MacKenzie Greene; LunaGlee App

Apr 20, 2012 18:51

About You
Name: Squid
AIM name: squidded
Timezone: GMT
RP Experience: lots
Did you read the rules? yes

About The Character
Name: MacKenzie Greene
Journal: lg-mackenzie
Graduation Year: 2013
School Activities: photography for newspaper/yearbook
Class Schedule: core classes, art, photography and music
After School Job: SmileBig receptionist/stand in photographer
Sexuality: Hetero-flexible (usually straight, sometimes kisses girls but no more)
Birthday & Other Important Dates: October 3rd, birthday (shared with Campbell). August 12th, mother died.
Species: Shifter/Human will be randomly assigned

Appearance: MacKenzie is unconventionally pretty. She's the 'awkward' type in that she's all long limbs and slim build. She's a bit like a baby gazzel at times. She's got brown eyes and soft pale skin that sometimes makes her look a little sickly, but she's prone to bursts of colour on her cheeks that gives it a rosy hue.

Fairly tall, Mac stands just shy of 5'9", something that seems to annoy her brother since she's a whole inch taller than him. Almost all her height is in her legs, which are super long (not like abnormal growing long, but just really making her look tall). Since puberty, Mac's been growing her hair out, since it was once as short as Campbell's and they regularly got mistaken for each other and neither were all that fond of it.

Mac has an insanely fast metabolism, something that lets her eat nothing but hot pockets and pop tarts and mainline red bull, but still maintain a slim and trim figure. The pot smoking probably adds to that as well, although it's purely recreational.

Played-By: Betty Autier Icon Here

Likes & Dislikes: LIKES; nail polish, arts & crafts, photography, babies, animals, documentaries & biographies, cookies & cake, pot, black & white movies, sibling teasing.

DISLIKES; ragged nails, dentists, sob-fest films, 'modern' art without feeling, real fur used in clothes, carbon footprints, brocolli.

Strengths & Weaknesses: STRENGTHS; independent thinker, rational logic, creative genius.

WEAKNESS; heart on sleeve, eco-warrior logic, stubbornness.

Personality: MacKenzie is an outgoing, quirky young woman. Mostly a friendly, easy going person, she's keen to make friends but is a bit of a picky girl after the fact. While she might keep just a handful of close friends, people to whom she will turn and depend on, she has a large circle of acquaintances, people to whom she is easily included in company with.

With a somewhat laid back nature, Mac is very flighty with ideals and logics. She's a vegetarian, but not a full vegan because she's far too fond of dairy products like ice cream, milk and cheese, but she's a bit of an activist with animal and the planet in mind. A lot of her art work conveys this which occasionally puts her across as a bit of a 'hippy' to those who really have no idea what a 'hippy' is. She's gotten into trouble twice in the past when she participated in demonstrations, but her anti-violence nature meant she was simply participating in peaceful protests and was held on accusations of disturbing the peace.

With a rather sarcastic and morbid sense of humour, Mac usually relies on others for the comical side of things. Unless she's just lit up and then she's a bit more mainstream 'funny'. Mac enjoys a good light up, smoking pot as a recreational habit but not an addiction. She tends to always inform her brother of who and where and when she's smoking pot, and trusts that he won't blow any whistles.

Where Campbell is academically inclined, MacKenzie is more artistically swayed. Photography is her main love, especially old fashioned film roll and developer photography rather than digital camera stuff, but she does enjoy painting and craft work to a further extent. Mac hasn't figured out if she likes interior design as much as she likes photography, but she did decorate their house in Lima recently when her father gave her the okay to 'spruce the place up' a bit.

Relationships: Ian Jackson; dad. As far as dads go, Mac figures theirs is okay. He's not around a lot, but he's never really neglected them. He works most of the time, providing pretty much whatever Mac or Cam ask for and playing a support role when needed, but he's not overly involved in their lives.

Campbell Jackson; twin. Cam is a little stuffy while Mac is more of a free-spirit. He's pretty great as a friend and a brother, since Cam is one of the only stable things Mac has in her life. He helps her keep her grades up and she pulls him out to a few parties once in a while. They don't have too many 'twin' moments anymore, but they do rise up on occasion.

Background: Campbell and MacKenzie Jackson were born three months and three days after the death of their maternal grandparents, this was where their mother, Denise, got their names; Campbell for her mother's maiden name, and MacKenzie for her father's surname. Ian Jackson, Denise's devoted and loving husband, merely wanted healthy babies and a healthy wife. They both got what they wanted.

For the most part, the twins were very easy youngsters. Mac liked to push Campbell over and Campbell liked to poke Mac's nose. They ate, slept, pooped, played and repeated, giving Ian and Denise a blessed start in the family way. The twins grew up close, but their personalities differed enough that they each flourished in their own way. Campbell turned to learning, Mac turn to the arts. They balanced each other.

What the twins were never aware of, and to this day are unaware of, was their mother's 'condition'. Shortly after their birth doctors informed Denise that the pregnancy had triggered a growth, they were unable to operate, the position of the growth in her brain making it far too risky to perform any kind of procedure to remove it.

Campbell and MacKenzie were nine when their mother died from the brain tumour. Ian, having worked all his days, didn't cope well with the lose of his wife and the sudden shift in responsibilities. To combat this, Ian moved from Cleveland to Lima, looking to his sister for help. Aunt Maria became a primary care giver to Campbell and MacKenzie, although not overly mothering. Maria encouraged the children to do well and reach their potential while providing a stable environment. MacKenzie seemed more at ease than Campbell, even as she tended to turn more inwards than outwards and grew somewhat shy.

MacKenzie didn't exactly endear herself to those at school; while she was fairly good at making friends, she didn't open up much and tended to avoid being entirely welcoming. She had two 'best friends' from middle school onwards and just sort of 'knew' other people in passing.

While Campbell turned out to be 'brainy smart', Mac was more 'common sense' smart and started to figure out that the world was more interesting than just what was in the class books. Her creative edge meant she excelled at artistic classes and just coasted in the more academically based classes; home economics, art and crafts, music and photography being her preferred subjects while she usually slept through English, Maths and the sciences. With a brother able to tutor her behind closed doors, Mac was able to ditch certain classes without it affecting her GPA and she fell into a group with the more 'loner stoner' types. Her first big foray into that world was at a protest march in Akron to demonstrate against the war. Mac attended with some friends, smoking pot for the first time and feeling a pure rush of exhilaration while out that she got more into the lifestyle and became a serious activist against animal cruelty, animal testing and nuclear weapons. Mac is also involved in recycling projects and global warming awareness.

While Cam gets more serious about school the further they progress, Mac is far more interested in building up her arts portfolio and missing as much maths as possible for junior year. Even if Cam's insisting they attend junior prom for some reason.

Plot Intentions: Sibling rivalry, keeping Cam out of too much trouble, getting herself into some trouble.

Sample Journal Entry: Why is it that the week dad heads out of town happens to be the week I'm going to Indiana for a anti-fur rally? Woe is me! Seriously, it would've been the perfect time to rile Cam up with a bunch of people coming over just to be assholes.

S'pose it's for the best mind. These jack-off's usually total the house and there's no way Cam'll let me off the hook for cleaning that up. So it's off to Indy for me instead.

Wonder if I can entice a few more people along with the promise of bikini bods and body paint. At the very least we should get a couple more guys.

How about it? Anyone want to come and paint words on my chest?

Sample Third Person RP: Mac didn't exactly love going to the supermarket to get her art supplies, least of all her paper, but it was the only place open and she'd been struck by inspiration, and she needed the paper now. So she'd make do. But standing in the line for the check out, she really couldn't help but overhear the conversation the next row over were having.

She'd never expected to find 'hicks' in Ohio, honestly. She didn't see much of them back when they lived in Cleveland, but Lima definitely didn't scream 'hick' town to her. And these guys looked like total red-necks. "The brass on those things, it just ain't right. Crawlin' into town like they got a say t' be there."

"Willie saw three of 'em last month. Three. Nice as you like just roaming. I tell you, I'd take a gun t' them things without blinking."

Mac figured pretty quick they were talking about the animals that had been rumoured to be around; she'd heard about two girls getting bit in the last few months, talk of large dog animals in the parks, something about a big cat around town. She'd already seen a deer die on her front lawn and what she could only describe as a wolf to have chased it down. But still--

"You ever think that it's idiots like you that cause this?" Mac knew that she should butt out, but sometimes her common sense just didn't work for the night. "It's guys like you, going into the wilderness and hunting the game that means animals like that venture out. Foxes and wolves and bears, they gotta eat just like the rest of us, and idiots going around and killing deers and rabbits and whatever just for fur or meat, what do you expect is gonna happen?" Sure, she was wary of wild animals coming into the town, but if people would just stick to regular meat -cow and sheep and pig and chicken, then there wouldn't be a shortage of prey for these things that they'd venture in to attack humans.

"Ain't no one askin' your opinion, girly."

"Well think about that the next time you raise a gun and shoot a defenceless animal. The next time a big dog attacks someone 'cause it finding food out there, you've just caused it in a domino effect kind of way." Paying for her pads, ignoring the scathing look from the cashier, Mac stalked out of the supermarket to her car, grumbling about idiot red-neck wannabes the whole way.
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