MISSION 51: Flucht Aus Der Dunkelheit

Jan 18, 2012 22:26

NightlitEquinox (5:42:52 PM): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hr3yRv6bO-w
NightlitEquinox (5:46:41 PM): Okay, you are all in space.
Overman Zappa (5:46:54 PM): Mark makes a Final Frontier joke to himself
macprysm (5:48:22 PM): PRIME is bouncing around in the low-G environment of the hangar, literally: Flipping off walls and the side of his NEXT.
HyprKnux 1 (5:49:22 PM): Kou, for the moment, is looking around at the other units. He's still in his "I killed Gato :D" mood
macprysm (5:49:31 PM): PRIME: Zero-G environments give you so much more mobility...I wonder if this is what piloting a flying unit like Wahrheit is like...
NightlitEquinox (5:50:17 PM): The White Chalice is headed towards a colony whose outside was severly damaged by the Second Impact. The insides were secured, and it is livable, but it's not entirely stable and the people, fearing for their lives, left anyway. This made it an ideal location for the the Illuminati to set up a base camp.
cubey@aol.pl (5:50:26 PM): Alessandra is pondering the nature of the universe, humankind, and how exactly Overskills work. She also drinks tea. In her own cockpit.
cubey@aol.pl (5:50:40 PM): So Memento Mori replicates her moves, only without a giant teacup.
Overman Zappa (5:51:53 PM): Mark is deliberating which of his assortment of new toys he wants to take along. Sure, twin gattling, and the mini-VSBRs. Of course, beam saber and rifle are the standard!
howmuchineedyou (5:52:18 PM): Haman can feel a strange tension in the air, and was hanging around the hanger most of the day. She is now sitting on top of the Quebley's head looking a bit concerned and quiet
NightlitEquinox (5:52:24 PM): This is why the Lightning Squad is being detached there, and since we can get some supplies out of this and it's on the way, the White Chalice is has agreed to go to the colony and help with securing the area.
NightlitEquinox (5:56:32 PM): The colony itself is rather... empty seeming. There is something strange though. There is a hole in the side of the colony and atmosphere is slowly escaping. There are also anomolous readings from someplace nearby.
NightlitEquinox (5:57:34 PM): Dan "Uh... I'll send a repair crew to fix the hole in the wall. Mark? I'll leave the rest of this in your uh... capable hands."
cubey@aol.pl (5:57:59 PM): Alessandra: "Laws of physics are a harsh mistress indeed..."
howmuchineedyou (5:59:27 PM): Haman: "Those people..." is all she mutters at the news.
Overman Zappa (5:59:27 PM): Mark: "Sure thing buddy. G-Saviour is ready for the launch!" Heavily armed at that!
NightlitEquinox (6:00:26 PM): Dan "Uh... launch whenever. This is your show, we're just along for the ride... or maybe your along for the ride and it's your show... I need to stop talking to Smith."
macprysm (6:00:31 PM): PRIME: Tch! You want the best, and you'll get it. Reinheit Boxer, PRIME'd for battle.
HyprKnux 1 (6:01:39 PM): Kou: "Ensign Uraki..." give him a minute to hop into the Unit 1. "...Unit One, ready to head out." No, he doesn't realize that he's heading out completely unprepared.
Overman Zappa (6:02:00 PM): Mark rolls out, leading likea boss! Because he's totally leading Lightning Squad. "Today, you're all one-time members of the LIghtning Squad. I think I have that authroity today!"
howmuchineedyou (6:02:01 PM): Haman leaps down from the heads and into the cockpit, the tingle of the situation but her on her toes.
cubey@aol.pl (6:02:40 PM): "Please wait for me! I will not let this one-time membership go to waste!" Memento Mori launches into space manually. That is, Alessandra's unit runs off into the cold void.
HyprKnux 1 (6:03:23 PM): Kou follows suit, but something's just not right... he's not getting the right movements here.
howmuchineedyou (6:03:37 PM): Haman scoffs at Markus. "You did such a fine job on the Qubeley's pink paint, that I might just go along with your hair brained schemes... but don't count on it."
NightlitEquinox (6:04:32 PM): The anomolous reading very quickly becomes a rather distinct reading. There are the remains of a crashed shuttle. From the distribution of the remains it is very likely that this shuttle was the cause of the colony hull breach the other team is investigating.
macprysm (6:05:19 PM): PRIME grins. "Think what you want, mechanic. Today is your moment to prove your worth, so don't dissapoint."
macprysm (6:06:09 PM): (Erf, scrap that.)
NightlitEquinox (6:06:14 PM): It also very quickly becomes obvious that there is movment within the debris... a mobile suit is skirmishing with a small group of mobile suits. And the fight is rather desperate.
NightlitEquinox (6:06:48 PM): (Enemies: ??? Unknown Mobile Suit x4)
NightlitEquinox (6:06:53 PM): (Luger)
VJockey (6:08:55 PM): "ShieseShieseShieseShiese! Die damn you! DIE!!!" *Luger was too hopped up on both adrenaline and a lack of sleep. His trigger finger was wild. He barely aimed his Sniper Rifle at one of the Mobile Suits before letting a round loose with a frantic twitch at the general area of the enemy machine's generator+
NightlitEquinox (6:10:52 PM): [Luger] Unfortunately, Luger's lack of sleep and franticness combined with the fact that really... he hasn't had a smoke in WAY to long makes him aim really shoddy. A couple of them connect, with armor plating, but most of the fly off into the depths of the colony.
NightlitEquinox (6:11:32 PM): [Luger] Unfgortunately, they are well more prepared and fire a volley of machinegun shots in Luger's direction.
NightlitEquinox (6:11:35 PM): (Luger react)
VJockey (6:13:11 PM): "You won't take me! You won't!!!" *A hit to the thrusters as Luger makes a frantic bid to escape. Unfortunately there was a very high chance he would slam into something with his current mess of a state+
cubey@aol.pl (6:13:51 PM): Alessandra: "Ah, what is this tumultous happening right now? My very own eyes witness an unfair fight."
NightlitEquinox (6:13:59 PM): You all are watching this happen, upon closer inspection the four mobile suits which are attacking the lone Leo are two GMs and two Zaku's.
Overman Zappa (6:15:04 PM): Mark: Well, for us, that doesn't look like much of a fight to balance out. We might even manage it from back here. Hey big guy, you've got missiles, right?
NightlitEquinox (6:15:28 PM): (Initiative: Mark, Kou, PRIME, Alessandra,, Haman, Luger)
NightlitEquinox (6:15:38 PM): (Mark and Kou)
macprysm (6:16:38 PM): PRIME scoffs at this. "Trash, fighting amongst themselves...should we really even get involved in this?"
HyprKnux 1 (6:16:39 PM): *Kou: "GMs and Zakus? Not too bad...!" He takes aim with the beam rifle and aims at one of the GMs, intending on blasting off its head.+
Overman Zappa (6:16:51 PM): *Mark gradually drifts forward. "Alright time to test the reange on these babies. Firing with the VSBR!" Mark grips the beam canon at his side and aims it for the backs of the Zaku's+
NightlitEquinox (6:17:10 PM): For the record, there doesn't seem to be much else to do around here.
NightlitEquinox (6:19:41 PM): [Mark] The Zaku's... dodge out of the way as if being controlled by a fairly good pilot. They then turn and charge, one of them draws a heat hawk while the other one draws a machine gun. The one with the machine gun fires to try and box the G-Savior in while the heat hawk comes in for the kill.
NightlitEquinox (6:19:45 PM): (Mark react)
macprysm (6:21:08 PM): # Mark
NightlitEquinox (6:21:12 PM): [Kou] Similarly, the GM ducks underneath the beam rifle attack and turns around, drawing a beam rifle and taking a very well aimed shot at Kou's beam arm.
NightlitEquinox (6:21:17 PM): (Kou react)
NightlitEquinox (6:21:24 PM): (PRIME support)
NightlitEquinox (6:22:16 PM): (PRIME, Alessandra)
HyprKnux 1 (6:22:32 PM): *Kou: "Wha...? H-How did it...?!" Kou attempts to maneuver the GP-01, but finds himself in a bit of a pickle - it's not suited for space. It's too sluggish. He's going to be a sitting duck here!+
macprysm (6:23:24 PM): PRIME: "You handle the range, boy! This one's mine!" The Reinheit's boosted thrusters aren't for show, and he meets the heat hawking Zaku midway. He strafes around to its side, leaving an afterimage of the small, red craft, and plants a pile bunker into its thrusters. He's ready with his second one to take off the arm if it swings at him, too. +
cubey@aol.pl (6:24:57 PM): *Alessandra: "And so just like that we find ourselves in the middle of unknown conflict! How exciting!" Memento Mori reaches for both of its submachine guns, and fires a covering volley in the direction of the Zaku Mark targetted. Alessandra's unit is changing its direction and rotating wildly, so her fire is hard to predict. Does she do that on purpose or did she lose control?+
NightlitEquinox (6:25:00 PM): [Kou] You manage to barely evade the attack. It singes the GP-01's armor, and causes some of it's plating to melt a bit.
Overman Zappa (6:25:08 PM): +With PRIME's help, Mark remains focused on the one shooting at him. Putting up his beam shield with one arm, he keeps firing away, testing the VSBR on the moooky Zaku+
VJockey (6:27:12 PM): [Luger was pretty damned surprised by the actions of the newcomers. He would have fired on them with how tense he was.. but they were between him and them. He was never an optimist, but he would say that right now his chances of living just creped up a little.]
NightlitEquinox (6:28:24 PM): [Alessandra] The Zaku does indeed jump to the side, and almost evades the attacks... but her wild unpredictable attacks totally catch it offguard, in fact it doesn't seem to know how to respond to them so it just takes a lot of hits and loses it's gun.
NightlitEquinox (6:30:42 PM): [PRIME] The Zaku entirely ignores the afterimage, as if it wasn't there and turns with the Reinheit. When PRIME attempts to fire the pile bunker, it blocks the attack with it's heat hawk... then it proceeds to draw another heat hawk with it's other hand and take a swipe at Reinheit's legs.
NightlitEquinox (6:30:47 PM): (PRIME react)
cubey@aol.pl (6:31:22 PM): Alessandra: "I cannot believe that worked! Ah, I mean... stalwart protector, I wish to inquire on why did these four attack your very own personage." She tries to establish communication with Luger.
HyprKnux 1 (6:32:06 PM): Kou: "Geez... not good! Why isn't this thing moving like it should?!"
NightlitEquinox (6:33:00 PM): [Mark] What with Alessandra's help, Mark's attacks largely make their mark and the armor blasts away... Revealing OMG nasty flesh grossness inside! The mobile suit almost ignores the damage and draws a heat hawk then simply... THROWS it at the G-Savior... but FAR faster and stronger than you would ever expect from the machine.
NightlitEquinox (6:33:07 PM): (Mark react)
NightlitEquinox (6:33:46 PM): (Haman if Lorelei is here, Luger)
howmuchineedyou (6:33:53 PM): (im here)
cubey@aol.pl (6:34:09 PM): Alessandra: "What is this! Are there giants inside the machines, cleverly disguised?!"
cubey@aol.pl (6:34:22 PM): She sounds more shocked than excited, for once.
Overman Zappa (6:34:46 PM): *Mark: "Jesus, what is that!"
Overman Zappa (6:34:49 PM): (ugh
macprysm (6:34:49 PM): PRIME isn't worried at all. He's also dual wielding, after all, and he's putting out Kojima particles for an edge. He moves to block the other hawk with his other bunker, and adds pressure to his reactor output. "All right, you want a power struggle? Bring it ON!"+
HyprKnux 1 (6:35:12 PM): Kou: "...what the...?!"
howmuchineedyou (6:35:56 PM): HAman had been keeping back, but now, back in the comfort of space she let her Funnels out and fly. Half of her funnels send a barrage at the monster Zaku, while the other half, goes to assist Mark, trying to shoot the heat hawk out of the sky *(er space) +
Overman Zappa (6:36:04 PM): *Mark: "Jesus, what is that!" Mark raises the beam shield still, while leaving the VSBR to act as an additional booster. Moving heavily stage right, quickly as possible! +
VJockey (6:36:08 PM): Luger: [Luger started a little at the communication. His reply was cut off though when the Mobile Suit's innards were revealed.] "Don't get too close to them!" *He switches out his Sniper Rifle for a Machine Gun, sending a wild burst and all but emptying his magazine at the Zaku that Mark had opened up.+
NightlitEquinox (6:36:49 PM): [PRIME] There is a clash between powehouses... and unfortunately for PRIME the Zaku has incredible strength. Meeting it head on in a test of strength won't work.
macprysm (6:37:18 PM): PRIME: What...? It's not a zaku! It's power is completely different!
NightlitEquinox (6:37:44 PM): (PRIME react)
macprysm (6:38:46 PM): The Reinheit discharges both bunkers in empty space, giving it some momentum to reverse thrust and regroup.+
NightlitEquinox (6:39:01 PM): [Luger] The Zaku finally goes down... but out of it explodes a giant... thing. It's like flesh and metal fused into this amalgation of grossness. And it jumps straight towards the Leo with incredible speed.
NightlitEquinox (6:39:06 PM): (Luger react)
Overman Zappa (6:39:30 PM): # Luger
cubey@aol.pl (6:39:30 PM): #
cubey@aol.pl (6:39:36 PM): (At Luger)
NightlitEquinox (6:39:43 PM): (Alessandra support luger)
VJockey (6:39:52 PM): Luger: Nein! NEIN! It won't end like this!!
cubey@aol.pl (6:40:47 PM): *"Tomahawk..." Suddenly, a huge axe is flying through space, let off Memento Mori's hand in a powerful toss, sent to interpose between the fleshy mass and Luger's unit. "Boomerang!"+
NightlitEquinox (6:40:57 PM): [Mark and Haman] Between the funnel attacks, the shield and the VSBM, Mark manages to protect himself from the attack. But the sheer force of the throw is amazing, the G-Savior's shield is DENTED.
Overman Zappa (6:41:13 PM): (Denting a beam shield?)
NightlitEquinox (6:41:31 PM): (It DOES have a physical component right?)
Overman Zappa (6:41:39 PM): (the arm itself)
NightlitEquinox (6:41:46 PM): (Okay, then the arm is dented.)
Overman Zappa (6:41:50 PM): (o7)
NightlitEquinox (6:41:58 PM): (This WAS a heat hawk. It is physical.)
Overman Zappa (6:42:05 PM): (Yup!)
NightlitEquinox (6:43:51 PM): [Luger and Alessandra] Fortunately for Luger, the thing wasn't expecting SUDDEN TOMAHAWK and the tomahawk gets lodged in it which... causes this strange red/black gunk to explode out of it. It looks kind of like... a mix between melted coagulated blood and oil.
cubey@aol.pl (6:44:40 PM): Alessandra: "Ah, the sympathetic rule triumphs again! Although I shall never get this one axe back again, will I..."
NightlitEquinox (6:44:42 PM): (Enemies: GM x2, Zaku, Fucked up Zaku thing)
VJockey (6:45:11 PM): Luger: [Essentially looked like he had several years of his life shaved off of him.] It's not dead yet!
NightlitEquinox (6:46:55 PM): (Mark and Kou)
HyprKnux 1 (6:48:27 PM): Kou: "Whatever the hell they are, they have to be soon!" *The arm damaged but functioning, Kou takes aim once more, firing at the monsterous thing that used to be a Zaku+
Overman Zappa (6:48:46 PM): *"Well, that worked out. Let's try the BIG GUNS then!" in space, it's easy to cary heavy weapons on your back! So, taking hold of the twin-gattling (Heavy Arms EW style [it's in the app]), Mark unloads a spray of rapid fire over the "Fucked up Zaku thing"+
Overman Zappa (6:52:03 PM): Mark: Hey buddy... you wanna take a second and tell us what these things are?
VJockey (6:53:32 PM): Luger: Dumkompf! I'm just Colony Militia! What do I look like?! A Scientist!?! [Yeah. He needs a smoke. BADLY.]
NightlitEquinox (6:54:18 PM): [Kou and Mark] Mark and Kou both take aim and fire. The attack blasts into it and keeps it down, causing an explosion of more gore. Following that the GMs, which had regrouped since they were ignored, each fly at the G-Savior and the GP-01. Each of them is wielding a beam saber in one hand and a beam rifle in the other. They fire a volley of shots with the beam rifles as they approach.
NightlitEquinox (6:54:25 PM): (Kou and Mark react)
NightlitEquinox (6:54:30 PM): (Alessandra and PRIME)
Overman Zappa (6:54:31 PM): Mark: From this far, you look like our biggest source of information. You WERE here first after all. Miss Alessandra, any clues then?"
cubey@aol.pl (6:55:08 PM): Alessandra: "As a woman of science I suggest we destroy these horrible abominations utterly first and worry about the implications second!"
Overman Zappa (6:55:31 PM): *Mark, for what it's still worth, puts up his dented arm with it's beam shield, covering his fire with rounds and rounds of gattling fire. To the best ofh is ability, he's just trying to block the shots, not quite dodge with that heavy gun in his hands.+
HyprKnux 1 (6:55:39 PM): Kou: *Holstering the beam rifle, Kou raises his shield and goes for his beam saber, intending on countering the beam saber attack as the shield deflects what it can+
macprysm (6:55:49 PM): PRIME: No argument here...them things are ugly. An' hostile. They don't want to live, clearly.
Overman Zappa (6:55:54 PM): Mark: "You heard the Science Officer, Lightning Squad! Do what this lady says!"
cubey@aol.pl (6:56:53 PM): (Is the fleshy mass dead yet?)
NightlitEquinox (6:57:11 PM): (You can't exactly tell... but it doesn't look very alive.)
NightlitEquinox (6:57:27 PM): (It's still kind of moving though, so you can't be sure.)
howmuchineedyou (6:57:27 PM): Haman: "Even I have to agree, That THING just be destroyed."
NightlitEquinox (6:57:45 PM): [Mark] Mark finds himself able to block the GM's beam rifle attacks, but it's appraoch is fast and it suddenly swings upside down in the weightlessness and takes a swipe at the G-Saviors flanks. It then uses... OH NO! Mark's greatest weakness! VULCANS!
NightlitEquinox (6:57:50 PM): (Mark react)
Overman Zappa (6:58:26 PM): *Mark throws the twin-gattling in self defence. And the momentum will make him spin. That is all+
cubey@aol.pl (6:59:24 PM): *Memento Mori's booster is moving wildly at double time to maneuver Alessandra around the enemy GM. When she's flanking the mobile suit deep enough, it's time for an attack - Memento Mori charges forward, slicing its blade downwards at the hostile arm!+
cubey@aol.pl (7:00:02 PM): "I require a part of your body! For scientific progress, of course!" A strange warcry, especially one that comes AFTER the attack.
NightlitEquinox (7:01:46 PM): [Kou] Kou's plan works a bit better than Mark's. The GM does almost the same, but Kou is using less massive weaponry and also was following the beam saber's movements more readily, so he manages to adjust to the spin and block the beam saber.
NightlitEquinox (7:02:20 PM): In fact...the GM is now open to any weaponry Kou might have which does not require him to use his arms.
NightlitEquinox (7:02:24 PM): (Kou react)
NightlitEquinox (7:03:19 PM): (Is Alessandra attacking Mark or Kou's GM?)
cubey@aol.pl (7:03:32 PM): Kou's
NightlitEquinox (7:04:06 PM): (Haman and Luger))
HyprKnux 1 (7:04:23 PM): Kou: "...better than I planned..." *With both of their arms in use, Kou goes for the next best thing - head vulcans. Tiny and pathetic, he might be able to blind whatever's hiding under it nonetheless!+
howmuchineedyou (7:05:14 PM): (enemy count?)
NightlitEquinox (7:05:43 PM): [Kou and Alessandra] The unintentional combo attack works. It's sensors out of the way the GM is totally unable to defend itself against the attack it's arm comes off... and an explosion of the same much comes out of the arm.
NightlitEquinox (7:05:49 PM): (Alessandra and Kou react)
NightlitEquinox (7:07:02 PM): (Enemies: GM, Damaged bleeding GM, Zaku, Maybe previous thing)
HyprKnux 1 (7:07:18 PM): Kou: "Crap!" *Kou attempts to kick off, trying his best to get distance away from the machine as its arm explodes.+
cubey@aol.pl (7:08:50 PM): *"Aha! Just as predicted. However, it is time for me to disengage now!" The thruster reverses and Memento Mori tries to backpedal away from the fleshy... thing. It cannot chase both units at once, right?+
howmuchineedyou (7:09:04 PM): Haman smiles quietly and redirects her funnels to sweep from one side of the battle to the other, carefully aiming for anything that looks hostiles midsection.. Tryin to take out as many of the reminaing grunts in one pass.+
NightlitEquinox (7:09:59 PM): [Alessandra and Kou] Neither of you are really followed, and you manage to avoid the gunk as well. The thing seems unsure who to follow.
macprysm (7:11:10 PM): PRIME notes this. "These things aren't too bright, are they?"
VJockey (7:11:18 PM): Luger: *Was probably going to give the thing a third choice now. Taking aim at the Bleeding GM, his breath and heartbeat hitching up several times as he reloaded and let loose another mag emptying spray of gunfire. He reaches for another... only to realise that he had just spent his last one+ "SHIESE!"
NightlitEquinox (7:13:33 PM): [Haman and Mark] Haman's newtype powers combined with her funnels manage to do their job, and while the Zaku manages to avoid it mostly, the GMs don't fare as well. The one that was missing an arm is caught in it's moment of indecision and it is shot apart leaving a monstrocity in it! The one that got a gatling gun to the face fares better and manages to lose it's armor and explode into a giant
NightlitEquinox (7:14:05 PM): monstrocity that is not full of holes and generally able.
NightlitEquinox (7:14:42 PM): [Luger] The monstrocity which was missing and arm gets poked full of holes and starts to... melt? It looks gross whatever it's doing.
Overman Zappa (7:15:27 PM): Mark: Let the record show that gun is NOT space friendly! Crap... Philippe is not going to be happy I lost that..."
NightlitEquinox (7:15:47 PM): That's when a group of mobile suits fly into the area. "You wouldn't happen to be the Lightning Squad would you?" One of them asks.
macprysm (7:15:57 PM): PRIME: Idiot, use your thrusters to compensate for recoil...
Overman Zappa (7:16:07 PM): Mark: "That'd be us... for now anyway!"
NightlitEquinox (7:17:34 PM): The others fire at the remaining monstrocities with beam weaponry. "Roger that." The group of not Zaku (Bugu's) lands.
Overman Zappa (7:18:20 PM): Mark: (Private ally-only line, sorry Luger): Those are Bugus... I suspect they'll turn on us at any given moment... Keep your eyes peeled"
cubey@aol.pl (7:18:24 PM): Alessandra: "Could the heroic cavalry be arriving to support the first wave of heroic cavalry, that would be us?"
Overman Zappa (7:19:06 PM): Mark: "They're not with with Illuminati. I'm... actually not sure who they're with..."
HyprKnux 1 (7:19:11 PM): Kou: "...gotach."
macprysm (7:19:42 PM): PRIME: First rule of combat...suspect everyone.
NightlitEquinox (7:20:14 PM): He then proceeds to organize them to fire on the remaining monsters. Which die in short order.
NightlitEquinox (7:20:29 PM): Or at least... stop moving... mostly.
VJockey (7:21:11 PM): Luger: [His eyes darted at the new arrivals. He was shivering wildly, seeming to slump in exhaustion.] "Mein Gott in Himmel... Please tell me its over..."
NightlitEquinox (7:21:21 PM): The lead Bugu turns to you. "That was a pretty big mess. So what are you doing here?"
Overman Zappa (7:22:28 PM): Mark: "Well... we just picked up on a distress signal, and, thought we'd bring out the big guns to see what was going on. Isn't that right guys?" (C'mon, cosign his terriblly transparent lie!)
Overman Zappa (7:22:51 PM): Mark: More importantly, why are you here?
cubey@aol.pl (7:23:48 PM): Alessandra: "Indeed, as a matter of fact this is all factually correct!" She doesn't actually know WHY are they here anyway...
Overman Zappa (7:24:17 PM): Only Mark got the memo about supplies? Man, it's tough work being the only REAL member of Lightning Squat
NightlitEquinox (7:26:29 PM): A very... fake British sounding voice appears over the comm, "Oh come now Mark, you don't expect us to believe that? Your files greatly overestimate your ability to lie. I am disappointed."
NightlitEquinox (7:26:43 PM): And with that a large very awkward looking blue Mobile Suit appears.
Overman Zappa (7:27:20 PM): Mark: "What? I've never lied in my life. Not once!" "Hey... do I know you? How the hell do you know me?"
VJockey (7:27:49 PM): Luger: "What's going on? Someone tell me something!"
NightlitEquinox (7:28:05 PM): Man "On Gaia, your exploits stand for themselves."
Overman Zappa (7:28:07 PM): (( http://mahq.net/mecha/gundam/g-saviour-game/raiven.jpg ))
HyprKnux 1 (7:28:27 PM): Kou: "A new Mobile Suit...!"
NightlitEquinox (7:28:52 PM): Bugu Captain "So that's the target? I mean... isn't that group from the White Chalice?"
Overman Zappa (7:29:13 PM): Mark: "I can't be that famous. C'mon guys! I'm not some Hero of Gaia or anything like that."
HyprKnux 1 (7:29:55 PM): Kou: "...aw, jeez..."
NightlitEquinox (7:30:00 PM): Man "Indeed. This will be quite difficult I'm afraid... for them!" He then proceeds to spin himself around and fire a few beam shots at the G-Savior.
NightlitEquinox (7:30:08 PM): (Mark react)
NightlitEquinox (7:30:16 PM): (Anyone else may take an action now)
HyprKnux 1 (7:31:21 PM): Kou: *"H-Hey! What are you...?!" Kou STILL can't move, but he can sure fight back, going for his beam rifle and attempting to get the new suit to back off+
Overman Zappa (7:31:30 PM): ( http://mahq.net/mecha/gundam/g-saviour-game/bugu2.htm Bugus)
HyprKnux 1 (7:31:30 PM): ((Whoops))
HyprKnux 1 (7:31:52 PM): ((I shouldn't of taken that, should I? If I wasn't strike it))
NightlitEquinox (7:32:29 PM): ((That's perfectly fine.))
cubey@aol.pl (7:32:39 PM): *"What definitely expected treachery!" Alessandra zooms in towards the arm she severed later. Memento Mori spins, preparing to throw it like an improvised weapon!
Overman Zappa (7:33:00 PM): *Mark throws up the beam shield again and uses the VSBR for extra thrust to get out of firing range as best he can. Taking up the beam rifle from his leg, he returns fire to the best of his ability+
HyprKnux 1 (7:33:28 PM): ((Okay))
cubey@aol.pl (7:33:55 PM): *"Witness the following: Beta shower!" She pumps the part full of shining radiation as per Memento Mori's special power, before throwing it into the middle of enemy Bugu group. With the void of space providing little resistance, radiation should hurt their subsystems much more than in atmosphere!+
NightlitEquinox (7:34:27 PM): [Mark and Kou] Between the fire and the evasion Mark manages to get away from the attack. Meanwhile the Bugu's start to take a formation.
VJockey (7:34:35 PM): Luger: "No..nonononono I just got away from those monsters!! DAMMIT! DAMMIT!!!" *Tense and overwhelmingly violent rage and despair starts strangling Luger's mind. He flings the completely spent machinegun at one of the Bugus and draws his sonic knife. An enraged scream and he sent his Leo at the same Bugu he had chucked the empty gun at - fully intent on stabbing the enemy machine repeatedly. Hopefully he wouldn't get caught in Alessandra's attack.+
NightlitEquinox (7:34:59 PM): (Enemies: Raven, Bugu x8)
howmuchineedyou (7:35:08 PM): The Funnels which have been zipping around, head directly into the new cluster of enemy mechs, firing as rapidly and accurately as possible. It's taking alot of concentration to keep them going thought, so she remains silent for the most part..+
NightlitEquinox (7:36:28 PM): [Alessandra] The Bugu's try to evade the MAP attack, and most are successful. Two of them are downed in the process however.
NightlitEquinox (7:37:43 PM): [Luger] Luger manages to pick one that is leaving the area of the attack and thus surprises it. It doesn't take long for the mad man to stab the thing, and keep stabbing it. The Bugu's pilot either freezes... or maybe Luger hit s servo or something because soon enough the Bugu is full of holes and stops moving.
VJockey (7:38:24 PM): Luger:.. [Was clearly not going to stop stabbing it for a while.]
NightlitEquinox (7:40:27 PM): [Haman] The remaining Bugu's cannot attack as they are taking all their time trying to evade being shot by the funnels. This keeps them busy for the most part and 2 more of them are shot down leaving 3 remaining... though they are basically held down by the funnel fire. The Raven cleanly moves away however and then proceeds to fly towards the G-Savior and the GP-01. Firing a few shots at the GP-01, clearly aimed to keep it off-guard, it proceeds to draw a beam saber which it aims towards the G-Savior's cockpit!
NightlitEquinox (7:40:33 PM): (Mark and Kou react)
NightlitEquinox (7:41:23 PM): (Alessandra and Haman... and Luger is still stabbing the poor poor Bugu, whose pilot is probably very scared... if not impaled through by the sonic knife.)
HyprKnux 1 (7:41:59 PM): Kou: *The GP-01's shield goes up again, attempting to block the beam rifle shots once more. He wishes he could do more than float aimlessly, though.
HyprKnux 1 (7:42:02 PM): +
Overman Zappa (7:42:31 PM): *Mark draws his beam saber in return,letting his beam rifle drift in it's stead. Shield raised on a dented arm, Mark aims to at least halt the charge by clashing sabers+
NightlitEquinox (7:42:37 PM): [Kou] The beam shots were obviously aimed to harry and were easily blockable.
NightlitEquinox (7:43:21 PM): (Enemies: Bugu x3, Raven)
cubey@aol.pl (7:44:40 PM): *With her sword in one hand and the parrying dagger in the other, Alessandra faces the challenge boldly! Which is to say, she moves from obstacle to obstacle, few may there be in space (but disabled or destroyed mobile suits are around in some numbers...), and when she's close enough - lunge, pre-emptive parry with the offhand, and several quick stabs and thrusts at the enemy Bugu!+
NightlitEquinox (7:46:55 PM): [Mark] There is something familiar about the beam saber swing... before it shifts to the side, swings the saber outwards forcing the G-Savior to reach with its beam saber or beam shield to stop the swing, which would knick the G-Savior somewhere if it's not stopped.
NightlitEquinox (7:46:59 PM): (Mark react)
Overman Zappa (7:48:10 PM): *Mark gets that strange feeling he knows that particular technique, but, that's not important. He's not some guy that communicates with his fists!
Overman Zappa (7:48:14 PM): (tch
Overman Zappa (7:48:40 PM): *Mark shifts his saber to parry the other, looking to follow up with a punch to the face from the beam shield arm!+
NightlitEquinox (7:49:02 PM): [Alessandra] The Bugu tries to get out of the way... it really does. But with Haman's funnels to avoid, it can't avoid the sudden attack and parry and it finds itself full of swords.
VJockey (7:49:15 PM): Luger: [Given with how wild his stabbing is, there's a surprisingly high chance of the Bugu pilot being alive. However there's a good chance that he will have a wild and uncontrollable fear of Leos]
howmuchineedyou (7:50:17 PM): Turning the Funnels around she sends them back. All of her funnels concertrate on only one of the Burus And laughs a little as she lays down all her fire on just one mobile suit. +
NightlitEquinox (7:50:45 PM): [Mark] The beam shield connects with the head... and knocks the Raven to the side!
NightlitEquinox (7:50:50 PM): (Mark continue)
Overman Zappa (7:51:34 PM): *With the Saber hand busy, Mark goes to connect another punch to the head of the raiven!+
NightlitEquinox (7:51:38 PM): [Haman] You now have a pile of formerly bugu scrap. Congratulations!
NightlitEquinox (7:52:00 PM): (Kou)
NightlitEquinox (7:52:15 PM): (Enemies: Raven, Bugu)
HyprKnux 1 (7:53:52 PM): Kou: *With the Raven busy trying to attack the G-Savior, Kou takes aim once more and attempts to take out the Raven's Beam Saber arm. Mark's gonna need some help her and he intends on doing that!+
howmuchineedyou (7:55:28 PM): Haman provides backup, sending her funnels after the Raven's limbs behind Kou's shots.+
NightlitEquinox (7:56:56 PM): [Kou and Mark] Kou's shot does indeed take out the arm of the reeling Raven... unfortunately this doesn't matter. As Mark aims his swing, all the spiky parts of the Raven suddenly turn to face the G-Savior, their points open and... VULCANS! EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THOSE IS FIRING VULCANS! And to make matters worse... they seem to be firing plasma rounds!
NightlitEquinox (7:57:01 PM): (Mark react)
Overman Zappa (7:58:18 PM): *React ot what? Ract to chaos? eact to being surrounded by beam vulcans in all directions. "Damnit all!" Mark randomly flails both shield and sword trying to fend them off. What else can he do?+
NightlitEquinox (7:59:46 PM): [Mark] Indeed. Though at least these are plasma rounds, losing to plasma rounds isn't really that bad. Still, they manage to damage most of the G-Saviors systems and render it inoperable.
Overman Zappa (8:00:27 PM): Mark: "DAMNIT MOVE! MOVE!" Mark is jaming on the controls. "Do ANYTHING!"
NightlitEquinox (8:01:02 PM): Man "My name is Rysis, and I must say I am unimpressed with you Mark." He then points all the points at the cockpit of the G-Savior. "Sayonara G-Savior!"
NightlitEquinox (8:01:14 PM): (Everyone react)
HyprKnux 1 (8:01:58 PM): Kou: "NO!" *C'mon, Beam Rifle! Fire! Shoot! Kill the evil bird man machine thing! Save Mark!+
cubey@aol.pl (8:02:00 PM): *What can Alessandra do but to throw Memento Mori in front of G-Savior, its blades crossed defensively.+
Overman Zappa (8:02:38 PM): Mark: "Rysis..."
cubey@aol.pl (8:02:40 PM): "As a temporary science officer of the Lightning Team I will not agree to this course of action!"
VJockey (8:03:46 PM): Luger: *FINALLY stops stabbing the Bugu. And THROWS the Sonic Knife at the Raven+
howmuchineedyou (8:04:18 PM): Haman says nothing, but watches rather coldly, but sends her funnels to help defend him, attacking the raven from behind.+
NightlitEquinox (8:04:37 PM): [Everyone] The Raven stops, and seems to assess the situation. "Ah, I see you are not as defenseless as you appeared. You should thank your guardian angel G-Savior, but next time I appear, it will be your judgment day." He then takes to the air and attempts to escape!
NightlitEquinox (8:04:43 PM): (Take your pot shots)
howmuchineedyou (8:05:27 PM): Funnels follow as far as they can, still firing at it mercilessly.+
HyprKnux 1 (8:05:39 PM): Kou: "Get back here!" *Indeed, Kou does take potshots, firing at the escaping Raven until his e-cap is spent+
cubey@aol.pl (8:06:09 PM): Alessandra was too busy being defensive-like to counterattack now.
Overman Zappa (8:06:22 PM): Mark would shoot back too had he not disbaled the G-Saviour's vulcans some time forever ago!+
cubey@aol.pl (8:06:38 PM): "Oh my, it seems everyone's presence was enough for the foe to exercise the better part of valor."
cubey@aol.pl (8:06:47 PM): "How refreshingly reasonable."
NightlitEquinox (8:08:03 PM): The final Bugu jumps straight into Haman's funnels taking the heat off the escaping Raven and also quite destroying itself. It crushes a couple of them in the process however. Kou manages to make a few glancing blows on the Raven, but it manages to get to a pretty good distance and then drops some sort of flashbomb.
NightlitEquinox (8:08:12 PM): When the flash clears, it's gone.
VJockey (8:08:30 PM): Luger: *has no remaining bullets but merely screams in incoherent German, grabbing the stabbed up Bugu and shakinging it above his Leo's head+
NightlitEquinox (8:09:35 PM): Dan shows up "Uh... what happened exactly? The repair team came under attack by a bunch of Bugus, who then escaped with this big blue Mobile Suit."
HyprKnux 1 (8:10:01 PM): Kou: He lets out a sigh. "We fought those Bugus..."
NightlitEquinox (8:10:30 PM): Soon enough, the White Chalice is at your position, "They blew another hole in the colony, we had to send the repair team to fix it. I decided to check up on you guys though."
cubey@aol.pl (8:10:33 PM): Alessandra: "Please excuse me for a second as I enjoy unladylike behavior." And Luger's Leo suddenly finds its TV-like head full of Memento Mori's fist.
Overman Zappa (8:10:35 PM): Mark sighs heavily "We just went through hell..."
cubey@aol.pl (8:10:45 PM): "I believe this is quite enough! Please compose yourself this instant!"
NightlitEquinox (8:11:02 PM): (Luger uh... react?)
NightlitEquinox (8:11:46 PM): Dan "Oh... well okay then... hey the G-Savior looks pretty beat up... do you guys need a lift and... EW!? What is that!? It's made of like... metal shavings and carbon and hemoglobin and... UGH!"
NightlitEquinox (8:12:14 PM): Ayame "I believe what Dan is trying to say is... we would like a full report of what happened.
NightlitEquinox (8:12:15 PM): "
NightlitEquinox (8:12:58 PM): AND... MISSION COMPLETE!
VJockey (8:13:04 PM): Luger: *was startled as the Leo was knocked out of balance IN SPAAAACE, the Bugu slipping out of its grasp with the added effect of sending Luger back into relative sanity+ "Agh! Mein Gott! What's your problem!?"
NightlitEquinox (8:14:51 PM): While Mark's Gatling Gun is reptrievable... Alessandra's Axe is quite... somethinged. It seems to have somehow... partially merged with the bio mechanical compound that was left after the thing died.
cubey@aol.pl (8:14:58 PM): Alessandra: "We witnessed enough monstrous behavior from monsters themselves, so I suggest you act like a mature human being, who managed to escape this ordeal alive like we all just did, even if so barely!" Her unit's arms shake vigorously, but the fists are still clenched, ready for further pugilism.
VJockey (8:17:25 PM): Luger: "Well EXCUSE ME Princess! You weren't the one that had to stay on the damned run from them for who know's HOW LONG!!"
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