Emerald City Comicon - Fairy details

Mar 21, 2014 11:07

I've put a lot of thought into what I'd like to offer as a way to pay back the community I've been a part of for several years. I'm going to go over the details. Please feel free to PM me if you have questions I don't cover and I'll add them to the FAQ.
I ain't your usual Tinkerbell... )

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Comments 81

wren12 February 21 2014, 20:22:57 UTC
Hi Sresla!

I just wanted to say what a very sweet thing is for you to do, and to announce so early! I will probably take you up on your offer, once you actually make them, lol, since though I'd planned to be in Seattle during the Con grad school has not worked out that way.

Anyways. Sresla, you're just lovely for putting this out there so generously and I wish there were more fabulous folks around like you!

Many hugs,



lovemylayla February 21 2014, 20:45:12 UTC
So very sweet of you to do. I most def will be takeing you up on your offer. =) *hugs*


crystal_star_ss February 21 2014, 22:20:53 UTC
First off, this is absolutely awesome of you <3

I do have a question: What are your limits? (in the case the scents look fun enough to decant)


sresla February 22 2014, 00:04:11 UTC
This depends a lot on the decanters I'm saving spots for. I'm not saying they'll necessarily even want to decant what's available, but because I'm in their groups often, I figured I'd let them have first go.


crystal_star_ss February 22 2014, 01:30:49 UTC
Makes sense :)


sresla March 22 2014, 16:24:19 UTC
My two regular decanters have passed on wanting to do a circle. If you're still interested in running one, I can pick-up for you.

The only caveat I'd make is that if people want bottle add-ons, I'd prefer they have me pick those up and send them on directly (you can point them to this journal).


violetbluebpal February 21 2014, 22:38:45 UTC
I have to agree, you are sooo sweet to do this. Please count me in and thank you. I hope you have a great time!

PS Sorry to post here, I did so in my excitement and hadn't read your post to then!


tasllyn February 22 2014, 00:33:28 UTC
This is incredibly sweet of you!

So far, I haven't gone after any of the con scents yet, but I would love to take you up on this if I do this time, once the announcement is made.


tasllyn March 20 2014, 15:10:14 UTC
I'd like to request 2 BPAL and 1 BPTP, if you have room. I'd like Cecily, Edgar, and Lord leoric's bedchamber, please.

Thank you again!


sresla March 21 2014, 04:57:43 UTC
Plenty of room!

$77.75+$7+fees=$87.90 to sresla @ hotmail. Please be sure to include what you're ordering, your LJ name and your mailing address. Prices assume you are in the US.

Edit: I forgot to mention, but your situation would be the same as Accio's below - I'm not sure I'll get those smaller priority boxes prior to my expected ship date, so yours may not go out until April 4th or 5th, if that is alright.

Otherwise, we can do the $13 flat rate box.


tasllyn March 22 2014, 00:51:22 UTC
Payment sent!

Not a problem! I could use the cheaper shpiping, and I don't mind waiting as long as I get them eventually.

Thank you, again, for doing this!


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