Brittany S. Pierce; LunaGlee App

Mar 22, 2012 20:24

About You
Name: Squid
AIM name: squidded
Timezone: GMT
RP Experience: more than five years; mostly LJ & IJ
Did you read the rules? Yes. You shameless thieves you~

About The Character
Name: Brittany (Susan) Pierce
Journal: lg_brittany
Graduation Year: 2012 (probably 2013 with her grades)
School Activities: Glee club, Cheerios, Swim Team, Gymnastic club, Student Body President, MLP Appreciation Club, Baking Club (random things she signed her name for)
Class Schedule: English 10, French II, Chem, Dance (Britt has a habit of walking into a random class and staying for the lesson -she does the course work she doesn't even understand)
After School Job: SQUISHES: the adorable stuffed toy place
Sexuality: Pansexual -love is free, love is kind
Birthday & Other Important Dates: Birthday: October 9th. Lord Tubbington's Birthday: January 12th. Charity (other cat) Birthday: June 22nd. National Cat Day: October 29th. Chrissy (sister) Birthday: January 6th.
Species: Human

Appearance: Brittany is a five-foot-ten blonde bombshell. With blue eyes and blonde hair, she's the stereotypical cheerleader type. She's slim and toned, something that comes from years of not only excelling in Cheerleading but also a deep love for dance. Brittany doesn't typically over do it with make-up, with her naturally pale complexion, she just adds a bit of a glow to her cheeks and goes -she's attractive without all those additives clogging up her skin. She does like to decorate her nails from time to time in highly intricate designs which take her longer than most people would send on a shopping trip.

Out of her Cheerio's uniform, Brittany has a rather colourful and eccentric sense of style. She likes to showcase her legs -because, they are pretty fantastic- and has a rather varied collection of questionable head gear. Although she does have a rather wild style, it has been proven that she can set trends with the strangest of outfits, even when they've been ridiculed before.

Played-By: Hemo

Likes & Dislikes: LIKES: Cats, Dots, Ken and Barbie's epic romance, dancing and singing, Rachel Berry's 'My Hairband', lipsmackers, stuffed toys, single chamber shotguns, dual chamber handguns.

DISLIKES: Being called stupid, animal attacks, being at the bottom of the pyramid, accidentally using hair dye instead of shampoo, double barrel kick back shotguns, knives of any kind.

Strengths & Weaknesses: STRENGTHS: Choreography, hairography, fashion trends, random cat facts, quick reflexes, fire arms proficiency.

WEAKNESSES: Intelligence (or lack of), Santana, child like beliefs, very gullible, knife handling, kick back weapons, figuring out that lipsmackers aren't actually a snack.

Personality: While it is easy to believe that Brittany, as a Cheerio, could or can be mean spirited, it's not exactly the case. Brittany is a sweet, kind hearted if somewhat simple girl. At times, Britt can be a tad blunt, occasionally being mean with her words if not her intentions. As best friends with Santana and, for a time, Quinn, Brittany often made fun of the lower classmen and the 'gleeks' before she joined with her fellow Cheerio's to spy for Coach Sylvester.

Britt is a compassionate girl, as seen by her genuine friendship with Becky Jackson. Although proudly promiscuous, Brittany has an innocent and fragile demeanour. She tends to rely on the guidance of others, most notably her best friend, Santana, to the point that during the summer holidays, she gets lost in the sewers. She has an aversion to violence, particularly between her friends, a love for animals, especially birds and cats, she has been known to have kept a bird in her locker.

Possibly the ultimate 'dumb blonde', Brittany is aware of her failings intelligence wise, however she is very sensitive to being called stupid. She has only recently learned the end of the alphabet, learned how to turn on a computer, but cannot read a calender, presumably has no sense of direction (she was lost in the sewers for the summer) and regularly gets words mixed up with similar sounding ones. Additionally, Britt has a somewhat childish belief in make-believe and fairy tales, to this day she still believes in Santa, thinks the stork delivers babies and that magic exists. Mostly, Britt gives of a rather child-like nature which fosters a sort of protective nature in her friends, mostly noted in Santana and Artie's attempts to keep Britt's belief alive.

While she seems to be completely untrainable, Brittany holds a lot of odd hobbies; motorcross riding, swim team, urban street running, and hunting shifters -that's something she's more being forced into by her dad, but it's a hobby. Britt likes to sew too and makes scrapbooks when she gets the time.

Relationships: Dad: Jeremy Pierce is a ninth generation hunter. He always expected to pass the buck to his son but...Britt was a surprise of nature. Brittany is very close to her dad, although it's obvious that he'd rather have had a son than a daughter, and she makes a point in putting interest into things that he can share. He's started training her to take over hunting soon, since his knee would just get him killed now, which is putting a bit of strain between them.

Mom: Diane is completely in the dark about both her husbands previous past time and his current training of their eldest daughter. Diane is a down to earth woman, working as a hotel manager and mother. Brittany gets her looks from her mother if not her brains and shares a fond if not open relationship with Diane.

Sister: Chrissy is, well, the opposite of Britt. Chrissy is a total mommy's girl, she attaches herself to their mom and barely lets go. She's smart in ways that Britt isn't, but she's not good with people, which means Britt's friends need to be nice to Chrissy so that Chrissy feels like she's got friends.

Lord and Master: Lord Tubbington is Brittany's cat, he is fat and happy although he reads her diary and smokes in the house like he's not supposed to. Brittany adores him and pretty much worships her darling Tubbs. He's been her bestest best friend since she was nine and she doesn't think that'll ever change.

School: Brittany boasts that she has made out with or had sex with every male at McKinley -including Kurt, who is gay (that would be the making out not the sex), and Mr Kindey, the janitor. However, while Brittany is rather sexually promiscuous, and has had relations with female classmates, it doesn't exactly mean much to her.

Santana: Santana is, without a doubt, Britt's best friend, no matter what. Brittany loves Santana, possibly as more than a friend, but they've never been at the same stage at the same time to really try to be more than what they have. Britt loves that Santana understands her, never makes her feel like she's dumb and doesn't question what comes out of her mouth. Britt can admit to feeling a little lost when Santana isn't talking to her, she really hates when that happens. Britt's ready to be more than just a friend with San, but she knows that Santana might need more time. And this secret between them about Britt's up-coming new job makes Britt nervous.

Artie: Still hurt that Artie would call her stupid, Britt isn't exactly sure how she feels about him. He was nice and fun and treated her better than anyone else -once she got over the whole robot-alien-scary thing that she thought he had going on for a while. And he is really sweet. She still cares, she's just not all that impressed with him right now.

Boys: Britt is more than happy with her perfect record concerning the New Directions boys.

Girls: While not close to many of the girls, Brittany does/did share Cheerio's with Quinn and Mercedes, giving them a little oomph over the others. Although Rachel wrote Britt's favourite song and Tina used to date Artie before her.

Background: Brittany Susan was the first child of recently married Diane and Jeremy Pierce. Both with well to do jobs -she as a manager at one of the only high class hotels in Lima and he as a project developer for a housing company (although he had a second job on the fly), the Pierce's felt that then was as good a time as any to start a family. Brittany was, quite easily, a little bundle of joy. Although at first they believed they were having a boy, an apparent glitch in the ultra sound hid the fact that Brittany was a girl, not a boy. Nevertheless, bright natured and easily soothed, Britt was any first parents dream child.

When Britt started getting older, Diane noticed that she tended to 'play' with imaginary friends and decided that perhaps Britt would be better off with a sibling. Britt was five when her little sister Christina was born. Brittany only got into trouble once for leaving Christina at the toy shop, since they wouldn't exchange her for one of the crying Annabelle dolls. Brittany liked Christina fine, but she wasn't exactly 'fun' to play with -there were too many rules. So Brittany mostly played with her Barbies and Fruitbat -the cactus on the landing.

School was fun; her teachers regularly questioned her ability, but Brittany always had a vivid imagination, so she got by mostly without worrying too much about things like 'spelling' and 'tying shoelaces'. For her downfalls academics wise, Brittany had a great sense of coordination and a passion for dance. She was nine when she was signed up for dance classes and that was where her genius really came through. Britt excelled, taking multiple styles of dance and showing signs of being a great performer, although Brittany occasionally felt over shadowed by her class mates. While she didn't have many friends, Brittany got along with most people, but still felt somewhat lonely. Her Mother found the solution in a shop window and then Brittany got her closest ally to date; Lord Tubbington. Although her loyal feline friend occasionally reads her diary and smokes in the house when he knows its against the rules, she's never had someone so willing to listen to her.

When she was enrolled in McKinley High, Brittany already knew what she wanted to do. She wanted to be a Cheerio. It was the closest to being a performer as there really was in McKinley; they were champions, and Brittany wanted to showcase her talents, because she knew dancing and performing really was the highlight of her abilities. Cheerio's made her the first real friend she ever had -sure there were real people through the lower grades, but none of them really got Brittany. Santana, however, didn't see the oddities of Brittany's personality and the pair were fast friends with the bond of cheerleading to start them off.

Much of Brittany's high school life was spent securing her reputation -Cheerio's had to be popular, or they weren't Cheerio's, making sure Coach Sylvester never cut her from the team, and working her way through the male population of the school. Santana and Quinn's causes became Brittany's causes by extension and where Santana led, Britt was sure to follow. The close friendship developed into, what Brittany simply accepted as a casual sexual hook-up from time to time, mostly when Santana was between partners.

Under Quinn's leadership, Brittany joined with the Glee club to spy for Coach Sylvester, although it slowly built into much more for all concerned. For Britt it was another chance to dance, she was easily the strongest female dancer which she enjoyed, and found a skill in choreographing routines.

When they returned for junior year, after spending most of her summer lost in the sewer, Britt was just as glad as most that Glee survived the year. Although Coach Sylvester made her lie about the football Coach, and Mr Schue made her tell the truth, Britt was mostly caught up in the tug-of-war for power between Santana and Quinn. The relationship with Santana got more and more complicated and Brittany felt somewhat lost when Santana pulled away from her. Prompting her to strike up a friendship with Artie -who she'd previously believed was a robot- to do a duet project with her for Glee. It didn't end well, she took Artie's virginity but lost his friendship and it left her bummed out a bit.

It turned out okay though; making up with Santana and Artie and her making up and being boyfriend and girlfriend -most people didn't bother being her boyfriend after they'd made out or ha sex, but Artie was really great to her and everything. And although Brittany really liked the Cheerio's, and she didn't want the Mama Cannon to go without food for the Baby Cannon's, she really didn't want to die at the cheer Nationals, so she gave up Cheerleading for Glee with her friends. Although it did knock her popularity, she still had glee and Artie so she didn't mind too much. Brittany got to feel smart for a while too, when she was drafted -or bribed- onto the Brainiacs and got to answer a bunch of questions about cat diseases. It felt great being smart for once, although the alphabet is still a little confusing and she still has trouble with figuring out the calenders.

But loving Artie and loving Santana got complicated, and not wanting to hurt Artie hurt Santana and then Artie hurt her and they all broke up. They almost feel like friends, and even though they didn't win Nationals in New York -Santana says it's because Finn and Rachel got gross on stage.

During the summer between junior and senior year, Britt's dad had an accident. He said it was at work, but Brittany soon found out that it wasn't the whole story. Brittany spent the summer with her dad, learning how to handle guns and knives (she really hated the knives) and listening to him tell her about 'shifters'; beings that looked human, but during the full moon, took on their demonic animal forms. Brittany, following her dad's injury on a 'hunt' was to take over the task of hunting and protecting normal, everyday humans from the threat they don't even know exists.

While Britt is excited to help, she's not overly sure about the 'killing' thing, mostly because they're animals, and she likes animals. But it's her job now, and when her dad says she's ready, she's to go out and hunt.

Until then, she was to stay in school, get good grades and work hard. At the start of the year, Brittany joined the race to be Student Class President after Santana convinced her that she was just as good a candidate as anyone else, Britt won the election, but it's a lot of hard work to get all this stuff done. She also joined the Troubletones with Mercedes and Santana, because they weren't getting the attention they wanted in New Directions and Britt kinda liked having an all girl group. Meanwhile, she was still learning how to use weapons correctly and her dad finally agreed with her participation in dancing, gymnastics and Cheerios because it kept her super fit and helped hone her reflexes.

Her dad says it's almost time for her to go out hunting, so that she can get to grips with what she'll need to learn, Britt's still a little apprehensive, and all this work is really making her tired, cause there's not enough hours in the day. But she really doesn't want to let her dad down, and it's all about protecting people.

Plot Intentions: Hunter Brittany. No really; that'll be interesting. And the resulting issues with will bring. And if she can do it all and still get decent grades. Although the Brittana thing~ resolve.

Sample Journal Entry: It's Tuesday soon, like tomorrow, and I'm out of Pixie Stix! Lord Tubbington went and ate them, he's been twitching since noon. I'll just have to miss the start of class to pick up a fresh batch and then come into school. I can't let the voters down, I made a promise and I have to keep it.

Although apparently that's not how politics work.

{Private to self}
Dad wants me to go out on my own tonight. Like totally on my own. Coach S. is so going to kill me if I get dead. Or like mauled. Mauled Cheerios are always at the bottom of the pyramid!

Sample Third Person RP: The rush of blood wasn't anything new; the thump of her pulse, the hammering of her heart, the searing in her muscles, Brittany was used to it all. Her cheek stung from a scratched from the branches she was running through, her legs aching from the fast pace she was keeping, I should tack track, I should totally ditch swimming and take track. But the swimming was the only reason she wasn't hyperventilating right then, the control on her breathing rate making it possible for her to keep running.

Hearing the pounding of feet chasing behind her, Brittany leapt over a fallen tree, almost cartwheeling through a 'Y' shape in the brush while trying to find a way out of the damn forest. It shouldn't be harder to navigate a forest than it was to get out of the sewers, and she'd managed that without the motivation of a massive wolf chasing her.

Things had been going fine, her first unaccompanied hunt, not her first hunt, but her first on her own, Britt had tracked the wolf, got a good position and taken it down just after it had killed a deer -she felt back that she hadn't managed to warn the deer. But she didn't realise that a second wolf was with the first and she'd just holstered her brand new SW1911 and ready to start the clean up when she'd heard the growling and had to take off running in any direction possible.

The major problem -other than being lost in the woods on a full moon with limited ammunition, a thumping heart rate, no sense of direction and a wolf chasing her- was that she didn't even know where she'd parked her car! She couldn't remember if she'd taken it to the top of the road and walked down, or left the car at the bottom and walked up. Which would be a huge problem because her house keys were in her car and she was not going to manage to walk home after this brisk run through the brush.

Losing her footing on a rock, Britt hit the deck just as the wolf leapt towards her, it went clean over her head and Britt scrambled to get her feet under her again and take off running to the left, hopefully out of the forest and not further into it, she'd like to not be dinner for a pack of wolves if entirely possible. The mud under her feet shifts quickly, turning hard and then to asphalt and Britt stumbled again, catching herself just in time to dodge a car on the road. She crossed the road after the car, pulling her gun into her hand and holding it by her side as she watched the line of trees, trying to figure out where the wolf would come from.

The growling receded though, Britt was sure she saw a pair of glowing amber eyes before it was gone and she took the minimal time possible to catch her breath. Unhooking her keys from her belt she tried to remember how far up she drove, heading up rather than down because walking up after walking all the way down would suck. Her 50/50 guess aid off and Britt smiled as she unlocked her car and climbed in. She was so having a long lie in the morning, there was no way her parents were getting her out of bed until at least noon.
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