at the blue machine at max power trying to provoke a reaction.&
[19:26] Zappa: *Gainer panics and strafes away, putting as much OverSkill speed into his fleeing as he can, anything he can muster to not be crushed into oblivioun
[19:27] Nerdorama09: [Gainer] King Gainer loses the lower part of a leg to the tidal warping of a near miss from that kind of weapon, but escapes complete crushing
[19:28] Nerdorama09: Shu turns to face Werter with little surprise despite his cover. Stepping back on the corpse of the battleship, he brings up the Gran Sword as a shield to block the drill away from his black hole gun. His arm occupied, however, Granzon takes the Lightning fist to its face (Ichitaka continue)
[19:28] *** Nicky has left the chat.
[19:29] Nerdorama09: (Alexei, Hana)
[19:29] Fenrir: The Wahrheit slowly approaches the Granzon... that's right, slowly. "Shu... I've heard about you from our talks with the DC. Our deals. What the hell happened? Can you afford me that?" Alexei opens up every single missile pod on the Wahrheit. He was going to make Macross look lacking...+
[19:29] Tengu: Werter kicks off the sword, towards the heavily damaged Corona!
[19:30] Knux: *Hana: "We're okay to keep fighting, right, CHYPrE?" CHYPrE: "I think we can overpower him-desu! Follow their lead and get in close!" Hana: "Right!" Racing in like a pink coment, the Desu Tsubomi's hands glow pink as it gets to its torso. "DOUBLE! TSUBOMI! IMPACT!" Thrusting her fists forward, she lets the energy gathered around them to be unleashed, firing a devastating burst of energy at it.+
[19:30] Steam: Considering Julia's still futiley trying to make the wrecked Prominence Armor move, she really appreciates that!
[19:30] Nerdorama09: Shu: "I have my own reasons. If it makes you feel better, Dr. Zoldark will probably be mildly upset at me for killing a contractee."
[19:30] Steam: "C-come on! We just got you a new sword!"
[19:30] Steam: "And... and you're the only mech I can use!"
[19:30] Zappa: Gainer signs in heavy relief...
[19:31] Fenrir: Alexei: "I'll be sure to send him your death certificate..." And unloads. Salvo after salvo after salvo until there is nothing left, and all of his weapons purge, leaving two beam daggers left on the Wahrheit's arms.
[19:31] Steam: Unfortunately, Julia's canon is not one where willpower magically undoes damage done to a machine, and the Corona is as responsiveless as ever.
[19:31] Eric: Kincaid rescues Julia before she falls into the gravity well
[19:31] Eric: on his turn if needed
[19:33] Aero: *With that Werter away from them Ichitaka is going to go all out and show the actual progress of all the training with the Dimension Storm. "Sorry about this Doctor, I really respected you but I won't let you get away with this." Raising one arm he began to open up dozens of Dimensional Tears all directed towards him and the Granzon. "DIMENSION STORM V2." Each of the tears then let out huge pillars of energy which now blasted towards the two machines Ichitaka raising the Laplace Wall at the last moment.+
[19:33] Fenrir: +
[19:35] Nerdorama09: The overwhelming force of energy punches, missiles, shots, beams, and cannons converge on the Granzon in an all-out destructive explosion, completely enveloping the machine!
[19:36] Nerdorama09: When it's done, and the scarcely explicable space smoke clear, Granzon emerges looking...slightly more scuffed then it did at the beginning of the fight.
[19:36] Nerdorama09: Shu: "Well, this has been fun, but I think it's time to end this now. Thank you all for getting so close."
[19:36] Nerdorama09: The Granzon begins charging up another Graviton Cannon attack.
[19:36] Knux: Hana: "What...?!"
[19:36] Steam: Julia grits her teeth.
[19:36] Nerdorama09: Shu: "Masaki...give my regards to Zeoroot."
[19:36] Fenrir: Alexei: "...Run!"
[19:36] Steam: "Mr. Nau, get out of here!"
[19:36] Steam: "You can't save both me and yourself!"
[19:37] Knux: CHYPrE: "Hana, get out of there-desu!"
[19:37] Eric: Kincaid: "Don't underestimate X-1's thrust!"
[19:37] Nerdorama09: Shortly before he can finish charging, however, more DC battleships appear, including a red Albatross prominently bearing the DC's crest.
[19:37] Final: Masaki's anger trigger is, well, triggered. "THAT'S IT! Everyone, get out of my way, now!"
[19:37] Fenrir: Alexei: "Oh what now?!"
[19:37] Nerdorama09: ????: "That's enough, Shu."
[19:38] Nerdorama09: Shu: "...Dr. Zoldark."
[19:38] Knux: Hana: "...wha...?"
[19:38] Nerdorama09: Bian Zoldark:
[19:38] Nerdorama09: "We're going to do this the hard way, sorry."
[19:38] Aero: Ichitaka: "Bian Zoldark..."
[19:38] Eric: The X-1 drags Julia's mech out of the line of fire and towards the white chalice
[19:38] Fenrir: Alexei: "B- Bian Zoldark.."
[19:38] Nerdorama09: Bian Zoldark: "If everyone would stand down their weapons for a moment, I want to talk to the people of the White Chalice about a deal."
[19:38] Final: Masaki: "So you're Bian Zoldark...We finally meet."
[19:39] Nerdorama09: Bian: "Unless you would like for my enthusiastic friend here to keep fighting...?"
[19:39] Fenrir: Alexei: "...we're listening..."
[19:39] Knux: Hana: "...if we're not going to get hurt... I say I'm willing to listen."
[19:39] Tengu: Werter: "Don't worry, my hands are too frozen to reach for the weapon controls right now."
[19:39] Aero: Rushbird was now fully charged but he knew better. This was a man his Grandpa respected.
[19:39] Fenrir: Alexei sounds INCREDIBLY nervous
[19:39] Final: Masaki growls.
[19:40] Nerdorama09: Bian: "Right. Let's talk somewhere more pleasant. I'll need to speak to your captain and your ship's AI as well."
[19:40] Nerdorama09: Shu: "Well, it's been decided for us. I guess we'll settle this another day, Masaki."
[19:40] Fenrir: Alexei flies up to the red Albatross... and starts flying next to it. "Allow me to escort you, Dr. Zoldark..."
[19:41] Zappa: Gainer: "Wait a minute! You're just going ot let it go? How do we know this isn't a trap!?
[19:41] Nerdorama09: Bian: "Thank you. And my apologies for any confusion...I'll explain shortly."
[19:41] Nerdorama09: The Granzon leaves to head towards the DC flagship, and the DC fleet moves to, peacefully, rendezvous with the Chalice.
[19:41] Nerdorama09: MISSION COMPLETE
[19:41] Fenrir: Alexei: "I'm sure myself and the League would appreciate that."
[19:41] Final: Masaki growls again before holding his head. "I will get my revenge, Shu! DO YOU HEAR ME!?
[19:42] Aero: Ichitaka: "Gainer that's Bian Zoldark, he won't do something like that....I know it."
[19:42] Eric: Kincaid clenches his fists in his cockpit. He doesn't like this one bit
[19:42] *** Eric has left the chat.
[19:42] Knux: Hana: "...at least we're okay..."
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