Emerald City Comicon - Fairy details

Mar 21, 2014 11:07

I've put a lot of thought into what I'd like to offer as a way to pay back the community I've been a part of for several years. I'm going to go over the details. Please feel free to PM me if you have questions I don't cover and I'll add them to the FAQ.
I ain't your usual Tinkerbell... )

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tasllyn February 22 2014, 00:33:28 UTC
This is incredibly sweet of you!

So far, I haven't gone after any of the con scents yet, but I would love to take you up on this if I do this time, once the announcement is made.


tasllyn March 20 2014, 15:10:14 UTC
I'd like to request 2 BPAL and 1 BPTP, if you have room. I'd like Cecily, Edgar, and Lord leoric's bedchamber, please.

Thank you again!


sresla March 21 2014, 04:57:43 UTC
Plenty of room!

$77.75+$7+fees=$87.90 to sresla @ hotmail. Please be sure to include what you're ordering, your LJ name and your mailing address. Prices assume you are in the US.

Edit: I forgot to mention, but your situation would be the same as Accio's below - I'm not sure I'll get those smaller priority boxes prior to my expected ship date, so yours may not go out until April 4th or 5th, if that is alright.

Otherwise, we can do the $13 flat rate box.


tasllyn March 22 2014, 00:51:22 UTC
Payment sent!

Not a problem! I could use the cheaper shpiping, and I don't mind waiting as long as I get them eventually.

Thank you, again, for doing this!


tasllyn March 24 2014, 05:52:16 UTC
Erg, I realize this might be too late, but in case it's not and you actually still have room, can I add on a bottle of Tarasque? Supposedly, BPAL will be carrying it at the con.


sresla March 25 2014, 02:48:00 UTC
It's not too late, but do you have any idea how Tarasque is priced? I know it's supposedly going to be a GC. At some point. Maybe. In the future. But I don't know how much it's being sold for now.


tasllyn March 25 2014, 03:00:06 UTC
Hmmm, it's listed with the rest of the GC catalogue under the announcement, and the reviews have it in the phoenix steamworks category, so I assumed it would probably be the same, 17.50 + tax.


sresla March 25 2014, 03:10:46 UTC
Going under that assumption then:



tasllyn March 25 2014, 03:24:18 UTC
Sent! Thank you again, and let me know if the costs turn out differently!


tasllyn April 4 2014, 21:52:47 UTC
Received the package today! Everything looks great! Thanks so much again for doing this! I hope you enjoyed the con! <3 <3 <3


sresla April 5 2014, 01:18:29 UTC
Thanks for letting me know it arrived. I did have a great time and am already planning ahead for next year!


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